Mega Code Archive
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Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Development Class 1209 codes
Development Class
1 %d %(d %+d %05d
2 A 32 byte GUID generator
3 A Base64 encoderdecoder
4 A Bean information class
5 A bean that can be used to keep track of a counter
6 A cache that purges values according to their frequency and recency of use and other qualitative values
7 A class for timing things
8 A class representing a moment in time
9 A class that allows a programmer to determine the amount of time spend doing certain routines
10 A class to decode Base64 streams and strings
11 A class to encode Base64 streams and strings
12 A class to wait until a condition becomes true
13 A convenience class to do code profiling
14 A fast and memory efficient class to encode and decode to and from BASE64 in full accordance with RFC 2045
15 A FastCache is a map implemented with soft references, optimistic copy-on-write updates, and approximate count-based pru
16 A format for String objects that is easier to persist
17 A frame that restores position and size from a properties file and updates the properties upon exit
18 A frame that restores position and size from user preferences and updates the preferences upon exit
19 A garbage-free randomised quicksort
20 A GaussianHat is a random number generator that will give you numbers based on a population mean and standard deviation.
21 A HardFastCache is a map implemented with hard references, optimistic copy-on-write updates, and approximate count-based
22 A hash map with int key and int values
23 A hash-code generator and a collection of static hash-code generation methods
24 A Java implementation of the MT19937 (Mersenne Twister) pseudo random number generator algorithm
25 A java util Properties class that will check a file or URL for changes periodically
26 A least recently used (LRU) cache
27 A Least Recently Used Cache
28 A linear random method based on xor shifts
29 A long integer counter class
30 A LRU (Least Recently Used) cache replacement policy
31 A Map that is size-limited using an LRU algorithm
32 A math utility class with static methods
33 A pool of objects that should only be used by one thread at a time
34 A predictable random number generator
35 A program that displays a trace feature of a recursive method call
36 A Properties file stored in a JAR can be loaded this way
37 A random access text file allows a text file to be accessed randomly starting at any position
38 A random cache replacement policy
39 A random choice maker
40 A random org seeded random generator
41 A representation of the command line arguments passed to a Java class main(String[]) method
42 A second chance FIFO (First In First Out) cache replacement policy
43 A simple frame that allows quick and easy visualisation of something
44 A simple implementation of the Java 1 3 java util Timer API
45 A simple logging facility
46 A simple player for sampled sound files
47 A simple Properties extension easing the loading and saving of data
48 A small LRU object cache
49 A stream based parser for parsing delimited text data from a file or a stream
50 A subclass of the java util Properties class that must be initialized from a file on disk
51 A Swing component that can load and play a sound clip, displaying progress and controls
52 A thread-safe cache that keeps its values as java lang ref SoftReference so that the cache is, in effect, managed by the
53 A time-less Date class for basic date arithmetics
54 A trivial reverse-polish stack-based calculator for big numbers
55 A unique identifier
56 A utility class for replacing properties in strings
57 A utility class for representing a span of time
58 A utility class that parses a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
59 A very efficient java hash algorithm, based on the BuzHash algoritm
60 A very fast and memory efficient class to encode and decode to and from BASE64 in full accordance with RFC 2045
