Mega Code Archive
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JavaScript Reference
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Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Graphic 911 codes
1 [] Checking for large fonts
2 [] Exe,dll,sys,ocx icon çıkarmak
3 [] Form resmini çek
4 [] Tpicture type
5 3D CAD calculating hiddenlines (the math way)
6 3D Labels (Lowered and Raised)
7 3d text uygulamasi
8 3d yazı yazmak
9 A class to toggle image display in Internet Explorer 5
10 A Component that plots graphs
11 A good method to zoom a picture
12 A routine for painting tiled stretched images to a canvas
13 A10---santranç tahtası çizimi[sonic_x32]
14 A11---[] nokta koymak[sonic_x32]
15 Add a bitmap to a menu item
16 Add an icon to task bar and recieve mouse messages from the icon
17 Add bitmap to menu item
18 Add canvas to GroupBox
19 Add cool icons to your application
20 Add Graphical Bar to standard PopupMenu
21 Add Image To Startusbar
22 Adding Multi Colored Text to a TRichEdit
23 Adjust the Windowform to a TCanvas
24 Alpha Blending a Bitmap
25 Alphablending and Gradiant Fills examples
26 An eassy procedure to draw a Vector Field
27 An Icon Extractor and Viewer
28 An introduction to graphics programming
29 Angle of 2D vertex
30 Angle of 3D vertex
31 Another way to draw tile image to a canvas
32 Antialiased line drawer
33 Antialiased line drawer using scanline
34 Any Shape Colored Form (( Professional ))
35 Application stays iconized
36 Apply a negative filter to a bitmap
37 Apply a negative filter to a bitmap
38 Apply an emboss filter to an image
39 Apply an emboss filter to an image
40 Apply Custom Transparent Color for the TImage Delphi Control
41 Arrange icons on the Desktop
42 Basics of Graphics zooming
43 BDS 2006 Splash Screen Icon
44 Bir exe den ikonun alinp baska bir yere cizilmesi
45 Bir menü öğesine resim ekleme
46 Bir remin seffaf olarak baska bir resim üzerine yapistirilmasi
47 Bir rengi gri yapma
48 Bir resmi şeffaf olarak başka bir resim üzerine yapıştırmak
49 Bir resmi zoomlamak
50 Bir resmi, bmp formatindan jpeg formatina cevirme
51 Birden fazla köşeli şekil
52 Bitmap Button
53 Bitmap crossfade
54 Bitmap crossfade (blending two images in several steps)
55 Bitmap deki renk sayısını bulma
56 Bitmap flip rotate mirror
57 Bitmap rotate
58 Bitmap Rotation
59 Bitmap to HRGN
60 Bitmap to ikon [ bmp 2 ico ]
61 Bitmap to rtf
62 Bitmap üzerine çizim yapmak
63 Bitmapin istenilen koordinatlarini kopyalamak ve clipboarda gondermek
64 BitmapToRegion (Delphi like version very fast) (UPDATE Bug fix!)
65 BitmapToVariant VariantToBitmap
66 Blend two images using API
67 Bmp resminin panoya yapıştırılmsı ve panodan kopyalaması
68 BMP to EMF
69 Bmp to gif
70 Bmp to ico [icon]
71 Bmp to jpg
72 Bmpden jpege dönüstürme
73 BMPs to AVI file for TAnimate
74 Calculate a contrasting text color to a background
75 Calculate a string dependent color
76 Calculate a TColor between two other TColors
77 Capture the screen
78 Cd-rom a takılan cdnin iconunu alma
79 Change a TButtons Color
80 Change application icon at runtime
81 Change bitmap at runtime
82 Change bitmap of the start button
83 Change Color of standard controls
84 Change font color, size, style, and back color of certain words inside a rich edit
85 Change screen cursor without need to restore back
86 Change Screen.Cursor without need to restore back
87 Change the Background Color in TRichEdit for the selected characters
88 Change the Background Color of a Edit on a Focus Change
89 Change the Borderstyle BorderColor of a TWebbrowser
90 Change the color channels of a bitmap
91 Change the color channels of a bitmap
92 Change the color of a disabled TEdit
93 Change the color of a TPageControls
94 Change the color of a TProgressbar
95 Change the color of a TToolButton
96 Change the default cell selection color in a TStringGrid
97 Change the font color of the focussed cell in a Grid
98 Change the font style of a statusbar
99 Change the graphic mode
100 Change the graphic mode
101 Change the screen resolution
102 Change the Screen Resolution
103 Change the scrollbar colors of TWebBrowser
104 Change the size of an JPEG image and save it
105 Change the TDBNavigator images
106 Change the Windows Start button bitmap
107 Changing DbNavigators Icons
108 Changing the display mode settings in code
109 Changing your applications icon at runtime
110 Charta zoom yapmak
111 Check if a point belongs to the interior of a polygon
112 Check if a point belongs to the interior of a polygon
113 Check if the Cursor is on a line
114 CodeColoring in a richedit
115 Color a specific (conditional) cell in a DBGrid
116 Color a TDBGrid
117 Color ComboBox
118 Color Selector
119 Color system conversion XYZ to LAB
120 Color text in a TRichEdit
121 Color to string and vice versa
