Mega Code Archive
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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Development 268 codes
1 A basic validator for requirement
2 A media player with Play and Stop buttons
3 A print job and FlexPrintJobScaleType NONE
4 Access a Users Microphone and Create a Sound Display
5 Access accessor for a Button with Introspection
6 Access Embeded Class Object
7 ActionScript based Validation
8 Add a Script tag, set a variable
9 Add controls with ActionScript
10 Add event listener for loading a Module with ActionScript
11 Add event listener for module loading progress with ActionScript
12 Add event listener for unloading a module with ActionScript
13 Add event listener when module loading is ready with ActionScript
14 Add trace target to logger
15 Append variables to the request string before Sending data with a URLRequest object
16 Applying behaviors in ActionScript with Resize class
17 Assign embedded image file to Image source
18 Assign validator target
19 Assigning a validator to the data model
20 Associate the embedded image with a variable by using [Embed] metadata tag
21 Attributes Are Properties
22 Bind to a Generic Object
23 Bind to Properties by Using ActionScript
24 Build a unique query string for the module loading
25 Call from JavaScript
26 Call JavaScript function to get the result
27 Call JavaScript method and pass in parameters
28 Call JavaScript with ExternalInterface
29 Call Php page
30 Call remote method with RemoteObject
31 Call validation method in a user method
32 Call validator validate method in button click action handler
33 Calling RemoteObject components in ActionScript
34 Canvas Drag and Drop
35 Canvas drag and drop by using DragManager
36 Canvas drag enter event
37 Catch SecurityError
38 Changing the color of the validation error message
39 Changing the Flex default properties
40 Check Debugger Capabilities
41 Clearing a validation error
42 Combine strings
43 Compile Flex component with Jpg image resource, and css file
44 Component with Namespace
45 Convert returning value from RemoteObject to ArrayCollection
46 Create a Button control, and sets its icon property by using the @Embed() directive
47 Create a generic Object, adds properties to that object
48 Create a Seek Bar for a Mp3 Sound File
49 Create an array with the validators
50 Create an MXML-Based Module
51 Create an Object, adds properties, and inspect its properties
52 Create and invoke a validator programmatically in when a user clicks a Button control
53 Create and invoke a validator programmatically when a user clicks a Button control
54 Create and manipulate an object that represents the embedded image before passing it to a control
55 Create DragSource object and add data to it
56 Create Replacement Bundle
57 Creates a new bundle for the fr_FR locale at run time
58 Creates a new Sprite object
59 Data Validation Through ActionScript
60 Data Validation Through Events
61 Declare a variable and sets the value of that variable inside a function
62 Declare myFunc() function to be callable by the wrapper
63 Declare validators in ActionScript
64 Define objects using properties directly in the Object tags
65 Defines a simple URL to navigate to
66 Detect support for the ExternalInterface API
67 Determine sandbox type
68 Display all methods from Button
69 Display validation result for a list of validator one by one
70 Do the drag with DragManager
71 Drag Drop To Component
72 Dragging and dropping in the same control
73 Dragging and dropping within a component, to allow ordering
74 DragManager acceptDragDrop
75 DragManager showFeedback(DragManager COPY)
76 DragManager showFeedback(DragManager LINK)
77 DragManager showFeedback(DragManager MOVE)
78 E4X In Braces
79 Email With NavigateToURL method
80 Embed a bitmap ( bmp) file and displays its properties when you click the Show Properties button
81 Embed a small amount of Hebrew text in a text control, and sets the direction style to rtl
82 Embed boldface, oblique, and plain typefaces
83 Embed image file to Image control
84 Embed image into html and display it with RichText
85 Embed MP3 file
86 Embedded Styles
87 Embedding assets from SWF files
88 Embedding Images Inline
89 Embedding resources in style sheets
90 Embedding skin inline
91 Enable and Disable Drag Operations
92 Escaping characters using the backslash character
93 Examples of embedding assets
94 Explicitly handing validator validation events
95 Explicitly handling component validation events
96 Explpicitly handle the dragOver event
97 Feed returning value from RemoteObject to DataGrid
98 Flash system version
99 Flex MXML Tag Example
100 Form data validation
101 Fx
102 Generate ASDoc for all components in the Spark namespace
103 Generates ASDoc for MX Button including the parent classes that this control inherits its members from
104 Get Drag source data format
105 Get drag source from DragEvent
106 Gets the SWF files URL and extracts the host name from the URL
107 Id (short for identifier)
108 If you pass an object, you can access the properties of that deserialized object in the JavaScript
109 Inline ActionScript
110 Inline embedded Button Icon
111 Inner tag can also have namespace
112 Invoking multiple validators in a function
113 Is debug mode
114 Is JavaScript method call ready
115 Like the Image control, use Embed statement with the SWFLoader control to embed the image
116 Link to an External URL
117 Load a SWF by Using the SWFLoader
118 Load and unload a module by using the Button controls
119 Load External SWF
120 Load module using MXML
121 Load swf file with ModuleManager in ActionScript
122 Loads and unloads the module when you click the button
123 Long MXML Inline Event
124 Making MXML interactive
125 Modify Components
126 Module load, progress, ready, setup and unload events
127 More than one field date validation
128 MultiPage Print Job
129 MXML and Script
130 MXML Databinding between TextInput and Label
131 MXML Inline Event
132 MXML Inline Tag
133 MXML syntax and structure
134 MXML validator classes
135 MXML vs ActionScript
136 Mxmlc task explicitly defines the source-path and library-path options
137 Navigate With Get Method
138 ObjectUtil getClassInfo() returns an Object with the name and properties of the target object
139 Open a new browser window
140 Opening multiple windows with the navigateToURL() method
141 Override individual values in the plain setting
142 Park Theme Color
