Procedures Delphi

procedure Move ( const SourcePointer; var DestinationPointer; CopyCount : Integer ) ;

The Move procedure is a badly named method of copying a section of memory from one place to another.

CopyCount bytes are copied from storage referenced by SourcePointer and written to DestinationPointer

It can be used to take a copy of a substring from one string and overlay it on top of part of another string.

If copying from the current string to another part of the same string, then Copy works intelligently, preserving data where appropriate.

The original data is always preserved, unless moving fronm and to the current string - so Move is not very informative.
There is no checking on the referenced storage areas - be careful about all direct storage operations such as this.

Related commands
AnsiReplaceStr Replaces a part of one string with another
Concat Concatenates one or more strings into one string
Copy Create a copy of part of a string or an array
Delete Delete a section of characters from a string
Insert Insert a string into another string
StringOfChar Creates a string with one character repeated many times
StringReplace Replace one or more substrings found within a string
StuffString Replaces a part of one string with another
WrapText Add line feeds into a string to simulate word wrap

Example code : Copying a part of one string into the middle of another
source, dest : string;
// Set up our starting string
source := '123456789';
dest := '---------';
// Copy a substring from source into the middle of dest
Move(source[5], dest[3], 4);
// Show the source and destination strings
ShowMessage('Source = '+source);
ShowMessage('Dest = '+dest);

Show full unit code
Source = 123456789
Dest = --5678---