122 Colored text on a TStatusBar
123 Coloring Cells in a StringGrid DBGrid
124 Coloring selected Row in a dbgrid
125 Coloring Tabs in PageControl
126 ColorStringGrid
127 Combine two icons
128 Combine two icons
129 ComboBox with Icon
130 Compare two images pixel by pixel
131 Compare two images pixel by pixel
132 Convert a bitamp to a emf [enhanced metafile]
133 Convert a bitmap to a jpeg and save it
134 Convert a Bitmap to a JPEG and save it
135 Convert a Bitmap to an Icon
136 Convert a bitmap to an icon
137 Convert a bitmap to RTF code
138 Convert a bitmap to rtf code
139 Convert a bitmap to sepia or greyscale
140 Convert a bitmap to sepia or greyscale
141 Convert a color image to grayscale
142 Convert a color image to grayscale
143 Convert a color JPG image to a permanent grayscaled
144 Convert a colour bitmap to greyscale
145 Convert between RGB and HLS colour space
146 Convert BMP and JPEG images to a bitmap
147 Convert bmp file to jpeg file
148 Convert BMP to Any Format (.NET)
149 Convert bmp to wmf
150 Convert BMP to WMF
151 Convert Icon to bmp file
152 Convert icons to bmp
153 Convert icons to bmp
154 Convert Jpeg file to bmp file
155 Convert jpeg to bmp
156 Convert JPEG to BMP
157 Convert RGB Color to CMYK using Delphi
158 Convert RGB color to Delphis TColor
159 Convert RGB to COLORREF (BGR)
160 Convert rgb to colorref [bgr]
161 Convert rgb to hsv
162 Convert RGB to TColor or How to Get More TColor values for Delphi Beside Those Specified by cl Constants
163 Convert RGB values to TColor and vice versa
164 Convert RichEdit to Bitmap
165 Convert TColor to HTML color
166 Convert Text to Image
167 Convert tgraphic descendant image to bitmap
168 Convert TGraphic descendant image to Bitmap
169 Convert wmf to bmp
170 Convert WMF to BMP
171 Converting a Bitmap to JPEG
172 Converting a color to its VCL string value
173 Converting a RGB color to a CMYK color
174 Converting HTML Color Names and HTML Color Codes to TColor
175 Converting TColor to a hexadecimal color
176 Converting text to gif images
177 Convex Hull (2D)
178 Coordinates of any control
179 CopiePaste a Bitmap tofrom the clipboard
180 Copie-paste a bitmap to-from the clipboard
181 Copy part of one image to another
182 Create a control like the `open icon` present in the speed bar of Delphi 3
183 Create a fade out effect for the TImage component
184 Create a graphical hint
185 Create a nonstandard region of hint
186 Create and draw tshape at runtime
187 Create and draw TShape at runtime
188 Create bmp with different PixelFormat
189 Create colored items in a TListBox
190 Create colored rows in a TListView
191 Create DBGrid with colored cells
192 Create disabled bitmaps for tspeedbutton and tbitbtn at run time
193 Create Disabled Bitmaps for TSpeedButton and TBitBtn at Run Time
194 Create disabled ImageList at run time
195 Create disabled imagelist at run time
196 Create mirror for image
197 Create thumbnails
198 Create Thumbnails
199 Create your own TPen Style
200 Creating a bitmap form a pixel array
201 Creating a flashing icon
202 Creating and restoring images of drives
203 Creating Custom Colours
204 Creating temporary canvas
205 Creating two horizontal lines on your screen (TDesktopCanvas)
206 Cryptographic Random Numbers
207 Custom Drawing of TListView Items Font, Colors, Graphics
208 Darken or lighten tcolor
209 Darken or Lighten TColor
210 Dashed and Dotted Lines
211 DBGrid Component that show deleted and updated and inserted new records in diffrent colors
212 DDR Digital Pictures Recovery
213 Delphi ile küre çizimi
214 Design time Icons for CoClasses
215 Desktopa resim çizdirmek
216 Detect a video mode changing
217 Detect simple collision and transparency
218 Determening DirectX version installed on the system
219 Determine 3rd Point of an Equilateral triangle from two other points
220 Determine if 3 points are collinear in 2D
221 Determine if 3 points are collinear in 3D
222 Determine if a 2D point exists within a 2D triangle
223 Determine if a 2D Point exists within a triangle
224 Determine if a point exists within a triangle
225 Determine if three 2D Points are collinear to each other
226 Determine if three 3D Points are collinear to each other
227 Determine if two 2D segments are parallel
228 Determine if two 2D segments are parallel to each other
229 Determine if two 2D segments are perpendicular
230 Determine if two 2D segments are perpendicular to each other
231 Determine if two 2d segments intersect
232 Determine if two 2D segments intersect each other
233 Determine if two 3D segments are parallel
234 Determine if two 3D segments are parallel to each other
235 Determine if two 3D segments are perpendicular
236 Determine if two 3D segments are perpendicular to each other
237 Determine if two icons are equal
238 Determine if two icons are equal
239 Determine image type
