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Regular Expressions 190 codes
Regular Expressions
1 A block of text to use as input to the regular expression matcher
2 A command-line grep-like program
3 A grep-like program using NIO but NOT LINE BASED
4 Adding Comments to a Regular Expression
5 Allows you to easily try out regular expressions
6 Another Grep
7 Another Matcher find and group
8 Another Matcher reset
9 Another pattern split
10 Append Replacement Method
11 Apply proper uppercase and lowercase on a String
12 Apply Regular Expressions on the contents of a file
13 Calculating Word Frequencies with Regular Expressions
14 Capturing Text in a Group in a Regular Expression
15 Character Class Matches
16 Characters classes specifies a list of possible characters
17 Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer for string
18 Check if given string is a number (digits only)
19 Check if given string is number with dot separator and two decimals
20 Check if given string is numeric (-+0 9( )0 9)
21 Checks whether a string matches a given wildcard pattern
22 Compiling a Pattern with Multiple Flags
23 Create a string search and replace using regex
24 Demonstrate Regular Expressions
25 Determining If a String Matches a Pattern Exactly
26 Display all URLs in a web page by matching a regular expression that describes the a href= HTML tag
27 Displays directory listing using regular expressions
28 Escaping Special Characters in a Pattern
29 Extract a substring by matching a regular expression
30 Find all matches
31 Find duplication
32 Find group number 1 of the second find
33 Find the end point of the second test
34 Find the starting point of the first subgroup
35 Find the starting point of the second subgroup
36 Finding Every Occurrence of the Letter A
37 Get all digits from a string
38 Get First Found regex
39 Get First Not Empty String in a String list
40 Get Found regex
41 Getting the Indices of a Matching Group in a Regular Expression
42 Greedy and Nongreedy Matching in a Regular Expression
43 Greedy Operator Description
44 Greedy Qualifier
45 Grep0 - Match lines from stdin against the pattern on the command line
46 Ignore case differences when searching for or replacing substrings
47 Implement a pattern matcher for regular expressions
48 Java Regular Expression
49 Like Regular Expression Demo in a TextField
50 Match a single digit
51 Match Address
52 Match address regular expressions
53 Match Dates
54 Match Duplicate Words
55 Match Email address
56 Match Name
57 Match Name Formats
58 Match number
59 Match one or more
60 Match phone number
61 Match Phone Number 2
62 Match punct
63 Match space
64 Match SQL string
65 Match string ends
66 Match the Q[^u] pattern against strings from command line
67 Match words
68 Match Zip
69 Match Zip Codes
70 Matcher
71 Matcher and Pattern demo
72 Matcher and Pattern demo 2
73 Matcher appendReplacement
74 Matcher end
75 Matcher end with parameter
76 Matcher end()
77 Matcher find
78 Matcher find group
79 Matcher find with parameter
80 Matcher ground count
81 Matcher group
82 Matcher group 2
83 Matcher group count
84 Matcher group with parameter
85 Matcher group with parameter 2
86 Matcher group(int) Method Example
87 Matcher Groups
88 Matcher LookingAt
89 Matcher match
90 Matcher Pattern
91 Matcher Pattern number
92 Matcher replaceAll
93 Matcher replaceAll 2
94 Matcher replaceFirst
95 Matcher reset
96 Matcher reset(CharSequence)
97 Matcher start
98 Matcher start with parameter
99 Matcher start()
100 Matcher start(int) Example
101 Matches Looking
102 Matching Across Line Boundaries in a Regular Expression
103 Meta-characters to match against certain string boundaries
104 Negative Look ahead
105 Nongreedy quantifiers
106 Parse an Apache log file with StringTokenizer
107 Parsing a String into Paragraphs Using a Regular Expression
108 Pattern
109 Pattern compile
110 Pattern helper
111 Pattern Match
112 Pattern Matches file name
113 Pattern Split
114 PatternConvenience -- demonstrate java util regex Pattern convenience routine
115 Perform credit card validations
116 POSIX character classes and Java character classes
117 Positive Look ahead
118 Positive Look behind 1
119 Positive Look Behind 2
120 Positive Look Behind 3
121 Possessive Qualifier Example
122 Print all the strings that match a given pattern from a file
123 Quick demo of Regular Expressions substitution
124 Reading Lines from a String Using a Regular Expression
125 Reading Paragraphs from a String Using a Regular Expression
126 Reduce To Alpha Numerics with Regex
127 Reg Exp Example
128 REGEX = ab
129 Regex for IP v4 Address
130 Regex for IP v6 Address
131 Regular expression
132 Regular expression and CharSequence
133 Regular Expression Replace
134 Regular Expression Search and Replace Program
135 Regular expression search program
136 Regular expressions
137 Regular Expressions in Action
138 Reluctant (Lazy) Operator Description
139 Reluctant Qualifier Example
140 Remove trailing white space from a string
141 Removing Duplicate Whitespace in a String
142 Removing Line Termination Characters from a String
143 Replace all occurances of the target text with the provided replacement text
144 ReplaceAll Method from Matcher
145 ReplaceFirst Method from Matcher
146 Replacing String Tokenizer
147 Searching and Replacing with Nonconstant Values Using a Regular Expression
148 Setting Case Sensitivity in a Regular Expression
149 Show case control using Regular Expressions class
150 Show line ending matching using Regular Expressions class
151 Show use of Pattern CANON_EQ
152 Simple example of using Regular Expressions class
153 Simple example of using Regular Expressions functionality in String class
154 Simple Negative Lookahead
155 Simple Pattern
156 Simple Positive Lookahead
157 Simple Positive Lookbehind
158 Simple split
159 Simplest validation
160 Split a String into a Java Array of Strings divided by an Regular Expressions
161 Split the supplied content into lines, returning each line as an element in the returned list
162 Split-up string using regular expression
163 Standalone Swing GUI application for demonstrating Regular expressions
164 String replace
165 String split
166 StringConvenience -- demonstrate java lang String convenience routine
167 Strip extra spaces in a XML string
168 Tabs and newlines in the pattern are ignored as well
169 The inline modifier can also contain pattern characters using the form (x
170 This program tests regular expression matching
171 Use a character set
172 Use an inline modifier
173 Use enclosing form
174 Use FileChannels and ByteBuffers to Store Patterns
175 Use Matcher appendReplacement() to match [a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+
176 Use replaceAll() to ignore case when replacing one substring with another
177 Using a Non-Capturing Group in a Regular Expression
178 Using a Regular Expression to Filter Lines from a Reader
179 Using appendReplacement with Subgroup Replacements
180 Using the Captured Text of a Group within a Pattern
181 Using the Captured Text of a Group within a Replacement Pattern
182 Using the find() Method from Matcher
183 Using the find(int) Method
184 Using the lookingAt Method
185 Validate email address
186 Validation Test With Pattern And Matcher
187 Validation with Pattern and Matcher
188 Working with Back References
189 Working with Groups
190 Working with Subgroups