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File Input Output 972 codes
File Input Output
1 A ByteBuffer is a fixed-capacity buffer that holds byte values
2 A character output stream that sends output to a printer
3 A class to find resources in the classpath by their mime-type specified in the MANIFEST
4 A class whose clone method uses serialization
5 A collection of utility methods for working on GZIPed data
6 A contiguous range of characters, optionally negated
7 A filesystem filter
8 A FilterInputStream with a limited bandwith
9 A frame with a text area to show the contents of a file inside a ZIP archive
10 A helper class for printing indented text
11 A line reading wrapper that works with byte streams
12 A null output stream All data written to this stream is ignored
13 A prefix based filename filter
14 A PrintWriter that also sends its output to a log stream
15 A PrintWriter that ends lines with a carriage return-line feed (CRLF)
16 A program that serializes and deserializes an Employee array
17 A RandomAccessFile object that is tied to a file called employee dat
18 A simple file filter for a particular file extension
19 A simple FilterReader that strips HTML tags out of a stream of characters
20 A single checksum calculation for multiple files
21 A speedy implementation of ByteArrayOutputStream
22 A standalone program that deletes a specified file or directory
23 A standalone program that reads a list of classes and builds a database of packages, classes, and class fields and metho
24 A StraightStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams
25 A string writer that is able to write large amounts of data
26 A suffix based file filter
27 A trace of the data that is being retrieved from an input stream
28 A utility class for manipulating paths
29 A utility class that allows for easy simple obfuscation of streamed data
30 A word counting utility with FileReader
31 A writer for char strings
32 Absolutize a relative resource path on the given absolute base path
33 Accepts a selection if it is acceptable to both of two FilenameFilters
34 Add a jar entry to the deployment archive
35 Add jar contents to the deployment archive under the given prefix
36 Adds extra dot if dot occurs in message body at beginning of line (according to RFC1939)
37 Allows reading and writing to a plain text file via a list of lines
38 An InputStream backed by a Reader
39 An InputStream class that terminates the stream when it encounters a particular byte sequence
40 An InputStream that implements HTTP1 1 chunking
41 An Iterator over the lines in a Reader
42 An implementation of a virtual file, whose contents are kept in memory
43 An input stream which reads sequentially from multiple sources
44 An iterator that breaks text into lines The result is equal to BufferedReader readLine()
45 An limited-data-size input stream
46 An OutputStream which relays all data written into it into a list of given OutputStreams
47 An unsynchronized version of java io ByteArrayOutputStream
48 Append or add some contents to the file
49 Append output to file using FileOutputStream
50 Append string to a text file
51 Appending data to existing file
52 Appending to a File
53 Apply a ASCII Hex encoding to the stream
54 Applying Regular Expressions on the Contents of a File
55 Arrays copyOf CharSequence
56 Assists with the serialization process and performs additional functionality based on serialization
57 Base64 - encodedecode data using the Base64 encoding scheme
58 Base64 Character decoder as specified in RFC1113
59 Base64 Character encoder as specified in RFC1113
60 Base64 Codec
61 BASE64 Decoder Stream
62 BASE64 Decoder Stream from Sun Microsystems
63 BASE64 Encoder Stream
64 BASE64 Encoder Stream from Sun Microsystems
65 Base64 encoding from DbUnit org
66 Base64 from Eric Glass jcifs at samba dot org
67 Base64 provides Base64 encodingdecoding of strings and streams
68 BGrep
69 Binary Dump OutputStream
70 Bit InputStream
71 Breadth first iterator which iterates through all files which are decendents of the specified root file
72 Breadth first iterator which iterates through all paths which are decendants of the specified base path
73 Buffer Equality
74 Buffered copying
75 Buffered copying between source(InputStream, Reader, String and byte[]) and destinations (OutputStream, Writer, String a
76 BufferedWriter out of FileWriter
77 Build a directory path - creating directories if neccesary
78 Build a path, but do not create it
79 Build a relative path to the given base path
80 Byte Array
81 Byte Array for Android
82 Byte Array IO
83 Byte ArrayList
84 Byte Counting OutputStream
85 Byte Reader with FileInputStream
86 Byte Writer with FileOutputStream
87 Byte-Array Conversion Utility Functions
88 ByteArray wraps java byte arrays (byte[]) to allow byte arrays to be used as keys in hashtables
89 ByteArrayInputStream implementation that does not synchronize methods
90 ByteArrayInputStream Reset
91 ByteBuffer FloatBuffer demo
92 Bytes counting
93 BZip2 format
94 Caching InputStream
95 Caching OutputStream
96 Calculate directory size
97 Calculates the relative path between a specified root directory and a target path
98 Calculating the Checksum of a Byte Array (Compute Adler-32 checksum)
99 Calculating the Checksum of a File
100 Call the static method PressAnykey to keep to DOS window open
101 Capture System out into a JFrame
102 Change a file attribute to read only
103 Change a file attribute to writable
104 Change File Name To Class Name
105 Change last modified time of a file or directory
106 Char Array IO
107 Char Buffer