61 A very simple CSV parser released under a commercial-friendly license
62 A very simple CSV reader released under a commercial-friendly license
63 A very simple CSV writer released under a commercial-friendly license
64 A window that displays the bytes sent to System out and System err
65 A wrapper that supports all possible Random methods via the java lang Math#random() method and its system-wide {@link Ra
66 Absolute value
67 Access client web browser from java
68 Add 10 months to the calendar
69 Add a ASCII85 encoding to the stream
70 Add hours to current date using Calendar add method
71 Add hours, minutes or seconds to a date
72 Add minutes to current date using Calendar add method
73 Add months to current date using Calendar add method
74 Add or subtract days to current date using Java Calendar
75 Add seconds to current date using Calendar add method
76 Add week to current date using Calendar add method
77 Add year to current date using Calendar add method
78 Adds new properties to an existing set of properties
79 Algorithm for generating Random GUID
80 Align float numbers
81 Align string output
82 All times in this Timer object are in milliseconds The timer starts from the moment of its creation
83 An advanced hash table supporting configurable garbage collection semantics of keys and values
84 An example of loading and playing a sound using a Clip
85 An example of playing a sound with an echo filter
86 An example that plays a Midi sequence
87 An extension of ArrayList that provides some handy utilities for working with JavaBeans
88 An extension of Vector that provides some handy utilities for working with JavaBeans
89 An extension of WeakReference that implements a sane equals and hashcode method
90 An implementation of the HMACT64 keyed hashing algorithm
91 An integer synchronized counter class
92 An LRU (Least Recently Used) cache replacement policy
93 An optimized reader for reading byte streams that only contain 7-bit ASCII characters
94 An utility class to ease up using property-file resource bundles
95 Another Big Integer
96 Append different type of data to StringBuffer
97 Applet Loader Demo
98 Apply a mask to String
99 Applying the quadratic formula
100 Array debug util
101 Array of byte to encode
103 ASCII Utility
104 Assert equals
105 Assertion tool for debugging
106 Async LRU List
107 AtkinsonHash utility class implements the hash algorithm used by HyperCards ask password command
108 Atomic Pseudo Random
109 Atomic Simple Random
110 Audio sound
111 Bare Bones Browser Launch for Java
112 Bare-bones, unsafe, fast string buffer
113 Base 64 Converter
114 Base32 encodingdecoding class
115 Base64 Character encoder as specified in RFC1113
116 Base64 converted from code at http
117 Base-64 Encoder - translates from base-64 text into binary
118 BASE64 encoder implementation
119 Base64 encoderdecoder
120 Base64 encodingdecoding
121 Base64 from by Funambol, Inc
122 Base64 from org cspoker common util
123 Base64 Utils
124 Basic Math Demo
125 Basic Math with System out printf
126 Basic Timer
127 Bean Container
128 Bean has a single property called property
129 Bean to display a month calendar in a JPanel
130 Bean Utility
131 Beep every 5 minutes
132 Beeper Demo
133 Beeper Demo 2
134 Before annotation
135 Beta
136 Big Integer demo
137 Break Iterator Demo
138 Browser Launcher
139 Browser Launcher 2
140 Builds a bracketed CSV list from the array
141 Builds a CSV list from the specified String[], separator string and quote string
142 Builds a CSV list from the specified two dimensional String[][], separator string and quote string
143 Byte to be tested if it is Base64 alphabet
144 Cache LRU
145 Caclulate the factorial of N
146 Calculate process elapsed time
147 Calculate the age
148 Calculate the binomial distribution
149 Calculate the discrete uniform distribution
150 Calculate the floor of the log, base 2
151 Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers passed into the program through command line arguments
