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Functions 262 codes
1 A better Pos function
2 Abs - gives the absolute value of a number [-ve sign is removed] system unit
3 Adding some FORTRAN Functions
4 Addr - gives the address of a variable, function or procedure system unit
5 AdvanceDateByOneMonth function + DaysInMonth
6 Again a Unique Key Generating Function.. )
7 Ansicomparestr - compare two strings for equality sysutils unit
8 Ansicomparetext - compare two strings for equality, ignoring case sysutils unit
9 Ansicontainsstr - returns true if a string contains a substring strutils unit
10 Ansiendsstr - returns true if a string ends with a substring strutils unit
11 Ansiindexstr - compares a string with a list of strings - returns match strutils unit
12 Ansileftstr - extracts characters from the left of a string strutils unit
13 Ansilowercase - change upper case characters in a string to lower case sysutils unit
14 Ansimatchstr - returns true if a string exactly matches one of a list of strings strutils unit
15 Ansimidstr - returns a substring from the middle characters of a string strutils unit
16 Ansipos - find the position of one string in another sysutils unit
17 Ansireplacestr - replaces a part of one string with another strutils unit
18 Ansireversestring - reverses the sequence of letters in a string strutils unit
19 Ansirightstr - extracts characters from the right of a string strutils unit
20 Ansistartsstr - returns true if a string starts with a substring strutils unit
21 Ansiuppercase - change lower case characters in a string to upper case sysutils unit
22 Arccos - the arc cosine of a number, returned in radians math unit
23 Arcsin - the arc sine of a number, returned in radians math unit
24 Arctan - the arc tangent of a number, returned in radians
25 Arrow and Function Keys
26 Assigned - returns true if a reference is not nil system unit
27 Automate your Email with the SendMailWithAttachments function
28 Beginthread - begins a separate thread of code execution system unit
29 Bit manipulating functions
30 Bounds - create a trect value from top left and size values classes unit
31 Celsiustofahrenheit - convert a celsius temperature into fahrenheit stdconvs unit
32 Changefileext - change the extension part of a file name sysutils unit
33 Chr - convert an integer into a character system unit
34 Comparestr - compare two strings to see which is greater than the other sysutils unit
35 Comparetext - compare two strings for equality, ignoring case sysutils
36 Concat - concatenates one or more strings into one string system unit
37 Convert - convert one measurement value to another convutils unit
38 Convert a Drive Letter (C) to a Drive Number (3) as Used by Delphis DiskFree function
39 Convert method pointers into function pointers
40 Copy - create a copy of part of a string or an array system unit
41 Cos - the cosine of a number system unit
42 Createdir - create a directory sysutils unit
43 Currtostr - convert a currency value to a string sysutils unit
44 Currtostrf - convert a currency value to a string with formatting sysutils unit
45 Date - gives the current date sysutils unit
46 Datetimetofiledate - convert a tdatetime value to a file date-time format sysutils unit
47 Datetimetostr - converts tdatetime date and time values to a string sysutils unit
48 Datetostr - converts a tdatetime date value to a string sysutils unit
49 Dayofthemonth - gives day of month index for a tdatetime value [iso 8601] dateutils unit
50 Dayoftheweek - gives day of week index for a tdatetime value [iso 8601] dateutils unit
51 Dayoftheyear - gives the day of the year for a tdatetime value [iso 8601] dateutils unit
52 Dayofweek - gives day of week index for a tdatetime value sysutils unit
53 Daysbetween - gives the whole number of days between 2 dates dateutils unit
54 Daysinamonth - gives the number of days in a month dateutils unit
55 Daysinayear - gives the number of days in a year dateutils unit
56 Dayspan - gives the fractional number of days between 2 dates dateutils unit
57 Degtorad - convert a degrees value to radians math unit
58 Deletefile - delete a file specified by its file name sysutils unit
59 Delphi Assembler Function Conventions
60 Directoryexists - returns true if the given directory exists sysutils unit
61 Diskfree - gives the number of free bytes on a specified drive sysutils unit
62 Disksize - gives the size in bytes of a specified drive sysutils unit
63 Does Delphi have an equivalent to the Visual Basic SendKeys function
64 Dupestring - creates a string containing copies of a substring strutils unit
65 Encodedate - build a tdatetime value from year, month and day values sysutils unit
66 Encodedatetime - build a tdatetime value from day and time values dateutils unit
67 Encodetime - build a tdatetime value from hour, min, sec and msec values sysutils unit
68 Endofaday - generate a tdatetime value set to the very end of a day dateutils unit
69 Endofamonth - generate a tdatetime value set to the very end of a month dateutils unit
70 Eof - returns true if a file opened with reset is at the end system unit
71 Eoln - returns true if the current text file is pointing at a line end system unit
72 Exp - gives the exponent of a number system unit
73 Extending the MessageBox function
74 Extractfiledir - extracts the dir part of a full file name sysutils unit
75 Extractfiledrive - extracts the drive part of a full file name sysutils unit
76 Extractfileext - extracts the extension part of a full file name sysutils unit
77 Extractfilename - extracts the name part of a full file name sysutils unit
78 Extractfilepath - extracts the path part of a full file name sysutils unit
79 Fahrenheittocelsius - convert a fahrenheit temperature into celsius stdconvs unit
