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Effects 233 codes
1 A custom mask with a WipeLeft effect
2 A fade effect
3 A Search button with an animated popup
4 A wipe down effect trigger of the target component
5 Action Transitions
6 ActionScript and WipeLeft effect
7 Add a transition to use a Wipe effect and a Resize effect with an easing function to animate the transition from view state to vie
8 Add child and change property when state changed
9 Add child before in a State
10 Add child relative to an existing control in State
11 Add child to position in a State
12 Add child to State
13 Add effect sequence to a control
14 Add Fade and Move effect into Parallel
15 Add hide effect to a control
16 Add or remove children
17 Add resize effect to transition
18 Add show effect to a control
19 Add various effects to Parallel
20 Adding and removing components by changing state
21 Adding and removing components in State with RemoveChild
22 Adding and removing components with State
23 Advanced Transitions
24 Alpha is short for alpha channel, and it is a number from 0 to 1 that controls how transparency
25 An Effect Trigger Application
26 Animate Drop Shadow Filter
27 Animate multiple properties
28 Animate Properties
29 Animate the scaleX property of a control
30 Apply a Dissolve effect to the first Panel container, and apply a Dissolve effect to a RoundedRectange instance overlaid on top of
31 Apply a Resize effect to multiple Button controls by using data binding with the effects targets property
32 Apply a white shadow to the Label control
33 Apply a Zoom effect to multiple Buttons with data binding to effects targets property
34 Apply Blur effect
35 Apply BlurFilter to control
36 Apply DropShadowFilter to control
37 Apply Filter with ActionScript
38 Apply Glow effect
39 Apply GlowFilter to control
40 Apply Shadow effect
41 Apply the Fade effect to the Label control using the system font
42 Applying 3D effects
43 Applying behaviors using the Effect target and Effect targets properties
44 Applying MX effects in MXML
45 Applying states
46 Applying transform effects
47 Blur a control
48 Blur Demo
49 Bounce and Elastic easing classes
50 Change alpha value for Canvas
51 Change alpha when creation completed
52 Change button alpha value when clicking the button
53 Change button position and fade button
54 Change control color in State
55 Change control property in state changing
56 Change the enabled property for two Button controls, setting one false, and the other true
57 Change the width, color, and alpha of the axis line with the mx
58 Change view state
59 Chart show data effect
60 Check property in effect filer function
61 Color of the filters when you click the button
62 Combine Fade and Move effect into Sequence
63 Combine Fade, Pause and Move effect into Sequence
64 Composite Effects
65 Create and use Parallel class in ActionScript
66 Create State based on existing State
67 Create the WipeLeft effect in ActionScript
68 Create, configure, and apply effects to Flex components
69 Creating a custom easing function
70 Creating a reusable effect in ActionScript with Move class
71 Creating a simple view state
72 Creating an instance of an effect using pure ActionScript
73 Custom AnimateTransitionShader Transform
74 Deferred view state, and you cannot access it until after the first switch to the Deferred view state
75 Define a BlurFilter and the animation on that filter
76 Define a filter of effect
77 Define a set of wipe effects that Flex executes when the user toggles the charts visibility
78 Define an event listener for the endEffect event
79 Define effect in MXML, use ActionScript to apply it
80 Define effect using ActionScript with Resize
81 Define slideIn effect that plays every time the user adds a data
82 Define States
83 Define transitions for this example in MXML using the mx
84 Defining a custom filter
85 Dispatch effectStart event and effectEnd event once per target
86 DropShadowFilter for filters
87 Easing Demo
88 Easing function that creates a bounce motion when combined with the Flex Move effect
89 Effect Trigger In ActionScript
90 Effect With ActionScript
91 Enable Composite Effects
92 Event Effects
93 Event listener for endEffect event
94 Fade Behaviours alpha value and duration
95 Fade Button creationCompleteEffect
96 Fade Duration
97 Fade effect for Button
98 Fade effectEnd event
99 Fade Effects for adding item to Tile
100 Fade Properties
101 Fade, Dissolve, Iris, Zoom, WipeRight, WipeLeft, WipeUp, WipeDown
102 Filter Effect
103 Filter out the effect
104 Fly fade effect
105 Get UIComponent from EffectEvent
106 Glow activate event
107 Glow deactivate event
108 Glow Effect
109 Glow effectEnd event
110 Glow effectStart event
111 Glow tweenEnd event
112 Glow tweenStart event
113 Glow tweenUpdate event