108 Check if a directory is not empty
109 Check sum for a path
110 Check sum for an InputStream
111 Check the class version
112 Checks, whether the child directory is a subdirectory of the base directory
113 Choose a File
114 Circular Byte Buffer
115 Circular Char Buffer
116 Circular Char Buffer from http
117 Class encodes the bytes written to the OutPutStream to a Base64 encoded string
118 Class for exploding jarzip files onto the file system
119 Collection of file path related stuff
120 Combined InputStream
121 Compare binary files
122 Compare File Dates
123 Compare text file line by line
124 Compare the contents of two Readers to determine if they are equal or not
125 Compare the contents of two Streams to determine if they are equal or not
126 Compare two byte[] for differences, either may be null
127 Compare two file paths
128 Compare two InputStream
129 Compare two zip files
130 Comparing Buffered and Unbuffered Writing Performance
131 Compress a Byte Array
132 Compress a file in the GZIP format
133 Compress a list of files passed in from command line
134 Compress byte array
135 Compress files using the Java ZIP API
136 Compress Java objects
137 Compress object and decompress
138 Compress string(byte array) by Deflater
139 Compressed socket
140 Compressing a Byte Array
141 Compressing a File
142 Compressing a File in the GZIP Format
143 Compressing Streams
144 Compute CRC-32 checksum
145 Computes all the class serialVersionUIDs under the jboss home directory
146 Concatenates an array of string using a seperator
147 Construct file path
148 Controlling serialization by adding your own writeObject() and readObject() methods
149 Convert 4 hex digits to an int, and return the number of converted bytes
150 Convert a list of path elements to a platform-specific path
151 Convert a path to a cananonical form
152 Convert a string of hex digits to a byte array, with the first byte in the array being the MSB
153 Convert a TCPIP address string into a byte array
154 Convert byte array into a printable format
155 Convert byte array to Hex string
156 Convert hexadecimal digits into byte array by encoding each two hexadecimal digits as a byte
157 Convert InputStream to String
158 Convert interchangeably between a ByteBuffer and a byte array
159 Convert lines into the canonical format, that is, terminate lines with the CRLF sequence
160 Convert object to byte array and convert byte array to object
161 Convert Reader to InputStream
162 Convert string into InputStream using ByteArrayInputStream class
163 Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed integer
164 Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed integer in the given radix
165 Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed long
166 Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a String
167 Converting Between a ByteBuffer an a Byte Array
168 Converting text to and from ByteBuffers
169 Converts a byte array into a hexadecimal string
170 Converts a byte array into hexadecimal characters which are written as ASCII to the given output stream
171 Converts a hex string representation to a byte array
172 Converts an int integer array to a byte array
173 Copies all data from an input stream to an output stream
174 Copies file contents from source to destination
175 Copies the contents of the given InputStream to the given OutputStream
176 Copies the contents of the Reader into the Writer, until the end of the stream has been reached
177 Copies the contents of the Reader into the Writer, until the end of the stream has been reached This method uses a buffe
178 Copies the InputStream into the OutputStream, until the end of the stream has been reached
179 Copies the InputStream into the OutputStream, until the end of the stream has been reached This method uses a buffer of
180 Copy a directory and all of its contents
181 Copy a file
182 Copy a file and user buffer
183 Copy a file using NIO
184 Copy a file with FileOutputStream and FileInputStream
185 Copy ALL available data from one stream into another with Channel
186 Copy and overwrite files
187 Copy any input stream to output file
188 Copy any input stream to output stream
189 Copy byte between BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream
190 Copy byte between FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
191 Copy Bytes between FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
192 Copy Characters between FileReader and FileWriter
193 Copy chars from a Reader to a Writer
194 Copy Completely (InputStream input, OutputStream output)
195 Copy Completely (Reader input, Writer output)
196 Copy Completely(URI input, URI output)
197 Copy File
198 Copy file and directory
199 Copy file character by character with FileReader and FileWriter
200 Copy file with FileChannel
201 Copy files using Java IO API
202 Copy From Stream To File
203 Copy Inputstream To File
204 Copy in stream to an out stream
205 Copy Pipe
206 Copy the source file system structure into the supplied target location
207 Copying a Directory
208 Copying a file using channels and buffers
209 Copying One File to Another
210 Copying One File to Another with FileChannel
211 Count characters with FileInputStream
212 Count chars in a File
213 Count files in a directory (including files in all subdirectories)
214 Count OutputStream
215 Count the number of bytes read through the stream
216 Count the number of bytes written to the output stream
217 Count the number of lines in the buffer
218 Counting OutputStream
219 Counts words in a file, outputs results in sorted form
220 Create a ByteBuffer
