Mega Code Archive
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C# Tutorial
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VB.Net Tutorial
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VisualBasic Script
Java Book
Java by API
Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Java Tutorial
Development 735 codes
Java Tutorial
1 %a
2 %h
3 %tB %tb %tm
4 %tc
5 %tl
6 %tr
7 A bean that can be used to keep track of a counter
8 A collection of all character entites defined in the HTML4 standard
9 A helper class for printing indented text
10 A one-or-two-digit day of the month
11 A Program with Assertions
12 A real applet
13 A simple logging facility
14 A simple player for sampled sound files
15 A simple Swing-based applet
16 Access applet parameters
17 Accessing a single System Properties
18 Add AM PM to time using SimpleDateFormat
19 Add JButton to JApplet
20 Adding String to a StringBuffer Object
21 An Example JNLP File
22 An Swing-based applet skeleton
23 Any script have to be compiled into intermediate code
24 Appending a subset of the elements from a char array
25 Appending a Substring
26 Appending Basic Types
27 Applet
28 Argument indexes enable you to reuse an argument without having to specify it twice
29 Array copy method
30 Assert with an informative message
31 Assertions
32 Base64 encodingdecoding
33 Bean has a single property called property
34 Bindings And Scopes
35 Calculate process elapsed time
36 Calculate the floor of the log, base 2
37 Call a JavaScript function three times
38 Calling append() method to construct a StringBuffer object
39 Calling methods of an Applet from JavaScript code
40 Capture a screenshot
41 Capturing a Screen Shot
42 Capturing Audio with Java Sound API
43 Capturing Screen in an image using Robot class
44 Catch assert exception with message
45 Catch ScriptException
46 Centering a Frame, Window, or Dialog on the Screen
47 Change an applet background color
48 Changing a single character in a StringBuffer object
49 Changing the StringBufer Length for a StringBuffer Object
50 Check if a String is a valid date
51 Check the capacity of StringBuilder object
52 Check whether given exception is compatible with the exceptions declared in a throws clause
53 Checks if the String contains only unicode digits A decimal point is not a unicode digit and returns false
54 Checks if the String contains only unicode digits or space
55 Checks if the String contains only unicode letters
56 Checks if the String contains only unicode letters and space ( )
57 Checks if the String contains only unicode letters or digits
58 Checks if the String contains only unicode letters, digits or space ( )
59 Class encapsulating timer functionality
60 Class representing a standard operating system platform, WIN, MAC, or POSIX
61 Class to help determining the OS
62 Clear system property
63 Clip Text
64 Compile a Java code
65 Compile a Java file with JavaCompiler
66 Compile assert
67 Compile Java file
68 Compile String
69 Compiler Info
70 Compiling from Memory
71 Compiling with a DiagnosticListener
72 Compute and display elapsed time of an operation
73 Condition that tests the OS type
74 Console based login
75 Console output with format
76 Console read Password
77 Console ReadLine
78 Constructs a method name from elements bean name for a given prefix
79 Conversion characters for date
80 Conversion characters for datetime compositions
81 Conversion characters for time
82 Convert a bean to XML persistence
83 Convert an exception to a String with full stack trace
84 Convert an XML persistence to bean
85 Convert Date to String
86 Convert digit to character with Character forDigit
87 Convert from Unicode to UTF-8
88 Convert from UTF-8 to Unicode
89 Convert milliseconds to readable string
90 Convert string date to long value
91 Convert string to UTF8 bytes
92 Convert time between timezone
93 Convert to HTML string
94 Converting Times Between Time Zones
95 Converts the string to the unicode format
96 Converts Unicode into something that can be embedded in a java properties file
97 Copying data to system clipboard
98 Count the number of bytes included in the given char[]
99 Count the number of bytes needed to return an Unicode char This can be from 1 to 6
100 Count the number of chars included in the given byte[]
101 Count Up Down Latch
102 CRC32 check
103 Create a Calendar object with the local time zone and set the UTC from japanCal
