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XML Tutorial
XSLT StyleSheet 447 codes
XSLT StyleSheet
1 (or) with level
2 1995-04-21 castable as xs
3 3 castable as xs
4 A list of sequence
5 Achieves in a different and laborious way
6 Add , to the output
7 Add 1 hyphen to result tree
8 Add Comment to generated xml document
9 Add comments to generated xml
10 Add indenting to make result line up better
11 Add more format with html tags
12 Add new parent tag
13 Add number list to the output
14 Add one more attribute to group and override the value of another
15 Add processing-instruction to generated xml document
16 Add row number
17 Add your signs to the output (output method=text)
18 Addresses grouped by zip code
19 Alternate group
20 An example of if-then-else logic in XSLT 1 0
21 Analyze-string and regular expression
22 Ancestor
23 Ancestor-or-self demo
24 Apply template
25 Apply template for a document
26 Apply template to a certain node in a document
27 Apply template, select from a list
28 Apply-templates select=
29 Apply-templates select=tag name
30 Apply-templates with mode=toc
31 Assign value from variable to attribute
32 Attribute name=example select=1 to 7 separator=
33 Attribute omitted
34 Branching
35 Call a template with parameter
36 Call template twice
37 Call template with parameters
38 Call-template with parameter
39 Case-insensitive match
40 Case-sensitive match
41 Change these global parameter values
42 Child
43 Choose when statement
44 Compare attribute value
45 Compare number value
46 Compare value of attribute with if statement
47 Compare value with defined parameter
48 Compare variable
49 Comparing sequences with values
50 Comparison operator
51 Composite
52 Concat function
53 Construct image name used by generated HTML in style sheet
54 Construct xlink
55 Contains function
56 Context position and context size
57 Convert char and boolean to number
58 Convert non-xml file
59 Copy all the attributes and other nodes
60 Copy all the other source tree nodes
61 Copy any other nodes without changing them
62 Copy comment with comment() function
63 Copy text with xsl
64 Copy the result of apply-templates
65 Copy value
66 Copy-of select=
67 Count element with certain attribute name
68 Count node
69 Count tokens
70 Create a table with calculation
71 Create a table with sorting
72 Create comment in style sheet
73 Create id with generate-id()
74 Create index number
75 Create list in transformation
76 Create new element with attribute
77 Create new xml document with namespace
78 Create ordered list
79 Create simple xlink
80 Create table header
81 Create table header and content in separated templates
82 Create two attribute sets
83 Create xlink in style sheet
84 Deal with the node with namespace
85 December 25, 1960 in German
86 Define a parameter and use it
87 Define a parameter and use it later
88 Define a variable and then use it in for loop
89 Define and use attribute-set
90 Define and use entites
91 Define and use function
92 Define and use key
93 Define and use template
94 Define entity in style sheet
95 Define function in VBscript
96 Define number type variable
97 Define sequence
98 Define variable
99 Define variable and set value
100 Descendant
101 Descendant demo
102 Descendant-or-self demo
103 Disable escape
104 Disable-output-escaping=yes
105 Divsion between date value
106 Dont output text nodes unless explicitly told to
107 E castable as xs
108 Element name
109 Element-available(xsl
110 Embedded style sheet into xml document
111 Empty transform
112 Every and some operator
113 Except operator
114 Fill more one value into table cell
115 Fill variable with the returned value from a function
116 Following-sibling
117 Following-sibling demo
118 For each sort descending
119 For-each and select=
120 For-each loop and table output
121 For-each loop and table rows
122 For-each select=, value-of=
123 For-each select=@
124 For-each select=child
125 For-each select=listitem[position() 1]
126 For-each select=node(), value-of select=
127 For-each-group select=current-group() except
128 For-each-group select=htmlbody group-adjacent
129 Format a chosen value as number
130 Format number after calculation
131 Format number by locale
132 Format output with font
133 Format output with HTML tags
134 Format output with tab
135 Format table cell during transforming
136 Format-date(orgchart@date, [D1] [MNn] [Y1])
137 Generate html tags
138 Generate Java code
139 Generate processing-instruction
140 Generate SVG document
141 Generate two tables
142 Generate-id() function
143 Get attribute from different level
144 Get attribute name
145 Get current date with function current-date()
146 Get current group
147 Get day from date with day-from-date() and current-date()
148 Get sibling with
149 Get the context position with position() function
150 Get the current time with function current-time()
151 Get two values in one template
