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Data Types 828 codes
Data Types
1 {0,10
2 {0,4} {1,4} {2,4} {3,4} {4,4}
3 A Complex Number Class
4 A public enum in one class from another class
5 A queue class for characters
6 A set class for characters
7 A simple boxingunboxing example
8 A stack class for characters
9 A static method that returns a Boolean value
10 A string can control a switch statement
11 Add leading and trailing double quotes to the provided string if required
12 Add Ordinal Suffix
13 Adding custom string to the format
14 Adding unicode format string to the result
15 Adds two complex numbers
16 Adds two complex numbers and returns the result
17 Amazon SimpleDB Util
18 An example that uses an implicit conversion operator
19 An int, a short, a float, and a double are added together giving a double result
20 An int, a short, and a float are included in a mathematical expression giving a float result
21 Any object, value, or reference type that is convertible to an integral, char, enum, or string type is acceptable as the switch
22 Appends a space before all capital letters in a sentence, except the first character
23 Array To New Line Separated String
24 Assign a Double to a complex number
25 Assign the return value of a method to a Complex variable
26 Assign the value returned by an operator to a Complex variable
27 Assign value to int variable
28 Assing value to int value
29 Automatic boxing and unboxing to pass an undetermined data type to a function
30 Automatic conversion from double to string
31 Availible Double Range
32 Binary Data Test
33 Binary Network Byte Order
34 Binary To Hex
35 Bit Helper
36 Bit shifting for int and long value
37 Bool FalseString, TrueString
38 Bool Parse
39 Bool variable
40 Box to object
41 Boxing also occurs when passing values
42 Boxing makes it possible to call methods on a value
43 Boxing struct object
44 Buffer for characters
45 Byte array Index Of
46 Byte default format and leading zeros format
47 Byte format
48 Byte hexadecimal literal
49 Byte MaxValue, Byte MinValue
50 Byte value binary and operation
51 Byte value standard string format
52 Bytes To Hex
53 Bytes To Hex String
54 Bytes To Hex String (2)
55 Bytes To Hex, Hex To String
56 Calculate
57 Calculate average for a list of integer values with params int[] values
58 Calculate the max count of continuous characters
59 Calculates the HEX values of an array of bytes and produces a hex string
60 Calculating the product of three integers
61 Call methods from primitive data types
62 Camel Case
63 Cameluncamel cases the specified input
64 Can parse a string representing a string[] into an actual string[]
65 Cast a Decimal to a complex number
66 Casting int float and byte
67 Catch OverflowException Exception
68 Char
69 Char IsLowSurrogate(), IsHighSurrogate(), IsSurrogatePair() method
70 Char Parse
71 Char String foreach
72 Check IndexOutOfRangeException
73 Check if a String contain another string by ignoring case
74 Check the MinValue and MaxValue
75 Checked and Unchecked
76 Checking for overflows
77 Checks if a string is null or empty or is made only of spaces
78 Checks if a value is in a range (inclusive)
79 Checks if the string starts with special character This does not include any special character from AllowedSpecialCharacters.tx
80 Checks whether the string starts with a number or not
81 Checks whether the string starts with an alphabet or not
82 Class to do math on complex numbers
83 Classes and Pre and Post Conversions
84 Clean t (tab), r from strings
85 Clone a byte array
86 Compare strings
87 Compare two strings with StringComparison CurrentCultureIgnoreCase
88 Comparing a String to the Beginning or End of a Second String
89 Comparing integers using if statements, equality operators, and relational operators
90 Comparing string to char array
91 Complex Exp
92 Complex number class
93 Complex Sqrt
94 Complex Structure represents a complex number
95 Compress Int
96 Compress UInt
97 Compute the area of a circle
98 Compute the distance from the Earth to the sun, in inches
99 Compute the initial investment needed to attain a known future value given
100 Compute the regular payments for a loan
101 Computes the conjugate of a complex number and returns the result
102 Condition based format
103 Control the width
104 Conversion between C# string and packed string representation
105 Conversion Lookup
106 Conversions
107 Conversions between Simple Types
108 Conversions of Classes (Reference Types)
109 Conversions of Classes (Reference Types)To an Interface the Object Might Implement
110 Convert a decimal to the binary format
111 Convert a hex string into a byte array with one byte for every 2 hex characters
112 Convert a hexadecimal string to a byte array
113 Convert all Enum value to a List
114 Convert boolean value to Yes or No