240 Determine the 3rd point of an Equilateral Triangle from the other 2 points
241 Determine the circum center of a 2D triangle
242 Determine The circumcenter of 3 points
243 Determine the incenter of a 2D triangle
244 Determine the point at which two 2D segments intersect
245 Determine the Point of intersection for two 2D segments
246 Determine the vertex angle made by two 2D segments
247 Determine the vertex angle made by two 3D segments
248 Dinamik pointer dizileri ile grafik
249 Display an alternating color for each TListBox row
250 Display an alternating colors for each TCombobox item
251 Displaying a 24 bit True Color bitmap image on a 256 color display
252 Displaying a bitmap on the client area of an MDI parent form
253 Displaying an application associated icons
254 Displaying the selected row of a DBGrid in a different color
255 Do a 2D Convolution on an Image
256 Do a 2d convolution on an image
257 Download a Jpeg Image to Bimap
258 Draw a bitmap on the desktop
259 Draw a bitmap on the desktop
260 Draw a bounding box with the mouse
261 Draw a color outline around TForm
262 Draw a color picking Combo Box
263 Draw a gradient on a canvas with an arbitrary number of colors
264 Draw a gradient on a canvas with an arbitrary number of colors
265 Draw a gradient with alpha channel
266 Draw a gradient with alpha channel
267 Draw a highlight box around the control under the mouse
268 Draw a line without using the lineto function
269 Draw a line without using the LineTo function
270 Draw a polygon with Gouraud shading (3D graphics)
271 Draw a polygon with gouraud shading [3d graphics]
272 Draw a spray effect
273 Draw a spray effect
274 Draw a vertical title bar
275 Draw a vertical Title bar
276 Draw an anti aliased line
277 Draw an anti-aliased line
278 Draw an arrow
279 Draw an arrow
280 Draw an arrow (II)
281 Draw an arrow [ii]
282 Draw an icon on a TImage
283 Draw an icon on a timage
284 Draw application icon in TImage
285 Draw bitmaps in a TComboBox
286 Draw buttons with rounded corners
287 Draw in TStatusBar
288 Draw multiple text lines on a canvas
289 Draw multiple text lines on a Canvas
290 Draw on a forms caption bar
291 Draw on a glyph (for beginners)
292 Draw on frame
293 Draw randomize bezier curve
294 Draw randomize bezier curve
295 Draw something directly to the desktop
296 Draw StringGrid cells in different colors
297 Draw Text Antialiased (Revised)
298 Draw the Mandelbrot Fractal
299 Draw transparent text on canvas
300 Draw transparent text on desktop
301 Drawing a Focus Rectangle Around the Active Control in Delphi Applications
302 Drawing a form by the shape of a bitmap the simple way
303 Drawing a Shaded Rectangle
304 Drawing and mixing trasparent bitmaps
305 Drawing at an angle
306 Drawing components bitmaps appeared in Delphi palette
307 Drawing in TMemo
308 Drawing text angled on canvas
309 Drawing Transparent Bitmaps
310 Drawing Transparent Pictures
311 DXDraw example(DelphiX)
312 Easiest Way Drawing Transparent Image
313 Easily load all kind of images (Gif, Ico, Jpeg and more) in a TImage
314 Easily load all kind of images [gif, ico, jpeg and more] in a timage
315 EasyGraphicsFunctions
316 Ekran cözünürlügündeki degisikliklerin tespiti
317 Ekran cözünürlügünün degistirilmesi
318 Ekran yakalama
319 Ekranin görüntüsünü almak
320 Empty a TImage
321 Empty a timage
322 Encrypt a Bitmap
323 Encrypt a image
324 Encrypt a image
325 Enhanced Tray Icon and Task Bar Component
326 Exe, dll vb dosyalardan iconları çıkartmak
327 Fadeout bitmap
328 Failed to read Imagelist data from stream. Updated
329 Farklı çizgiler
330 Fast Quality reduction of Bitmap size using the Scanline system colors
331 Fast way to clear a given canvas
332 Fetch the portable executables checksum using ImageHelp
333 Find the convex hull of 2D points
334 Find the convex hull or a set of 2D points
335 Finding the window caption gradient end color
336 Flash icon
337 Flipping an image
338 Functional 3D DBLabel
339 Functional 3D Label RV3DLabel
340 Get a bitmap of a tcheckbox
341 Get a Bitmap of a TCheckBox
342 Get a Bitmap of a TRadioButton
343 Get a form as bitmap and copy it into the clipboard save it to a file
344 Get a form as bitmap and copy it into the clipboard- save it to a file
345 Get a pixel color of the desktop
346 Get a pixel color of the desktop
347 Get an inverse color value to a color
348 Get an inverse color value to a color
349 Get bitmaps from the clipboard
350 Get change the color of a Systemcolor
351 Get- change the color of a systemcolor
352 Get color depth (bits)
353 Get color using RGB function
354 Get cursor position from memo control
355 Get different background color of DBGrid for odd and even rows (1)
356 Get different background color of DBGrid for odd and even rows (2)
357 Get distance between 2 points
