Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
ASP .Net Tutorial
C# Book
C# by API
C# Tutorial
VB.Net by API
VB.Net Tutorial
Visual C++ .Net
VisualBasic Script
Java Book
Java by API
Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Ide Indy 441 codes
Ide Indy
1 #$[[# is not a valid identifier
2 [] Basit bir dll şablonu
3 [] Delphi7 ye quickreport ve diğer delphi6 componentlerinin kurulması
4 A5----registry hakkında bilgi[sonic_x32]
5 Accessing GMail account with Indy
6 Activate one hint for the source code
7 Add a New Menu Item to the System Menu of an Application
8 Add Console Input and Output for a GUI Delphi Application
9 Adding active scripting support to Delphi applications
10 Adding an application into yours
11 Adjust a TWinControls size on RunTime
12 Advanced Indy 1 Server Side Techniques
13 Adventures in Kylix, Part I
14 Adventures in Kylix, Part II
15 Adventures in Kylix, Part III
16 All routines available in Delphi 6 (100kb)
17 All routines available in Delphi 6 Part II
18 Allow only one instance of your application
19 Another way to build multilingual applications
20 ANSI to UTF and back
21 Assign multiple or not pre defined shortcuts with a TAction at runtime
22 Auto hide ide windows when coding-designing
23 Auto increment build number
24 Auto TabOrder Programmatically Fix the TabOrder property in your Delphi applications
25 Automatically create the implementation declarations
26 Automatically create the implementation declarations
27 Automatically insert a GUID into the code editor
28 Automatically insert a guid into the code editor
29 Automatically save load user settings
30 Barcodes and Delphi
31 Bde error list
32 Bde network installation
33 Bouncing balls...delphi TList
34 Bug in Delphi (4,5 & 7 tested)
35 Bug in Delphi 3
36 C# a Delphi discussion
37 C++ like templates in Delphi Object Pascal
38 Calışma zamanı alan ekleme
39 Call other programs with Kylix
40 Calls to Qt cause installation problems for components in Kylix BCB IDE
41 Can a beginning programmer use delphi as a starting point
42 Can you recommend any Delphi coding standards to adhere to
43 Can you recommend any good bookswebsites for learning Delphi
44 Catch kernel signals in Kylix
45 Categories in the Object Inspector
46 Cep telefonlari icin genel at komutlari
47 Change a Hints Font
48 Change curent language
49 Change the default project directory in delphi
50 Change the wallpaper in Delphi
51 Change the Z order of you controls during runtime
52 Changing delphi default directory
53 Changing Interbase Error Messages in runtime
54 Changing the default form size
55 Changing the default project directory
56 Changing the default width-height of the editor
57 Changing the location of the object repository
58 Changing the ZOrder of you controls
59 Check if Delphi is running
60 Clean up the delphi project directories
61 Clean up the Delphi Project Directories
62 Clean up your delphi directories with a simple rightclick
63 Combine streams in one Delphi TStream object
64 Compile Delphi Projects with a Batch
65 Compile error too many files open
66 Compiler options
67 Complete TFTP Server example, using Indy components
68 Component palette corruption problems
69 Component palette shown incorrectly - matrox millenium card
70 Componente resim ekleme
71 Computer freezes at splash screen when delphi is started
72 Computer freezes when delphi is started under windows 98
73 Connecting WDSL service in Delphi
74 Controlling A TCommonDialog Window at Runtime
75 Controlling the Number of a Delphi application Instances on a Terminal Server
76 Convert a dfm file to text and vise versa
77 Correct a BiDi bug in Delphi
78 Create a Component at Runtime
79 Create a DBExpress Connection at Runtime
80 Create a GUID at runtime
81 Create a menu item into the Delphi menu
82 Create a number of components runtime
83 Create a simple Delphi Expert
84 Create a SystemDSN with Delphi 5
85 Create Collapsible Code Blocks in Delphi Code Editor using the {$REGION} directive
86 Create component at runtime
87 Create menuitems at runtime
88 Create screen saver in Delphi
89 Creating a Lookup field at runtime
90 Creating a TRect published property that can be changed in the Object Inspector