152 Calculating hyperbolic functions
153 Calculating trigonometric functions
154 Calendar adjust date automatically
155 Calendar Comparator
156 Calendar Demo
157 Calendar operations
158 Calendar To String
159 Calendar Util
160 Cancel Aware Timer
161 Capitalizing each word in a sentence with loop
162 Capitalizing each word in a sentence with recursive function
163 Capture a screenshot
164 Capturing a Screen Shot
165 Capturing Audio with Java Sound API
166 Capturing Screen in an image using Robot class
167 Centering a Frame, Window, or Dialog on the Screen
168 Change the characters
169 Character Demo
170 Check Desktop Property by using the Toolkit getDefaultToolkit()
171 Check if the current character is an 7 bits ASCII CHAR (between 0 and 127) char
172 Check the capacity of StringBuilder object
173 Check Version
174 Checks if the String contains only unicode digits A decimal point is not a unicode digit and returns false
175 Checks if the String contains only unicode digits or space
176 Checks if the String contains only unicode letters
177 Checks if the String contains only unicode letters and space ( )
178 Checks if the String contains only unicode letters or digits
179 Checks if the String contains only unicode letters, digits or space ( )
180 Checks if two calendar objects represent the same local time
181 Checks if two date objects are on the same day ignoring time
182 Checks if two date objects represent the same instant in time
183 Choose a port, any port!
184 Class encapsulating timer functionality
185 Class for program event timing
186 Class providing static methods to log diagnostics
187 Class representing a standard operating system platform, WIN, MAC, or POSIX
188 Class similar to StringBuffer, except that it can be used to construct multiple Strings
189 Class to help determining the OS
190 Class to represent unsigned 64-bit numbers
191 Clear system property
192 Clipboard Util
193 Code to read and write Base64-encoded text
194 Codes number up to radix 62
195 Combine date value in a sentence
196 Command and its arguments supplied in an array
197 Command line input
198 CommandLine Parser
199 Communicating with the System Clipboard
200 Compare both times and dates
201 Compare Dates
202 Compare File Dates
203 Complex Number Demo
204 Compute and display elapsed time of an operation
205 Compute days between 2 dates
206 Computes p(x;n,p) where x~B(n,p)
207 Computes the binomial coefficient n over k
208 Computing hash codes
209 Concurrent Cuckoo hashing using lock striping
210 Concurrent Cuckoo hashing using lock striping Uses RW locks for resizing Exercise solution
211 Condition that tests the OS type
212 Console read and write Utils
213 Contains static definition for matrix math methods
214 Continuously Playing a Sampled Audio File
215 Conversion between polar and rectangular coordinates
216 Conversion between Unicode characters and Strings
217 Convert a bean to XML persistence
218 Convert a Properties list into a map
219 Convert among Unicode, ASCII and byteint
220 Convert an array of bytes into a List of Strings using UTF-8
221 Convert an XML persistence to bean
222 Convert bytes To Hex
223 Convert Date to String
224 Convert day of the year to date
225 Convert day of year to day of month
226 Convert file in SJIS to UTF8
227 Convert from Unicode to UTF-8
228 Convert from UTF-8 to Unicode
229 Convert hex To Bytes
230 Convert longs (time_t in UNIX terminology) to seconds
231 Convert milliseconds to readable string
232 Convert milliseconds value to date
233 Convert string date to long value
234 Convert the date to the given timezone
235 Convert the time to the midnight of the currently set date
236 Convert time between timezone
237 Convert to hex from byte arrays and back
238 Converting between byte arrays and hex encoded strings
239 Converting hexadecimal strings
240 Converting Times Between Time Zones
241 Converts a given time in milliseconds into a XMLGregorianCalendar object
242 Converts specified map to java util Properties
243 Converts Unicode into something that can be embedded in a java properties file
244 Copy a set of properties from one Property to another
245 Copying data to system clipboard
246 Count all vowels inputed from keyboard
247 Count the number of bytes needed to return an Unicode char This can be from 1 to 6
248 Counts down from a specified value the number of bytes actually read from the wrapped InputStream
249 Create a Calendar object with the local time zone and set the UTC from japanCal
250 Create a Date object using the Calendar class
251 Create a scheduled task using timer
252 Create a table of squares and cubes
253 Create a Timer object
254 Create an instance a Bean
255 Create an iterator on a substring (efgh)
256 Create GUIDs according to the principles at http
257 Create JNI C method
258 Create key press event using Robot class
259 Create mouse event using Robot class