143 Pass a URLRequest object to the navigateToURL()
144 Pass bounded parameters to RemoteObject
145 Pass in parameter to URLRequest
146 Pass URL Parameters As Fragments
147 Passing parameter to URLRequest
148 Perform a validation on a required input field
149 Performing a two-way drag and drop
150 Play and Pause an MP3 File
151 Point to the location of the SWF file with the source property in the Embed statement
152 Preload module
153 Press control key as drag and drop
154 Print Job with FlexPrintJob
155 Print objects on separate pages
156 Print the keys and values for all resource bundles in all locales in the ResourceManager
157 Print with FlexPrintJob
158 Producer and Consumer
159 Read text message from Php server
160 Remote Object Explicit Arguments
161 Remote Object with Multiple Methods
162 RemoteObject Result Event
163 RemoteObject With Bindings
164 Report level of completion during the modules loading process
165 Report the level of completion during the modules loading process
166 Required field Error message
167 Reset Value based on validation result
168 Run a list of validators defined in an Array
169 Run the validate() method and assign the result to a variable
170 Send text message to a Php server
171 Send to JavaScript
172 Serialize Typed Objects
173 Set Browser title
174 Set Button label with SetProperty
175 Set errorString to create an error tip without performing any validation
176 Set liveDragging to true to dispatch change event continuously as moving the thumb
177 Set Properties of a Child Defined in MXML in ActionScript
178 Set source and property for Validator
179 Set source and trigger for validator
180 Set Tab Indexes for Components
181 Set target and targets properties in ActionScript
182 Set the viewSourceURL property by using MXML
183 Set validator domain
184 Set validator property to text
185 Setting the dragMoveEnabled property to move instead of copy
186 Setting Triggers With ActionScript
187 Skin with Embedded Images
188 Specify a Drag Proxy
189 Specify an id value if you intend to refer to a component elsewhere in your MXML
190 Specify an id value to refer to a component else where in your MXML
191 Specify an id value to refer to a component elsewhere in your MXML, either in another tag or in an ActionScript block
192 Specifying the drag indicator by using the Drag
193 Style for DragManager
194 SWFLoader init event
195 Tags Are Classes
196 The drag initiators, and drop target
197 Total amount of memory allocated (totmem) to Flash Player at 1-second intervals
198 Triggering validation by using events
199 Triggering validation by using the default event
200 Triggering validation with Events
201 Triggers a security exception if you run this SWF from a server without explicitly allowing local file-access permissions
202 Try catch error
203 UI Controls aligned to center
204 Unloading a module using ActionScript
205 Update URL with BrowserManager
206 URL Change Logger
207 Use a Button control to invoke a validator
208 Use a Button control to invoke a validator, but the application first determines which validator to execute
209 Use a validator along with a data binding to validate
210 Use ActionScript to configure controls
211 Use an embedded image for the InlineGraphicImage objects source
212 Use Array filter() filter out disabled validator
213 Use available property to detect support for the ExternalInterface API before executing methods that use the class
214 Use BrowserManager
215 Use button event to trigger a validation event
216 Use data property of URLRequest to add URL variables to a GET or POST request
217 Use DeferredInstanceFromFunction
218 Use describeType method to show information for a type
219 Use DragManager acceptDragDrop to accept drop target
220 Use DragManager Class and define your own format
221 Use DragManager showFeedback to show user feed back when drag and drop
222 Use Email validator
223 Use Embed statement directly in the style sheet
224 Use Embed statement with the SWFLoader control
225 Use getClassInfo() and toString() methods to show the properties of the Button control
226 Use graphics from Sprite to draw circle
227 Use Loader to load a URLRequest
228 Use method to invoke two validators in response to the click event for the Button control
229 Use ModuleManager to manage swf file
230 Use multiple mx
231 Use mx
232 Use mx utils ObjectUtil toString()
233 Use mx utils ObjectUtil toString() to print all dynamically added properties of an object
234 Use navigateToURL and URLRequest
235 Use navigateToURL() method with basic JavaScript functions in the URLRequest itself
236 Use Producer class to send message to Consumer
237 Use SecureAMFChannel
238 Use SWFLoader to load a swf file
239 Use the Embed statement directly in the style sheet
240 Use URLRequest for google finance
241 Use URLRequest to load a file from local file system
242 Use URLUtil
243 Use URLVariables to append variable to a URLRequest
244 Use Validator defined in MXML and call its validate method
245 Use Validator validateAll() to invoke validators in an Array
246 Use Validators in function
247 Uses getSandboxRoot() method to get references to the top-level SystemManager in the security domain
248 Using a URLLoader to reference an external XML source file
249 Using ActionScript to create a temporary container to print
250 Using Ant to create Html wrapper for Flex application
251 Using Embedded icon Class for Button icon
252 Using ObjectUtil to dump an objects properties
253 Using source and property properties to specify an object
254 Using the [Embed] metadata tag
255 Using the ModuleLoader class to load modules
256 Using the SWFLoader control to load a LiveCycle
257 Using trace() to write information to the Flash log file
258 Using URLUtil and BrowserManager to get information about the URL that was used to return the application
259 Validate handler and invalid handler
260 Validate model data with Validator
261 Validate one component but have validation results apply to a different component
262 ValidationResultEvent property
263 Validator returns ValidationResultEvent
264 When passing parameters by using the navigateToURL() method, you must enclose each parameter in quotation marks
265 Write the performValidation() function
266 X is a number that gets or sets component position
267 Xmlns properties indicates that tags corresponding to the Spark component set use the prefix s
268 Y sets component position