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Procedures 60 codes
1 Append - open a text file to allow appending of text to the end system unit
2 Appendstr - concatenate one string onto the end of another sysutils unit
3 Assign - assigns a file handle to a binary or text file system unit
4 Assignfile - assigns a file handle to a binary or text file system unit
5 Assignprn - treats the printer as a text file - an easy way of printing text printers unit
6 Beep - make a beep sound sysutils unit
7 Blockread - reads a block of data records from an untyped binary file system unit
8 Blockwrite - writes a block of data records to an untyped binary file system unit
9 Break - forces a jump out of a single loop system unit
10 Chdir - change the working drive plus path for a specified drive system unit
11 Close - closes an open file system unit
12 Closefile - closes an open file system unit
13 Continue - forces a jump to the next iteration of a loop system unit
14 Datetimetostring - rich formatting of a tdatetime variable into a string sysutils unit
15 Dec - decrement an ordinal variable system unit
16 Decodedate - extracts the year, month, day values from a tdatetime var sysutils unit
17 Decodedatetime - breaks a tdatetime variable into its date-time parts dateutils unit
18 Decodetime - break a tdatetime value into individual time values sysutils unit
19 Delete - delete a section of characters from a string system unit
20 Dispose - dispose of storage used by a pointer type variable system unit
21 Endthread - terminates a thread with an exit code system unit
22 Erase - erase a file system unit
23 exclude - exclude a value in a set variable system unit
24 Exit - exit abruptly from a function or procedure system unit
25 Fillchar - fills out a section of storage with a fill character or byte value system unit
26 Flush - flushes buffered text file data to the file system unit
27 Freeandnil - free memory for an object and set it to nil sysutils unit
28 Freemem - free memory storage used by a variable system unit
29 Getdir - get the default directory [drive plus path] for a specified drive system unit
30 Getlocaleformatsettings - gets locale values for thread-safe functions sysutils unit
31 Halt - terminates the program with an optional dialog system unit
32 Inc - increment an ordinal variable system unit
33 Insert - insert a string into another string system unit
34 include - include a value in a set variable system unit
35 Mkdir - make a directory system unit
36 Move - copy bytes of data from a source to a destination system unit
37 New - create a new pointer type variable system unit
38 Processpath - split a drive-path-filename string into its constituent parts filectrl unit
39 Randomize - reposition the random number generator next value system unit
40 Read - read data from a binary or text file system unit
41 Readln - read a complete line of data from a text file system unit
42 Reallocmem - reallocate an existing block of storage system unit
43 Rename - rename a file system unit
44 Replacedate - change only the date part of a tdatetime variable sysutils unit
45 Replacetime - change only the time part of a tdatetime variable sysutils unit
46 Reset - open a text file for reading, or binary file for read-write system unit
47 Rewrite - open a text or binary file for write access system unit
48 Rmdir - remove a directory system unit
49 Runerror - terminates the program with an error dialog system unit
50 Seek - move the pointer in a binary file to a new record position system unit
51 Setlength - changes the size of a string, or the size[s] of an array system unit
52 Setstring - copies characters from a buffer into a string system unit
53 Showmessage - display a string in a simple dialog with an ok button dialogs unit
54 Showmessagefmt - display formatted data in a simple dialog with an ok button dialogs unit
55 Showmessagepos - display a string in a simple dialog at a given screen position dialogs unit
56 Str - converts an integer or floating point number to a string system unit
57 Truncate - truncates a file size - removes all data after the current position system unit
58 Val - converts number strings to integer and floating point values system unit
59 Write - write data to a binary or text file system unit
60 Writeln - write a complete line of data to a text file system unit