104 Create a new Exception, setting the cause if possible
105 Create a scheduled task using timer
106 Create a Timer object
107 Create a user-defined property or change the value of the current property
108 Create an instance a Bean
109 Create an instance using Japans time zone and set it with the local UTC
110 Create key press event using Robot class
111 Create mouse event using Robot class
112 Create two random number generators with the same seed
113 Create your own basic UUID
114 Creating a String Object From a StringBuffer Object
115 Creating a StringBuffer object with a specific value for the capacity
116 Date Formatting and Localization
117 DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat DEFAULT, Locale CANADA) format(new Date())
118 DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat FULL, Locale CANADA) format(new Date())
119 DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat LONG, Locale CANADA) format(new Date())
120 DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat MEDIUM, Locale CANADA) format(new Date())
121 DateFormat SHORT
122 Deals with the different version of the Java Virtual Machine
123 Debug Utility
124 Decimal
125 DecimalScientific
126 Decode an HTML color string like #F567BA; into a Color
127 Decodes values of attributes in the DN encoded in hex into a UTF-8 String
128 Default Directory
129 Defining Your Own Exceptions, Throwing Your Own Exception
130 Deletes text from the StringBuilder object
131 Demonstrate exception chaining
132 Demonstrate exec()
133 Demonstrate printf()
134 Demonstrate the %g format specifier
135 Demonstrate Timer and TimerTask
136 Demonstrate toDegrees() and toRadians()
137 Demonstrate totalMemory(), freeMemory() and gc()
138 Demonstrating the space format specifiers
139 Deserializing a Bean from XML
140 Desktop Help Applications
141 Determine beans property type
142 Determine operating system using System class
143 Determine the duration of a Midi audio file
144 Determine the JDK Version Number
145 Determine when the application is about to exit
146 Determining If a Preference Node Contains a Specific Key
147 Determining If a Preference Node Contains a Specific Value
148 Determining If a Preference Node Exists
149 Determining the Duration of a Sampled Audio File
150 Determining the Encoding of a Sampled Audio File
151 Determining the File Format of a Midi Audio File
152 Determining the File Format of a Sampled Audio File
153 Determining the Position of a Sampled Audio Player
154 Determining When a Midi Audio Player Has Finished Playing
155 Determining When a Preference Node Is Added or Removed
156 Determining When a Sampled Audio Player Has Finished Playing
157 Determining When an Item Is No Longer on the System Clipboard
158 Diagnostic Demo
159 Display 12-hour time format
160 Display 24-hour time format
161 Display complete time and date information
162 Display date using full names
163 Display hour and minute, and include AM or PM indicator
164 Display message in browser status bar
165 Display several time and date formats
166 Display short date format
167 Display special character using Unicode
168 Display the amount of free memory in the Java Virtual Machine
169 Display the maximum amount of memory
170 Display the total amount of memory in the Java virtual machine
171 Displaying at most 15 characters in a string
172 Displaying the Current Directory in the Title of a JFileChooser Dialog
173 Displays directory listing using regular expressions
174 Documentation(JavaDoc)
175 Emit a beep by printing the ASCII Bell character to the console
176 Enabling Assertions from the Command Line
177 Encodedecode for RFC 2045 Base64 as defined by RFC 2045
178 Enum Alternate Java Compilers
179 Enumerate ScriptEngines
180 Error Handling
181 Escape HTML
182 Exception Objects
183 Execute a command from code
184 Execute a command with more than one argument
185 Execute external command and obtain the result
186 Execute Javascript script in a file
187 Execute system command
188 Executing Scripts from Java Programs
189 Exiting a Java program
190 Export Preferences to XML file
191 Exporting the Preferences in a Preference Node
192 Exporting the Preferences in a Subtree of Preference Nodes
193 Extends HTMLEditorKit ParserCallback
194 Extends SimpleBeanInfo
195 Extends TimerTask to create your own task
196 Extracting Characters From a Mutable String
197 Filter message string for characters that are sensitive in HTML
