function Tomorrow : TDateTime;
The Tomorrow function returns tomorrows date in the local time zone.
Because the return value is a TDateTime type, the time component is set to zero (start of day).
The TDateTime type can be processed by many SysUtil and Dateutils routines.
Related commands
Date Gives the current date
Now Gives the current date and time
Time Gives the current time
Yesterday Gives the date yesterday
Example code : Show yesterday, today and tomorrows dates
ShowMessage('Yesterday = '+DateToStr(Yesterday));
ShowMessage('Today = '+DateToStr(Date));
ShowMessage('Tomorrow = '+DateToStr(Tomorrow));
ShowMessage('Tommorow''s time = '+TimeToStr(Tomorrow));
Show full unit code
Yesterday = 28/10/2002
Today = 29/10/2002
Tomorrow = 30/10/2002
Tomorrow's time = 00:00:00