358 Get font widthheight in pixels
359 Get frames of animated cursor
360 Get image on the button
361 Get images (GIFJPG) dimensions
362 Get informations about bmp files
363 Get informations about bmp files
364 Get number of system colors
365 Get set system colors
366 Get the canvas from the screen
367 Get the content of a TStringgrid TDrawGrid as a string
368 Get the current color depth
369 Get the current screen resolution
370 Get the current screen resolution
371 Get the grayscale from a rgb color
372 Get the grayscale from a RGB color
373 Get the Icon from another Window
374 Get the icon from another window
375 Get the image size of a JPG, GIF and PNG image file
376 Get the lighter or darker color of a tcolor variable
377 Get the lighter or darker color of a TColor variable
378 Get the name of the current visual style, the color scheme name and size name (XP)
379 Get the perpendicular point on segment from external point
380 Get the pixel color in a canvas on the current mouse position
381 Get the pixel color in a canvas on the current mouse position
382 Get the transparency color
383 Get the transparency color
384 Get Windows bitmaps
385 Getset JPG resolution
386 Get-set jpg resolution
387 Getset the positions of desktop icons
388 Getsystempalettedepth
389 Getting a screen capture
390 Getting access to Windows Desktop with canvas (for beginners)
391 Getting the icon of an application, library or document
392 Getting the right color from e.g. the scrollbar
393 Getting video bits per pixel (4=16 colors, 8=256...) (for beginners)
394 Giving a MDI window a background imagetile
395 Görevçubugu iconun degiştirilmesi
396 Grabcapture each controlobject with ease
397 Gradient basics
398 Gradient fill procedure
399 Gradient Label
400 Grafik çizme işlemi
401 Graphic - How to store and retrieve GIF,BMP and JPG in a RDBMS
402 Graphical Progress Bar for Delphi applications Partial Continuous Move
403 Graying Bitmaps and Graphics
404 Güncellenmeyen resimler
405 Handle numarası bilinen bir pencerenin iconunu almak
406 Handling mouse messages in overlapped TGraphicControl descendants
407 Hide icons on the Desktop
408 Hide the desktop icons
409 highlight a bitmap
410 Highlight a bitmap
411 Highlight selected item with a different color in ListBox
412 HintWindows with Icons
413 Ho to Darken or Lighten TColor
414 Hover Image Component
415 How Can I Capture the Screen to a Image
416 How can I change the background color of Text
417 How can I place a bitmap in a Metafile
418 How do I create an icon from an bitmap
419 How do we store GraphicsShapes like an Object
420 How prevent loosing Canvas modification
421 How take a screen shot and save it to a bitmap
422 How to adjust the Windowform to a TCanvas
423 How to alpha blending a bitmap
424 How to alternate the color of TListbox lines
425 How to apply a negative filter to a bitmap
426 How to apply an emboss filter to an image
427 How to Brighten Darken a bitmap
428 How to calculate a string dependent color
429 How to change a TButtons Color
430 How to Change Screen.Cursor without need to restore back
431 How to change the Background Color in TRichEdit for the selected characters
432 How to change the Background Color of a Edit on a Focus Change
433 How to change the Borderstyle BorderColor of a TWebbrowser
434 How to change the color channels of a bitmap
435 How to change the color of a disabled TEdit
436 How to change the color of a TPageControls
437 How to change the color of a TProgressbar
438 How to change the color of a TToolButton
439 How to Change the Colors of the TProgressBar
440 How to change the default cell selection color in a TStringGrid
441 How to change the font color of the focussed cell in a Grid
442 How to change the graphic mode
443 How to change the scrollbar colors of TWebBrowser
444 How to change the TDBNavigator images
445 How to change your applications icon at runtime
446 How to check if a point belongs to the interior of a polygon
447 How to check if the Cursor is on a line
448 How to check MMX 3DKnow Function is present
449 How to clear the graphics in a TImage Delphi control
450 How to color a specific cell in a DBGrid
451 How to color a specific subitem in a TListView
452 How to color a TDBGrid
453 How to color text in a TRichEdit
454 How to combine two icons
455 How to compare two images pixel by pixel
456 How to Convert a Bitmap to a Cursor using Delphi code
457 How to convert a Bitmap to a JPEG and save it
458 How to convert a Bitmap to an Icon
459 How to convert a bitmap to RTF code
460 How to convert a bitmap to sepia or greyscale
461 How to convert a color graphic into gray scale
462 How to convert a color image to grayscale
463 How to Convert a HTML Hex Color to TColor
464 How to convert a Windows Meta file to a bitmap
465 How to convert BMP to WMF
