Mega Code Archive
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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Data Type 182 codes
Data Type
1 10 0 would be interpreted as floating point
2 A filter to remove white-space characters at the ends of lines
3 A short string demonstration
4 A string demonstration
5 Accessing Characters In Strings
6 Adding Strings
7 Addition operator in cout
8 Anonymous Unions
9 Array of structures
10 Bit and, or and xor operations
11 Booleans in both formats
12 Calculates the area of a circle based on a radius inputted by the user
13 Change cout width and precision for string and float number output
14 Char array and char pointer
15 Cin and cout work with char array
16 Cin to read float in C++
17 Circumference and area of a circle with radius 2 5
18 Clear the boolalpha flag
19 Complex number plus another complex number
20 Computes the lowest common denominator
21 Constant references
22 Controlling precision of floating-point values
23 Convert a number to a char then convert to upper case and lower case
24 Convert string (char) to int
25 Cout
26 Cout for long int
27 Create a table of square roots and squares
28 Creating a Stray Pointer
29 Creating and Using References for integer
30 Data Slicing With Passing by Value
31 Date class
32 Decimal in decimal
33 Decimal in hexadecimal
34 Decimal in octal
35 Declare a stack class for characters
36 Declares str just before it is needed
37 Define and use bool value
38 Define, input and output double
39 Define, input and output int value
40 Defines and uses a struct
41 Defining and using union WordByte
42 Demonstrate bool values
43 Demonstrate complex
44 Demonstrate insert(), erase(), and replace()
45 Demonstrate the complex class
46 Demonstrate the setf() and unsetf() functions
47 Demonstrates constants
48 Demonstrates enum types
49 Demonstrates enumerations
50 Demonstrates enums, counts words in phrase
51 Demonstrates nested structures
52 Demonstrates passing constant pointers to constant objects
53 Demonstrates passing structure as argument
54 Demonstrates passing structure by reference
55 Demonstrates the definition and use of references
56 Demonstrating Passing by Value
57 Determining the Size of Variable Types
58 Display decimal value as hexadecimal value
59 Display decimal value as Octal value
60 Display hexadecimal integer literals and decimal integer literals
61 Display hexadecimal value as decimal value
62 Divided by int
63 Do while loop with double value type
64 Double
65 Double value cout format
66 Enter hexadecimal digits and a floating-point number
67 Enters a character and outputs its octal, decimal, and hexadecimal code
68 Example about structures
69 Fixed format with precision of 7
70 Float value pointer and int value pointer
71 Floating-point values in system default, scientific, and fixed formats
72 Gain access to cout, cin, and hex
73 Get array length with sizeof function
74 Get sin, cos and tan value of an angle in double
75 Get the square and cube of a float type number
76 Get the square root, power and log value of a double
77 How to use the strcat function
78 Inputting int Values for Multiple Variables
79 Inputting Multiple Words into a String
80 Insert, search, and replace in strings
81 Int value operations
82 Integer pointer
83 Left justification
84 Long double
85 Make the result of integer division a float
86 Making IO in Octal Format
87 Memchr( ) function
88 Memicmp( ) function
89 Memset( ) function
90 Output digits in hex and oct
91 Output float in default floating-point format
92 Output float number with fixed flag
93 Output float type number with scientific format
94 Output Hexadecimal default
95 Output Hexadecimal with lowercase base
96 Output Hexadecimal with uppercase base
97 Output Hexadecimal without base
98 Output integer with different base
99 Overload string reversal function
100 Passing by Reference Using Pointers
101 Passing Objects by Reference
102 Passing Pointer to a Constant Object
103 Passing References to Objects
104 Pointers to structures
105 Print a name in two different formats
106 Printing an integer with internal spacing and forcing the plus sign
107 Read double value from keyboard and save it to another value
108 Read string and output its length
109 Read string from console
110 Read unsigned int and output it
111 Reads integral decimal values and generates octal, decimal, and hexadecimal output
112 Reassigning a reference
113 References for int type variable
114 Return float type from function
115 Returning a reference to a string
116 Returning multiple values from a function using references
117 Returning Values with Pointers
118 Right justification
119 Scientific format with precision of 7
120 Set cout to output hex number
121 Set fixed flag for double value
122 Set precision for float number
123 Set scientific flag when outputing double
124 Set showpos flag for decimal
125 Set showpos flag for double
126 Set the boolalpha flag on cout
127 Set the precision to 9
128 Set the uppercase flag for double value
129 Set width of output
130 Several string operations
131 Strchr( ) function
132 Strcmp( ) function
133 Strcspn( ) function
134 String
135 String Char Indexing
136 String Find and replace
137 String insert(), erase(), and replace()
138 String Size
139 String SizeOf
140 String type class
141 String variable instead of a character array
142 Strings
143 Strlen( ) function
144 Strstr( ) function
145 Strupr( ) function
146 Swap() Rewritten with References
147 Taking the Address of a Reference
148 Unsigned int type integer shifts bits
149 Use (dot) as place holder
150 Use char array as string
151 Use cin getline to read a char array based string
152 Use getline to read char array based string
153 Use new operator to allocate memory for char array
154 Use string
155 Use union to swap bytes
156 Uses parts inventory to demonstrate structures
157 Uses strncmp to compare two strings with the aid of the strlen function
158 Using atof
159 Using atoi
160 Using atol
161 Using bit fields
162 Using C strings
163 Using cin Object to Read Integer Values from Keyboard
164 Using consts and enums in Arrays
165 Using functions isdigit, isalpha, isalnum, and isxdigit
166 Using functions islower, isupper, tolower, toupper
167 Using functions isspace, iscntrl, ispunct, isprint, isgraph
168 Using hex, oct, dec and setbase stream manipulators
169 Using memchr
170 Using memcmp
171 Using memcpy
172 Using memmove
173 Using memset
174 Using references for int
175 Using strerror
176 Using strpbrk
177 Using strspn
178 Using strtod
179 Using strtol
180 Using strtoul
181 Using the strcpy function
182 Wrap char pointer to a String class