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C++ Tutorial
Development 160 codes
C++ Tutorial
1 A Bubble sort
2 A recursive version of Quicksort for sorting characters
3 A simple assert() macro
4 A simple output manipulator
5 Allocate an array
6 Allocate an array of objects by overloading new and delete operators
7 Allocate an object
8 Allocate memory for an object
9 An IO manipulator
11 Avoids buffer overflow with cin width
12 Catch new memory allocation exception
13 Character input with member function getline
14 Check cout flags
15 Cin and atoi, atof functions
16 Cin Handles Different Data Types
17 Cin with strings (cin getline)
18 Compare the typeid for templates
19 Concatenate put()
20 Contrasting input of a string via cin and cin get
21 Contrasting input of a string with cin and cin get
22 Controlling precision of floating-point values
23 Copy all standard input to standard output
24 Cout
25 Cout boolalpha
26 Cout setf(ios
27 Create a copy of the users locale
28 Create an input manipulator
29 Create an output manipulator
30 Create custom ostream operator
31 Create Random number
32 Create user-defined, nonparameterized stream manipulators
33 Default right justification
34 Define macro
35 Delete an array of objects
36 Delete class array and return memory to heap
37 Demonstrating function pointer passing
38 Demonstrating left justification and right justification
39 Demonstrating member function width
40 Demonstrating run-time type id
41 Demonstrating set_new_handler
42 Demonstrating stream-manipulators boolalpha and noboolalpha
43 Demonstrating the flags member function
44 Display command-line arguments
45 Displaying floating-point values in system default, scientific and fixed formats
46 Displaying numbers in scientific notation
47 Dynamically allocated objects may have constructors and destructors
48 EndLine manipulator (using escape sequence n and member function flush)
49 Escape keys for double back slash
50 Escape sequences
51 Extends std
52 Fill($)
53 Fixed-point mode, show a + for positive nums, show 3 digits to the right of the decimal
54 Format numeric values relative to a locale
55 Function macro
56 Function macro of get the max value number
57 Functor
58 Functor compose 2
59 Functor compose 3
60 Generating random numbers
61 Get a moneypunct facet for cout for a locale
62 Get numeric input facet of the locale loc and read value with numeric input facet
63 Global delete
64 Global new
65 How to declare your own function and function pointer to be used with qsort( )
66 Initialize memory
67 Ios
68 Is it a bad input
69 Macro Expansion
70 Make a new locale and attach it to the standard output stream
71 Manipulator that skips until end-of-line
72 Math library functions
73 Memory management new-delete
74 Money format for US dollars
75 Normal (default) mode; only show 5 digits, including both sides of decimal point
76 Object in existence after deletion
77 OR together two or more flags
78 Ostream flag
79 Output a pointer
80 Output the name of a typeid
81 Parameterless manipulators that operate on output streams
82 Print type name of what ptr points at
83 Printing a line of text with multiple statements
84 Printing an integer with internal spacing and plus sign
85 Printing multiple lines of text with a single statement
86 Printing values in DEBUG mode
87 Process the name of the locale and read input
88 Quick Sort
89 Raise x to the y power
90 Read a character from keyboard
91 Read char array from keyboard, get its length and concatenate two strings
92 Read int value from keyboard
93 Scientific mode; dont show plus sign anymore
94 Selection Sort
95 Set a new terminate handler
96 Set cout to output hex
97 Set ios
98 Setiosflags(ios
99 Show default condition of format flags
100 Show money in international German format
101 Skip leading whitespace
102 Sort Tracer
103 Standard macro names
104 Stream-manipulator uppercase
105 Sum the two numeric command line arguments
106 Switch to left justification
107 Tab manipulator (using escape sequence t)
108 Testing error states
109 To output in hexadecimal
110 To use a parameterized manipulator, you must include iomanip It defines the following manipulators
111 Turn on showpos, use left-justification
112 Turning on internal justification
113 Typeid() function and RTTI must be enabled in compiler
114 Unformatted IO using cin read, cin gcount and cout write
115 Unformatted IO with read, gcount and write
116 Unset flag one by one
117 Use a German locale to write data to standard ouput
118 Use a reference with typeid
119 Use assert inside a for loop to check an array
120 Use assert to check
121 Use cerr to output error information
122 Use function in cout statement
123 Use get() to read a string that contains spaces
124 Use math function
125 Use new and delete
126 Use reinterpret_cast to cast from char pointer to integer
127 Use static_cast
128 Use std
129 Use the abs() function
130 Use the extraction operator with cin get( ) to process an entire string
131 Use the n code to generate a new line
132 Use the setiosflags( ) manipulator to directly set the various format flags related to a stream
133 Use typedef keyword to define new variable type
134 Use typedef to create new data type and use it as function return type
135 Use typeid
136 Use typeid on a polymorphic class heirarchy
137 Using #undef
138 Using a function object for operation counting, first version
139 Using a function object for operation counting, second version
140 Using command-line arguments for copying files
141 Using hex, oct, dec and setbase stream manipulators
142 Using inline rather than a macro
143 Using Manipulators to Format IO
144 Using member functions get, put and eof
145 Using new and delete of array
146 Using new to get memory for strings
147 Using parentheses in macros
148 Using peek() and putback()
149 Using reinterpret_cast
150 Using showpoint to control the printing of trailing zeros anddecimal points for doubles
151 Using signal handling
152 Using static_cast
153 Using stream-manipulator showbase to show number base
154 Using the endl stream manipulator
155 Using the exit and atexit functions
156 Using the STL generic reverse algorithm with a string and assert the correctness
157 Using typeid
158 Using typeid with templates
159 Using variable-length argument lists
160 Using write()