115 Convert byte array to string
116 Convert Byte to Integer
117 Convert Byte to Short
118 Convert byte value to its base 2(Binary), base 8(Octal) and base 16(Hex) forms
119 Convert Bytes To String
120 Convert Bytes To UInt
121 Convert ChangeType Method (Object, TypeCode, IFormatProvider)
122 Convert console input to double
123 Convert decimal to integer
124 Convert double to bool
125 Convert double to bool and string
126 Convert double to byte
127 Convert double to int
128 Convert double to integer and catch OverflowException
129 Convert double to string
130 Convert double to string using the culture-specific format information
131 Convert double type value in exponential form to string using the culture-specific format information
132 Convert double value to a phone number like format
133 Convert double value to bool and string
134 Convert Hex char To Int
135 Convert Hex Value To Byte Array
136 Convert Int To Plugwise Log Hex
137 Convert int to byte
138 Convert long to integer and catch the OverflowException
139 Convert long value to KB,MB,GB,TB
140 Convert object value to double or int
141 Convert Plugwise Log Hex To Int
142 Convert Size to String
143 Convert string to bool with exception catch
144 Convert string to Boolean A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed
145 Convert string to byte array with for loop
146 Convert string to char
147 Convert string to float with NumberStyles AllowDecimalPoint
148 Convert string to int
149 Convert string to sentence case
150 Convert String To Upper Ignore Null
151 Convert string value to integer by using the int TryParse
152 Convert text values to boolean
153 Convert the string e g fooBar to sentance case
154 Convert the word(s) in the sentence to sentence case
155 Convert To Int 32
156 Convert ToBase64CharArray() and Convert FromBase64CharArray
157 Convert ToString Converts the value of a 32-bit signed integer to its equivalent string representation in a specified base
158 Convert various data types to integer 64
159 Convert what you read from console into int
160 Converting a Number in Another Base to Base10
161 Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit
162 Converting Degrees to Radians
163 Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius
164 Converting Radians to Degrees
165 Converts a 32-bit unsigned integer to a string of length 4
166 Converts a base data type to another base data type
167 Converts a BigInteger value to a byte array
168 Converts a collection of tags to a single string representation containing the tags separated by a comma
169 Converts a Decimal to an 8-bit unsigned integer
170 Converts a number value into a string that represents the number expressed in whole kilobytes
171 Converts a numeric value into number expressed as a size value in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes dependin
172 Converts a space delimited string into a single, compound pascal case string
173 Converts a string of length 4 to a 32-bit unsigned integer
174 Converts a Unicode character array to an 8-bit unsigned integer array
175 Converts an integer into a roman numeral
176 Converts BigInteger to string using culture-specific format information
177 Converts BigInteger to string using the specified culture-specific formatting information
178 Converts BigInteger to string using the specified format
179 Converts BigInteger to string with ToString method
180 Converts Boolean value to byte
181 Converts byte to Boolean
182 Converts Byte to string with the culture-specific formatting information
183 Converts complex number to string representation in Cartesian form by using the specified format and culture-specific format in
184 Converts current complex number to string in Cartesian form by using the specified culture-specific formatting information
185 Converts current complex number to string in Cartesian form by using the specified format for its real and imaginary parts
186 Converts decimal number to byte
187 Converts Decimal to 64-bit unsigned integer
188 Converts decimal to Boolean value
189 Converts Decimal to OLE Automation Currency value
190 Converts decimal to string to ToString method and format
191 Converts decimal to string using standard format and culture
192 Converts Decimal to string using the specified culture-specific format information
193 Converts Decimal to the 16-bit unsigned integer
194 Converts Decimal to the 32-bit unsigned integer
195 Converts Decimal to the equivalent 32-bit signed integer
196 Converts Decimal to the equivalent 8-bit signed integer
197 Converts Decimal to the equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer
198 Converts Decimal to the equivalent single-precision floating-point number
199 Converts double to Boolean value
200 Converts double to string using the specified format