198 Filter the specified message string for characters that are sensitive in HTML
199 Find absolute value of float, int, double and long using Math abs
200 Find ceiling value of a number using Math ceil
201 Find exponential value of a number using Math exp
202 Find floor value of a number using Math floor
203 Find maximum of two numbers using Math max
204 Find natural logarithm value of a number using Math log
205 Find power using Math pow
206 Find square root of a number using Math sqrt
207 Find the current date format
208 Finding the Position of a Substring
209 Float Control Component
210 Floating Point Number Enhancements in JDK 6
211 Format
212 Format a date-time value
213 Format date in ddmmyyyy format
214 Format date in Default format
215 Format date in Full format
216 Format date in Long format
217 Format date in Medium format
218 Format date in mm-dd-yyyy hh
219 Format hour in H (0-23) format like 0, 1 23
220 Format hour in h (1-12 in AMPM) format like 1, 2 12
221 Format hour in HH (00-23) format like 00, 01 23
222 Format hour in hh (01-12 in AMPM) format like 01, 02 12
223 Format hour in K (0-11 in AMPM) format like 0, 1 11
224 Format hour in k (1-24) format like 1, 2 24
225 Format hour in KK (00-11) format like 00, 01, 11
226 Format hour in kk (01-24) format like 01, 02 24
227 Format minutes in mm format like 01, 02 etc
228 Format month in M format like 1,2 etc
229 Format Month in MM format like 01, 02 etc
230 Format Month in MMM format like Jan, Feb etc
231 Format Month in MMMM format like January, February etc
232 Format seconds in s format like 1,2 etc
233 Format seconds in ss format like 01, 02 etc
234 Format TimeZone in z (General time zone) format like EST
235 Format TimeZone in Z (RFC 822) format like -8000
236 Format TimeZone in zzzz format Eastern Standard Time
237 Format to 2 decimal places in a 16-character field
238 Format with a default format
239 Format year in yy format like 07, 08 etc
240 Format year in yyyy format like 2007, 2008 etc
241 Formated System out printf
242 Formatter ioException()
243 Formatter with different data types
244 Formatting a Date Using a Custom Format
245 Formatting a string and Ouputing to console
246 Formatting and Parsing a Time for a Locale
247 Formatting and Parsing a Time for a Locale Using Default Formats
248 Formatting Characters and Strings
249 Formatting Data into a String
250 Formatting date with full day and month name and show time up to milliseconds with AMPM
251 Formatting day in d format like 1,2 etc
252 Formatting day in dd format like 01, 02 etc
253 Formatting day of week in EEEE format like Sunday, Monday etc
254 Formatting day of week using SimpleDateFormat
255 Formatting minute in m format like 1,2 etc
256 Formatting Numerical Data
257 Formatting Output with Formatter
258 Formatting Time and Date
259 Four digit year
260 From Runtime exec() to ProcessBuilder
261 Full day name
262 Full length of month name
263 Function Evaluator
264 Generate a random array of numbers
265 Generates a UUID
266 Generates random UUIDs
267 Generating Random integer Numbers
268 Generator for Globally unique Strings
269 Generic LRU Cache
270 Get a list of selected files
271 Get a ScriptEngine by MIME type
272 Get a unique identifier Using java rmi dgc VMID
273 Get and set an Object type property
274 Get and set properties on a bean
275 Get and set the value of a property in a bean using Expression and Statement
276 Get Boot path from RuntimeMXBean
277 Get childrenNames from Preferences
278 Get ClassPath from RuntimeMXBean
279 Get classpath using System class
280 Get current TimeZone using Java Calendar
281 Get Deepest Throwable
282 Get elapsed time in days
283 Get elapsed time in hours
284 Get elapsed time in milliseconds
285 Get elapsed time in minutes
286 Get elapsed time in seconds
287 Get Environment Variables
288 Get file separator symbol
289 Get Java Home directory
290 Get Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version
291 Get Java specification version using System class
292 Get keys from Preferences
293 Get name and parent from Preference
294 Get Name of User Currently Logged In to the Computer
295 Get node from Preference
296 Get Number of Available Processors
297 Get operating system name and version
298 Get operating system temporary directory folder
299 Get OS
300 Get path classpath separator
301 Get Script engine by extension name
302 Get string value from clipboard
303 Get system properties using System class