91 Creating Custom Code Templates in Delphi 2006
92 Creating Run time Invisible controls
93 Critical sections in Delphi
94 Cure to Delphis defective size constraints handling
95 Customize Toolbars at runtime
96 Cycle Enum Values in Delphi Round Robin Enumeration
97 Debug a dll in windows xp
98 Debug console programs with Kylix
100 Deciphering the secrets of how to implement the DataGrid in Delphi 2005
101 Delayed Event Handling Using Event Handler Detaching for Delphi Applications
102 Delete Facebook Account From a Delphi Application
103 Delphi + WAP = CGI Expert
104 Delphi 4 running slowly
105 Delphi 5 TToolbar does not resize correctly when XP common controls 6.0 are enabled
106 Delphi 6 Imported Automation Events Bug!!!
107 Delphi 6, 7 threads synchronization in ActiveX controls
108 Delphi ActiveXMidas Development Hints
109 Delphi and Automation with Word
110 Delphi compared to VB, C++ and PowerBuilder
111 Delphi express
112 Delphi Frames
113 Delphi From The Ground Up Part I The Obligatory Stuff
114 Delphi From The Ground Up Part II Basics
115 Delphi IDE
116 Delphi is not brought to the front when breakpoints are hit in windows 98
117 Delphi Roman to Integer Convert Roman Numbers to Arabic Integer Numbers using Delphi
118 Delphi RTTI ClassType, ClassParent Example
119 Delphi starup failure
120 Delphi Undocumented Using BinToHex and HexToBin
121 Delphinin c ve vb ile karşılaştırılması
122 Delphinin kısayolları
123 Deploying Kylix 3 Applications
125 Designing for Reuse
126 Developing ASP components in delphi
127 Developing Webserver Applications with Delphi PART I
128 Developing Webserver Applications with Delphi PART II
129 Dinamik dizi
130 Dirty Delphi Localization Hijack consts.pas to have Country Language Specific Messages
131 Disketlerde autorun olayı
132 Display an Error Message for an OS Error Code using Delphi
133 Dll yazma ve kullanma
134 Do an application loader with tcp
135 Doing a complete reinstallation of delphi 3
136 Download a jpeg image to bimap
137 Draw rotated Text (Kylix)
138 Earth to Borland Delphi is a great Web App. Development Environment
139 Easily moveresize components at runtime
140 Easily place multiple instances of the same component on a form
141 Embeded Lisp in Delphi
142 Error bordbk40 dll is missing or not registered
143 Error cant find pvcs when installing delphi professional
144 error reading symbol file error
145 Error setting exception debug hook
146 Error warnings too long
147 Exe dosyasina her hangibir dosya [txt, mid vb] nasil gomulur
148 Exe içine dosya gömme [anlatim]
149 Execute actions when the program is Idle
150 Extend Delphi Components Without the Need to Install in the IDE Delphi Interceptor Classes
151 Extracting data from a programs resources
152 Extracting Resource Data from an Exe
153 Fetching and Inserting Unicode Data in Delphi 5, BDE
154 Five (or seven) of the best tools for Delphi
155 Focus the First Entry Control in a Container in Delphi Applications
156 Frame
157 FTP Up and Download with Indy
158 Garbage Collector for Delphi Applications
159 Garbage Collector for Delphi Objects and Components
160 Gaussian Blur in Delphi
161 Genel kritik hata mesajları
162 Generic Solution to Freeing Objects in Delphis TStringList Collections
163 Get and use Sender properties, typecast it
164 Get component index at runtime
165 Get Selected Tabs of a Multiselect TTabControl in Delphi
166 Get the current Username (Kylix)
167 Get the list of events with attached event handlers (Delphi for Win32)
168 Getting an applications version number in runtime
169 Getting News in Delphi 2005
170 Getting properties of components to your GUI and back
171 Glyphs Froms Resources
172 Going to the next compiler error
173 Gpf in module macxw4 drv
174 Hacking a final method in Delphi 8
175 Handle lots of classes at runtime
176 Handling Global Application Object Events in Delphi
177 Hide less used pages in the components palette
178 Hide less used pages in the components palette
179 Hide properties in the IDE
180 Hide properties in the ide
181 Hotmail Delphi Style!
182 Hotmail Delphi Style! (Part 13)
183 How can I send HTML messages with attachments (using Indy)