152 Get value
153 Get value from element and attribute
154 Get value from tag with {}
155 Get value of attribute with @
156 Get value of element
157 Get value of element with @
158 Get value out of generate-id() with value-of
159 Get value out of two tags
160 Get value with current()
161 Get value with value-of for table cell
162 Get value with xsl
163 Group by department
164 Grouping in XSLT
165 Grouping with group-adjacent
166 Here is a test of the compare()
167 Here is a test of the idref()
168 Html output method to make br tags come out as br
169 Hyphens in xsl
170 ID
171 Id() function
172 If statement and position(), last() functions
173 If statement and value compare
174 If statement in for-each loop
175 If statement with and operator
176 If test=(position() mod 2) = 0
177 If test=ancestor
178 If test=position()!=last()
179 If there is an attribute
180 Illustrates use of xsl
181 Import another xsl style sheet
182 Import-schema demo
183 Include another xsl style sheet
184 Include another xslt
185 Instance of element()
186 Integer list
187 Intersect operator
188 Is this a document node
189 Java extension
190 Join strings with string-join() function
191 Key function with different parameters
192 Last() as index
193 List All customers
194 List of string type variable
195 List the attribute names and values
196 Local function
197 Local part
198 Local-name() function
199 Locate parent tags and get value from children tags
200 Match
201 Match all from root
202 Match among a list of target values
203 Match an element
204 Match an element and get text with text() function
205 Match and get value operations with namespace
206 Match comment
207 Match element with certain attribute value
208 Match element with certain value
209 Match from (root)
210 Match key
211 Match more than one value
212 Match processing-instruction()comment()
213 Match root
214 Match variable with pattern
215 Match=@node()
216 Match=head
217 Match=processing-instruction()
218 Match=processing-instruction(xml-stylesheet)
219 Match=text()@
220 Matching-substring
221 Math calculation
222 Mod function
223 Multi-level
224 Name( ) dot
225 Namespace alias
226 Namespace axis
227 Namespace URI
228 Namespace-uri and local-name
229 Namespace-uri() function
230 Nested for-each statement
231 Node function
232 Node selection by level
233 Node tests
234 Non-matching-substring and matching-substring
235 Normalize-space
236 Normalize-space demo
237 Normalize-space() function and if statement
238 Not operator
239 Number column
240 Number count=car level=single format=w
241 Number count=manufacturer level=multiple format=1
242 Number count=manufacturercar level=multiple format=1 1
243 Number count=name format= 1
244 Number format= 1
245 Number format= grouping-size=3 grouping-separator=
246 Number format=001
247 Number format=1 level=any
248 Number format=1 level=any from=chapter
249 Number format=1 level=multiple
250 Number format=1 level=multiple count=chaptersect1
251 Number format=1 level=multiple count=chaptersect1sect2
252 Number from=section level=multiple count=section item format= a
253 Number level=any count=chaptersect1sect2sect3 format=1
254 Number level=any count=chaptersect1sect2sect3 format=w - lang=de
255 Number level=any count=chaptersect1sect2sect3 format=w - lang=pl
256 Number level=any count=chaptersect1sect2sect3 format=Ww - ordinal=yes
257 Number level=any from=book count=chapter format=1
258 Number level=multiple count= from=data format=1 1 1
259 Number level=multiple count=chaptersect1sect2 format=I-A-i
260 Number level=multiple count=chaptersect1sect2sect3 format=1 1 1 1
261 Number level=multiple count=section item format=i a
262 Number level=multiple format=1
263 Number level=single count=chaptersect1sect2sect3 format=1 1 1 1
264 Number style
265 Number value=1000000 grouping-size=3 grouping-separator=
266 One html tag per template
267 One template calls another template
268 One template per table row
269 Output a comma if its not the last one in the node
270 Output a table without loop
271 Output doctype-system=testOut dtd
272 Output element with Namespace
273 Output entities
274 Output html img tag
275 Output html option list
276 Output HTML tags
277 Output html with frameset
278 Output in template
279 Output method=html
280 Output method=xml omit-xml-declaration=yes
281 Output method=xml omit-xml-declaration=yes indent=no
282 Output method=xml version=1 1 encoding=utf-16
283 Output new xml tag
284 Output number and count
285 Output Number from any level
286 Output rtf in format
287 Output text with tag
288 Output text with xsl
289 Output to a table
290 Output variable
291 Output various html tags
292 Output whole xhtml document
293 Output xml element in various form
294 Parent and attribute
295 Perform-sort and sequence
296 Perform-sort demo
297 Position() function
298 Preceding and following
299 Preceding axis
300 Preceding-sibling
