Title: Is application running in Delphi? (fool proof)
Question: There has been articles from time to time about determining if the application is running in the debugger. This is a fool proof approach.
The overview for this approach is:
1) use the "CreateToolHelp32SnapShot" API to get a snap shot of all current running processes.
2) cycle through the snap shot (using the Process32First and Process32Next API functions) looking for your executable. These function calls return a structure containing good information about the process.
After you find the structure for your executable.. it will contain the Id for the parent process.
3) cycle through the snap shot again (using the same Process32First and Process32Next functions, as before) and look for the process who's Id matches the parent Id from the structure found in #2).
When you find the parent process you then look at the name of the parent process (in the structure that gets returned)... if it is "delphi32.exe", then you're running in the Delphi debugger... if it is "explorer.exe" (or something else) then you are not.
Although this has a bit of an overhead.. there is no possible way for someone to trick this process.
lclCurrProc: TProcessEntry32;
lclPrntProc: TProcessEntry32;
lclSnapHndl: THandle;
lclEXEName: String;
lclPrntName: String;
// Grab the snap shot of the current Process List
lclSnapHndl := CreateToolHelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0);
// Save the name of your executable
lclEXEName := ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName);
// you must define the size of these structures.
lclCurrProc.dwSize := SizeOf(TProcessEntry32);
lclPrntProc.dwSize := SizeOf(TProcessEntry32);
// find current process
Process32First(lclSnapHndl, lclCurrProc);
if lclCurrProc.szExeFile = lclEXEName then
until (not Process32Next(lclSnapHndl, lclCurrProc));
// find parent process
Process32First(lclSnapHndl, lclPrntProc);
if lclPrntProc.th32ProcessID = lclCurrProc.th32ParentProcessID then
until (not Process32Next(lclSnapHndl, lclPrntProc));
lclPrntName := lclPrntProc.szExeFile;
if AnsiCompareText(lclPrntName, 'Delphi32.exe') = 0 then
ShowMessage('Inside Delphi')
ShowMessage('NOT Inside Delphi')