80 Fileage - get the last modified date-time of a file without opening it sysutils unit
81 Filedatetodatetime - converts a file date-time format to a tdatetime value sysutils unit
82 Fileexists - returns true if the given file exists sysutils unit
83 Filegetattr - gets the attributes of a file sysutils unit
84 Filepos - gives the file position in a binary or text file system unit
85 Filesearch - search for a file in one or more directories sysutils unit
86 Filesetattr - sets the attributes of a file sysutils unit
87 Filesetdate - set the last modified date and time of a file sysutils unit
88 Filesize - gives the size in records of an open file system unit
89 Findclose - closes a successful findfirst file search sysutils unit
90 Findcmdlineswitch - determine whether a certain parameter switch was passed sysutils unit
91 Findfirst - finds all files matching a file mask and attributes sysutils unit
92 Findnext - find the next file after a successful findfirst
93 Floattostr - convert a floating point value to a string sysutils unit
94 Floattostrf - convert a floating point value to a string with formatting sysutils unit
95 Forcedirectories - create a new path of directories sysutils unit
96 Format - rich formatting of numbers and text into a string sysutils unit
97 Formatcurr - rich formatting of a currency value into a string sysutils unit
98 Formatdatetime - rich formatting of a tdatetime variable into a string sysutils unit
99 Formatfloat - rich formatting of a floating point number into a string sysutils unit
100 Frac - the fractional part of a floating point number system unit
101 Functional analogue of the biological brain
102 Functions of client server handling in multiplayer games PART II
103 Getcurrentdir - get the current directory [drive plus directory] sysutils unit
104 Getlasterror - gives the error code of the last failing windows api call system unit
105 Getmem - get a specified number of storage bytes system unit
106 GetToken function
107 GetToken function II Modified from Sebastian Volland work
108 Good Thursday and Easter DAte function
109 Hi - returns the hi-order byte of a [2 byte] integer system unit
110 High - returns the highest value of a type or variable system unit
111 High Res Timer (API Function)
112 Hook a function (in your own application)
113 How to add the Select All (CTRL+A) functionality to TMemoTDBMemo
114 How to combine the co related functions into one single function
115 How to Convert method pointers into function pointers
116 How to get execution time of a function or procedure
117 How to hook a function (in your own application)
118 How to implement the Pascal Delay function
119 How to make a procedurefunction with variable parameter count
120 How to plot a function
121 How to search recursive with the Pos function
122 How to Use a Function or a Procedure as a Parameter in another Function in Delphi
123 How to use a hash function
124 How to use some expanded Pos functions
125 How to use some TStream utility functions
126 How to use the AdjustTokenPrivileges function to enable a privilege
127 How to use the AdjustTokenPrivileges function to enable a privilege (NT)
128 How to use the AnimateWindow function
129 How to use the autorun function (CD ROM)
130 How to use the linux expand function
131 How to use the spell check functionality from word
132 How to write a callback function
133 Implement the Pascal Delay function
134 Incday - increments a tdatetime variable by + or - number of days dateutils unit
135 Incmillisecond - increments a tdatetime variable by + or - number of milliseconds dateutils unit
136 Incminute - increments a tdatetime variable by + or - number of minutes dateutils unit
137 Incmonth - increments a tdatetime variable by a number of months sysutils unit
138 Increase time function
139 Incsecond - increments a tdatetime variable by + or - number of seconds dateutils unit
140 Incyear - increments a tdatetime variable by a number of years dateutils unit
141 Inputbox - display a dialog that asks for user text input, with default dialogs unit
142 Inputquery - display a dialog that asks for user text input dialogs unit
143 Int - the integer part of a floating point number as a float system unit
144 Inttohex - convert an integer into a hexadecimal string sysutils unit
145 Inttostr - convert an integer into a string sysutils unit
146 Ioresult - holds the return code of the last i-o operation system unit
147 IsFloat function
148 Isinfinite - checks whether a floating point number is infinite math unit
149 Isleapyear - returns true if a given calendar year is a leap year sysutils unit
150 Ismultithread - returns true if the code is running multiple threads system unit
151 Isnan - checks to see if a floating point number holds a real number math unit
152 Lastdelimiter - find the last position of selected characters in a string sysutils unit
153 Length - return the number of elements in an array or string system unit
154 Like function
155 Ln - gives the natural logarithm of a number system unit
156 Lo - returns the low-order byte of a [2 byte] integer system unit
157 LoCase function
158 Log10 - gives the log to base 10 of a number math unit
159 Low - returns the lowest value of a type or variable system unit
160 Lowercase - change upper case characters in a string to lower case sysutils unit
161 Make a procedurefunction with variable parameter count
162 Max - gives the maximum of two integer values math unit
163 Mean - gives the average for a set of numbers math unit
164 Media Player & Autorepeat Function
165 Messagedlg - displays a message, symbol, and selectable buttons dialogs unit
166 Messagedlgpos - displays a message plus buttons at a given screen position dialogs unit
