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Flash ActionScript
Array 136 codes
Flash ActionScript
1 A case-insensitive sort using the Array CASEINSENSITIVE constant
2 A generalized array-searching function
3 A list of parameters, each of which is a new value to insert into a new element in the array
4 A single parameter specifying the number of elements creates a new array with the specified number of elements
5 Access the last element of theArray
6 Adding New Elements with the length Variable
7 Adding Values to an Array
8 Appending Values to the End of an Array
9 Applying Actions to All Elements of an Array
10 Array reference
11 Arrays can call unshift() to add any number of elements to the front of the array just like push()
12 Arrays in ActionScript can contain any type of object
13 Call the sort( ) method passing the bandNameSort compare function
14 Checking the Contents of an Array with the toString( ) Method
15 Class that contains static utility methods for manipulating and working with Arrays
16 Combine the combine the constants using the bitwise OR operator ()
17 Compose dynamic properties
18 Concat( ) does not flatten nested arrays
19 Converting a String to an Array
20 Converting an Array to a String
21 Converting Arrays to Lists
22 Converting Arrays to Strings
23 Copying Objects
24 Create a duplicate copy of an array that is separate from the original using concat( )
25 Create a single array in which each element is a string containing both pieces of data, separated by a delimiter such as a colon (.t
26 Create an associative array by adding properties to object
27 Creating an Associative Array
28 Creating Arrays
29 Creating New Arrays from Existing Arrays
30 Define Arrays of Associative Arrays
31 Delete elements and insert new elements at the same time
32 Determining the Size of an Array
33 Dictionary Util
34 Extracting Subsets of Array Elements
35 Filter function
36 Flipping the Order of Your Array Using reverse()
37 Functions for sorting
38 Get the sorted order of an arrays elements without changing the original array
39 Getting Results with the map() Method
40 Getting Sorted Indices
41 Getting the Minimum or Maximum Element
42 If two arrays are equivalent yet dont point to the same spot in memory, an equality operation returns false
43 If you assign a value to an element that has not yet been created, actionscript creates that element, and any other elements with in
44 If you want to create a copy of the array, you can create a new array and use a for statement to copy each item from arrayA to array
45 Initialize the index variable to Array length -1 and loop until it reaches 0 by decrementing the index variable
46 Inserting Elements in the Middle of an Array
47 Inserting Elements into an Array
48 Is element in an array undefined
49 Items added to the list can be any expression
50 Iterate through the key-value pairs of an object with the for in and for each in loops
51 Join object array
52 Loop through each of the elements of the arrays and compare them
53 Loop through the elements of the array starting with the last element and working backward
54 Looping Through an Array
55 Multidimensional Arrays
56 Pop() is the antithesis of push( )
57 Prepending Elements to the Beginning of an Array
58 Push() method always appends new elements, even if all the existing elements have undefined values
59 Putting an element at index Array length creates a new element right after the current last element
60 Randomizing the Elements of an Array
61 Read the data from an array using array-access notation to access one element at a time
62 Reading Elements of an Associative Array
63 Referencing Array Elements
64 Removing Elements from Within an Array
65 Removing Elements with the delete Operator
66 Removing Elements with the length Variable
67 Removing the First Element of an Array
68 Removing the Last Element of an Array
69 Reverse the order of the elements in an array
70 Search array elements
71 Searching for Matching Elements in an Array
72 Set an element with an index that doesnt exist
73 Setting an Elements Value
74 Shift( ) removes an element from the beginning of an array
75 Slice() accepts negative numbers, which count from the end of the array rather than the beginning
76 Sort an array in descending order using the Array DESCENDING constant
77 Sort the array only if it contains unique elements
78 Sort the arrays values first according to the type of value and then alphabetically
79 Sort( ) method runs a case-sensitive sort by default
80 Sorting and Testing for Unique Values
81 Sorting Arrays
82 Sorting by a Single Key
83 Sorting in Descending Order
84 Sorting Numerically
85 Sorting on Multiple Keys
86 Sorting Regardless of Case
87 Sorting with Custom Algorithms
88 Sorting with Multiple Flags
89 Sorting with Sort Flags
90 SortOn( ) supports sort modifiers
91 Splice( ) can both remove elements from and add elements to an array
92 Splice( ) returns a new array containing the deleted elements
93 Storing Complex or Multidimensional Data
94 Sum the array elements
95 The concat( ) method combines two or more arrays into a single, new array
96 The idea behind parallel arrays is to create two (or more) arrays in which the elements with the same indices are related
97 The length property of an array returns the number of elements in the array
98 The shift( ) method removes the first element of the array and returns its value
99 The sortOn( ) can sort on more than one field
100 The splice( ) method can add elements to, or remove elements from, an array
101 The split() method asks that you specify the delimiter it should use to determine the elements of the list
102 There are five such optional flags that you can pass to either sort() or sortOn()
103 To add a new element to an existing array at a specific index
104 Two ways to add properties to dynamic object
105 Unshift( )method adds one or more elements to the beginning of the array
106 Use a for statement that loops backward from Array length -1 to 0, decrementing by one each time
107 Use an array in a situation in which a string is required, Flash automatically calls the toString( ) method
108 Use array literal notation as an alternative to the first variation of the constructor
109 Use concat to combine two arrays
110 Use nested for loop to deal with multiple sets of data
111 Use pop( ) to remove the last element or shift( ) to remove the first element
112 Use slice( ) instead of concat( ) to create a copy of an array
113 Use sorting flags when sorting with multiple keys
114 Use the Array CASEINSENSITIVE constant to run a case-insensitive sort
115 Use the Array constructor allows you to specify the length of the new array
116 Use the Array NUMERIC constant with the sort( ) method to sort an array of numbers numerically
117 Use variable as the array index
118 Use variables or complex expressions to specify an element index
119 Using an equality operator with two array variables only checks to see if they point to the same spot in memory
120 Using an Object as a Lookup Key with Dictionaries
121 Using the forEach() Method to loop through items in an array
122 When using delete on an item in an Array, the length property is not updated
123 When you remove elements from an array in a for statement, you need to change the value of the index variable accordingly
124 When you sort an array of numbers, the values are sorted according to the ASCII equivalents of the digits
125 With join() you can use any delimiter you want
126 With multidimensional arrays, concat( ) or slice( ) only duplicates the top level of the array
127 Within the square brackets you can provide a list of elements to add to the array
128 Without a delimiter, Flash uses a comma by default
129 Working with a Subset of Your Array with slice()
130 Working with Arrays of Objects
131 Working with Associative Arrays
132 Working with Multidimensional Arrays
133 Working with multiple sets of data
134 Working with Single-Dimension Arrays
135 You are not limited to adding a single element at a time with push method
136 You can specify the properties of the object in any order you like