304 Get system start time from RuntimeMXBean
305 Get system time using System class
306 Get the colour of a screen pixel
307 Get the desired look and feel from a per-user preference
308 Get the foreign time
309 Get the JVM uptime from RuntimeMXBean
310 Get the stack trace of the supplied exception
311 Get the system properties from RuntimeMXBean
312 Get the time in the local time zone
313 Get the value in JavaScript from Java Code by reference the variable name
314 Get Todays Date
315 Get user home directory name
316 Get username of system current user
317 Get UTF String Size
318 Get value from Preferences
319 Gets and sets a primitive type property
320 Gets and sets an array type property
321 Getting all the time zones IDs
322 Getting and Setting a Property of a Bean
323 Getting and Setting an Image on the System Clipboard
324 Getting and Setting Java Type Values in a Preference
325 Getting data from the computer clipboard
326 Getting Data From the Keyboard
327 Getting the Current Time in Another Time Zone
328 Getting the Default System Properties
329 Getting the Maximum Size of a Preference Key and Value
330 Getting the Roots of the Preference Trees
331 Getting the Screen Size
332 Getting the Stack Trace of an Exception
333 Given a time of 10am in Japan, get the local time
334 Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of positive integer numbers
335 Handling an Assertion Error
336 Handling Exceptions
337 Hashcode
338 Helper method to execute shell command
339 Hex
340 Home Directory
341 Hours and minutes on a 24-hour clock
342 Hours, minutes, and seconds on a 12-hour clock
343 Hours, minutes, and seconds on a 24-hour clock
344 How to read from standard input
345 HTML color names
346 Html parser DTD
347 ID generator
348 If the DLL is in the CLASSPATH then you dont need to specify a PATH
349 Implementing a Bound Property
350 Implementing a Constrained Property
351 Implements ClipboardOwner
352 Import javax activation CommandInfo
353 Insert HTML block dynamically
354 Inserting Strings
355 Instantiating a Bean
356 Invoke an function
357 Invoke the default editor to edit a file
358 Is Checked Exception
359 Is JavaBean Compliant Setter
360 ISO 8601 standard date
361 Java activation framework
362 Java awt Toolkit
363 Java Compiler tools
364 Java Console readLine
365 Java lang System
366 Java Language Binding with JavaScript
367 Java system properties
368 Java util concurrent TimeUnit can be used to convert between milliseconds and days
369 JavaCompiler run to compile
370 Javas Checked Exceptions Defined in java lang
371 Javas Unchecked RuntimeException Subclasses
372 Launch a Unix script with Java
373 Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two strictly positive integer numbers
374 Left justification
375 Limit the number of decimal digits by specifying the precision
376 List property names of a Bean
377 List Tags
378 List the script engines
379 Listen for a constrained property change
380 Listen for beans property change event
381 Listening for a Property Change Event
382 Listening for a Vetoable Property Change Event
383 Listening for Changes to Preference Values in a Preference Node
384 Listening for Changes to the Current Directory in a JFileChooser Dialog
385 Listening for Changes to the Selected File in a JFileChooser Dialog
386 Listing All Script Engines
387 Listing the Property Names of a Bean
388 Load a DLL
389 Load and play Midi audio
390 Load image and sound from Jar file
391 Loading and Playing Midi Audio
392 Loading and Playing Sampled Audio
393 Loading Native Code
394 Locale-specific formatting
395 Locale-specific morningafternoon indicator
396 Localized day name
397 Localized month name
398 Localized, abbreviated day
399 Localized, abbreviated month
400 Locates a particular type of exception
401 Lowercase Hexadecimal
402 MailcapCommandMap Demo
403 Make a string representation of the exception
404 Make your own Java Media Player to play media files
405 Masking a password with the Console class
406 Matcher Find
407 Matcher LookingAt
408 Matcher Start and End
409 Math Class Methods
410 Math copySign
411 Math getExponent
412 Math min
413 Math nextAfter
414 Math nextUp
415 Math scalb
416 Methods for logging events
417 Milliseconds
418 Milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970
419 Milliseconds since the epoch
420 Mini Appletviewer
421 Monthdayyear
422 More Complex Assertions
423 Moving Average