466 How to convert color to html color
467 How to convert icons to bmp
468 How to convert JPEG to BMP
469 How to Convert RGB Color to HSB (HSV) Color
470 How to convert RGB to COLORREF (BGR)
471 How to convert RGB values to TColor and vice versa
472 How to Convert RichEdit to Bitmap
473 How to convert TColor to HTML color
474 How to convert TGraphic descendant image to Bitmap
475 How to convert WMF to BMP
476 How to CopyPaste a Bitmap tofrom the clipboard
477 How to create a animated (rotating) hourglass
478 How to create a directory with a specific iconcomment
479 How to Create a graphical hint
480 How to create a thumbnail from a JPEG image
481 How to create a TrayIcon !
482 How to create an multiple colored Stringgrid How to draw in a StringGrid Cell
483 How to Create and draw TShape at runtime
484 How to create colored items in a TListBox
485 How to create colored rows in a TListView
486 How to Create Disabled Bitmaps for TSpeedButton and TBitBtn at Run Time
487 How to create disabled ImageList at run time
488 How to create JPEG image thumbnails programmatically
489 How to create Thumbnails
490 How to create your own TPen Style
491 How to detect if you double clicked on an icon in a statusbar
492 How to Determine if 3 points are collinear in 2D
493 How to Determine if 3 points are collinear in 3D
494 How to Determine if a 2D point exists within a 2D triangle
495 How to Determine if a point exists within a triangle
496 How to determine if current screen display is using more than 256 colors
497 How to Determine if two 2D segments are parallel
498 How to determine if two 2D segments are perpendicular
499 How to Determine if two 2d segments intersect
500 How to Determine if two 3D segments are parallel
501 How to Determine if two 3D segments are perpendicular
502 How to determine if two icons are equal
503 How to determine the 3rd point of an Equilateral Triangle from the other 2 points
504 How to Determine the circum center of a 2D triangle
505 How to Determine The circumcenter of 3 points
506 How to Determine the incenter of 3 pionts
507 How to Determine the incenter of a 2D triangle
508 How to Determine the point at which two 2D segments intersect
509 How to Determine the vertex angle made by two 2D segments
510 How to Determine the vertex angle made by two 3D segments
511 How to disable a graphic component from painting
512 How to display an alternating color for each TListBox row
513 How to display an alternating colors for each TCombobox item
514 How to do a 2D Convolution on an Image
515 How to download a Jpeg Image to Bimap
516 How to draw a bitmap on the desktop
517 How to draw a color outline around TForm
518 How to draw a color picking Combo Box
519 How to Draw a Gradient Fill on a (Delphis VCL) Canvas
520 How to draw a gradient on a canvas with an arbitrary number of colors
521 How to draw a gradient with alpha channel
522 How to Draw a line without using the LineTo function
523 How to Draw a polygon with Gouraud shading (3D graphics)
524 How to draw a spray effect
525 How to draw a transparent bitmap
526 How to draw a transparent bitmap
527 How to draw a vertical Title bar
528 How to draw an anti aliased line
529 How to draw an arrow
530 How to draw an arrow (II)
531 How to draw an icon on a TImage
532 How to draw buttons with rounded corners
533 How to draw multiple text lines on a Canvas
534 How to draw randomize bezier curve
535 How to draw StringGrid cells in different colors
536 How to Draw the Mandelbrot Fractal
537 How to easily load all kind of images (Gif, Ico, Jpeg and more) in a TImage
538 How to empty a TImage
539 How to encrypt a image
540 How to exchange Bitmap images between two TImageList components
541 How to extract both the small and the large icon from a file
542 How to fetch the portable executables checksum using ImageHelp
543 How to Find the convex hull of 2D points
544 How to get a Bitmap of a TCheckBox
545 How to get a Bitmap of a TRadioButton
546 How to get a form as bitmap and copy it into the clipboard save it to a file
547 How to get a pixel color of the desktop
548 How to get a TFonts property from a font handle
549 How to get an inverse color value to a color
550 How to get change the color of a Systemcolor
551 How to get different background color of DBGrid for odd and even rows (1)
552 How to get different background color of DBGrid for odd and even rows (2)
553 How to get informations about bmp files
554 How to get JPEG Image Size, including big images
555 How to get set system colors
556 How to get systen menu fonts
557 How to get the caret position systemwide
558 How to get the content of a TStringgrid TDrawGrid as a string
559 How to get the current color depth
560 How to get the grayscale from a RGB color
561 How to Get the image size of a JPG, GIF and PNG image file
