Mega Code Archive
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C# Tutorial
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Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Java Tutorial
SWT 706 codes
Java Tutorial
1 A few terms that are used frequently when discussing layouts
2 A message box with the question icon, YesNo button, and a simple question
3 A multiselection tree
4 A Sample GUI Using GridLayouts
5 A simple editor
6 A single-selection tree
7 A toolbar can be horizontal or vertical
8 Add a combo box in a tool bar
9 Add action listener to Table Button Cell Editor
10 Add addPaintListener to Composite
11 Add an event listener to write the selected tab to stdout
12 Add and remove filter listeners
13 Add Button and Combo to a CoolBar
14 Add Buttons to ToolBar
15 Add Caret to Shell (window)
16 Add check buttons to ToolBar
17 Add checkbox mark to the tree node
18 Add click event listener to MenuItem
19 Add Close event for Shell window
20 Add CloseWindowListener to Browser
21 Add Column Header Selection Listener
22 Add Combo to CoolBar
23 Add ControlListener to control
24 Add Controls to Canvas
25 Add Controls to ExpandBar
26 Add Controls to TabItem
27 Add CTabFolder2Adapter to CTabFolder
28 Add CTabFolder2Listener
29 Add CTabItem to CTabFolder
30 Add default selection listener to Combo
31 Add default selection listener to Text
32 Add Default Table Selection Listener and Get the Selected TableItem
33 Add events to Text
34 Add focus inout event to Text
35 Add Icon to all table cells
36 Add Icon to Table column
37 Add Icon to TreeItem
38 Add Image to Button
39 Add Image to CTabFolder
40 Add Image to MenuItem
41 Add image to Group
42 Add image to ToolItem
43 Add KeyEvent listener to Text
44 Add KeyEvent to Canvas
45 Add Label to Shell
46 Add List selection Listener
47 Add LocationListener to Browser
48 Add Menu event to popup menu
49 Add Menu Separator
50 Add MenuItem to Menu
51 Add method appends an item to the end of the list
52 Add Mouse Down, Up and Move event
53 Add One Popup Menu to two different Controls
54 Add Paint event listener to StyledText
55 Add Paint Object Listener
56 Add ProgressBar to table cell (Column)
57 Add Radio Buttons to a Composite to form a group
58 Add Radio Buttons to a Group
59 Add radio buttons to ToolBar
60 Add Resize listener to Shell
61 Add selection listener to Combo
62 Add selection listener to CoolItem
63 Add Selection Listener to MenuItem
64 Add Selection Listener to ScrollBar
65 Add Selection Listener to Spinner
66 Add selection listener to TableCursor
67 Add SelectionListener to ToolItem
68 Add system icon image to ExpandBar
69 Add System Setting Change Listener
70 Add Table Selection Listener and Get Selected TableItem
71 Add ToolBar to CoolBar
72 Add ToolItem to ToolBar
73 Add ToolTip to Shell Window
74 Add ToolTip to TabItem
75 Add ToolTip to ToolItem
76 Add Traverse event to Canvas
77 Add TraverseListener to Combo
78 Add Tree cell editor
79 Adding AccessibleControlListener
80 Adding AccessibleListener
81 Adding Columns
82 Adding CTabItems
83 Adding Image to Label
84 Adding Image to Table Column
85 Adding Items
86 Adding OpenWindowListener
87 Adding ProgressListener to Browser
88 Adding Rows
89 Adding StatusTextListener to Browser
90 Adding TitleListener to Browser
91 Adding VisibilityWindowListener
92 Advanced Browser
93 After all VerifyKeyListeners are notified, any VerifyListeners are then notified
94 Against cut-and-paste
95 Allow Arrow Key
96 Allow backspace and delete
97 Allow escape to close a shell
98 Allow return
99 Append line to Text
100 ArrowButton
101 Attach the bottom button to the upper-left button and the window
102 Attaching a Control to a Position in the Parent Composite
103 Attaching a Control to Another Control
104 Attaching to the Adjacent Side of Another Control
105 Attaching to the Specified Side of Another Control
106 Browser
107 Browser supports the following listeners
108 BusyIndicator
109 Cannot close CTabItem
110 Canvas
111 Capture a widget image with a GC
112 Cascade Menu
113 Causes the system hardware to emit a short sound if it supports this capability
114 Center a control on another control
115 Center a shell on the primary monitor
116 Center control both horizontally and vertically
