Manipulator Purpose
boolalpha Turns on boolalpha flag.
endl Outputs a newline.
ends Outputs a null.
dec Turns on dec flag. Turns off the hex and oct flags.
fixed Turns on fixed flag. Turns off the scientific flag.
flush Flushes the stream.
hex Turns on hex flag. Turns off the dec and oct flags.
internal Turns on internal flag. Turns off the left and right flags.
left Turns on left flag. Turns off the right and internal flags.
noboolalpha Turns off boolalpha flag.
noshowbase Turns off showbase flag.
noshowpoint Turns off showpoint flag.
noshowpos Turns off showpos flag.
nounitbuf Turns off unitbuf flag.
nouppercase Turns off uppercase flag.
oct Turns on oct flag. Turns off the dec and hex flags.
right Turns on right flag. Turns off the left and internal flags.
scientific Turns on scientific flag. Turns off the fixed flag.
showbase Turns on showbase flag.
showpoint Turns on showpoint flag.
showpos Turns on showpos flag.
unitbuf Turns on unitbuf flag.
uppercase Turns on uppercase flag.
using namespace std;
void showflags(void);
int main(void)
cout.setf(ios::right | ios::showpoint | ios::fixed);
void showflags(void){
long flag_set, i;
int j;
char flags[15][12] = {
"skipws", "left", "right", "internal", "dec",
"oct", "hex", "showbase", "showpoint", "uppercase",
"showpos", "scientific", "fixed", "unitbuf",
flag_set = cout.flags();
for (i=1, j=0; i<0x2000; i = i<<1, j++)
if (i & flag_set)
cout << flags[j] << " is on." << endl;
cout << flags[j] << " is off." << endl;
cout << endl;