221 Create a ByteBuffer using a byte array
222 Create a character ByteBuffer
223 Create a compressed data file by using a DeflaterOutputStream and then read that data through an InflaterInputStream
224 Create a direct (memory-mapped) ByteBuffer with a 10 byte capacity
225 Create a directories recursively
226 Create a directory (or several directories)
227 Create a directory; all ancestor directories must exist
228 Create a directory; all non-existent ancestor directories are automatically created
229 Create a double ByteBuffer
230 Create a float ByteBuffer
231 Create a human-readable file size
232 Create a Jar archive containing the src filedirectory
233 Create a long ByteBuffer
234 Create a non-direct ByteBuffer with a 10 byte capacity
235 Create a private (copy-on-write) memory-mapped file
236 Create a read-only memory-mapped file
237 Create a read-write memory-mapped file
238 Create a serialized output file
239 Create a short ByteBuffer
240 Create a simple ZIP File
241 Create a temporary file
242 Create a unique directory within a directory root
243 Create a URL that refers to a jar file in the file system
244 Create a URL that refers to an entry in the jar file
245 Create a zip file with java util zip package
246 Create an inputstream on the channel
247 Create an integer ByteBuffer
248 Create BufferedInputStream from FileInputStream
249 Create BufferedOutputStream from FileOutputStream
250 Create BufferedReader from FileReader and process lines from file
251 Create BufferedReader from FileReader and Read display lines from file
252 Create BufferedReader from InputStreamReader
253 Create BufferedReader from InputStreamReader and read line by line
254 Create BufferedReader from InputStreamReader and System in, read console input
255 Create BufferedReader from InputStreamReader and URL
256 Create BufferedReader from StringReader
257 Create BufferedReader from System in
258 Create BufferedReader from URL
259 Create BufferedReader out of FileReader
260 Create BufferedWriter from FileWriter and write strings to the file
261 Create checksum for a zip file
262 Create DataInputStream from FileInputStream and read different types of data
263 Create DataOutputStream from FileOutputStream
264 Create DataOutputStream from FileOutputStream and Write various types of data
265 Create directory
266 Create directory along with required nonexistent parent directories
267 Create directory tree (nestedcascade folders)
268 Create file
269 Create File Name with specified white space character
270 Create FileOutputStream object from File object
271 Create FileOutputStream object from String file path
272 Create Jar file
273 Create LineNumberReader from FileReader
274 Create new empty file
275 Create ObjectInputStream out of FileInputStream
276 Create ObjectOutputStream out of FileOutputStream
277 Create PipedReader out of PipedWriter
278 Create print stream for error logger
279 Create PrintWriter from BufferedWriter
280 Create PrintWriter from System out
281 Create PrintWriter out of FileWriter
282 Create StreamTokenizer from BufferedReader
283 Create StreamTokenizer from FileReader
284 Create temporary file in specified directory
285 Create temporary file with specified extension suffix
286 Creates a file, making sure that its name is unique
287 Creates a new and empty directory in the default temp directory using the given prefix
288 Creates a new empty temporary directory
289 Creates a tiny text editor with BufferedReader
290 Creates and displays a window containing a list of files and sub-directories in a specified directory
291 Creating a File Lock on a File
292 Creating a JAR File
293 Creating a Manifest for a JAR File
294 Creating a Shared File Lock on a File
295 Creating a Stream from a Channel
296 Creating a Temporary File and delete it on exit
297 Creating a very large file using mapping
298 Creating a ZIP File
299 Creating an input or output stream on a ByteBuffer
300 CRLF Print Writer
301 CRLF Terminated Reader
302 Data file
303 Data IO Demo
304 Data IO Test
305 Data IO Test 2
306 Data Text Writer
307 DataInputStream out of FileInputStream, DataOutputStream out of FileOutputStream
308 DataInputStream, DataOutputStream
309 DataOutputStream and DataInputStream
310 Deal with Keyboard Input with BufferedReader
311 Deal with StreamTokenizer TT_WORD, StreamTokenizer TT_NUMBER
312 Decode a BASE64 encoded input stream to some output stream
313 Decode a path
314 Decode byte array
315 Decompress a Byte Array
316 Decompress a ZIP file
317 Decompress a zip file using ZipFile
318 Decompress a zip file using ZipInputStream
319 Decompress Java objects
320 Decompressing a Byte Array
321 Defines utility routines that use Java serialization
322 Delete a file
323 Delete a file from within Java
324 Delete a file from within Java, with error handling
325 Delete a non-empty directory
326 Delete all files under this file and including this file
327 Delete directory recursively
328 Delete file or directory
329 Delete file or directory when virtual machine terminates
330 Delete file using Java IO API
331 Delete Recursively
332 Delete the file or non-empty directory at the supplied path
333 Deletes a directory
334 Deletes all files and subdirectories
335 Deletes the diretory and any files and directories in it recursively
336 Deleting a Directory (an empty directory)
337 Demonstrate ByteArrayInputStream
338 Demonstrate CharArrayWriter
339 Demonstrate File
340 Demonstrate FileWriter
341 Demonstrate ProgressMeterInputStream
342 Demonstrate sequenced input
343 Demonstrate unread()
344 Demonstrates file locking and simple file read and write operations using java nio channels FileChannel