117 Change hue, saturation and brightness of a color
118 Change SashForm Orientation
119 Change SashForm Weight
120 Change Text Font
121 Change the background
122 Change the default behavior of shells
123 Change the Foreground color
124 CheckBox Button
125 CheckBox Menu
126 Choosing a Color
127 Choosing a Font
128 CLabel
129 Clear any key bindings
130 Clipboard
131 Coding Your First SWT Program
132 Combo default selection event (ReturnEnter key)
133 Compare StyleRange
134 Composite
135 Compute Widget Size
136 Configure the layout orientation
137 Configure the margin
138 Constants for Creating Tool Items
139 Construct a FontData object
140 Control
141 Control Editor With Dialog
142 Control Editors
143 Control Size and location
144 Control the width in pixels of all sashes
145 Convert between SWT Image and AWT BufferedImage
146 Converts a buffered image to SWT ImageData
147 Converts an AWT image to SWT
148 CoolBar
149 Copying Lists
150 Create a balloon tooltip for a tray item
151 Create a color cursor from a source and a mask
152 Create a coolbar (relayout when resized)
153 Create a cursor from a source and a mask
154 Create a DateTime calendar and a DateTime time
155 Create a DateTime calendar, date, and time in a dialog
156 Create a dialog shell
157 Create a dialog shell (prompt for a value)
158 Create a dialog shell and position it
159 Create a dropdown Combo
160 Create a FontData object which encapsulate the essential data to create a swt font
161 Create a Group without grouping Radio Buttons (SWT NO_RADIO_GROUP)
162 Create a lazy file tree
163 Create a Link
164 Create a List with a vertical ScrollBar and Add a bunch of items to it
165 Create a multiple-line text field
166 Create a multiple-selection list
167 Create a non-rectangular shell to simulate transparency
168 Create a non-rectangular window
169 Create a password text field
170 Create a push button
171 Create a radio menu item and deselects it
172 Create a read-only (non-editable) Combo
173 Create a read-only text field
174 Create a right-aligned single-line text field
175 Create a sash and add selection Listener
176 Create a ScrolledComposite with wrapping content
177 Create a simple Combo
178 Create a single-line text field
179 Create a single-selection list and add items
180 Create a splash screen
181 Create a StyledText that scrolls vertically, wraps text, and displays a border
182 Create a tab with a label, an image, a tool tip, and a control
183 Create a table (lazy)
184 Create a table with 1,000,000 items (lazy)
185 Create a table with 1,000,000 items (lazy, page size 64)
186 Create a table with columns, headers, lines
187 Create a table without columns and headers
188 Create a tracker
189 Create a tracker on mouse down
190 Create a Tree
191 Create a TreeTable
192 Create a virtual table and add 1000 entries to it every 500 ms
193 Create an awt font by converting as much information as possible from the provided swt Font
194 Create an awt font by converting as much information as possible from the provided swt FontData
195 Create an exact copy of the image
196 Create an image that has a disabled look
197 Create an image that has the grayscale look
198 Create and dispose children of a composite
199 Create and initialize a spinner widget
200 Create CheckBoxTreeView and react to CheckStateListener
201 Create Cursor from an Image
202 Create fake tool tips for items in a table
203 Create GC from Shell and paint on window
204 Create horizontal and vertical separator
205 Create Image from byte array
206 Create ImageData from PaletteData
207 Create Larger Font
208 Create menu items as part of a radio group using the SWT RADIO style
209 Create non-rectangular shell from an image with transparency
210 Create one repeating timer
211 Create Shadow in Group
212 Create TabFolder and add TabItem
213 Create tabs that run along the top or the bottom of the parent composite
214 Create the ScrolledComposite to scroll horizontally and vertically
215 Create Three Level Tree
216 Create Transparent Color
217 Create TreeView based on your own tree node structure
218 Create two one shot timers (2000 ms)
219 Create two ScrolledComposites that scroll in tandem
220 Create your own dialog classes which allows users to input a String