184 How can i disable the delphi - borland c++ builder splash screen
185 How can i retrieve a list of assigned properties
186 How do I develop the PHP code to handle the request from Delphi
187 How do I execute another program from my Delphi Application
188 How do I execute another program from my Delphi application 2
189 How do I know if my program is running in a debugger
190 How do I write a simple Delphi Component
191 How do I write the client side Delphi code to send a request and process the returned data
192 How Much Memory Is Your Delphi Program Occupying
193 How to Animate (Scroll) Delphi Application Title on the TaskBar
194 How to assign a component event at runtime
195 How to assign multiple or not pre defined shortcuts with a TAction at runtime
196 How to automatically insert a GUID into the code editor
197 How to automatically save load user settings
198 How to Break a Long Menu into Columns in a Delphi application
199 How to Build AggregateComposite Components in Delphi
200 How to Capture the Screen Shot of the Active Window from Delphi Code
201 How to catch kernel signals in Kylix
202 How to change the Z order of you controls during runtime
203 How to check if Delphi is running
204 How to Clean up the Delphi Project Directories
205 How to compile Delphi Projects with a Batch
206 How to Convert Pixels to Millimeters (Delphi code)
207 How to correct a BiDi bug in Delphi
208 How to create a Component at Runtime
209 How to create a Console mode application Without a console window using Delphi
210 How to Create a DBExpress Connection at Runtime
211 How to create a GUID at runtime
212 How to create a shaking window using Delphi code
213 How To Create An Auto Increment Key Using InterBase And Delphi
214 How to create menuitems at runtime
215 How to debug console programs with Kylix
216 How to Declare a Constant Record in Delphi
217 How to Detach an Event Handler from a Delphi Control Event
218 How to Detect a TPopupMenus OnClose (OnPopDown) Event in Delphi applications
219 How to do pointer arithmetic in Delphi
220 How to easily moveresize components at runtime
221 How to Embeded Lisp in Delphi
222 How to emulate the Align tool at run time
223 How to emulate the Size tool at run time
224 How to get the current Username (Kylix)
225 How to hide properties in the IDE
226 How to Hide Show the Main Menu of a Delphi Application
227 How to Hide the Tabs of the TPageControl Delphi control to Create a Wizard Like User Interface
228 HOW TO INSTALL Indy 10.5.7 in Delphi 2007 IDe from distribution
229 How to Know if you are in the IDE
230 How to minimizemaximizeclose components at runtime
231 How to move components at Runtime
232 How to move window controls at runtime
233 How to obtain the path to your program at runtime
234 How to Programmatically Open the Recycle Bin from Delphi Code
235 How to programmaticly manage Delphis Tool list
236 How to Re Initialize an Object to its Default State (Delphi)
237 How to record and play back keystrokes in the IDE
238 How to restore the default positions of the IDE Toolbars
239 How to Right Align a Menu Item in a Delphi application
240 How to save memory in our Delphi programs
241 How to Select a Bar in the TChart Delphi control
242 How to show balloon tooltips in my delphi program
243 How to start Delphi with some Secret command line Switches
244 How to start your favorite application directly from the Delphi IDE
245 How to use a another find tool in the IDE
246 How to use a CRT Unit for Delphi
247 HOW to use IE in Delphi
248 How to use Logitech Webcam in Delphi
249 How to use RCDATA resources in Kylix
250 How to use webcam in Delphi
251 IDE harddisk serial number
252 IDE harddisk serial number (Part 2)
253 Ide highlighting the incorrect line
254 Idede servers bölümünde wordapplicationla dosya acma
255 IDEs Hint Window
256 Illegal operation, windows lockup, ide
257 Implementing Shell Search Handler in Delphi
258 Implementing the Singleton pattern in delphi
259 Indenting a block of code
260 Indy ile msg gonderme
261 Indy Step by Step Part 2.1
262 Indy Step by Step Part 2.2
263 Indy Step by Step Part3
264 Indyservers
265 Inline Assembler in Delphi (I) Introduction
266 Inline Assembler in Delphi (IV) Records
