// Copyright (c) 2003-2009, Jodd Team (jodd.org). All Rights Reserved.
* Checks whether a string matches a given wildcard pattern.
* Possible patterns allow to match single characters ('?') or any count of
* characters ('*'). Wildcard characters can be escaped (by an '\').
* This method uses recursive matching, as in linux or windows. regexp works the same.
* This method is very fast, comparing to similar implementations.
public class Wildcard {
* Checks whether a string matches a given wildcard pattern.
* @param string input string
* @param pattern pattern to match
* @return true
if string matches the pattern, otherwise false
public static boolean match(String string, String pattern) {
return match(string, pattern, 0, 0);
* Checks if two strings are equals or if they {@link #match(String, String)}.
* Useful for cases when matching a lot of equal strings and speed is important.
public static boolean equalsOrMatch(String string, String pattern) {
if (string.equals(pattern) == true) {
return true;
return match(string, pattern, 0, 0);
* Internal matching recursive function.
private static boolean match(String string, String pattern, int stringStartNdx, int patternStartNdx) {
int pNdx = patternStartNdx;
int sNdx = stringStartNdx;
int pLen = pattern.length();
if (pLen == 1) {
if (pattern.charAt(0) == '*') { // speed-up
return true;
int sLen = string.length();
boolean nextIsNotWildcard = false;
while (true) {
// check if end of string and/or pattern occurred
if ((sNdx >= sLen) == true) { // end of string still may have pending '*' in pattern
while ((pNdx < pLen) && (pattern.charAt(pNdx) == '*')) {
return pNdx >= pLen;
if (pNdx >= pLen) { // end of pattern, but not end of the string
return false;
char p = pattern.charAt(pNdx); // pattern char
// perform logic
if (nextIsNotWildcard == false) {
if (p == '\\') {
nextIsNotWildcard = true;
if (p == '?') {
sNdx++; pNdx++;
if (p == '*') {
char pnext = 0; // next pattern char
if (pNdx + 1 < pLen) {
pnext = pattern.charAt(pNdx + 1);
if (pnext == '*') { // double '*' have the same effect as one '*'
int i;
// find recursively if there is any substring from the end of the
// line that matches the rest of the pattern !!!
for (i = string.length(); i >= sNdx; i--) {
if (match(string, pattern, i, pNdx) == true) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
nextIsNotWildcard = false;
// check if pattern char and string char are equals
if (p != string.charAt(sNdx)) {
return false;
// everything matches for now, continue
sNdx++; pNdx++;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- utilities
* Matches string to at least one pattern.
* Returns index of matched pattern, or -1
* @see #match(String, String)
public static int matchOne(String src, String[] patterns) {
for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
if (match(src, patterns[i]) == true) {
return i;
return -1;