221 Creates a swt color instance to match the rgb values of the specified awt color alpha channel is not supported
222 Creates a swt color instance to match the rgb values of the specified awt paint
223 Creates an awt color instance to match the rgb values of the specified swt color
224 Creates an AWT MouseEvent from a swt event
225 Creating a CLabel
226 Creating a Combo with Sorted List
227 Creating a CTabFolder
228 Creating a LineStyleListener
229 Creating a Popup Menu
230 Creating a PopupList
231 Creating a StyledText Widget
232 Creating a ViewForm
233 Creating an Empty Image
234 Creating an Image From a File
235 Creating an Image From an ImageData
236 Creating an Image From Another Image
237 Creating Coolbars
238 Creating Images
239 Creating Radio Groups
240 Creating Shells
241 Creating the dialog and retrieving the selected directory
242 Creating Your Own Dialogs
243 Creating Your Own Layouts
244 Crossing Lines
245 Customizing the Color Selection Dialog
246 Customizing the Directory Selection Dialog
247 Decorations Styles
248 Define the margins and spacing properties
249 Demonstrate DisposeListener which is notified on the associated widgets disposal
250 Deselect an item
251 Detect a system settings change
252 Detect mouse enter, exit and hover events
253 Detect when the user scrolls a text control
255 Dialogs
256 Disable MenuItem
257 Disable Tab key to transfer focus for Combo
258 Display an Empty Dialog
259 Displaying a Gradient Background
260 Displaying a Message Box
261 Displaying Messages
262 Displaying the Open or Save File Dialog
263 Displays nine Decorations objects, one for each distinct style
264 Disposal Method Constants
265 Drag and Drop
266 Drag and Drop example snippet
267 Drag and Drop inside Table
268 Drag leaf items in a tree
269 Drag selected text in Text to Label
270 Drag text between two labels
271 Dragging and Dropping
272 Dragging text in a StyledText widget
273 Draw a box around text
274 Draw a custom gradient selection
275 Draw different foreground colors and fonts for text in a TableItem
276 Draw Graphics2D stuff on a swt composite
277 Draw on the background of Text
278 Draw part of an Image
279 Draw wrapped text using TextLayout
280 Drawing Images
281 Dynamic syntax coloring
282 Edit the text of a table item (in place)
283 Embed a JTable in SWT (no flicker)
284 Embed image and controls in TextLayout
285 Embed Word in an applet (win32 only)
286 Embeded SwingAWT components to SWT
287 Enable menu items dynamically (when menu shown)
288 Enable more than one control to grab excess vertical space
289 Enlarge Table Cell
290 Events
291 Exchanging Data
292 Exclude a widget from a GridLayout
293 Execute program
294 Extends MouseTrackAdapter
295 File Save Dialog
296 Fill a menu dynamically (when menu shown)
297 Fill a table in the Thread
298 Filtering Change with VerifyKeyListeners
299 Find a table cell from mouse down (works for any table style)
300 Finding Items
301 Fixed first column and horizontal scroll remaining columns
302 FlatButton
303 Floating point values in Spinner
304 Focus Traversal
305 FormData
306 FormData Objects and FormAttachment Objects
307 FormLayout
308 FormLayout Complex
309 FormLayout example snippet
310 Full Screen Capture
311 GC example snippet
312 Get all extensions on your system
313 Get an ImageData instance from an existing Image
314 Get and set the number of columns used to display tabs using getTabs() and setTabs(), respectively
315 Get Caret Position
316 Get color for the given constant
317 Get Default Button
318 Get event type
319 Get ImageData from Image
320 Get Preferred size
321 Get Selected Color from ColorDialog
322 Get TableItem from Mouse position
323 Get TableItem Index in a Table
324 Get the action bound to Alt+E
325 Get the bounds and client area of a display
326 Get the entire printable area of the page for the selected printer
327 Get the longest duration in milliseconds between two mouse button clicks that will be deemed a double-click
328 Get TreeItem from Mouse position in mouse down event
329 Get Widget Style
330 Getting Controls on a shell
331 Getting Items
332 Getting selected item index from Combo
333 Getting Statistics
334 Getting the Selected File or Files
335 Grabbing Excess Space
336 GridData
337 GridLayout
338 GridLayout 2x2
339 GridLayout Column 2
340 GridLayout Complex