260 Create Object from JSON string
261 Create Properties from String array
262 Create random number
263 Create SimpleDateFormats from a string read from a file
264 Create Simplest JNI C method
265 Create some temp files, ls them, and rm them
266 Create two random number generators with the same seed
267 Create your own basic UUID
268 Creates StringBuilder objects, append and insert text to them Use the n character for line breaks
269 Csv Converter
270 CSV file reader
271 CSV file writer
272 CSV in action
273 Csv Reader
274 CSV Tokenizer Util
275 CSV Writer
276 Currency number format
277 CVS reader
278 Date and time formatting utilities and constants
279 Date and time with day and month fully spelled-out
280 Date and time with month
281 Date Format Cache
282 Date value short format
283 DateAdd -- compute the difference between two dates
284 DateCalAdd -- compute the difference between two dates
285 DateDiff -- compute the difference between two dates
286 Deal with Unicode
287 Dealing with Excel dates
288 Dealing with the Java environment
289 Deals with the different version of the Java Virtual Machine
290 Debug frame
291 Debug InputStream
292 Debug Util
293 Debug Utilities
294 Debug Utility
295 Debugging utility that reports, in a brute force manner, any internal data of a class instance
296 Decimal Format Demo
297 Decodes Base64 data into octects
298 Decodes InputStreams which contain binary data in base64 form
299 Decodes values of attributes in the DN encoded in hex into a UTF-8 String
300 Default floating-point format
301 Delete from start till end
302 Deletes text from the StringBuilder object
303 Demo code which plots the memory usage by all memory pools
304 Demonstrate a few of the Math functions for Trigonometry
305 Demonstrate a field-width specifier
306 Demonstrate charAt() and setCharAt()
307 Demonstrate creating readers and writers with a specific encoding
308 Demonstrate findInLine()
309 Demonstrate large numbers
310 Demonstrate left justification
311 Demonstrate our own version round()
312 Demonstrate simple code to play a movie with Java Media Framework
313 Demonstrate the %n and %% format specifiers
314 Demonstrate the port conflict resolution mechanism
315 Demonstrate the precision modifier
316 Demonstrate the space format specifiers
317 Demonstrates a dangerous use of proxy names
318 Demonstrates a dynamic proxy
319 Demonstrates the basic concept of proxies generated by clients to the proxies
320 Demonstrates the usage of a counting proxy
321 Demonstrates the use of factories to generate proxies
322 Demonstrates the use of interface based proxies
323 Demonstrating StringBuffer
324 Demonstration of Design by Contract (DBC) combined with white-box unit testing
325 Deserializing a Bean from XML
326 Determine beans property type
327 Determine if an hour is between an interval
328 Determine operating system using System class
329 Determine the day of the week
330 Determine the duration of a Midi audio file
331 Determine the JDK Version Number
332 Determine when the application is about to exit
333 Determines if given times span at least an entire day
334 Determines whether or not a date has any time values (hour, minute, seconds or millisecondsReturns the given date with t
335 Determining If a Preference Node Contains a Specific Key
336 Determining If a Preference Node Contains a Specific Value
337 Determining If a Preference Node Exists
338 Determining If a Year Is a Leap Year
339 Determining the Day-of-Week for a Particular Date
340 Determining the Duration of a Midi Audio File
341 Determining the Duration of a Sampled Audio File
342 Determining the Encoding of a Sampled Audio File
343 Determining the File Format of a Midi Audio File
344 Determining the File Format of a Sampled Audio File
345 Determining the Position of a Midi Sequencer
346 Determining the Position of a Sampled Audio Player
347 Determining When a Midi Audio Player Has Finished Playing
348 Determining When a Preference Node Is Added or Removed
349 Determining When a Sampled Audio Player Has Finished Playing
350 Determining When an Item Is No Longer on the System Clipboard
351 Display 12-hour time format
352 Display 24-hour time format
353 Display a file in hex
354 Display Available Time Zones
355 Display complete time and date information
356 Display current time
357 Display date using full names
358 Display date with a short day and month name
359 Display Day of Week using Java Calendar
360 Display full date time
361 Display hour and minute, and include AM or PM indicator
362 Display Month of year using Java Calendar
363 Display several time and date formats
364 Display short and long date and time formats
365 Display short date format
366 Display System Properties
367 Display the ISO Latin-1 character set
368 Displaying the Current Directory in the Title of a JFileChooser Dialog
369 Does Math random() produce 0 0 and 1 0