201 Converts double to string using the specified format and culture-specific format information
202 Converts double to string with ToString method
203 Converts double-precision floating-point number to byte
204 Converts Fahrenheit to Celsius
205 Converts float to string using the specified culture-specific format information
206 Converts float to string using the specified format
207 Converts float to string using the specified format and culture-specific format information
208 Converts float to to string with ToString method
209 Converts int to Boolean value
210 Converts int to string in a specified base
211 Converts long to Boolean value
212 Converts short to Boolean value
213 Converts specified value to nullable value
214 Converts string in a culture-specific format to double
215 Converts string in a specified culture-specific format to BigInteger
216 Converts string in a specified style and culture-specific format to double
217 Converts string in a specified style and culture-specific format to float
218 Converts string in a specified style to BigInteger
219 Converts string in a specified style to float
220 Converts String to Any Other Type
221 Converts string to Boolean
222 Converts string to Boolean, throws an exception if not compatible
223 Converts string to decimal A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed
224 Converts string to Decimal using the specified style and culture-specific format
225 Converts string to double floating-point number
226 Converts string to float
227 Converts string to integer
228 Converts the string representation of a number to its BigInteger equivalent
229 Converts the string to its Decimal equivalent
230 Converts the value of the current complex number to its equivalent string representation in Cartesian form
231 Converts the value of the specified Decimal to the equivalent 64-bit signed integer
232 Converts Unicode character to byte
233 Count Bit
234 Count how many times a word appears in an array of words
235 Count Lines In String
236 Count lines in a string with IndexOf
237 Count Non Zero Bytes
238 Count number of chars in a string
239 Count the number of bit
240 Create BigInteger using the values in a byte array
241 Create decimal number from double
242 Create some strings
243 Creates a complex number from a points polar coordinates
244 Creating a literal
245 Creating Strings
246 Crops a given text
247 Custom double value format
248 Custom format
249 Custom number format
250 Custome number format
251 Cut string and display three dots
252 DateTime format
253 Decimal Ceiling Method
254 Decimal fields
255 Decimal format
256 Decimal MinValue Field
257 Decimal property
258 Decimal ToDouble
259 Decimal ToInt16
260 Declare a nullable type by adding the type modifier in a value type declaration
261 Declare int and use it
262 Decoding a Base64-encoded Binary
263 Decompress UInt
264 Defines an explicit conversion of a BigInteger object to an unsigned byte value
265 Demonstate automatic conversion from long to double
266 Demonstates using checked keyword to detect an overflow
267 Demonstates using checked keyword to detect an overflow 2
268 Demonstrate an enumeration
269 Demonstrate an enumerator
270 Demonstrate bool values
271 Demonstrate Concat()
272 Demonstrate Concat() 2
273 Demonstrate escape sequences in strings
274 Demonstrate IDictionaryEnumerator
275 Demonstrate several Char methods
276 Demonstrate string arrays
277 Demonstrate the ICharQ interface
278 Demonstrate verbatim literal strings
279 Demonstrates IsSymbol
280 Demonstrates variables
281 Determines if a string consists of all valid ASCII values
282 Determines whether the specified value is null
283 Determines whether the string has white space
284 Determines whether the string is all white space Empty string will return false
285 Determines whether the supplied number is a decimal number
286 Determines whether the supplied number is an integer
287 Determines whether the supplied number is of numeric type
288 Determining If A Character Is Within A Specified Range
289 Determining if a String is a Valid Number by Parse functions
290 Display a string in reverse by using recursion
291 Display the digits of an integer using words
292 Display value in a grid
293 Display value using the standard format specifiers for ulong value
294 Displays a conversion table of Fahrenheit to Celsius
295 Displays the value with three elements in the GroupSize array
296 Displays the value with zero as the last element in the GroupSize array
297 Divide and multiply
298 Divides one BigInteger value by another, returns the result, and returns the remainder in an output parameter
299 Divides one complex number by another and returns the result
300 Do calculation with int variable
301 Does a string have only one word
302 Does string Contain White Space
