function PtInRect ( const TheRectangle : TRect; const ThePoint : TPoint ) : Boolean;
The PtInRect function returns true if ThePoint lies within TheRectangle.
Note that the rectangle inside is defined as:
(left, top, right-1, bottom-1)
Related commands
Bounds Create a TRect value from top left and size values
Point Generates a TPoint value from X and Y values
PointsEqual Compares two TPoint values for equality
Rect Create a TRect value from 2 points or 4 coordinates
TPoint Holds X and Y integer values
TRect Holds rectangle coordinate values
Example code : Determine inside and outside points of a rectangle
myRect : TRect;
// Create a rectangle
// Note : The rectangle inisde starts at top left, but ends
// 1 pixel inside bottom right.
myRect := Rect(20, 30, 100, 200);
// Check to see if (20,30) is inside the rectangle
if PtInRect(myRect, Point(20,30))
then ShowMessage(' 20, 30 is inside the rectangle')
else ShowMessage(' 20, 30 is outside the rectangle');
// Check to see if (99,199) is inside the rectangle
if PtInRect(myRect, Point(99,199))
then ShowMessage(' 99,199 is inside the rectangle')
else ShowMessage(' 99,199 is outside the rectangle');
// Check to see if (100,200) is inside the rectangle
if PtInRect(myRect, Point(100,200))
then ShowMessage('100,200 is inside the rectangle')
else ShowMessage('100,200 is outside the rectangle');
Show full unit code
20, 30 is inside the rectangle
99,199 is inside the rectangle
100,200 is outside the rectangle