370 Dual Key Hash Map
371 Dummy Applet Context
372 Dump Props
373 Dynamic Action Hookup Test
374 Easter - compute the day on which Easter falls
375 Easy implementation of hashCode
376 Elapsed time in hoursminutesseconds
377 Emit a beep by printing the ASCII Bell character to the console
378 Emulates a dice
379 Encapsulates java util Properties to add java primitives and some other java classes
380 Encode and decode data in Base64 format as described in RFC 1521
381 Encode and decode integers, times, and internationalized strings to and from popular binary formats
382 Encode Hex
383 Encode HTML
384 Encodedecode for RFC 2045 Base64 as defined by RFC 2045
385 Encodedecode for RFC 2045 Base64 as defined by RFC 2045, N Freed and N Borenstein
386 Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation
387 Encodes binary data to plain text as Base64
388 Encodes hex octects into Base64
389 Encodes octects (using utf-8) into Hex data
390 Encoding of raw bytes to base64-encoded characters, and decoding of base64 characters to raw bytes
391 Ensure that there is only one instance
392 Environment information
393 Error Handler
394 Escape HTML
395 Escape html entities
396 Event Tracer
397 Example of using the java lang management API to sort threads by CPU usage
398 Exec Helper
399 ExecDemo shows how to execute an external program
400 ExecDemo shows how to execute an external program 2
401 ExecDemo shows how to execute an external program and read its output
402 ExecDemo shows how to execute an external program and read its output 3
403 ExecDemoHelp shows how to use the Win32 start command
404 Execute a command
405 Execute a command from code
406 Execute a command with an argument that contains a space
407 Execute a command with more than one argument
408 Execute an external program read its output, and print its exit status
409 Execute system command
410 Exiting a Java program
411 Exponential Demo
412 Export Preferences to XML file
413 Exporting the Preferences in a Preference Node
414 Exporting the Preferences in a Subtree of Preference Nodes
415 Express a duration in term of HH
416 Extends SimpleBeanInfo
417 Extends TimerTask to create your own task
418 Extracts a specific property key subset from the known properties
419 Factorial
420 FIFO First In First Out cache replacement policy
421 Find absolute value of float, int, double and long using Math abs
422 Find ceiling value of a number using Math ceil
423 Find exponential value of a number using Math exp
424 Find floor value of a number using Math floor
425 Find maximum of two numbers using Math max
426 Find minimum of two numbers using Math min
427 Find natural logarithm value of a number using Math log
428 Find power using Math pow
429 Find square root of a number using Math sqrt
430 Fixed length cache with a LRU replacement policy
431 Float Control Component
432 Floating Point Arithmetic
433 Floating point numbers
434 Floating-point with commas
435 FNV Hash
436 For a double precision value x, this method returns +1 0 if x = 0 and -1 0 if x 0 Returns NaN if x is NaN
437 For a float value x, this method returns +1 0F if x = 0 and -1 0F if x 0 Returns NaN if x is NaN
438 Format a duration in ms into a string as Days,Hours,minutes and seconds
439 Format a string containing a printf format specifier with JNI
440 Format Date value in full length
441 Format Date() in long
442 Format Date() in short format
443 Format Date() value in medium format
444 Format message with Integer fillers
445 Format Size
446 Format time
447 Format time in milliseconds
448 Format TimeZone in z (General time zone) format like EST
449 Format TimeZone in Z (RFC 822) format like -8000
450 Format TimeZone in zzzz format Eastern Standard Time
451 Formatter
452 Formatter ioException()
453 Formatter that caches formatted date information
454 Formatting a Message Containing a Date
455 Formatting a Message Containing a Number
456 Formatting a Message Containing a Time
457 Formatting date with full day and month name and show time up to milliseconds with AMPM
458 Formatting dates into Strings
459 Formatting Symbols for SimpleDateFormat
460 Formatting the Time Using a Custom Format
461 Formatting time and date
462 FowlerNollVo hash algorhythm
463 From Runtime exec() to ProcessBuilder
464 Full length format for Date value
465 Functions for Statistics
466 Gamma
467 Generate a listing of the most trusted certification authorities used by your JVM
468 Generate a random array of numbers
469 Generate pseudo-GUID sequences
470 Generate random ints by asking Random() for
471 Generate string consists of random characters
472 Generates a hash code for a given source code
473 Generates a random integer inside the lo and hi interval
474 Generates a secure random word with the given length consisting of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers
475 Generates a UUID
476 Generates random UUIDs
477 Generating random numbers
