* Author: Kishore Reddy
* Url: http://commonlibrarynet.codeplex.com/
* Title: CommonLibrary.NET
* Copyright: ? 2009 Kishore Reddy
* License: LGPL License
* LicenseUrl: http://commonlibrarynet.codeplex.com/license
* Description: A C# based .NET 3.5 Open-Source collection of reusable components.
* Usage: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace GenericCode
/// Helper class to split a long word into a single one.
/// Alternative to possibly using Regular expression.
public class TextSplitter
/// Determine how many times the word has to be split.
internal static int GetNumberOfTimesToSplit(int wordLength, int maxCharsInWord)
// Validate.
if (wordLength <= maxCharsInWord) return 0;
// Now calc.
int splitCount = wordLength / maxCharsInWord;
int leftOver = wordLength % maxCharsInWord;
if (leftOver > 0) splitCount++;
return splitCount;
/// Split the word, N number of times.
/// The text to split.
/// 40 chars in each word.
/// " "
internal static string SplitWord(string text, int charsPerWord, string spacer)
// Validate.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return text; }
// Determine how many times we have to split.
int splitCount = GetNumberOfTimesToSplit(text.Length, charsPerWord);
// Validate.
if (splitCount == 0) return text;
// Use buffer instead of string concatenation.
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
int currentPosition = 0;
// Split N number of times.
for (int count = 1; count <= splitCount; count++)
string word = (count < splitCount) ? text.Substring(currentPosition, charsPerWord) : text.Substring(currentPosition);
// Condition to prevent adding spacer at the end.
// This is to leave the supplied text the same except for splitting ofcourse.
if (count < splitCount) buffer.Append(spacer);
// Move to next split start position.
currentPosition += charsPerWord;
return buffer.ToString();
/// Check the single line of text for long word that exceeds the
/// maximum allowed.
/// If found, splits the word.
public static string CheckAndSplitText(string text, int maxCharsInWord)
// Validate.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) return text;
bool isSpacerNewLine = false;
int currentPosition = 0;
int ndxSpace = GetIndexOfSpacer(text, currentPosition, ref isSpacerNewLine);
// Case 1: Single long word.
if (ndxSpace < 0 && text.Length > maxCharsInWord) return SplitWord(text, maxCharsInWord, " ");
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
// Now go through all the text and check word and split.
while ((currentPosition < text.Length && ndxSpace > 0))
//Lenght of word
int wordLength = ndxSpace - (currentPosition);
string currentWord = text.Substring(currentPosition, wordLength);
string spacer = isSpacerNewLine ? Environment.NewLine : " ";
if (wordLength > maxCharsInWord)
string splitWord = SplitWord(currentWord, maxCharsInWord, " ");
buffer.Append(splitWord + spacer);
buffer.Append(currentWord + spacer);
currentPosition = (isSpacerNewLine) ? ndxSpace + 2 : ndxSpace + 1;
ndxSpace = GetIndexOfSpacer(text, (currentPosition), ref isSpacerNewLine);
// Final check.. no space found but check complete length now.
if (currentPosition < text.Length && ndxSpace < 0)
//Lenght of word
int wordLength = (text.Length) - currentPosition;
string currentWord = text.Substring(currentPosition, wordLength);
string spacer = isSpacerNewLine ? Environment.NewLine : " ";
if (wordLength > maxCharsInWord)
string splitWord = SplitWord(currentWord, maxCharsInWord, " ");
return buffer.ToString();
/// Get the index of a spacer ( space" " or newline )
public static int GetIndexOfSpacer(string txt, int currentPosition, ref bool isNewLine)
// Take the first spacer that you find. it could be eithr
// space or newline, if space is before the newline take space
// otherwise newline.
int ndxSpace = txt.IndexOf(" ", currentPosition);
int ndxNewLine = txt.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, currentPosition);
bool hasSpace = ndxSpace > -1;
bool hasNewLine = ndxNewLine > -1;
isNewLine = false;
// Found both space and newline.
if (hasSpace && hasNewLine)
if (ndxSpace < ndxNewLine) { return ndxSpace; }
isNewLine = true;
return ndxNewLine;
// Found space only.
if (hasSpace && !hasNewLine) { return ndxSpace; }
// Found newline only.
if (!hasSpace && hasNewLine) { isNewLine = true; return ndxNewLine; }
// no space or newline.
return -1;