345 Demonstrates standard IO redirection
346 Demonstrates the use of the File class to create directories and manipulate files
347 Depth first iterator which iterates through all files which are decendents of the specified root file
348 Depth first iterator which iterates through all files which are decendents of the specified root path
349 Deserializes an object from an input stream
350 Determine File or Directory
351 Determine if a file can be read
352 Determine if a file can be written
353 Determine if file or directory exists
354 Determine if File or Directory is hidden
355 Determine number of bytes written to DataOutputStream
356 Determine whether a file is a JAR File
357 Determine whether a file is a ZIP File
358 Determining If a ByteBuffer Is Direct
359 Determining If Two Filename Paths Refer to the Same File
360 Diff
361 Directory Walker
362 DirTree - directory lister, like UNIX ls or DOS and VMS dir
363 Display a file system in a JTree view
364 Display Bytes Size
365 Display file contents in hexadecimal
366 Displaying contents of a compressed zip file
367 Dump a String to a text file with encoding
368 Dumps data in hexadecimal format
369 Empty and delete a folder (and subfolders)
370 Endian differences and data storage
371 EOLConvertingInputStream
372 Extends FilterWriter and extends FilterReader
373 Extension Filename Filter
374 Extract contents of a zip file
375 Extract File Extension
376 Extract file name (without path and suffix) from file name with path and suffix
377 Extract file name (without path but with suffix) from file name with path and suffix
378 Extract filefiles from a zip file
379 Extract the page path from the given request path
380 Extract Tokens with StreamTokenizer
381 Extract zip file to destination folder
382 Extracts floats from byte array
383 Extracts ints from byte array
384 Extracts longs from byte array
385 Extracts short ints from byte array
386 Fast BufferedInputStream
387 Fast BufferedOutputStream
388 Fast BufferedWriter
389 Fast Byte Array InputStream
390 Fast Byte Array OutputStream
391 Fast Copy File
392 Fast Multi ByteArrayInputStream
393 File Compressor
394 File concatenation
395 File Copy in Java
396 File Copy in Java with NIO
397 File extension Utilities
398 File filter
399 File getCanonicalFile() converts a filename path to a unique canonical form suitable for comparisons
400 File IO
401 File Locking
402 File Monitor Demo
403 File name Utils
404 File read and write
405 File Splitter
406 File Table HTML
407 File Tree Demo
408 File utilities for file read and write
409 FileChannel
410 Filter by file
411 Filter files by name
412 Filters files based on the extension (what the filename ends with)
413 Find a pattern within a file
414 Find directories
415 Find out the directory
416 Fixes the file sperator char for the target platform using the following replacement
417 Flush output stream
418 FNFilter - directory lister using FilenameFilter
419 Forcing Updates to a File to the Disk
420 Format file length in string
421 Free space on this partition
422 General filename and filepath manipulation utilities
423 General IO Stream manipulation
424 General IO stream manipulation utilities
425 Get a file last modification date
426 Get a list of files, and check if any files are missing
427 Get a substring
428 Get Absolute path of the file
429 Get all path information from java io File
430 Get all xml files by file extension
431 Get and Set char type data in a ByteBuffer
432 Get and Set double type data in a ByteBuffer
433 Get and Set float type data in a ByteBuffer
434 Get and Set int type data in a ByteBuffer
435 Get and Set long type data in a ByteBuffer
436 Get and Set short type data in a ByteBuffer
437 Get bytes from InputStream
438 Get current directory
439 Get default byte ordering
440 Get extension, path and file name
441 Get file date and time
442 Get file extension name
443 Get File Name Suffix
444 Get file size
445 Get File Size In MB
446 Get File size in bytes
447 Get FileChannel from FileOutputStream and FileInputStream
448 Get Files Recurse
449 Get Hex from byte array
450 Get icon for file type
451 Get Last modification time of a file or directory
452 Get name of parent directory
453 Get name of specified file or directory
454 Get parent directory as a File object
455 Get relative Path
456 Get remaining byte count in a ByteBuffer
457 Get resource from Jar file
458 Get the ByteBuffers capacity
459 Get the entry name; it should be the same as specified on URL
460 Get the firstlast token from a path
461 Get the jar entry
462 Get the jar file
463 Get the jar file from a URL
464 Get the parents of an absolute filename path
465 Gets an array of bytes corresponding to the given object
466 Gets the content from a File as String Array List
467 Getting a Jar File Using a URL
468 Getting an Absolute Filename Path from a Relative Filename parent Path
469 Getting an Absolute Filename Path from a Relative Filename Path
470 Getting an Absolute Filename Path from a Relative Filename with Path
471 Getting and Setting the Modification Time of a File or Directory
472 Getting channels from streams
473 Getting different representations from a ByteBuffer
474 Getting the Current Working Directory
475 Getting the Parents of a Filename Path
476 Given a hexstring this will return the byte array corresponding to string
477 Grep tools
478 GZIP compress
479 GZIP Filter, response stream and Response Wrapper
480 GZip with GZIPOutputStream
481 Gzipping files and zipping directories
482 Helper Class to manipulate Java Archive File