267 Inline Assembler in Delphi (V) Objects
268 Inserting a file at the cursor
269 Inside Delphis Classes and Interfaces Part I
270 Inside Delphis Classes and Interfaces Part II
271 Installation error _ins5176 at end of installation
272 Installation error -113
273 Installation error -117
274 Installing delphi 4 from a network location
275 Introduction to Design Patterns in Delphi
276 Invoke a http post request
277 Is application running in Delphi (fool proof)
278 Is Computer Joined to a Domain Programmatically Check using Delphi
279 Is Delphi running
280 Is my app running in delphi
281 Is there any way to record a keyboard macro in the ide
282 Is your Delphi Application Running under Terminal Services as a Remote Session
283 Iterating Over a Set type Variable in Delphi Using For .. In Set_Values
284 icon image is not valid error when installing
285 Key kodlari
286 Key recording in Delphi IDE
287 Keystrokes opening files in delphi editor
288 Language and Compiler Features Since Delphi 7
289 Leading Delphi Placement Firm in US
290 Learning Assembler with Delphi
291 List Template In Delphi
292 Live Applications with Delphi++
293 Local interbase internal error; near query shellmgr error
294 Local interbase startup configuration
295 LotusNotes and Delphi Scaning Personal Address Book
296 Make the component page scroll and select automatically
297 Make your Delphi app protected against reverse engineering
298 Making TabControls work on XP with Delphi 4
299 Manipulating Coolbars at runtime
300 MDI Child Count By Class Count MDI Children By Child Class Name in Delphi MDI Applications
301 Memory Leak Notification in Delphi Report Memory Leak on Program Exit
302 Merging the configuration file has failed
303 Microsoft access databaseine ulaşım
304 Minimizemaximizeclose components at runtime
305 Missing component palette under nt
306 Modifying Contents of the Taskbar from Delphi application
307 Monitor clipboards content at runtime
308 Move components at Runtime
309 Move components from Delphi 5 to Delphi 6
310 Move control at runtime
311 Move window controls at runtime
312 Multiple splash screens keep popping up
313 Network konfigürasyonunun uygun biçimde ayarlanması
314 Object inspector and enter key
315 Obtain the path to your program at runtime
316 OCR in Delphi
317 Oo4o and Delphi
318 OpenSSL with Delphi
319 Parsing Command Line Parameters with Delphi
320 Placing multiple copies of a component on a form
321 Pointer kullanımı örneği
322 Pointerın üzerinde bulunduğu recordun bir kopyasını çıkarır ve post onayını bekler
323 Porting Delphi Applications to Kylix
324 Preserve Code Folding When Reopening a Delphi Project
325 Preserve The Value of a Value Type Pointer Parameter in Delphi Callbacks for Simple Types
326 Preventing system lockup in win95
327 Programmaticly manage delphis tool list
328 Programmaticly manage Delphis Tool list
329 Raize components cant load package error
330 Random access violations in the ide
331 Recompiling complib
332 Record and play back keystrokes in the IDE
333 Record and play back keystrokes in the ide
334 Registering service applications under nt
335 Remove Automatic Accelerator Keys For Delphi Menu Item Remove Auto & in Items Caption
336 Remove Duplicate Items in Delphis TStringList
337 Removing the popup menu in Macromedia Flash .OCX with Delphi 4
338 Reposition Inherited Control Back to Its Original Position Revert To Inherited in Delphi IDE
339 Resource dosyadan bitmap kullanımı [ res]
340 Restore the default positions of the IDE Toolbars
341 Restore the default positions of the ide toolbars
342 Retrieve all image links from an html document
343 Retrieve E Mail from a POP3 Server with ASP, Visual Basic, VB Script, Delphi, Cold Fusion and more
344 Rundll32 fonsyonları
345 Running Delphi Application on Startup on Vista Create Manifest for UAC if Not Running Under Administrative Rights
346 Runtime error 255
347 Runtime errors during loading of an application
348 Runtime reporting
349 Safe mode and vga mode
350 Scroll Memo at runtime
351 Select a parent component at design time when its not visible
352 Select Which Panel Displays AutoHint in Delphis TStatusBar
353 Self Modifying Code With Delphi
