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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Language 111 codes
1 A namespace can be nested within another
2 A shared resource example
3 A static member variable example
4 A switch statement in action
5 Add an else part to the if statement
6 An exception can be thrown from outside the try block
7 Arithmetic assignment operators
8 Catch all types of exceptions
9 Catch By Non Const Reference
10 Catch By Value
11 Catch char pointer type exception
12 Catch different types of exception
13 Catch exception from a function
14 Catch int type exception in a function
15 Catch more than one type of exceptions
16 Checking for a divide-by-zero exception
17 Checks for divide-by-zero and throw exception
18 Code block of try catch
19 Compound assignments
20 Conditional Expressions
21 Conditional Operator
22 Create an XOR using the C++ logical operators
23 Define and use const
24 Define operator a custom class
25 Defines and tests namespaces
26 Deliberately falls through the case
27 Demonstrate a namespace
28 Demonstrate the modulus operator
29 Demonstrate the new(nothrow) alternative
30 Demonstrate the relational and logical operators
31 Demonstrates built-in arithmetic operators
32 Demonstrates remainder operator
33 Demonstrates the use of using-declarations and using-directives
34 Demonstrating stack unwinding
35 Demonstration of rethrowing an exception
36 Do while loop with a input manipulator
37 Do while loop with double value type
38 Do while statement
39 Dot ( ) operator and operator operator
40 Dynamic int array
41 Dynamically allocated stack
42 Effects of prefix and postfix notation
43 Enclosure variables with namespace
44 Example of rethrowing an exception
45 Example of using the postfix and prefix
46 Finally catch all Exceptions
47 For loop
48 For loop with int value type as the control
49 For statement
50 Force an allocation failure
51 Generating digit numbers of equally total digits
52 Handle exceptions thrown by new
53 If a whole number entered by the user is even
54 If else if else statement in action
55 Increment operator
56 Init static data before object creation
57 Localize a trycatch to a function
58 Logical Not operator, combined with the logical And operator
59 Logical Or operator
60 Make the condition of the while loop always true
61 Match mask with bit operator
62 Namespace code section
63 Namespace Demo
64 Namespaces are additive
65 Nested if statement
66 Nesting While Loops
67 Operator in C++
68 Pointer for double and use new to allocate memory
69 Printing an unsigned integer in bits
70 Restricting function throw types
71 Sample program containing a break statement
72 Some Namespace Options
73 Static function and static variable
74 Static function variable
75 Static Member Functions
76 Switch
77 Testing if Both Boolean Expressions Are True
78 Testing if Either Boolean Expression Is True
79 The this Pointer
80 The use of if-else statements
81 This is a single line comment
82 Throw an integer out
83 Throw Char Star
84 Throw different types of exceptions with if statement
85 Throw exception out of function
86 Throw Int out when reading integer file
87 Throwing Exceptions
88 Throwing Exceptions out of nested function calls
89 Throwing Multiple Basic
90 Throwing Two Types
91 Update of the value of num was done within the body of the loop
92 Usage and effect of a static data member
93 Use a static member variable independent of any object
94 Use an int value to control the if
95 Use explicit std
96 Use multiple catch statements
97 Use namespaces to wrap variables
98 Use new to allocate memory for a class and check error
99 Use new to allocate memory for primitive type
100 Use register variable
101 Use the break keyword to provide the user with the option of quitting the data entry
102 Use this pointer
103 Using a bit field
104 Using Multiple catch Statements
105 Using namespace to reference variables
106 Using the bitwise AND, bitwise inclusive OR, bitwise exclusive OR, and bitwise complement operators
107 Using the bitwise shift operators
108 Watch for allocation errors using both old-style and new-style error handling
109 While loop
110 While loop Demo
111 While statement