Title: mixing colors
Question: e.g. you have an own color picker, and simply want the user let mix up two colors.
the easiest way to get color c1 mixed with color c2 is to calulate the middle values of the rgb-values. i put it in a function so you simply can use it. but don't use this code if you need fast code! it's really slow...
{GetMixColor - start}
function GetMixColor (c1, c2: TColor): TColor;
// calculating the middle of the red, blue and green values
// of the colors c1 and c2:
Result := RGB (
(GetRValue (c1) + GetRValue (c2)) div 2,
(GetGValue (c1) + GetGValue (c2)) div 2,
(GetBValue (c1) + GetBValue (c2)) div 2
{GetMixColor - end}
that's it.
if you have an faster version of this (i know it's possible to be greatly faster) please post it!