424 Moving the Cursor on the Screen
425 Multiple catch Blocks
426 Nanoseconds
427 New Formatter(new OutputStream(test fmt))
428 New SimpleDateFormat(a)
429 New SimpleDateFormat(H) The hour (0-23)
430 New SimpleDateFormat(hh
431 New SimpleDateFormat(HH mm ss)
432 New SimpleDateFormat(hh)
433 New SimpleDateFormat(m)
434 New SimpleDateFormat(mm)
435 New SimpleDateFormat(s)
436 New SimpleDateFormat(ss)
437 New SimpleDateFormat(z)
438 New SimpleDateFormat(zzzz)
439 Normalize an angle in a 2&pi wide interval around a center value
440 Normalizes an angle to a relative angle
441 Normalizes an angle to an absolute angle
442 Normalizes an angle to be near an absolute angle
443 Obtain ScriptEngine
444 Octal
445 One-or-two digit hour on a 12-hour
446 One-or-two digit hour on a 24-hour clock
447 Open a office word file with Java
448 Open Mail client
449 Operations for random Strings
450 Output a % character
451 Output URL
452 Pack200 newUnpacker
453 Parse date string input with DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat DEFAULT, Locale CANADA)
454 Parse HTML
455 Parsing custom formatted date string into Date object using SimpleDateFormat
456 Pass parameter to JavaScript through Java code
457 Pass value and get return value from script
458 Passing Parameters to Java Applet
459 Password Prompting with java io Console
460 Pattern compile(!!) split
461 Pattern compile((m)(S+)s+((S+)s+(S+))$) matcher
462 Pattern compile([frb][aiu][gx]) matcher(fix the rug with bags)
463 Pattern compile(^java, Pattern CASE_INSENSITIVE Pattern MULTILINE)
464 Pattern match
465 Pause and start a timer task
466 Placing text on the computer clipboard
467 Play a streaming Midi audio
468 Play an audio file from a JAR file
469 Play sound wav file with AudioClip
470 Play sound with AudioInputStream
471 Playing Streaming Midi Audio
472 Playing Streaming Sampled Audio
473 Port Finder
474 Port Reader
475 Port Sniffer
476 Port Writer
477 Preference save and load
478 Preferences Inspector
479 Prevent beans property being serialized to XML
480 Preventing a Bean Property from Being Serialized to XML
481 Print all of the threads information and stack traces
482 Printf to command line summary
483 Printing a space before non-negative values
484 Printing indented text
485 Printing numbers with and without the + flag
486 Printing text with the Console class
487 Printing with the 0 (zero) flag fills in leading zeros
488 Println adds a line terminator at the end of the argument
489 Prints messages formatted for a specific line width
490 PrintStream has many print method overloads that accept different types
491 Process bean properties getter by applying the JavaBean naming conventions
492 ProcessBuilder
493 Programmatically compile Java class
494 Provides common access to specifics about the version of Java that a virtual machine supports
495 Provides the programatic analog of a physical stop watch
496 Public static long nanoTime()
497 Put key value pair to Preference
498 Put printStackTrace() into a String
499 Random boolean
500 Random bytes
501 Random data for test
502 Random double type number
503 Random float type number
504 Random Gaussian values
505 Random GUID
506 Random integers that range from from 0 to n
507 Random long type number
508 Random nextInt(n) returns a distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive)
509 Random number between 0 AND 10
510 Random numbers between 0 0 and 1 0
511 Read an applet parameters
512 Read and execute a script source file
513 Read beans property value
514 Read Clipboard
515 Read from keyboard
516 Read output from a Command execution
517 Read password from console
518 Read write data in Windows registry
519 Reading Output from a Command
520 Redirect the output of System out to a file
521 Registering Shutdown Hooks for Virtual Machine
522 Relative index enables you to reuse the argument matched by the preceding format specifier
523 Relative indexes are especially useful when creating custom time and date formats
524 Remove substring from StringBuilder
525 Removing a Preference from a Preference Node
526 Removing a Preference Node
527 Removing several characters from a StringBuffer object
528 Reordering output with argument indices
529 Replace all words with another string
530 Replace first three digits with digit
531 Replace one string with another string
532 Replace with ^
533 Replacing a Substring in the Buffer
534 Retrieving Script Engines by Name