167 Min - gives the minimum of two integer values math unit
168 Monthoftheyear - gives the month of the year for a tdatetime value dateutils unit
169 Moving objects with snapgrid functionality
170 Need to Return a TStringList (any object) from a Delphi Function
171 Now - gives the current date and time sysutils unit
172 Odd - tests whether an integer has an odd value system unit
173 Ord - provides the ordinal value of an integer, character or enum system unit
174 Paramcount - gives the number of parameters passed to the current program system unit
175 Paramstr - returns one of the parameters used to run the current program system unit
176 Pascal based Delay function
177 Passing functionsprocedure to other functionsprocedures
178 PHP Alike implode & explode functions for Delphi
179 Pi - the mathematical constant system unit
180 Plot a function
181 Point - generates a tpoint value from x and y values classes unit
182 Pointsequal - compares two tpoint values for equality classes unit
183 Porting usefull functions from VB to Delphi
184 Pos - find the position of one string in another system unit
185 Pred - decrement an ordinal variable system unit
186 Printer - returns a reference to the global printer object printers unit
187 Promptforfilename - shows a dialog allowing the user to select a file dialogs unit
188 Ptinrect - tests to see if a point lies within a rectangle types unit
189 Radtodeg - converts a radian value to degrees math unit
190 Random - generate a random floating point or integer number system unit
191 Randomrange - generate a random integer number within a supplied range math unit
192 Recodedate - change only the date part of a tdatetime variable dateutils unit
193 Recodetime - change only the time part of a tdatetime variable dateutils unit
194 Rect - create a trect value from 2 points or 4 coordinates classes unit
195 Remote Execute Function (Unix REXEC)
196 Removedir - remove a directory sysutils unit
197 Renamefile - rename a file or directory sysutils unit
198 Returning Objects from Functions my thoughts
199 ROT47 a simple Substitution cipher function V2
200 Round - rounds a floating point number to an integer system unit
201 Rounding Time, RoundToQuarter function
202 Search recursive with the Pos function
203 Seekeof - skip to the end of the current line or file system unit
204 Seekeoln - skip to the end of the current line or file system unit
205 Selectdirectory - display a dialog to allow user selection of a directory filectrl unit
206 Setcurrentdir - change the current directory sysutils unit
207 Shutdown, Reboot, Logoff, Monitor Off and Suspend mode functions
208 Simple functions for work with words
209 Simple parsing procedure and function
210 Sin - the sine of a number system unit
211 Sizeof - gives the storage byte size of a type or variable system unit
212 Slice - creates a slice of an array as an open array parameter system unit
213 Split function (like in VB)
214 Sqr - gives the square of a number system unit
215 Sqrt - gives the square root of a number system unit
216 Str a function more useful than a procedure
217 String functions
218 Stringofchar - creates a string with one character repeated many times system unit
219 Stringreplace - replace one or more substrings found within a string sysutils unit
220 Stringtowidechar - converts a normal string into a widechar 0 terminated buffer system unit
221 Strtocurr - convert a number string into a currency value sysutils unit
222 Strtodate - converts a date string into a tdatetime value sysutils unit
223 Strtodatetime - converts a date+time string into a tdatetime value sysutils unit
224 Strtofloat - convert a number string into a floating point value sysutils unit
225 Strtoint - convert an integer string into an integer value sysutils unit
226 Strtoint64 - convert an integer string into an int64 value sysutils unit
227 Strtoint64def - convert a string into an int64 value with default sysutils unit
228 Strtointdef - convert a string into an integer value with default sysutils unit
229 Strtotime - converts a time string into a tdatetime value sysutils unit
230 Stuffstring - replaces a part of one string with another strutils unit
231 Succ - increment an ordinal variable system unit
232 Sum - return the sum of an array of floating point values math unit
233 Tan - the tangent of a number math unit
234 The function DiskInDrive
235 The function Keypressed
236 The function MatchString
237 The GetFolder function
238 The Loaded function
239 The SearchAndReplace functions
240 Time - gives the current time sysutils unit
241 Timetostr - converts a tdatetime time value to a string sysutils unit
242 Tomorrow - gives the date tomorrow dateutils unit
243 Trunc - the integer part of a floating point number system unit
244 Understanding Delphis NIL value and the Assigned RTL Function
245 Undo function with TMemo
246 Undocumented MessageBoxTimeOut function
247 Upcase - convert a char value to upper case system unit
248 Uppercase - change lower case characters in a string to upper case sysutils unit
249 Use ProcessMessages function
250 Use some expanded Pos functions
251 Use some TStream utility functions
252 Use the AdjustTokenPrivileges function to enable a privilege
253 Use the AnimateWindow function
254 Use the autorun function (CD ROM)
255 Use the linux expand function
256 Use the spell check functionality from word
257 Using objects method as callback function
258 Using the LzExpand functions in your applications
259 Vartype - gives the current type of a variant variable variants unit
260 Widechartostring - copies a null terminated widechar string to a normal string system unit
261 Wraptext - add line feeds into a string to simulate word wrap sysutils unit
262 Yesterday - gives the date yesterday dateutils unit