354 Send a SMS (short message service to mobile phone) with Delphi
355 Send E Mails with Indy Components (Easy)
356 Send string via windows api to delphis [or others] debugger
357 Sending Mail through Gmail with Delphi 7 and Indy 9
358 Set selected sourcecode to upper case - lower case
359 Set the Checked property of a TCheckBox Delphi control Without raising the OnClick event
360 Setting break on exception in delphi 4
361 Show balloon tooltips in my delphi program
362 Simple Web Service in Delphi 8 (Part 1)
363 Simple Web Service in Delphi 8 (Part 2)
364 Simulating Delphi running to bypass evaluation version protection
365 SmartThreadLib example Using blocking Indy sockets in a thread
366 Some issues with Delphi 2005 and their solutions
367 Some useful form editing commands
368 Speech Part 1 How to Add Text to Speech (Speech Synthesis) to your Delphi Apps
369 Speech Part 2 How to Add Simple Dictation speech recognition to your Delphi Apps
370 Sscanf in delphi
371 Start delphi with some secret command line switches
372 Start Delphi with some Secret command line Switches
373 Starting in safe mode or vga mode
374 Static property of class in Delphi
375 Stay with Delphi just because its still the best (Revised)
376 Subclassing Non Delphi Windows
377 Tab Order Wizard for Delphi7
378 TFrame.OnCreate how to Implement the OnCreate event for a Delphi TFrame object
379 The buttons of Delphis palette bar simulated
380 The Delphi Object Model (PART I)
381 The Delphi Object Model (PART II)
382 The Delphi Object Model (PART III)
383 The New Virtual List Box in Delphi 6
384 The role of the AOwner parameter in the Create constructor of Delphi components
385 Themed Delphi IDE
386 Tired of Delphis checkboxes
387 TmwFastTime High Resolution Counter (Delphi Component)
388 TObject(Sender) vs. (Sender as TObject) Differences Between a Hard Cast and an AS Cast in Delphi
389 To-do list [1]
390 TParser, an undocumented Delphi class
391 tried to search marked block but is invalid error
392 Troubleshooting Delphis Left Side Cannot Be Assigned To when using Record as a Property
393 TSpeedButton Left Align Caption Left Justify Delphis TSpeedButton Caption Text
394 Understanding and Using the Goto Delphi Statement
395 Undocumented How to change class inheritance during runtime
396 Upload a local directory to an ftp server
397 Use a another find tool in the IDE
398 Use a another find tool in the ide
399 Use a CRT Unit for Delphi
400 Use delphi checking type facility for your own types
401 Use Delphi checking type facility for your own types
402 Use RCDATA resources in Kylix
403 Use regular expressions in Delphi
404 Use the Tools Menu in the IDE
405 Useful Delphi websites
406 Using BASM with Delphi
407 Using Delphi with Autocad
408 Using Delphi with Autocad II
409 Using Delphis Shell Controls
410 Using Drag and Drop in Delphi
411 Using Microsoft Index Server from Delphi
412 Using miniLZO in Delphi
413 Using queued components in Delphi
414 Using simple MAPI from Delphi
415 Using the Google web APIs with Delphi
416 Using TLists and Pointers in delphi
417 Using TLists and Pointers in delphi (Part II)
418 Veritabanı uygulamalarını network üzerinden sorunsuz çalışır hale getirmek için yapılması gerekenler
419 Veritabanında türkçe problemi
420 Viewing currently loaded dlls-modules from within delphi 4
421 Web Services Made Simple in Delphi 6
422 WebServices Made Simple in Delphi 6(Part II)
423 What are the differences between VB and Delphi
424 What does #13#10 stand for, in Delphi code
425 Whats a buffer overflow and how to avoid it in Delphi
426 Whats DelphiScript
427 Whats left of Delphi in Delphi 8
428 Whats new in Diamondback (officially called Delphi 2005) Includes Sneak Peek
429 Where is the 40comupd file
430 Where is view project source
431 Why isnt a network install of delphi 3 supported
432 Win95 api calls 1-3
433 Win95 api calls 2-3
434 Win95 api calls 3-3
435 Windows mesajları 1
436 Windows mesajları 2
437 Windows XP flavour to common controls in Delphi Part 1
438 WORD Look and feel in a Delphi application
439 Working with the Delphi Object Repository
440 Writing optimized code with Delphi
441 Writing text with DelphiX simplified