341 GridLayout Fill Both
342 GridLayout snippet
343 Handling Events
344 Horizontal Indentation
345 Horizontal Separator Label
346 Horizontal Span and Vertical Span
347 How to access About, Preferences and Quit menus on carbon
348 If the window is too small, scrollbars will appear
349 Images created using different flags for Label
350 Implements general Event Listener
351 Inherit a background color or image
352 Insert a table column at an index
353 Insert TableItem by Index
354 Insert TreeItem to Tree
355 Install Table Editor when navigating the Table Cursor
356 Introducing Button and Button Styles
357 Introducing Combo
358 Introducing Group
359 Introducing Label
360 Introducing List and List Styles
361 Introducing ProgressBar
362 Introducing ScrollBar
363 Introducing Slider
364 Introducing Text and Text Styles
365 Introducing Typed Listeners
366 Introducing Untyped Listeners
367 Introduction to ApplicationWindow
368 Invoke an external batch file
369 Invoke the system text editor on autoexec bat
370 Key Binding Actions from the StyledText Class
371 Label Styles
372 Label vs CLabel
373 Label with border
374 Label with border(SWT BORDER)
375 Label WRAP style
376 Launch an HTML file in the default browser
377 Laying Out Children of a Composite
378 Layout term
379 Layouts
381 Limit selection to items that match a pattern
382 Limit the number of characters that the StyledText accepts
383 List Default Selection Listener
384 List Item Single Selection
385 List the displays boundaries, client area
386 List the displays color depth, DPI
387 Listen to key Traversed event
388 Load image from file
389 Load System File Icon
390 Look up which program to use
391 Make a dropped data type depend on a target item in table
392 Make a StyledText read-only
393 Make List Scroll to the bottom
394 Make more than one control to grab excess space in the same direction
395 Make Split Dragger slim
396 Make text appear strikeout
397 Make text appear underlined
398 Make Text Bold
399 Make text span multiple columns
400 Make Text to a password field
401 Making a Sash Stick
402 Maximize Control
403 Menu Show Action Listener
404 MenuItem Arm Event Listener
405 MessageBox with Error Icon
406 MessageBox with Information Icon
407 MessageBox with Information Icon and OK Cancel Button
408 MessageBox with Question Icon and Yes No Button
409 MessageBox with Warning Icon and Yes No Cancel Button
410 MessageBox with Working Icon and Abort Retry and Ignore Button
411 Multiline Table cell
412 Multi-line TreeTable
413 Multiple-Copy Collections
415 No Close Button CTabItem
416 Not using a Layout
417 OLE and ActiveX
418 ON_TOP
419 Open a shell maximized (full screen)
420 Open a shell minimized (iconified)
421 Open an Open FileDialog
422 Operating System Resources
423 Pack
424 Paint on an Image
425 Pass the Composite to the tabs setControl() method
426 Passing a modifier constant isnt necessary
427 Place a drop down menu in a tool bar
428 Place a progress bar in a table
429 Place an icon with a popup menu on the system tray
430 Place one-inch margins on the page
431 Placing the Text Editor after mouse click and exchange data between table cell and editor
432 Populate tree lazily
433 Popup Radio MenuItem
434 PopupMenu is disposed with the composite
435 PopupMenu is not disposed with the composite
436 Press F2 to launch a dialog as the Tree Editor
437 Prevent a shell from closing (prompt the user)
438 Prevent escape from closing a dialog
439 Prevent Tab from traversing out of a control
440 Print DPI
441 Print key state, code and character
442 Print mouse state and button (down, move, up)
443 Print out String
444 Print out VerifyEvent detail
445 Print scroll event details
446 Print StyledText out
447 Print text to printer, with word wrap and pagination
448 Print to the default printer in a separate thread
449 PrintDialog open() returns a PrinterData object
450 Printing
451 Printing Graphics
452 Printing Text
453 Programmatically select an item from the list
454 Public static void fill(List list, Object element)
455 Push Button
456 RadioButton
457 Reacting to Change
458 Relative position to Control
459 Relative position to Display
460 Removes the first found item with given text
461 Removing Items
462 Renderer HTML in memory