535 Retrieving the Metadata of Script Engines
536 Retrieving the Parent and Child Nodes of a Preference Node
537 Retrieving the Registered Name of a Scripting Engine
538 Retrieving the Supported File Extensions of a Scripting Engine
539 Retrieving the Supported Mime Types of a Scripting Engine
540 Return an UTF-8 encoded String
541 Return an UTF-8 encoded String by length
542 Return stack trace from the passed exception as a string
543 Return the number of bytes that hold an Unicode char
544 Return the Unicode char which is coded in the bytes at position 0
545 Return the Unicode char which is coded in the bytes at the given position
546 Return UTF-8 encoded byte[] representation of a String
547 Returns a default value if the specified property does not exist
548 Returns a formatted String from time
549 Returns a String in the format Xhrs, Ymins, Z sec, for the time difference between two times
550 Returns all system properties
551 Returns attributes setter method If the method not found then NoSuchMethodException will be thrown
552 Returns n! Shorthand for n Factorial, the product of the numbers 1, ,n
553 Returns n! Shorthand for n Factorial, the product of the numbers 1, ,n as a double
554 Returns the computer time in milliseconds
555 Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x
556 Returns the hyperbolic sine of x
557 Returns the natural log of the (http
558 Returns the natural logarithm of n!
559 Returns the output of printStackTrace as a String
560 Returns the root cause of an exception
561 Reversing the sequence of characters in a StringBuffer object with the reverse() method
562 RFC 822 numeric time zone indicator
563 Right justifying and left justifying values
564 Right justifying integers in fields
565 Roll a six-sided die 6000 times
566 Root list with File listRoots()
567 Round Java float and double numbers using Math round
568 Round the given value to the specified number of decimal places The value is rounded using the BigDecimal ROUND_HALF_UP method
569 Run JavaScript and get the result by using Java
570 Running Scripts with Java Script Engine
571 Safe UTF
572 Save the compiled JavaScript to CompiledScript object
573 Schedule a task by using Timer and TimerTask
574 Scheduling a Timer Task to Run Repeatedly
575 Scientific notation
576 Seconds since the epoch
577 Send an Input to a Command
578 Send out email
579 Sending Input to a Command
580 Serializing a Bean to XML
581 Serializing an Immutable Bean Property to XML
582 Session ID generator
583 Set a system property
584 Setting an Accessory Component in a JFileChooser Dialog
585 Setting an image on the clipboard with a custom Transferable object to hold the image
586 Setting System Properties
587 Setting the Value of a System Property from the Command Line
588 Setting the Volume of a Sampled Audio Player
589 Setting the Volume of Playing Midi Audio
590 Simple stop watch
591 SimpleDateFormat(dd-MMM-yy)
592 SimpleDateFormat(E, dd MMM yyyy HH
593 SimpleDateFormat(MM)
594 SimpleDateFormat(MMddyy)
595 SimpleDateFormat(yyyy)
596 Simulate a key press
597 Simulate a mouse click
598 Some simple stop watch
599 Specify through the JVM command line the location where to find the JNI DLL to be loaded
600 Specifying a Minimum Field Width
601 Specifying the index position in the buffer where the search is to start
602 Specifying the Width and Precision
603 Split string with comma
604 Sqrt(a^2 + b^2) without underoverflow
605 Stop Watch
606 StopWatch provides a convenient API for timings
608 StringBuffer and StringBuilder
609 StringBuffer methods charAt, setCharAt, getChars and reverse
610 StringBuffer methods insert, delete and deleteCharAt
611 Swing also provide a Timer class A Timer object will send an ActionEvent to the registered ActionListener
612 Swing Applet
613 Swing Console
614 System getProperty
615 System properties accessible to applets
616 System setProperty(apple laf useScreenMenuBar, true)
617 Temperature Conversion with script
618 Terminate a Java application
619 Terminate virtual machine using System class
620 Terminates the running program and the current JVM
621 Test Compilation Speed
622 Testing the Math class methods
623 Text To HTML
624 The # Flag
625 The # symbol shows a digit or nothing if no digit present
626 The %g format specifier causes Formatter to use either %f or %e, whichever is shorter
627 The %n inserts a newline
628 The 0 flag