483 Hex dump
484 How to get bytes from a ByteBuffer
485 How to read lines from a file and print these to the standard output stream
486 Illustrates using a PrintWriter to handle console output
487 Implementation of a fast Writer
488 Implements a growable array of ints, and knows how to serialize itself as efficiently as a non-growable array
489 Implements an output stream in which the data is written into a byte array The buffer automatically grows as data is wri
490 Implements Externalizable
491 Import a file of exported preference data
492 Indent - prepend leading spaces
493 InflaterInputStream to unzip
494 Input and output of arrays and objects with binary files
495 Input and output of primitive values with binary files
496 Input and output of primitive values with random access binary files
497 Input and output using strings and string buffers
498 Input and output with human-readable text files
499 InputStream to String and Byte array
500 InstallJars - a utility to download and install files, Jars and Zips
501 Introduce a protocol for reading arbitrary length data in a uniform way
502 Invert the endianness of words (4 bytes) in the given byte array starting at the given offset and repeating length4 time
503 Inverted File Filter
504 IO demo
505 JAR Archives
506 Jar builder
507 Jar Entry OutputStream
508 Jar file helper to deployment
509 Jarring and unjarring files and directories
510 Java File Generator
511 Line Number IO
512 List contents of a directory
513 List drives
514 List files in a jar file
515 List files of a certain type
516 List Filesystem roots
517 List of lines in a file with BufferedReader
518 List root directory
519 List the contents of a zip file
520 List the entries of a zip file
521 Listing the Contents of a ZIP File
522 Listing the Directory Contents
523 Listing the Entries of a JAR File Manifest
524 Listing the File System Roots
525 Listing the Files or Subdirectories in a Directory
526 Listing the Main Attributes in a JAR File Manifest
527 Load a resource as a stream
528 Load a text file contents as a String
529 Load an Icon from a jar
530 Load an Image from a JAR file
531 Load File as byte array
532 Load File As Text
533 Load file content to List
534 Load file line by line
535 Load file to byte array
536 Load resource from Jar file
537 Load Stream Into String
538 Load zip file and scan zip file
539 Loading resources and classes in a fault tolerant manner
540 Loading text from a file
541 Locking portions of a mapped file
542 Ls directory lister modified to use FilenameFilter
543 LZFInputStream and LZFOutputStream
544 Make Temp Jar
545 Makes a zip file named xmlFileName from xmlURL at path
546 Making a zip file of directory including its subdirectories recursively
547 Manages fixed-length byte arrays
548 Manifest Writer
549 Manipulating ints in a ByteBuffer with an IntBuffer
550 Map FileChannel to MappedByteBuffer
551 Mapped IO
552 Mapping an entire file into memory for reading
553 Mark file or directory Read Only
554 Match a path which may contain a wildcard
555 Memory Byte Array OutputStream
556 Merges the two paths to create a valid version of the second path
557 Mimic the Unix Grep command
558 Minimal InputStream subclass to fetch bytes form a String
559 Mkdir examples
560 Monitor files for changes
561 Monitoring a File for changes
562 Move a file
563 Move File
564 Moving a File or Directory to Another Directory
565 Nested creation of FileWriter, BufferedWriter and PrintWriter
566 New BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System out))
567 New DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream()))
568 New DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream()))
569 New ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(StringFileName)))
570 New ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(StringFileName)))
571 New OutputStreamWriter(fos, UTF8)
572 New Scanner(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(xanadu txt)))
573 Null Writer
574 Object Serialization
575 Object serialization with Serializable interface, ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream
576 ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream and java io Serializable
577 ObjectStream Test with hierarchy
578 Only display files that use the html extension
579 Open File By Name
580 Output Buffering
581 Output stream that compresses into the BZip2 format
582 Output to a text File
583 Override writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) and readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
584 Package files utility
585 Path Util
586 Perform the conversions after parsing the String
587 Performs a straightforward copy operation
588 Performs Base-64 decoding on an underlying stream
589 Persisting Changes to a Memory-Mapped ByteBuffer
590 PipedReader and PipedWriter and thread
591 Pipes for Communications
592 Preventing multiple instances of an application
593 Printing an HTML Table
594 Printing Numbers to a Text File
595 Program to empty a directory
596 Program to remove files matching a name in a directory
597 ProgressMonitorInputStream Demo
598 Provide a debug trace of the stuff thats being written out into the DataOutputStream
599 Provides both writing and reading from a file which is transparently compressed in Zip
600 Provides Closable semantics ordinarily missing in a java io CharArrayWriter
601 Provides true Closable semantics ordinarily missing in a java io ByteArrayOutputStream
602 Put a multibyte value
603 Put bytes into a ByteBuffer
604 Put file To Zip File
605 Putting Bytes into a ByteBuffer