463 Reorder TableColumn
464 Repaint Canvas
465 Replace Text Range
466 ReplaceStyleRanges()
467 Required JFace JAR files
468 Resize a text control
469 Resize columns as table resizes
470 Retrieve the content text of the text field of a combo
471 Returns an AWT point with the same coordinates as the specified SWT point
472 Returns an SWT point with the same coordinates as the specified AWT point
473 Returns an SWT point with the same coordinates as the specified AWT point (rounded to integer values)
474 Returns the button dismissal alignment
475 Returns the maximum allowed depth of icons on the display
476 Reversing Lists
477 Ring Shell
478 Rotate Image
479 RowLayout
480 RowLayout snippet
481 Run the appropriate program for that data file and load the data file into the program
482 Sash
483 Sashes
484 SashForm
485 SashForms can be either horizontal or vertical
486 Scale
487 Screenshot(screen capture) by GC
488 Scroll a widget into view on focus in
489 Scrollbars appear if the window is resized to be too small to show part of the button
490 Select a Radio Button
491 Select a range
492 Select all text in Text
493 Select some options programmatically before displaying the dialog
494 Selection Event on Link control
495 Selection Events
496 Set a key binding
497 Set a single StyleRange into a StyledText
498 Set Accelerator for MenuItem
499 Set Bounds
500 Set Cell Background color
501 Set Cell Foreground
502 Set CheckBox Menu selected
503 Set Control Size
504 Set CTabFolder Minimize and Maximize Visible
505 Set Cursor to Control
506 Set default Button for Shell
507 Set Filter Path
508 Set FilterExtensions for FileDialog
509 Set icons with different resolutions
510 Set Label Background to a color selected in ColorDialog
511 Set left upper corner image
512 Set Location and Size
513 Set page format for printing
514 Set selected tab
515 Set size for Text
516 Set Slider Min and Max Value
517 Set spacing properties
518 Set Tab list for focus transfer
519 Set Table Background and TableItem Foreground
520 Set table selected item and remove it from table
521 Set table selection to scroll a table
522 Set TableItem Background
523 Set the alignment of the textimage label of a button
524 Set the background image of a CLabel object
525 Set the selection (start, end)
526 Set top index to scroll a table
527 Set two Different styles
528 Setting Button selection
529 Setting Items
530 Setting Layouts
531 Setting Minimum Size for a Child Control
532 Setting the Child Controls Size
533 Setting the Title
534 Setting Widget bounds
536 Shell Events
537 Shell States
538 Shell with SWT SHELL_TRIMSWT TOOL style
539 Shell without Title bar
541 Show a popup menu (wait for it to close)
542 Show a tool tip inside a rectangle
543 Show Barchar in TreeTable
544 Show the extensions on the system and their associated programs
545 Show the selection value by using ScrollBar
546 Shuffling Lists
547 Size Hints
548 Sort a table by column
549 Sort table column in two direction with custom Comparator
550 Sorting Lists
551 Specify attachments for all four sides of a control
552 Specify the offset of the control side from the attachment position
553 Specifying File Types and Extensions
554 Specifying the Starting Directory and File Name
555 Start with the upper-left button, attach the top and left edges to the window, offsetting by five pixels
556 Stop a repeating timer when a button is pressed
557 Store StyleRanges into an array, and called setStyleRanges()
558 StyledText
559 StyledText bulleted list example
560 StyleRange Constructors
561 Subscript and superscript
562 Suggest a file name to use for saving a file by prefilling the entry field in the Save dialog box
563 SWT can display graphic images from files
564 SWT Event Handling with Displays
565 SWT Message Keys and Values
566 SWT provides two kinds of event listening mechanism
567 SWT Time-Consuming Operation UI Pattern
568 SWT useful utilities
569 System File Tree
570 TabFolderTabItem vs CTabFolderCTabItem
571 Table Cell Editor
572 Table events
573 Table measure item listener
574 Table paint item listener
575 Table Selection Event
576 Table SetData Event
577 Table Styles
578 Table With CheckBox Cell
579 TableColumn Move Listener
580 TableCursor
581 TableCursor Key event
582 TableCursor Mouse event