303 Double Epsilon Field represents the smallest positive Double value that is greater than zero
304 Double format
305 Double number format
306 Double Parse
307 Double Range
308 Double TryParse, NumberStyles AllowDecimalPoint
309 Double TryParse, NumberStyles AllowDecimalPoint NumberStyles AllowThousands
310 Double value format vs int value format
311 Double value parse
312 Double value to exponential formal
313 Double value to percentage
314 Double value to string with #
315 Double value to string with #,##0
316 Encode or decode a message
317 Ensure End With SemiColon
318 Ensure given string to end with another string
319 Ensures that a given array can hold up to minCapacity elements
320 Ensures the carriage returns See http
321 Ensures the target string ends with the specified string
322 Enum by IEnumerable
323 Enum data type comparison
324 Enum declare and use it
325 Enum format
326 Enum Format()
327 Enum IsDefined()
328 Enum Parse
329 Enum To Array
330 Enum Values
331 Enumeration Base Types
332 Enumerations
333 Enumerations Initialization 2
334 Enumerators and Foreach
335 Epsilon, PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity, MaxValue, MinValue
336 Escape and unescape string
337 Escape Characters
338 Escape the format specifiers
339 Examining a Currently Running Process for Type Information
340 Explicit boxing of an int to an object
341 Explicit cast
342 Explicit conversions from decimal to int
343 Explicit unboxing of an object to an int
344 Exponential double value literal
345 Extends Encoding class to Represent hexadecimal (base-16) character encoding
346 Extracting Substrings
347 Facilities for outputting hexadecimal strings
348 Faster way to get number from string
349 Fill all enum value to a List
350 Fill placeholders using an array of objects
351 Filter letter and digit
352 Find all unique words in an array of words
353 Finds a given string and enclosing it with tags provided
354 Finds the greatest common divisor of two BigInteger values
355 First Char Upper
356 Forces the string to word wrap so that each line doesnt exceed the maxLineLength
357 Format a byte value to string with culture-specific formatting information
358 Format a DateTime with CultureInfo CurrentCulture DateTimeFormat LongDatePattern
359 Format a double value to currency and control the width
360 Format a float number in ToString method
361 Format a string
362 Format Array To Comma Delimited String
363 Format byte value to its hexadecimal form
364 Format byte with X4
365 Format decimal with currency format
366 Format double by specified culture
367 Format double value
368 Format double value to its percentage form
369 Format double value with decimal
370 Format double value with N and specific culture
371 Format double with decimal points
372 Format double with E
373 Format double with generla form and culture specific
374 Format enum
375 Format Enum as string
376 Format enum value
377 Format float as decimal
378 Format float as percent value
379 Format float number as scientific notation
380 Format float point value as fixed point
381 Format float point value as number
382 Format float value
383 Format float value to currency
384 Format float value to exponential form
385 Format int in Console WriteLine
386 Format integer
387 Format integer as hexadecimal
388 Format integer as octal and binary numbers
389 Format integer with 1 decimal digit
390 Format integer with 3 digits and leading zeros
391 Format integer with D
392 Format integer with default formatting
393 Format integer with eight hexadecimal digits
394 Format integer with float points
395 Format the given string using the provided collection of objects
396 Format value
397 Format with {0
398 Formats a string to an invariant culture
399 Formats a string to the current culture
400 Formats the specified size as a string
401 From Base 64 Decode String
402 Generate ToString for given object
403 Generates a hashcode for the string array
404 Get a collection of flags from a flag value
405 Get a string representation of flags
406 Get all stats for EmpType
407 Get all values from an Enum type
408 Get char type
409 Get Compressed Int Size
410 Get Decimal Places
411 Get delimited chars from a string
412 Get Description
413 Get Enum Description
414 Get Enum Values
415 Get Enums type, hex and value
416 Get hash code for a byte array
417 Get new line string
418 Get Ordinal
419 Get Right Side Of String
420 Get sub string
421 Get the digit-length of an int value
422 Get the index of a spacer ( space or newline )
423 Get the last word
424 Get underlying type
425 Get Unsigned Byte Value
426 Get used chars
427 Gets an array of sentences from a string
428 Gets the absolute value (or magnitude) of a complex number
429 Gets the imaginary component of the current Complex object
430 Gets the right side of the string