478 Generator for Globally unique Strings
479 Generic LRU Cache
480 Get a List of Month Names
481 Get a list of selected files
482 Get a unique identifier Using java rmi dgc VMID
483 Get all available timezones
484 Get amount of free memory within the heap in bytes
485 Get and set an Object type property
486 Get and set properties on a bean
487 Get and set the value of a property in a bean using Expression and Statement
488 Get Boot path from RuntimeMXBean
489 Get childrenNames from Preferences
490 Get ClassPath from RuntimeMXBean
491 Get current date, year and month
492 Get current size of heap in bytes
493 Get current TimeZone using Java Calendar
494 Get day of week
495 Get day, month, year value from the current date
496 Get elapsed time in days
497 Get elapsed time in hours
498 Get elapsed time in milliseconds
499 Get elapsed time in minutes
500 Get elapsed time in seconds
501 Get Environment Variables
502 Get file separator symbol
503 Get file separator using System class
504 Get hash code for primitive data types
505 Get Java Home directory
506 Get Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version
507 Get Java specification version using System class
508 Get keys from Preferences
509 Get maximum size of heap in bytes
510 Get memory information
511 Get method from GregorianCalendar
512 Get name and parent from Preference
513 Get node from Preference
514 Get Number of Available Processors
515 Get operating system name and version
516 Get operating system temporary directory folder
517 Get OS
518 Get OS Info
519 Get path classpath separator
520 Get Percent Value
521 Get seconds since
522 Get string value from clipboard
523 Get system properties using System class
524 Get system start time from RuntimeMXBean
525 Get system time using System class
526 Get the colour of a screen pixel
527 Get the current month name
528 Get the day name
529 Get the JVM uptime from RuntimeMXBean
530 Get the last date of a month
531 Get the number of days in that month
532 Get the operating system
533 Get the OS
534 Get the power value
535 Get the smallest double greater than d
536 Get the system properties from RuntimeMXBean
537 Get the time in the local time zone
538 Get Time From Date
539 Get time in milliseconds using Java Calendar
540 Get Unique Id
541 Get user home directory name
542 Get username of system current user
543 Get UTF String Size
544 Get value from Preferences
545 Get Week of month and year using Java Calendar
546 GetClass() getResourceAsStream
547 Gets and sets a primitive type property
548 Gets and sets an array type property
549 Gets strong-type-value property from a standard Properties
550 Gets the greatest common divisor of the absolute value of two numbers
551 Gets the hash code of an object returning zero when the object is null
552 Getting and Setting a Property of a Bean
553 Getting and Setting an Image on the System Clipboard
554 Getting and Setting Java Type Values in a Preference
555 Getting and Setting Properties
556 Getting data from the computer clipboard
557 Getting random numbers
558 Getting the Current Time
559 Getting the Current Time in Another Time Zone
560 Getting the Maximum Size of a Preference Key and Value
561 Getting the Roots of the Preference Trees
562 Getting the Screen Size
563 Getting the Size of the Java Memory Heap
564 Give a known Locale (with the right decimal separator) to bypass the current Locale
565 GmtCalendar is a useful class for working with times that are based using GMT time
566 Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of positive integer numbers
567 Group separators
568 Handle obtaining string timestamps
569 Handles program arguments like Unix getopt()
570 Hash 32 String
571 Hash 64 String
572 Hash Code Assist
573 Hash Code Builder
574 Hash string
575 HashCode generation
576 Have a multi-line value in a properties file
577 Helper class for storing long command lines inside temporary file
578 Helper class to provide Base64 encoding routines
579 Helper class to write table data to a csv-file (comma separated values)
580 Helper method to execute shell command
581 Helpers for java lang System
582 Here is an example of the contents of a properties file
583 How quickly can you press return
584 How to deal with the console parameters
585 How to do Benchmark
586 How to execute a program from within Java
587 How to execute an external program
588 How to read from standard input
589 HRTimer is a simple system-wide timer facility using a singleton Timer, with additional instrumentation
590 HTML Encode
591 Html Encoder
592 HTML Rewriter
593 Html utils for working with tags names and attributes
594 HTMLDocument
595 HTMLEditorKit Demo
596 ID generator
597 If a date is after another date
598 If a date is before another date
599 If the DLL is in the CLASSPATH then you dont need to specify a PATH
600 Implementation of a Least Recently Used cache policy
