Title: Color Selector
Question: I need a color selector for all colors, not just
the 16 colors in colorgrid.
Simple But Effective Colour selector.
I spent a while looking for a good colour selection component without luck.
It may or may not be an original idea, but need being the mother of
invention this is what I came up with......
Drop two Panels and one TImage on a form.
Screen capture from just about any Photo or painting package the colour
Resize and crop the capture to the size you require.
Save it as a BMP and then load it into the Image Component.
Create a MouseMove event as below....
procedure TForm1.Image1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y:
Panel1.Color := Image1.Canvas.Pixels[X,Y];
Create an OnClick event for the Image as below....
procedure TForm1.Image1Click(Sender: TObject);
Panel2.Color := Panel1.Color;
As you move the mouse over the Image the colour on Panel one will change.
Click on the Image and Panel two will show the selected colour.