431 Gets the string up to the maximum number of characters
432 Helper class to split a long word into a single one
433 Hex Encoder
434 Hex Encoding
435 Hex string to byte array and int
436 Hex String To Bytes
437 Hex String To Bytes (2)
438 Hex To Bytes
439 Hex To Int
440 Hex To Unicode
441 Hex Translator
442 Hex value to Binary
443 Hidden among the To(integral-type) methods are overloads that parse numbers in another base
444 How a derived class may override an existing enumeration in a base class
445 IConvertible Interface defines methods that convert the current instance to a language runtime type
446 If given string Not Null Or Empty
447 If necessary, adds zeros to the beginning of a value so that the total length matches the given precision
448 If null returns empty string, else, returns original
449 IFormattable Interface formats the value of an object into a string
450 Illustrates boxing and unboxing
451 Illustrates casting objects
452 Illustrates the use of an enumeration that defines the orbital periods of the first four planets in days
453 Illustrates the use of an enumeration that defines the orbital periods of the first four planets in days, using a base type of
454 Illustrates the use of strings 1
455 Implement the Pythagorean Theorem
456 Implementation of the Infelctor in Ruby that transforms words from singular to plural
457 Implements a StringTokenizer class for splitting a string into substrings using a set of delimiters
458 Implicit boxing of an int
459 Implicit cast
460 Increments a BigInteger value by 1
461 Initializes a new instance of the BigInteger structure using a Decimal value
462 Initializes a new instance of the Complex structure using the specified real and imaginary values
463 Inserting, replacing, and removing
464 Instantiate a complex number from its polar coordinates
465 Instantiate BigInteger values
466 Int and float value
467 Int array property
468 Int based Fahrenheit and Celsius (Centigrade) Scales
469 Int binary
470 Int extension Convert integer to boolean, is it even, is it positive
471 Int Parse
472 Int Range
473 Int value To Hex char
474 Int32 MaxValue and Int32 MinValue
475 Int32 Parse (String, NumberStyles)
476 Int32 Parse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider)
477 Int32 ToString (IFormatProvider)
478 Int32 ToString Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation
479 Int32 ToString Method (String)
480 Int32 ToString Method (String, IFormatProvider)
481 Int32 TryParse Method (String, Int32)
482 Int32 TryParse Method (String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, Int32)
483 Integer NumberStyles AllowLeadingSign
484 Integer NumberStyles None
485 Integer OverFlow
486 Introduce string
487 InvalidCastException
488 Inverts a Matrix
489 Is a char in a range
490 Is a char in a range Exclusively
491 Is and Box UnBox
492 Is even
493 Is given string white space
494 Is hex digit
495 Is it a double number
496 Is it Nullable
497 Is Nearly Equal
498 Is Numeric
499 Is Palindrome
500 Is the input string null or empty
501 Is Valid Integer
502 Is vowel char
503 IsDigit, IsLetter, IsWhiteSpace, IsLetterOrDigit, IsPunctuation
504 Joining Strings
505 Joins the keyvalue pairs into a string
506 Joins the strings with the speficied separator
507 Leading zero specifies octal constant, not decimal
508 Left justify and align a set of strings to improve the appearance of program output
509 Lexical Details
510 Manually create a decimal number
511 Matrix 3 x 3
512 Matrix class
513 Matrix used in linear algebra
514 MaxMin for int and double values
515 Native SizeOf
516 Negates a specified BigInteger value
517 New Line Separated String To Array
518 Not a decimal number; erroneous octal constant
519 Nullable bool Types
520 Nullable extension
521 Nullable int Types
522 Nullable variable
523 Nulllable HasValue
524 Number calculation utils
525 NumberFormatInfo and BigIntegerParse
526 NumberFormatInfo Currency Decimal Separator
527 NumberFormatInfo Currency Group Separator
528 NumberFormatInfo Currency Group Sizes
529 NumberFormatInfo Currency Symbol
530 NumberFormatInfo CurrencyDecimalDigits Indicates the number of decimal places to use in currency values
531 NumberFormatInfo Defines how numeric values are formatted and displayed, depending on the culture
532 NumberFormatInfo Digit Substitution
533 NumberFormatInfo Native Digits
534 NumberFormatInfo Number Decimal Digits
535 NumberFormatInfo Number Decimal Separator
536 NumberFormatInfo Number Group Separator Property
537 NumberFormatInfo Number Group Sizes
538 NumberFormatInfo Number Negative Pattern
539 NumberFormatInfo Percent Decimal Digits
540 NumberFormatInfo Percent Decimal Separator
541 NumberFormatInfo Percent Group Separator
542 NumberFormatInfo Percent Group Sizes
543 NumberFormatInfo properties