601 Implementation of MIMEs Base64 encoding and decoding conversions
602 Implementing a Bound Property
603 Implementing a Constrained Property
604 Implements ClipboardOwner
605 Implements the methods which are in the standard J2SEs Math class, but are not in in J2MEs
606 Increment and Decrement a Date Using the Calendar Class
607 Increment and Decrement Months Using the Calendar Class
608 Incrementing a Double by the Smallest Possible Amount
609 Insert string at given index
610 Inserting Characters
611 Instantiating a Bean
612 Int format and conversion
613 Internationalized Graphical User Interfaces
614 Introspecting a Bean
615 Is JavaBean Compliant Setter
616 Is Prime
617 ISO8601 Date Time Format
618 Iterate a subset of a string
619 Iterate each characters of a string
620 Iterate over the characters in the backward direction
621 Iterating the Characters of a String
622 Java 1 5 (5 0) Changes to the API
623 Java 1 5 (5 0) new features
624 Java Class that calls a Perl function
625 Java IDL Demo
626 Java Native Interface Demo
627 Java Platform Information
628 Java program to calculate the area of a circle
629 Java program to demonstrate menu selection
630 Java StringBuffer append method
631 Java StringBuffer Constructor
632 Java StringBuffer delete remove character or clear content
633 Java StringBuffer insert method Example
634 Java StringBuffer Replace Example
635 Java StringBuffer Reverse Example
636 Java StringBuffer SubString Example
637 Java util concurrent TimeUnit
638 Java version Util
639 JavaBean
640 JDOM based XML properties
641 Jenkins Hash
642 JSON Parser
643 JSON tokenizer It makes tokens for parsing json data
644 JUnit assertEquals
645 JUnit assertEquals With Message
646 JUnit assertTrue
647 JUnit BeforeClass
648 JUnit Extends TestCase
649 JUnit Ignore
650 JUnit Test Case With Expected Exception
651 JUnit Test Setup
652 JVM memory util
653 JVM Simulator
654 Key Value Hash
655 Keys Demo
656 Launch a Unix script with Java
657 Launch Browser in Mac, Linux, Unix
658 Launches a process, redirecting the output of that sub-process to the output of this (the parent) process
659 Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two strictly positive integer numbers
660 Letting the user decide when to quit
661 Limit the number of decimal digits by specifying the precision
662 Line up positive and negative values
663 List one or more item(s) from System Properties
664 List property names of a Bean
665 List the ports
666 Listen for a constrained property change
667 Listen for beans property change event
668 Listening for a Property Change Event
669 Listening for a Vetoable Property Change Event
670 Listening for Changes to Preference Values in a Preference Node
671 Listening for Changes to the Current Directory in a JFileChooser Dialog
672 Listening for Changes to the Selected File in a JFileChooser Dialog
673 Listing All System Properties
674 Listing the Property Names of a Bean
675 Listing the system properties
676 Load a Class that is not on the classpath
677 Load a DLL
678 Load a properties file in the classpath
679 Load a properties file in the startup directory
680 Load and play Midi audio
681 Load and save properties to files
682 Load audio file From URL
683 Load image and sound from Jar file
684 Load mp3 file with MediaLocator
685 Load properties from XML file
686 Load resource file
687 Loading and Playing Midi Audio
688 Loading and Playing Sampled Audio
689 Loading configuration parameters from text file based properties
690 Locale-specific formatting
691 Log Beta
692 Log Gamma
693 Logging class to record errors or unexpected behavior to a file
694 Logic and Integer Arithmetic
695 Long Sequence Generator
696 Long style format for Date value
697 LRU Cache
698 LRU Cache 2
699 Mac OS Application Adapter
700 Machine User Name
701 Make bytes
702 Make custom Input Text Formatter in Java
703 Make Exponention
704 Make your own Java Media Player to play media files
705 ManagementFactory getRuntimeMXBean()
706 Manifest class
707 Map implementation for cache usage
708 Match Date
709 Math random
710 Math Utils
711 Matrix manipulation
712 MBeanTyperInvoker handles method invocations against the MBeanTyper target object and forwards them to the MBeanServer a
713 MD5 hash generator
714 MD5 hashing
715 MD5 String
716 Media player
717 Medium length format for Date value
718 Memory related
719 Memory-efficient map of keys to values with list-style random-access semantics
720 Merge Properties Into Map
721 Mersenne
722 Mersenne Twister
723 Mersenne Twister algorithm
724 Mersenne Twister Fast
725 Mersenne Twister Random
726 Methods for logging events
727 Methods for printing Debug messages
728 Methods to aid classes recover from OutOfMemoryErrors by denying or reducing service rather than a complete shutdown of
729 Min Demo
730 Minimize all programs on Windows to show the Desktop
731 Monitored GregorianCalendar