114 Graphics BlurFilter
115 Graphics DropShadowFilter
116 Graphics GlowFilter
117 Grouping effects and playing them one after another
118 Hide and show a control
119 Increase width and height of a Button control by 15 pixels each time the user selects it
120 Insertions effect on the Array and the ArrayCollection representation of the Array
121 Iris And Zoom
122 Iris effect
123 KeyFrame based action
124 List Effect Custom and Default Effects
125 Mouse down effect for an Image control
126 Move effect end event
127 Nest Parallel into Sequence
128 Nesting two parallel composites in a sequence
129 Panel resize effect
130 Parallel Effect
131 Parallel Effect With Easing
132 Parallel effect with mx
133 Parallel effects for moving
134 Pause an Effect
135 Play a Sequence
136 Play effect for more than one controls
137 Play effects from a Parallel
138 Play Move effect creationComplete event handler
139 Play the WipeLeft effect each time the selected tab changes
140 Playing an effect with ActionScript and Glow control
141 Playing multiple effects at the same time
142 Remove a child in state changing
143 Repeat Effects
144 Repeat Rotate effect until the user clicks a Button control
145 Resize as blur
146 Resize Easing Effect
147 Resize effects
148 Resize Image Effect
149 Resize Target by Properties
150 Resize with easing function
151 Resizing a button that starts small and grows bigger
152 Reverse an Effect
153 Reverse Resize Effect
154 RollOverEffect and rollOutEffect
155 Rotate 3D Effect
156 Rotate effect
157 Sequence Effect
158 Sequence Effect With Easing
159 Sequence effect with mx
160 Sequence effects
161 SeriesIn and seriesOut effects to slide the columns in and out
162 SeriesInterpolate effect
163 SeriesZoom effect
164 Set alpha for control
165 Set control to invisible during transition
166 Set current state to null
167 Set effect target
168 Set Rotate effect target, origin position
169 Set Transition state
170 Set up zoom effect in ActionScript
171 Set WipeLeft and WipeRight with setStyle method
172 Setting effect durations
173 Setting event handlers with State
174 Setting overrides on component properties
175 Show and hide tooltip with effect
176 ShowEffect and HideEffect for Canvas inside a ViewStack
177 Showhide as the effect Trigger
178 Showhide effect
179 SlideDown effect
180 Specify the mx effects easing Bounce easeOut() method to the Accordion
181 States Event Handlers
182 States Includes and Excludes
183 Three-phase blur effect
184 Tooltip Fade effect
185 Transition With Blurs
186 Transitions with s
187 Trigger of the data effects
188 Two Resize effects for a Button control
189 Two statements in the click attribute
190 Use a class selector to apply effects
191 Use ActionScript to apply DropShadowFilter to Labels filter
192 Use ActionScript to play Effect
193 Use ActionScript to set up resize effect
194 Use Fade class to add effect to panel
195 Use Resize effect when the user moves the mouse over it
196 Use Rotate effect
197 Use SeriesSlide effect to make the data slide in and out
198 Use the Reset button to restore the collection view to its original state
199 Use Transition to add and remove controls dynamically
200 Use two Resize effects for a Button control
201 Use two statements in click event inline
202 Use Wipe effect as part of a transition that changes the font color of a button control from black to red
203 Use Wipe effect when creating a Button completely
204 Use Zoom class to set zoom effect
205 Using a Blur effect on a button
206 Using a custom easing function
207 Using a Dissolve effect on the button
208 Using a filter
209 Using a filter in Transition
210 Using a Glow effect on the button
211 Using AnimateProperty to animate control by property
212 Using different creation policies
213 Using easing functions with the Move effect to make motion less linear
214 Using Fade effect so that ToolTips fade in when the user moves the mouse pointer over a component with a ToolTip
215 Using MXML to define the effect
216 Using Resize effect to enlarge an image on mouse-over
217 Using states to control the display of the popup component
218 Using the AnimateProperty effect to fade a button
219 Using the Fade effect on the button
220 Using the Iris effect on the button
221 Using the Pause effect to pause between two other effects
222 Using the Resize effect on an Image control
223 Using the Rotate3D effect to rotate the image around the y-axis
224 Using the Zoom effect to make the button zoom-in large
225 Validate either a United States ZIP code or a Canadian postal code
226 View defining two states
227 View States
228 WipeLeft for Button rollOverEffect
229 WipeLeft transition
230 WipeRight and ViewStack
231 Wrap Parallel, fade and move with Transition
232 Zoom Effects
233 Zoomer Pattern 2