544 NumberStyles AllowLeadingSign NumberStyles AllowTrailingSign
545 NumberStyles AllowParentheses NumberStyles AllowTrailingSign NumberStyles Float NumberStyles AllowThousands
546 NumberStyles and BigInteger parse
547 NumberStyles and TryParse
548 NumberStyles HexNumber
549 NumberStyles Integer
550 NumberStyles Integer NumberStyles AllowCurrencySymbol
551 NumberStyles Integer NumberStyles AllowDecimalPoint
552 NumberStyles Integer NumberStyles AllowExponent
553 NumberStyles Integer NumberStyles AllowLeadingSign NumberStyles AllowTrailingSign
554 NumberStyles Integer NumberStyles AllowThousands
555 NumberStyles None
556 Numeric Parsing Demo
557 Numeric Types
558 Obtaining the Most Significant or Least Significant Bits of a Number
559 Operators and Expressions
560 Output float number as currency
561 Output float point as Hexadecimal
562 Output with x8 format
563 OverflowCheck
564 Override ToString to do the custom formatting
565 Pad String
566 Padding Strings
567 Parse a currency value with leading and trailing white space, and white space after the U S currency symbol
568 Parse a currency value with leadingtrailing white space and white space after the U S currency symbol
569 Parse a floating-point value with a currency symbol and a thousands separator
570 Parse a floating-point value with a thousands separator
571 Parse a negative integer value
572 Parse a string in exponential notation with only the AllowExponent flag
573 Parse a string in exponential notation with the AllowExponent and Number flags
574 Parse a string to decimal with NumberStyles AllowDecimalPoint
575 Parse a string to decimal with NumberStyles AllowDecimalPoint NumberStyles AllowThousands
576 Parse byte value with trailing sign or leading sign
577 Parse console input value to double
578 Parse currency value using en-GB culture
579 Parse decimal
580 Parse hexadecimal number to byte decimal
581 Parse int value
582 Parse negative value with thousands separator and decimal
583 Parse string to byte and catch the OverflowException and FormatException
584 Parse string to byte with number style setting
585 Parse string to double value
586 Parse string to integer
587 Parse string to integer and NumberStyles
588 Parse string using $ as the currency symbol for en-GB and en-us cultures
589 Parse string using as the thousands separator and as the decimal separator
590 Parse string with a culture-specific format to byte with IFormatProvider
591 Parse value in exponential notation
592 Parse value with trailing sign
593 Parse with NumberStyles HexNumber
594 Partial type
595 Performs integer division on two BigInteger values and returns the remainder
596 Performs modulus division on a number raised to the power of another number
597 Print a truth table for the logical operators
598 Processes a string and returns the arguments in an array
599 Proper Case
600 Provides a collection of convenience methods for processing and creating objects with codeStringcode value components
601 Provides a description for an enumerated type
602 Querying Type Information by Name
603 Querying Type Information Using the Instance of an Object
604 Raises a BigInteger value to the power of a specified value
605 Read an input from console and convert to integer
606 Read Compressed UInt32
607 Read Int 24 from byte array
608 Read int 32 from byte array
609 Read short from byte array
610 Read sync safe int 32
611 Read value from console and convert it to float
612 Reads count number of characters and returns them as a string with any null terminators removed
613 Remove all Html tag in a string
614 Remove any of a set of chars from a given string
615 Remove Diacritics
616 Remove Html
617 Remove Illegal Characters
618 Remove Trailing Path Delimeter
619 Removes the specified strings in the string array from the input string
620 Removing Characters
621 Replace char inside a string
622 Replace Once
623 Replaces the new lines in a string with the given replacement characters
624 Replaces the specified string to replace
625 Retrieves the enum field associated with the specified value A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded
626 Returns a new Complex instance with a real number equal to one and an imaginary number equal to zero
627 Returns a new Complex instance with a real number equal to zero and an imaginary number equal to one
628 Returns a new Complex instance with a real number equal to zero and an imaginary number equal to zero
629 Returns a specified complex number raised to a power specified by a double-precision floating-point number
630 Returns a string with non alphanumeric chars converted to the substitute character
631 Returns a System String representation of the value object
632 Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance and a specified complex number have the same value