629 The append() method returns a reference to the extended StringBuffer object
630 The Comma Flag(,)
631 The day in week
632 The day number
633 The ensureCapacity() method changes the default capacity of a StringBuffer object
634 The err field represents a PrintStream object
635 The finally Block
636 The Format Specifiers
637 The in field represents the standard input stream
638 The Length of a StringBuffer Object
639 The minimum field width specifier by applying it to the %f conversion
640 The month
641 The roots of this filesystem
642 The Space, +, 0, and ( Flags
643 The Time and Date Format Suffixes
644 The Uppercase Option
645 This is a simple program to record sounds and play them back
646 This program creates a custom exception type
647 Threading Behavior
648 Three letter-month value
649 Three-digit day of the year
650 Throwing an Exception from a Method
651 Tic Tac Toe game
652 Time zone abbreviation
653 Timer and TimerTask Classes
654 Timezone conversion routines
655 TimeZone getTimeZone(AmericaNew_York)
656 TimeZone getTimeZone(AsiaTokyo)
657 TimeZone getTimeZone(EuropeParis)
658 Timing program execution
659 To Base64
660 To find out a StringBuffer objects capacity
661 To obtain a reference to a TimeZone object corresponding to a given time zone ID
662 To produce tables with the columns lining up
663 To show negative numeric output inside parentheses, rather than with a leading -, use the ( flag
664 Tokenizing a Stream from console input
665 Try out regular expressions
666 Two digit hour on a 12-hour clock
667 Two digit hour on a 24-hour clock
668 Two digit minutes ranging from 00 to 59
669 Two digit seconds ranging from 00 to 60
670 Two digits day number
671 Two-digit century
672 Two-digit day of the month
673 Two-digit month
674 Two-digit year
675 Types of Exceptions
676 Unescape HTML
677 Unix date format
678 Unknown Format Conversion Exception
679 Uppercase Hexadecimal
680 Use Console class to read user input
681 Use Formatter to left-justify strings within a table
682 Use Formatter to vertically align numeric values
683 Use javax swing text html HTMLEditorKit to parse HTML
684 Use jrunscript to execute JavaScript scripts
685 Use math functions
686 Use of ProcessBuilder that duplicates the functions of the DoRuntime example
687 Uses the JNLP API to open and save files
688 Using an Argument Index
689 Using arraycopy()
690 Using character and string conversion characters
691 Using floating-point conversion characters
692 Using group separators
693 Using Java Objects in JavaScript
694 Using java util concurrent AtomicLong
695 Using java util UUID
696 Using Javas printf( ) Method
697 Using new methods in TimeUnit
698 Using precision for floating-point numbers and strings
699 Using system default printer to print a file out
700 Using System getProperty(String key) to retrieve system properties
701 Using the # flag with conversion characters o and x
702 Using the %t specifier with Formatter
703 Using the ( flag to place parentheses around negative numbers
704 Using the b, B, h, H, % and n conversion characters
705 Using the class loader to enable assertions
706 Using the clipboard
707 Using the comma (,) flag to display numbers with thousands separator
708 Using the deleteCharAt() method to remove a character from a StringBuffer object at the index position
709 Using the Desktop class to launch a URL with default browser
710 Using the Format Flags
711 Using the integral conversion characters
712 Using the system default setting to open a file
713 Using thread to run JavaScript by Java
714 Using Timers
715 Using Unicode in String
716 Utility methods for dealing with HTML
717 Utility methods for dealing with stack traces
718 UUID generator
719 Validate a date Using DateFormat
720 Validate Address
721 Validate city and state
722 Validate Phone
723 Validate the first name and last name
724 Validate Zip
725 Value is rounded using the given method which is any method defined in BigDecimal
726 Variables bound through ScriptEngine
727 Wait until notepad is terminated
728 WeatherWizard JApplet
729 With Compilable interface you store the intermediate code of an entire script
730 Working with Compilable Scripts
731 Write a catch block that handles java lang Exception
732 Write a string to the system clipboard
733 Write formatted output directly to the console and to a file
734 You can also create a StringBuffer object using a reference stored in a variable of type String
735 Your own timer