301 Preceding-sibling and following-sibling
302 Preserve-space elements=manufacturer
303 Processing-instruction with xlink
304 Put a for loop into string-join function
305 Put xml document to a table layout
306 Reference variable three times
307 Relative context
308 Relative context from root element
309 Rename tag
310 Renerence entities
311 Restructure xml document
312 Result-document demo
313 Select attribute value and output to a list
314 Select distinct values
315 Select down to a certain level and its attribute
316 Select element out of parent tag
317 Select from root
318 Select node by attribute value
319 Select Node by index
320 Select one from the target value list
321 Select one tag from a list of tags
322 Select value for table cell
323 Select value from an element with value-of
324 Select with if then else
325 Select with value-of and output with new tags
326 Select= (dot)
327 Select= @attribute
328 Select=@ (at)
329 Select=child
330 Select=descendant
331 Select=descendant-or-self
332 Select=document()book
333 Select=employee[@dept=programming]
334 Select=employeesemployee[2]following
335 Select=employeesemployee[2]preceding
336 Select=employeeshead
337 Select=following-sibling
338 Select=format-date(current-date(),[dwo])
339 Select=format-dateTime(current-dateTime(),[h01]
340 Select=format-time(current-time(), [m1o] minute of the [Hwo] hour of the day )
341 Select=preceding-sibling
342 Self
343 Sequence of node()
344 Set attribute value in tranformation
345 Set Encoding
346 Set match mode to fulltext
347 Set sort order as ascending
348 Some tests of the instance of operator
349 Sort a column
350 Sort by attribute
351 Sort by attribute value
352 Sort by department
353 Sort by different level of node
354 Sort by element text
355 Sort by substring
356 Sort by two columns
357 Sort element by data type
358 Sort first then output to table
359 Sort select=salary data-type=number order=descending
360 Sort value first then output
361 Sort with current-grouping-key() function
362 Sorts in numeric mode
363 Sorts in text
364 Sorts lowercase letters first
365 Sorts upercase letters first
366 Start a new line with 

367 Starts-with function
368 String function
369 String-length function
370 Strip-space elements=
371 Strip-space elements=color
372 Subsequence and reverse
373 Subsequence() function
374 Substring function
375 Substring function with variable
376 Substring with index
377 Substring-after demo
378 Substring-after() and text()
379 Substring-before demo
380 Substring-before() function
381 Tag with index
382 Template match=
383 Template match=customer
384 Template match=customer[1]name
385 Template match=para[contains( ,the)]
386 Template match=processing-instruction()
387 Template mode=index
388 Template that does the replacement
389 Template with parameters
390 Test=self
391 Tests of idiv in XPath 2 0
392 Tests of XPath div in XSLT 1 0
393 Tests of XPath div in XSLT 2 0
394 Thai numbering
395 This template has higher precedence over the templates being imported
396 Transform another style sheet
397 Transform RDF document
398 Transformation of book information into XHTML with sorting
399 Translate function
400 True() function
401 Unparsed-entity-uri()
402 Use attribute value to create new attribute
403 Use blockquote to output value from xml
404 Use boolean operator in if statement
405 Use BR to format value in a table cell
406 Use character-map
407 Use concat function to create name of Element
408 Use constant value from variable
409 Use count() and current-group() to count groups
410 Use entities to wrap style sheet
411 Use for-each loop
412 Use for-each to loop through each tags
413 Use for-each to loop through nodes in certain level
414 Use for-each to loop through variable
415 Use for-each to output table rows
416 Use for-each to output xml tags
417 Use for-each-group
418 Use generate-id() as link
419 Use last() function to get the context size
420 Use math function from Java library
421 Use name() function to get attribute name
422 Use new tag to wrap
423 Use normalize-space() function to normalize space for elements and attributes
424 Use text() function to get text
425 Use to indicate level
426 Use translate function with if statement
427 Use translate() function and text() function to change the letter case
428 Use value-of to get the size of text
429 Use variable in key function
430 Use xslt style sheet to output data in a table
431 Use-attribute-sets
432 Using xsl
433 Value-of and math calculation
434 Value-of select=$sortedCities separator=

435 Value-of select=descendant
436 Value-of select=person[position()=3]name
437 Value-of select=self
438 Value-of select=string(name(node()))
439 Variable for document
440 Variable of string list
441 Variable scope
442 Variable with number type
443 Various number formats
444 When test=position()=last()
445 Word count
446 Wrap HTML tags in template
447 Xsl