633 Returns an object of the specified type and whose value is equivalent to the specified object
634 Returns e raised to the power specified by a complex number
635 Returns how many bits are necessary to hold a certain number
636 Returns the additive inverse of a specified complex number
637 Returns the angle that is the arc cosine of the specified complex number
638 Returns the angle that is the arc sine of the specified complex number
639 Returns the angle that is the arc tangent of the specified complex number
640 Returns the defaultval if the val string is null or empty
641 Returns the elements of the array as a string, delimited with the default delimitor
642 Returns the larger of two BigInteger values
643 Returns the last word of the string, using separators space ,;!
644 Returns the multiplicative inverse of a complex number
645 Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number
646 Returns the product of two complex numbers
647 Returns the size of substring that does not contain any trailing spaces
648 Returns the smaller of two BigInteger values
649 Returns the TypeCode for value type Decimal
650 Reverse a string
651 Round trip float point value
652 Rounds a Decimal value to a specified number of decimal places
653 Sample for String Compare(String, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, Boolean), Honor case
654 Sample for String Compare(String, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, Boolean), ignore case
655 SByte MaxValue Represents the largest value of SByte
656 SByte MinValue Represents the smallest value of SByte
657 SByte Parse converts string to its 8-bit signed integer
658 SByte Parse(String, NumberStyles) converts string to its 8-bit signed integer
659 SByte Parse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider) converts string to its 8-bit signed integer
660 SByte Parse(String,IFormatProvider) converts string to its 8-bit signed integer
661 SByte ToString converts the numeric value to string
662 SByte ToString(IFormatProvider) converts numeric value to string with culture-specific format
663 SByte ToString(String) converts numeric value to string using the specified format
664 SByte ToString(String, IFormatProvider) converts numeric value to string using the specified format
665 SByte TryParse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, SByte) tries to convert string to SByte
666 SByte TryParse(String, SByte) tries to convert string to its SByte
667 Search strings
668 Select Single Inner Text
669 Shifts a BigInteger value a specified number of bits to the left
670 Shifts the given value into the range
671 Shortcut for string Format
672 Shortened the string
673 Show string in proper case
674 Shows that using an instance of the System Int32 stucture is the same as using the int keyword
675 Single Epsilon Field
676 Size of int, double, char and bool
677 Skips any spaces at or after start and returns the index of first non-space character
678 Some Operator on int
679 Some string operations
680 Sparse Double Range
681 Sparse Int Range
682 Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 elements
683 Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 non-empty elements
684 Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements
685 Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 elements
686 Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 non-empty elements
687 Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements
688 Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements
689 Split and join strings
690 Split Camel Case
691 Split Quoted String
692 Split spaces with space
693 Split the multi-line output into separate line strings
694 Split the original string at the delimiter and return all non-empty elements
695 Split with a list of dividers
696 Split with space
697 Splits string name into a readable string based on camel casing
698 Splits the string into an array, using the separator
699 Splits the string into lines
700 Splits the string into words (all white space is removed)
701 Splitting Strings
702 Standard format
703 String
704 String Array To String
705 String Concatenation 2
706 String copy
707 String copy and equal
708 String Copy, End With and Insert
709 String Interning
710 String insert and output
711 String literals
712 String Manipulation
713 String Manipulation Concatenate
714 String reverse and replace
715 String search
716 String search Demo
717 String split and search
718 String Starts With
719 String To Char Array
720 String Tokenizer
721 String Utils
722 Strings
723 Strings to byte array
724 Strips all illegal characters from the specified title
725 StripSpaces removes spaces at the beginning and at the end of the value and replaces sequences of spaces with a single space.tx
726 Substring demo