562 How to get the lighter or darker color of a TColor variable
563 How to get the name of the current visual style, the color scheme name and size name (XP)
564 How to get the perpendicular point on segment from external point
565 How to get the pixel color in a canvas on the current mouse position
566 How to get the transparency color
567 How to getset JPG resolution
568 How to getset menus font size
569 How to getset the positions of desktop icons
570 How to GrayScale images
571 How to handle bitmap layers
572 How to hide the desktop icons
573 How to highlight a bitmap
574 How To Implement a Systray Icon (Revision 3)
575 How to Invert a TImage.Picture.Bitmap
576 How to implement an animated gradient
577 How to implement flickerless animation of a sprite moving across a background image
578 How to insert a image into a TRxRichEdit
579 How to insert a Smiley image into a TRxRichEdit
580 How to invert a 32 bit Bitmap
581 How to invert a Bitmap
582 How to invert an image
583 How to know if there is a bitmap in a TImage
584 How to know the heightwidth of a character
585 How to load a JPEG to a TBitmap for easy editing
586 How to Load big bitmaps with few memory requirement
587 How to load the CD ROM icon
588 How to load, create and use (animated) cursors
589 How to make a folder with icon image
590 How to make a form that`s shaped like a bitmap image (scanline)
591 How to make an animated application icon
592 How to make desktop icon titles transparent
593 How to make the dektop icon text transparent
594 How to manage desktop icons
595 How to mirror a bitmap
596 How to mix two colors using transparency coefficient
597 How to Move a cross in canvas to show XY values
598 How to move a TImage in a scrollbox with the mouse
599 How to move icons between TImageLists
600 How to move the cursor to the currently focused control
601 How to obtain a handle to the current Cursor
602 How to obtain a list of charsets supported by a font
603 How to Orientation in 2D of a point relative to two other points
604 How to Orientation in 3D of a point relative to a plane
605 How to Pan an Image inside a ScrollBox in Delphi
606 How to Perpendicular from Point to Segment in 2D
607 How to prevent a control from Redrawing (Refreshing)
608 How to produce gray or colored Lines in a Report
609 How to refresh the icon cache
610 How to render a TRichEdit text onto a canvas
611 How to resample a Bitmap
612 How to Resize an image (undistorsioned result image)
613 How to resize the columns of a TStringGrid TDrawGrid to fit the text
614 How to Retrieve the Zone Icon for the specified URL in a TWebbrowser
615 How to Rotate a 2D Point
616 How to Rotate a 2D Point around another 2D Point
617 How to Rotate a 3D Point
618 How to Rotate a 3D Point around another 3D Point
619 How to rotate a bitmap around a point
620 How to rotate a DIB image
621 How to save a TBitmap to a WBMP file
622 How to save a Webbrowser page to a bitmap
623 How to save raw HTML source from and all depent files (.CSS, JPG, GIF Etc..) with TWebBrowser
624 How to scale bitmap by percent
625 How to scan an image directly into the application
626 How to set the background color of a MDI Form
627 How to setget the background color of a page in TWebbrowser
628 How to shape a form to a bitmap
629 How to sharpen a Bitmap
630 How to show a Graphic in DBGrid Cell
631 How to show a Tpanel with roundrect shape
632 How to show Balloon Tips for the Tray Icon
633 How to show my own help dialog when user clicks the biHelp border icon
634 How to Signed Volume in 2D
635 How to Signed Volume in 3D
636 How to Smoothly Resize a JPEG Image
637 How to store several bitmaps into a single file
638 How to stretch a bitmap
639 How to tile a background image
640 How to tile a non MDIframe window with a backgrund bitmap
641 How to tile a TImage
642 How to to fade inout a TImage
643 How to turning images on-off in internet explorer
644 How to use a fast alpha blend for two Bitmaps
645 How to use Bitmaps from resource (.res)
646 How to use multi colored lines in a grid
647 How to use the DrawAnimatedRects API
648 How to use those Balloon style hints with Tray icons in Win2K
649 How to utilize animated cursors
650 How to work with TChart
651 How to write a transparent Text on a TImage
652 How to zoom a Canvas
653 HTML Colour Coding
654 Icon to BMP Icono a mapa de bits
655 Icons in DBGrid
656 Iki bitmap i karşılaştırma
657 Iki imageı pixel pixel karşılaştıma
658 Iki imageı pixel pixel karşılaştırma [working]
659 Imageı yavaş yavaş yok etmek
660 Images treatment
661 Implement an animated gradient
662 Implement flickerless animation of a sprite moving across a background image
663 Implement flickerless animation of a sprite moving across a background image
664 Implementing IExtractImage
