uppercase formatter causes the conversion to use uppercase where appropriate
%ACauses the hexadecimal digits a through f to be displayed in uppercase as A through F. Also, the prefix 0x is displayed as 0X, and p is displayed as P.
%BUppercases the values true and false
%CUppercases the corresponding character argument.
%ECauses the e symbol that indicates the exponent to be displayed in uppercase.
%GCauses the e symbol that indicates the exponent to be displayed in uppercase.
%HCauses the hexadecimal digits a through f to be displayed in uppercase as A through F.
%SUppercases the corresponding string.
%TCauses all alphabetical output to be displayed in uppercase.
%XCauses the hexadecimal digits a through f to be displayed in uppercase as A through F. Also, the optional prefix 0x is displayed as 0X, if present.