Procedures Delphi

procedure MkDir ( const DirectoryName : string ) ;

The MkDir procedure makes a new directory in the current directory.

If the directory already exists, an EInOutError exception is thrown.

You can avoid such an exception by preventing IO errors using the {$IOChecks Off} compiler directive. You must then check the IOResult value to see the outcome of your IO operation (rememering that use of IOResult resets the value).

Related commands
$IOChecks When on, an IO operation error throws an exception
ChDir Change the working drive plus path for a specified drive
CreateDir Create a directory
GetCurrentDir Get the current directory (drive plus directory)
GetDir Get the default directory (drive plus path) for a specified drive
IOResult Holds the return code of the last I/O operation
RemoveDir Remove a directory
RmDir Remove a directory
SelectDirectory Display a dialog to allow user selection of a directory
SetCurrentDir Change the current directory
ForceDirectories Create a new path of directories

Example code : Create a directory and then remove it
error : Integer;
// Try to create a new subdirectory in the current directory
// Switch off I/O error checking
{$IOChecks off}
// Did the directory get created OK?
error := IOResult;
if error = 0
then ShowMessage('Directory created OK')
else ShowMessageFmt('Directory creation failed with error %d',[error]);
// Delete the directory to tidy up
{$IOChecks on}

Show full unit code
Directory created OK