606 Querying a File for Information
607 Quick Writer
608 Random File
609 Random IO
610 Random input stream
611 Read a file and print, using BufferedReader and System out
612 Read a file and print, using LineReader and System out
613 Read a file containing an offset, and a String at that offset
614 Read a string from console using a BufferedReader
615 Read a text file
616 Read a zip file checksum value
617 Read all available bytes from one channel and copy them to the other
618 Read and copy with FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
619 Read and copy with FileReader and FileWriter
620 Read and return the entire contents of the supplied File
621 Read and return the entire contents of the supplied InputStream
622 Read and return the entire contents of the supplied InputStream This method always closes the stream when finished readi
623 Read and return the entire contents of the supplied Reader This method always closes the reader when finished reading.tx
624 Read boolean from file using DataInputStream
625 Read byte and string with ByteArrayOutputStream
626 Read byte array from file using DataInputStream
627 Read byte from file using DataInputStream
628 Read ByteArrayInputStream to String
629 Read bytes and display their hexadecimal values
630 Read bytes from the specified channel, decode them using the specified Charset, and write the resulting characters to th
631 Read char from file using DataInputStream
632 Read characters with FileReader
633 Read content of a file
634 Read data from text file
635 Read different data types from DataInputStream
636 Read different data types from ObjectInputStream
637 Read double from file using DataInputStream
638 Read each line in a comma separated file into an array
639 Read entries in a zip compressed file
640 Read file as bytes
641 Read file character by character
642 Read file contents to string using commons-io
643 Read file in byte array using FileInputStream
644 Read File in String Using Java BufferedInputStream Example
645 Read file to byte array
646 Read file to byte array and save byte array to file
647 Read file upside down
648 Read file upsidedown with RandomAccessFile
649 Read file using FileInputStream
650 Read File Using Java BufferedInputStream Example
651 Read file using Scanner class
652 Read file with FileChannel
653 Read file with StreamTokenizer
654 Read files within a zip file
655 Read float from file using DataInputStream
656 Read from a channel with a ByteBuffer
657 Read from a file using a BufferedReader
658 Read from back
659 Read from file with BufferedInputStream
660 Read from InputStream and write to OutputStream
661 Read from Reader and write to Writer until there is no more input from reader
662 Read Input From User and Write to File
663 Read InputStream to string
664 Read in the current contents of the java net homepage
665 Read int from file using DataInputStream
666 Read lines of text from a file with the BufferedReader class
667 Read long from file using DataInputStream
668 Read number of lines from a File
669 Read one byte from a file
670 Read short from file using DataInputStream
671 Read short type of data with DataInputStream
672 Read some data from a gzip file
673 Read string from InputStream and Reader
674 Read the content of a zip file ZipFile
675 Read the file one buffer at a time
676 Read unsigned byte from file using DataInputStream
677 Read user input from console using Scanner class
678 Read Write Lock Test
679 Read zip file
680 Reader for the ISO-8859-1 encoding
681 Reader for UCS-2 and UCS-4 encodings (i e , encodings from ISO-10646-UCS-(24))
682 Reader to StringBuilder
683 Reading a File into a Byte Array
684 Reading a text file from a jar file without unzipping
685 Reading and Printing a Directory Hierarchy
686 Reading Bytes from a DataInputStream
687 Reading from a Binary File with BufferedInputStream
688 Reading from a Channel with a ByteBuffer
689 Reading ISO Latin-1 Encoded Data
690 Reading Numbers from a Text File
691 Reading Numbers from a Text File, Line by Line
692 Reading objects from file using ObjectInputStream
693 Reading Text from a File
694 Reading the Contents of a ZIP File
695 Reading UTF-8 Encoded Data
696 ReadLines
697 Readonly Files
698 Readonly RandomAccessFile
699 Reads a serialized object from a file that has been compressed using gzip
700 Reads at most certain bytes from input stream and returns them as a byte array
701 Reads bytes available from one InputStream and returns these bytes in a byte array
702 Reads characters available from the Reader and returns these characters as a String object
703 Reads data off a stream, printing every byte read to System err
704 Reads file contents
705 Reads from an underlying InputStream up to a defined number of bytes or the end of the underlying stream
706 Reads GZIP, Zip, and Jar files
707 Reads sequentially from multiple sources
708 Reads the content of an input stream and writes it into an output stream
709 Reconstructing an externalizable object
710 Recursive Delete File
711 Recursive directory deletion
712 Recursively delete a file and all its contents
713 Recursively search a directory tree
714 Recursivly delete directory
715 Redirect standard error
716 Redirect standard output
717 Redirect standard output to a file
718 Redirecting Standard Output, and Error
719 Remove File Name Suffix
720 Remove file or directory
721 Remove path and file information from a filename returning only its extension component
722 Removes the file extension from the given file name
723 Rename a file in Java
724 Rename file or directory
725 Rename To Temporary Name