665 Improved DBEdit with ColorOnFocus,EnterLikeTab,UpperCase,LowerCase etc
666 Include jpeg as a resource in .exe
667 Include the mouse-cursor in a screen shot
668 Including JPGs in the EXE of your application
669 Insert a image into a TRxRichEdit
670 Insert a Smiley image into a TRxRichEdit
671 Inserting a .bmp file into your .exe
672 Inserting a bitmap into an extended RichEdit or RichTextBox control
673 Introducing OpenGL to Delphi (advanced programmers)
674 Invert a 32 bit Bitmap
675 Invert a bitmap
676 Invert a Bitmap
677 Invert an image
678 Invert an image
679 Ipucu penceresinin özellestirilmesi
680 Is there an Image in the TImage Delphi Control
681 JPEGToVariant VariantToJPEG
682 Jpg resmin çözünürlügünü bulun ve değiştirin
683 Jpg to bmp
684 Know if there is a bitmap in a TImage
685 Know if there is a bitmap in a timage
686 Know the height-width of a character
687 Lasso ile çizim -photoshoptaki gibi-
688 List all available screen resolutions
689 Load a JPG in a TImage, preserving the aspect ratio
690 Load big bitmaps with few memory requirement
691 Load big bitmaps with few memory requirement
692 Load bitmap from resource DLL
693 Load the CD ROM icon
694 Make a flickerless animation using copyrect
695 Make a form transparent after a bitmap
696 Make a round window
697 Make an animated application icon
698 Make TextOut with 3d Effect or hollow Text
699 Make the dektop icon text transparent
700 Making a reliable drawing procedure (No painting, but random numbers!)
701 Making adjustments to Delphi Colors
702 Manage desktop icons
703 Manipulate Bitmaps in a self contained static class
704 Manuel daire cizimi [sin-cos ile]
705 Manuel ve minimum kodla, kure cizimi
706 Masaüstüne çizik atmak
707 Masaüstüne yazı yazmak
708 Mirror a bitmap
709 Mirror a bitmap
710 Mix two colors using transparency coefficient
711 Mix two colors using transparency coefficient
712 Mixing colors
713 MNCadBuilder RapidCAD with Delphi (OpenGL)
714 MNCadBuilder RapidCAD with Delphi (OpenGL) (part II)
715 MNCadBuilder RapidCAD with Delphi (OpenGL) (part III)
716 MNCadBuilder RapidCAD with Delphi (OpenGL) (part IV)
717 Mouse ile paint prg gibi cizim yapmak
718 Move a cross in canvas to show XY values
719 Move a cross in canvas to show x-y values
720 Move a TImage in a scrollbox with the mouse
721 Move icons between TImageLists
722 Move or resize a TControl object graphically
723 Move the cursor to the currently focused control
724 MoveableSizable TPanel with standard or color SizeGrip
725 Multiple bitmaps button
726 Negative image
727 Notes on Using TeeChart
728 Obtain a handle to the current cursor
729 Obtain A Handle To the Current Cursor
730 OpenGL applications with MNOgl component collection
731 OpenGL I Hello World
732 OpenGL II moving and rotating 2D shapes
733 OpenGL III Moving and rotating 3D shapes
734 OpenGL Intro
735 OpenGL IV Texture mapping
736 Opengl ile 3 boyutlu molekül çizimi
737 OpenGL V Texture filtering
738 OpenGL VI using Alpha blending (transparency) updated
739 OpenGL VII use of Bitmap fonts
740 Optimise a dbimage fields and free space on the disk
741 Optimized Bitmap to Region (HRGN) Conversion
742 Orientation in 2D of a point relative to two other points
743 Orientation in 3D of a point relative to a plane
744 Orientation of a Point in 2D to two other 2D Points
745 Orientation of a Point in 3D to two other 3D Points
746 Override Global Screen.Cursor Change for a Cancel type Button is Delphi Applications
747 Paint a moving progress bar using a background thread
748 Painting on VCL components without canvas
749 Panel with Gradiant Fill and Image Display
750 PCX Image wpalette support
751 PCXImage
752 Perpendicular Distance from Point to Segment
753 Perpendicular distance from Point to Segment in 2D
754 Perpendicular from Point to Segment
755 Perpendicular from Point to Segment in 2D
756 Plot a function
757 Png2bmp
758 PopupMenu With Different Item Heights (and Custom Graphics) in Delphi Applications
759 Prevent a control from Redrawing (Refreshing)
760 Print a bitmap
761 ProgressBar Different Color
762 Put a Bitmap in a StringGrid cell
763 Put an icon to the tray
764 Put bitmap to StringGrid
765 Putting a custom icon on a MessageBox
766 Radar Chart
767 Read out the main icon of a exe-file
768 Refresh the icon cache
769 Render a trichedit text onto a canvas
770 Render a TRichEdit text onto a canvas
771 Rengi karartmak - fu
772 Rengi parlatmak - fu
773 Rengin negatifini almak - fu
774 Renk paletlerinin yaratılması ve kullanılması
775 Renklerin tersinin alınması
776 Renkli resmi sepia yapmak [siyah-beyaz]
777 Renkli timage i gri tonlamaya cevirmek
778 Res dosyasında hazırladığınız bir bitmapi yüklemek
779 Resample a Bitmap
780 Resample a bitmap
781 Resim çizdirmek
782 Resim çizerken aşırı titremeyi önlemek
783 Resim şifrelemek
784 Resim üzerinde transparan yazı
