Title: Delphi From The Ground Up - Part I : The Obligatory Stuff
Question: A Delphi tutorial written by a user for users, in plain-simple english
Volume : Delphi From The Ground Up
Title : Part I - The Obligatory Stuff
Author : James Booker
Contact : booker@ntlworld.com
Hello there and welcome to what I hope to be the best FREE Delphi tutorial on the net. I wrote a lot of this stuff as i learned it, so please bear with me if it seems a bit hazy....if you don't agree with anything send me an email and let me know, I'll try to change it.
Email me with any suggestions, corrections etc on the address given at the top of all the articles' parts
Right, time to get on with it
What Is Delphi?
Delphi is a RAD IDE for the increased-speed development of Win32 applications. Delphi uses the Object Pascal language, and requires no run-time libraries for its executables to run.
Right, let's explain that in english shall we?
Delphi is a program that helps you to make programs. Have you ever been using an application and thought that a certain part could have been implemented better? Or perhaps you've found a market niche which has as of yet remained un-penetrated, and you intend to develop the first application to fill the void? Well, Delphi can help you do just that, and at speed too. Using the VCL included with Delphi, you can create almost any application, and include most of the elements you're likely to have seen in other applications.
Starting to get into geek-talk again aren't I? Well don't worry about that for now, in Part II, I explain these acronyms and what they mean for you, in a beginner's mini-glossary.
Where Can I Get Delphi?
Delphi is developed by Borland-Inprise, and is available at
You can download a trial of Delphi 5 from that site for free, but be careful it's BIG (over 50mb!!!)
Where Can I Get Help With Delphi?
Obviously, this article intends to be a tutorial, but it's not all posted in one go - I'll post it as I write it. However, here I shall list come other sources of Delphi help.
www.delphi3000.com - excellent Delphi site.
Yahoo Chat! - in room Programming:1 there are always delphi
programmers (including myself - handle = booker_xx_uk)
willing to help.
IRC Netowrk - IRC channel #Delphi.
Well that's the introductions over, In the next part i'll start explaining Delphi and some of the terms that come along with it.
Thanks for reading,
James Booker