726 Replace standard output and error with a print stream, output to both the console and to a file
727 Report on a files status in Java
728 Resettable File InputStream
729 Retreive Binary File From Jar
730 Retreive Text File From Jar
731 Retrieve a compressed file from a ZIP file
732 Retrieve all bytes in the buffer
733 Retrieve bytes between the position and limit
734 Retrieve the contents of a ZIP file
735 Retrieves the manifest from a JAR file and writes the manifest contents to a file
736 Retrieving a Compressed File from a ZIP File
737 Return a context-relative path, beginning with a , that represents the canonical version of the specified path after and
738 Return a file with the given filename creating the necessary directories if not present
739 Return a resource URL
740 Return readable file size with selected value measure
741 Return the first directory of this archive This is needed to determine the plugin directory
742 Return the path within a base directory
743 Returns a byte array from the given object
744 Returns a hexadecimal representation of the given byte array
745 Returns a human-readable version of the file size, where the input represents a specific number of bytes
746 Returns a object from the given byte array
747 Returns the file extension of the given file name The returned value will contain the dot
748 Returns the path of the given resource
749 Reverse a file with RandomAccessFile
750 Ring the bell using AWT
751 Rollover FileOutputStream
752 Safe UTF
753 Save string value to a file
754 Scanning text with java util Scanner
755 ScanStreamTok - show scanning a file with StringTokenizer
756 Search all jar and zip files in the current directory for a given class file
757 Search class in class path and Jar files
758 Search for files recursively
759 Searches case sensitively in a file
760 Searches through the directory tree
761 Sequence IO
762 Serial Demo
763 Serializable
764 Serializable Enumeration
765 Serialization Utilities
766 Serialization with ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream
767 Serialized File Util
768 Serializer class
769 Serializes an object to a file, masking out annoying exceptions
770 Serializing an Object (JButton)
771 Set eolIsSignificant
772 Set file attributes
773 Set last modified time of a file or directory
774 Set the limit for ByteBuffer
775 Set the position
776 Set to little endian
777 Set whitespaceChars
778 Show the content of a file
779 Sign jar with the certificate named alias in the keystore
780 Simple directory lister
781 Simple use of Externalizable and a pitfall
782 Simplify the code in TextReader by using java util Scanner
783 Size formatting utility
784 Size Limit InputStream
785 Skip n bytes while reading the file using FileInputStream
786 Smart Encoding InputStream
787 Some general utility functions for dealing with Streams
788 Some simple file I-O primitives reimplemented in Java
789 Some utility classes for manipulating JAR files
790 Sort files base on their last modified date
791 Split a string using Scanner class
792 Split file
793 Split Lines
794 Standard Err and Output Windows
795 Starts at the directory given and tests to see whether it is empty
796 Store objects in file
797 Stream Token
798 String Buffer OutputStream
799 String Buffer Writer
800 String IO
801 Strings -- extract printable strings from binary file
802 Strip Extension name
803 Strip File Extension
804 Tab filter
805 Tape Archive Lister
806 TarInputStream reads a UNIX tar archive as an InputStream
807 TarOutputStream writes a UNIX tar archive as an OutputStream
808 TeePrintStream tees all PrintStream operations into a file, rather like the UNIX tee(1) command
809 Test PipedInputStream and PipedOutputStream with Thread
810 Testing for end of file while reading a byte at a time
811 Text File Handler
812 Text File Test
813 Text file viewer
814 The AsciiReader can read ascii data files
815 The class demonstrates the use of java io RandomAccessFile
816 The Directory Listing Application
817 The java util zip package can be used to create a checksum
818 The RandomAccessFile Class
819 The use of DataOutputStream and DataInputStream
820 This class is an part implementation of DataInput It wraps a Reader object
821 This class provides encoding of byte arrays into Base64-encoded strings, and decoding the other way
822 This convenience method sets the position to 0
823 This filter accepts Files that are directories
824 This input stream wrapper closes the base input stream when fully read
825 This program demonstrates the transfer of serialized objects between virtual machines
826 This program shows how to use getSerialVersionUID
827 Timing Unbuffered Reads
828 To Hex String and char
829 Tokenizing Java Source Code
830 Total space on this partition
831 Touch
832 Transfer between FileChannel
833 Translate Charset
834 Traversing all files and directories under dir
835 Traversing only directories under dir
836 Traversing only files under dir
837 Typical IO stream configurations
838 Uncompress a file in the GZIP format
839 Uncompressing a File in the GZIP Format
840 Undent - remove leading spaces
841 Ungzip with GZIPInputStream
842 Unjar a file
843 Unpack a segment from a zip
844 Unpack a zip file
845 Unpack an archive from a URL
846 UnZip -- print or unzip a JAR or PKZIP file using java util zip
847 Unzip file to a directory
848 Unzipps a zip file placed at zipURL to path
849 Usable space on this partition
850 Use a BufferedReader and a BufferedWriter to copy a text file, inverting the case of letters in the process
851 Use a BufferedReader to read characters from the console