727 Subtracts one complex number from another and returns the result
728 Switch statement with Enum and call its ToString function
729 System Globalization NumberStyles AllowDecimalPoint System Globalization NumberStyles AllowThousands
730 System maximums and minimums
731 System UInt16 shorthand (e g a ushort)
732 Takes in any string and convert it into a Byte array, suitable for e g insertion into a REG_BINARY Registry value
733 Talking to Mars
734 Test an input character if it is contained in a character list
735 Test for an Even or Odd Value
736 Test for equality between stings
737 Test to see if a double is a finite number (is not NaN or Infinity)
738 Tests whether two floatdouble values are equal, within an acceptable margin of difference
739 The comma (,M) determines the field width and justification
740 The differences between int and double
741 The hex dump program
742 The precision specifier controls the number of significant digits or zeros to the right of a decimal
743 The source and target types must be one of the base types ChangeType also accepts an optional IFormatProvider argument Heres an
744 The use of an enumeration that defines the positions of the planets in the solar system relative to the Sun
745 The use of the cast operator
746 To First Upper Case
747 To Pascal Case
748 To specify a hexadecimal constant, begin with 0x or 0X, followed by a sequence of digits in the range 0 through 9 and a (or A)
749 To specify an octal constant, begin the specification with 0, followed by a sequence of digits in the range 0 through 7
750 To String Camel Case
751 Tokenize strings
752 Tries to convert string in style and culture-specific format to BigInteger
753 Tries to convert string to BigInteger
754 Tries to parse string to Byte
755 Trimming and padding
756 Trimming String Spaces
757 Truncate On Word Boundary
758 Truncate with text
759 Truncates the specified double
760 Truncates the specified string
761 Truncates the string
762 Truncates the string from left side
763 Try to parse Enum
764 Tuple Class Provides static methods for creating tuple objects
765 Tuple(T1, T2) Represents a 2-tuple, or pair
766 Type convert
767 Unchecked int overflow
768 Unicode To Hex
769 Unicode To Hex (2)
770 Unsigned long value
771 Unsigned shorts
772 Use #, % and zero in int format
773 Use an explicit conversion
774 Use byte
775 Use CultureInfo in int ToString method
776 Use CultureInfo int ToString method
777 Use general format to output a float point value
778 Use HttpUtility HtmlEncode to encode the input string
779 Use Integer Parse to check
780 Use int Parse to check
781 Use int variable
782 Use regualr expression to check
783 Use regular expression to get number from string
784 Use standard numeric format specifier
785 Use standard numeric format specifiers
786 Use standard numeric format specifiers to format double value
787 Use String Compare to check if a URI is a file URI
788 Use string Format to format integer
789 Use StringSplitOptions enumeration to include or exclude substrings generated by the Split method
790 Use Substring() 1
791 Use Substring() 2
792 Use the addition operator (+) to concatenate strings
793 Use the Compare() method to compare strings
794 Use the Concat() method to concatenate strings
795 Use the Copy() method to copy a string
796 Use the decimal type to compute a discount
797 Use the decimal type to compute the future value of an investment
798 Use the Equals() method and equality operator to check if two strings are equal
799 Use the Format() method to format a string
800 Use the IndexOf() and LastIndexOf() methods to search for substrings and characters
801 Use the Insert(), Remove(), and Replace() methods to modify strings
802 Use the Join() method to join strings
803 Use the PadLeft() and PadRight() methods to align strings
804 Use the Split() method to split strings
805 Use the StartsWith() and EndsWith() methods to check if a string contains a specified substring at the start and end
806 Use the static String Format() method to build a new string
807 Use the Substring() method to retrieve substrings
808 Use the Trim(), TrimStart(), and TrimEnd() methods to trim strings
809 Use TryParse to Convert string to double
810 Use Tuple to get more than one value from a method
811 User-Defined Conversions
812 Ushort OverFlow
813 Using Bool
814 Using Char
815 Using Convert ToByte to convert value to byte
816 Using Decimals
817 Using Floats
818 Using Integers
819 Using Strings
820 Using the Bitwise Complement Operators with Various Data Types
821 Using Variables
822 Validate number
823 Wrap an enumerable so that clients cant get to the underlying implementation via a down-case
824 Write Compressed UInt32
825 Write int 32 to byte array
826 Write short value to byte array
827 Write Synch safe Int32
828 Xml Encode String