583 TableEditor
584 Tables
585 Text
586 Text default selection event(ReturnEnter key)
587 Text TraverseListener
588 TextLayout
589 TextLayout Unicode
590 The Button Styles for MessageBox
591 The CLabel Class
592 The Event Model
593 The Icon Styles for MessageBox
594 The listener notification process
595 The modal state of shells
596 The PrinterData object contains information about current printing job
597 The SWT Class-Constants and Methods
598 The verticalAlignment specifies the vertical positioning
599 The Widget Class
600 To add a listener to a button
601 To add multiple controls
602 To configure the attachment of each side
603 To create the upper-right three buttons, you reason that you can put them all in a composite with a grid layout, and attach the compos
604 To draw a gradient background
605 To escape the mnemonic character &, you can double it and a single & will be displayed
606 To find the primary monitor, call getPrimaryMonitor
607 To get and set a buttons text label
608 To remove multiple items
609 To track the users selection (DefaultSelection)
610 To use the font selection dialog to change both the font and the color of a label
611 Toggle Button
612 TOOL
613 ToolBar
614 ToolBar Constants
615 Transform a swt Rectangle instance into an AWT Rectangle
616 Transform an awt Rectangle2d instance into a swt Rectangle2d
617 Tree default selection listener
618 Tree event
619 Tree Exapand listener
620 Tree node Collapse listener
621 Tree node selection event
622 Tree node selection listener
623 Tree Table
624 Tree Viewers
625 Trees
626 TreeTable
627 Two dropdowns
628 Two simple rules to guide your disposal efforts
629 Type Constants
630 Typed Listeners
631 UI Automation for testing tools
632 Understanding the Repercussions
633 Understanding the Shell Object
634 Untyped Events and Untyped Event Listeners
635 Update a progress bar from another thread
636 Update a progress bar from the UI thread
637 Update a status line when an item is armed
638 Update a status line when the pointer enters a ToolItem
639 Update table item text
640 Use a regular expression to verify input(a phone number is used)
641 Use a StackLayout to switch between Composites
642 Use a verify listener in StyledText
643 Use Button as the Tree Editor
644 Use ExtendedModifyEvent
645 Use FormLayout to layout a dialog
646 Use GridLayout to layout a dialog
647 Use Image as a caret
648 Use ImageData to create a new image
649 Use Label as a separator
650 Use Mouse action to activate(install) Tree editor
651 Use rise and font with StyleRange
652 Use Text as the Table Cell Editor
653 Use transparent image to hide Cursor
654 Using a LineStyleListener
655 Using a TreeViewer
656 Using all default value from RowLayout
657 Using AWT to paint inside SWT
658 Using Browser to load a website
659 Using BusyIndicator
660 Using ClipBoard to copy and paste
661 Using code to Create Image
662 Using ControlListener
663 Using Display Class
664 Using FillLayout
665 Using FocusListener
666 Using FormLayouts
667 Using GridData Objects
668 Using GridLayout
669 Using GridLayout with all default values
670 Using HelpListener
671 Using Layout Data Objects to control layout
672 Using LineBackgroundListener
673 Using ModifyListener
674 Using MouseListener
675 Using MouseListener, MouseMoveListener, and MouseTrackListener
676 Using MouseMoveListener
677 Using MouseTrackListener
678 Using ProgressBar to display the Browser progress
679 Using RowData Objects
680 Using RowLayout
681 Using SelectionListener
682 Using StackLayout
683 Using StackLayouts
684 Using StyleRanges
685 Using System Icon Image
686 Using TableEditor
687 Using the Clipboard
688 Using the Dialogs
689 Using the FontRegistry
690 Using the ImageRegistry
691 Using the SWT INDETERMINATE style
692 Using Thread to update ProgressBar value
693 Using TreeEditor
694 Using VerifyListener
695 Using Word Wrap
696 Verify input (format for date)
697 Verify input (only allow digits)
698 Vertical SashForm
699 Veto the event by setting its doit member to false
700 Whether or not it supports printing warnings
701 Widget can be disposed
702 WindowManagers
703 Without FormAttachment objects
704 Working with Dropdowns
705 You can include the mnemonic character in the text label
706 Your first JFace application