785 Resimlere thumbnail uygulama [küçük resimcik]
786 Resize an image (undistorsioned result image)
787 Resize an image [undistorsioned result image]
788 Resize the columns of a TStringGrid TDrawGrid to fit the text
789 Resme gölge eklemek
790 Resmin daha keskin [net] gösterilmesini sağlamak
791 Resmin kabartmalı olarak gösterilmesi
792 Resmin renginin parlaklaştırılması-açılması
793 Retrieve the Zone Icon for the specified URL in a TWebbrowser
794 Retrieving the line number that a memos cursor is on
795 Rotate a 2D Point
796 Rotate a 2D Point around another 2D Point
797 Rotate a 3D Point
798 Rotate a 3D Point around another 3D Point
799 Rotate a bitmap around a point
800 Rotate a bitmap around a point
801 Rotate a bitmap by any angle
802 Rotate a DIB image
803 Rotate a dib image
804 Rotate a Point in 2D
805 Rotate a Point in 2D around another 2D Point
806 Rotate a Point in 3D
807 Rotate a Point in 3D around another point in 3D
808 Rotate an image by 90
809 Rotate text
810 Rotation and Translation in 2D Space
811 Save a Webbrowser page to a bitmap
812 Save a webpage with images
813 Save clipboard as JPG
814 Scale bitmap by percent
815 Scale bitmap by percent
816 Scan an image directly into the application
817 Scan an image directly into the application
818 Scanline & Alpha Channel Bitmaps Basic Overview
819 Scanline implementation of stretchblt-delete_scans
820 Screencapture with animated gif support!
821 Scroll image with ScrollBars
822 Scrollbox [arka planına resim koyabilirsiniz]
823 Set a color lines in ListBox
824 Set color of text and backgroud
825 Set colors for DBCtrlGrids lines
826 Set the background color of a MDI Form
827 Set transparent color of image
828 SetCursorPos the right way
829 Setget the background color of a page in TWebbrowser
830 Setting the invisible color of a transparent image
831 Shape a form to a bitmap
832 Sharpen a bitmap
833 Sharpen a Bitmap
834 Show a Graphic in DBGrid Cell
835 Show a text progressiv as typed with a typewriter [horizontal-vertical]
836 Show a Tpanel with roundrect shape
837 Show Balloon Tips for the Tray Icon
838 Show fonts in a combobox
839 Show my own help dialog when user clicks the biHelp border icon
840 Show shaded hints [xp]
841 Signed Area in 2D
842 Signed Area in 3D
843 Signed Volume in 2D
844 Signed Volume in 3D
845 Simple TBitmap blur algorithm
846 Sistem iconlarinin alinmasi [klasör, dosya, sürücü vb]
847 Sistem renklerini almak ve değiştirmek
848 Smoothly Resize a JPEG Image
849 Smoothly resize a jpeg image
850 Specify Custom Icon for a Console Mode Delphi Application
851 Spray
852 Stick graphics in ListBox
853 Storing icons in your application for use at runtime
854 Stretch a bitmap
855 Stretch a bitmap
856 Stretch an Image
857 System menu in trayicon mode
858 System Tray Icon 2010
859 TButton with new shape (Round)
860 TCapture (Image Capture Class)
861 Tcolorin html renk kodu karsiligini bulma islemi
862 Test if a point is inside a polygon
863 Text,elips
864 Thumbnail örneği
865 TImage And Mouse Wheel Handling OnMouseWheel For The TImage Delphi Control (And Other TGraphicControl Descendants)
866 TImage.Bitmap Fade Out
867 Tile a non MDIframe window with a backgrund bitmap
868 Tile a TImage
869 Tile a timage
870 TJPEGImage to TBitMap conversion by assignment W XP Problem
871 Tlistbox ve tcombobox bilesenleri icerisine resim yerlestirilmesi
872 To convert color value into gray scaled color value
873 To converts color to HEX color for HTML
874 To create disabled bitmap
875 To fade inout a TImage
876 To fade in-out a timage
877 To get a color string in HTML format
878 Transparent canvas - fade effect
879 Transparent Desktop Icon Text
880 Use a custom caret
881 Use a fast alpha blend for two Bitmaps
882 Use a fast alpha-blend for two bitmaps
883 Use an Icon for a Glyph on a TBitBtn Delphi control with the help of TImageList
884 Use animated cursors
885 Use anti-aliasing
886 Use Bitmaps from resource (.res)
887 Use bitmaps from resource [ res]
888 Use icons on a speedbutton
889 Use steganography
890 Use the DrawAnimatedRects API
891 Using an animated cursor
892 Using custom cursors
893 Using THintWindow To Show an Image
894 Utilize animated cursors
895 Utilize animated cursors
896 When TCanvas.StretchDraw is not enough
897 Where to Find Glyphs and Icons for a Delphi Application, Menu, Toolbar
898 Windows ekranına çizim yapmak
899 Windows icon ve bitmaplerini program icinden almak
900 Windows masaüstüne transparan yazı yazma
901 Windows XP Style and Color Scheme
902 Work with tchart
903 Work with TChart
904 Working with Colour and Colour Blending
905 Write a transparent Text on a TImage
906 Write a transparent text on a timage
907 Writing a Text in the Diagonal using Canvas
908 ZLIB Compressed Bitmaps
909 Zoom a canvas
910 Zoom a Canvas
911 Zoom an icon