852 Use a FileReader to display a text file
853 Use a mapped file to read a text file
854 Use buffered input
855 Use buffered streams to copy a file
856 Use BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream to copy byte array
857 Use BufferedReader to Read and process lines from console
858 Use BufferedReader to read line by line
859 Use ByteArrayOutputStream
860 Use DataInputStream to create double
861 Use DeflaterOutputStream to zip
862 Use FileChannel and ByteBuffer
863 Use FileOutputStream to write the bytes to a file
864 Use FileReader and FileWriter
865 Use FileWriter to write an array of strings to a file
866 Use Java code to zip a folder
867 Use Java NIO to Copy File
868 Use LineNumberReader class to read file
869 Use list( ) to examine the contents of a directory
870 Use New Java IO to write string into a file
871 Use NIO to read a text file
872 Use ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream to write and read Hashtable
873 Use RandomAccessFile class
874 Use RandomAccessFile to reverse a file
875 Use RandomAccessFile to save an object
876 Use the absolute get()
877 Use the relative get()
878 Uses a pair of CharArrayReaders
879 Uses Zip compression to compress any number of files given on the command line
880 Using a ByteBuffer to Store Strings
881 Using a Random Access File
882 Using a Reader and a Writer, returns a String from an InputStream
883 Using BufferedReader to read input number from user
884 Using Buffers
885 Using FileChannels to Access a File
886 Using RandomAccessFile to read file saved DataOutputStream
887 Using StreamTokenizer to count words and numbers in a file
888 Using the LineNumberReader to read a text file line by line
889 Using the RandomAccessFile class
890 Using the StringReader class
891 Using transferTo() between channels
892 UTF8 Reader
893 Util for extracting jar, war and zip archives
894 Utilities for file delete copy close
895 Utilities related to file and stream handling
896 Utility class for synchronizing filesdirectories
897 Utility class to manage localization resources
898 Utility code for dealing with different endian systems
899 Utility functions related to Streams
900 Utility method to convert byte array to hex-encoded string
901 Utility methods for file and stream copying
902 Utility methods for handling files and directories
903 Utility methods for handling streams
904 Utility methods for resolving resource locations to files in the file system
905 Validate that an archive contains a named entry
906 Various utility methods that have something to do with IO
907 View buffers
908 What happens when the entire file isnt in your mapping region
909 When no entry is specified on the URL, the entry name is null
910 Word Count
911 Work with temporary files in Java
912 Working with RandomAccessFile
913 Working with Serialization
914 Wraps a stream that has been exported to import the data in readable form
915 Wraps a stream, printing to standard out everything that is read from it
916 Wraps a stream, printing to standard out everything that is written to it
917 Write A String As Bytes
918 Write and read compressed forms of numbers to DataOutput and DataInput interfaces
919 Write boolean to a file using DataOutputStream
920 Write byte array to a file using FileOutputStream
921 Write byte array to file using BufferedOutputStream
922 Write byte to a file using DataOutputStream
923 Write byte to file using BufferedOutputStream
924 Write char to a file using DataOutputStream
925 Write data with FileOutputStream
926 Write different data types with DataOutputStream
927 Write different data types with ObjectOutputStream
928 Write double to a file using DataOutputStream
929 Write file using FileOutputStream
930 Write file with FileChannel
931 Write float to a file using DataOutputStream
932 Write int to a file using DataOutputStream
933 Write lines of text to file using a PrintWriter
934 Write long to a file using DataOutputStream
935 Write short to a file using DataOutputStream
936 Write short type value with DataOutputStream
937 Write some data in binary
938 Write String as bytes to a file using DataOutputStream
939 Write String as characters to a file using DataOutputStream
940 Write string to file with FileWriter
941 Write text file
942 Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given writer This method always flushes and closes the writer wh
943 Write to a file using FileChannel
944 Write to a file using the new IO
945 Write to a mapped file
946 Write to file using a BufferedWriter
947 Write to file using BufferedOutputStream
948 Write UTF String, integer and double with DataOutputStream
949 Write with ByteBuffer
950 Write Zip file
951 Writer that places all output on an {@link Appendable} target
952 Writes a serialized version of obj to a given file, compressing it using gzip
953 Writes all characters from a Reader to a file using the default character encoding
954 Writes all files of the given directory to the specified jar-file
955 Writes doubles to byte array
956 Writes floats to byte array
957 Writes ints to byte array
958 Writes longs to byte array
959 Writes short ints to byte array
960 Writing and Appending a ByteBuffer to a File
961 Writing delimited text data to a file or a stream
962 Writing ISO Latin-1 Encoded Data
963 Writing objects to file with ObjectOutputStream
964 Writing to a Binary File
965 Writing to a File
966 Writing to a Text File
967 Writing UTF-8 Encoded Data
968 Zip a list of file into one zip file
969 Zip Compare
970 Zip jar Imploder
971 Zip unzip byte array
972 Zip up a directory