732 Moving Average
733 Moving the Cursor on the Screen
734 Negative floating-point default
735 Negative floating-point option
736 New Formatter(new OutputStream(test fmt))
737 Next double and next int
738 NextDouble() and nextGaussian() in java util Random
739 Non-instantiable class that provides jmx utility methods
740 Normalize an angle in a 2&pi wide interval around a center value
741 Normalizer
742 Normalizes an angle to a relative angle
743 Normalizes an angle to an absolute angle
744 Normalizes an angle to be near an absolute angle
745 Null Safe Equals and Hash
746 Null Safe Hash Code
747 Numbers that are closer than this are considered equal
748 Observable Properties
749 One of the fastest implementation of the Base64 encoding Jakarta and others are slower
750 Open a serial port using Java Communications
751 Open Browser
752 Operating System
753 Operations for random Strings
754 OS detector
755 OS name
756 Output current time
757 Output to console
758 Output to standard output and standard error; and input from standard input
759 Outputing data in JSON format in response to a JSONP request
760 Palindrome with StringBuilder
761 Parse a line of text in CSV format and returns array of Strings Implementation of parsing is extracted from open-csv
762 Parse a String to obtain a DateGregorianCalendar object
763 Parse an Apache log file with Regular Expressions
764 Parse an Apache log file with StringTokenizer
765 Parse comma-separated list of ints and return as array
766 Parse comma-separated list of longs and return as array
767 Parse Properties Files
768 Pass the year information to the calendar object
769 Passing parameter back and forth
770 Passing references around
771 Paul Hsiehs Hash Function
772 Pause and start a timer task
773 Percent value format
774 Performing deadlock detection programmatically within the application using the java lang management API
775 Performs Base64 encoding andor decoding
776 Placing text on the computer clipboard
777 Platform Detector
778 Platform specific functionality
779 Play a streaming Midi audio
780 Play an audio file from a JAR file
781 Play Piano
782 Play sound
783 Playing Streaming Midi Audio
784 Playing Streaming Sampled Audio
785 Plays sounds streaming from a URL
786 Population Standard Deviation
787 Port Finder
788 Port Reader
789 Port Sniffer
790 Port Writer
791 Preference Example
792 Preferences Demo
793 Prevent beans property being serialized to XML
794 Preventing a Bean Property from Being Serialized to XML
795 Print classpath
796 Printing a File
797 Printing indented text
798 Prints messages formatted for a specific line width
799 Process Watcher
800 ProcessBuilder Demo
801 Processing the command line
802 Produces 32-bit hash for hash table lookup (Jenkins Hash Function)
803 Program the MIDI percussion channel with a Swing window
804 Programmatically compile Java class
805 Properties Demo
806 Properties load
807 Properties Test
808 Properties TreeMap and Stream
809 Property access utility methods
810 Property Loader
811 Property Manager
812 PropertyTable
813 PropsToXML takes a standard Java properties file, and converts it into an XML file
814 Provider for the application cache directories
815 Provides Base64 encoding and decoding
816 Provides Base64 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 2045
817 Provides Base64 encoding and decoding with URL and filename safe alphabet as defined by RFC 3548, section 4
818 Provides common access to specifics about the version of Java that a virtual machine supports
819 Provides the programatic analog of a physical stop watch
820 Provides utility methods to Base64 encode data
821 Provides various features related to the current date and time
822 Put key value pair to Preference
823 QP Decoder Stream
824 QP Encoder Stream
825 Querying Available COM Ports
826 Random
827 Random boolean
828 Random bytes
829 Random data for test
830 Random double type number
831 Random float type number
832 Random GUID
833 Random integers that range from from 0 to n
834 Random long type number
835 Random nextInt(n) returns a distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive)
836 Random number between 0 AND 10
837 Random numbers between 1 and 100
838 Random Util with ReentrantLock
839 RandomGUID generates truly random GUIDs
840 Randomizer
841 Randomly permutes the elements of the specified array
842 Read a configuration file using java util Properties
843 Read a set of properties from the received input stream, strip off any excess white space that exists in those property
844 Read all information that the child process sends to its standard output stream
845 Read an int from Standard Input
846 Read an int from Standard Input, using 1 5
847 Read beans property value
848 Read from a Serial port, notifying when data arrives
849 Read from multiple Serial ports, notifying when data arrives on any
850 Read input from console
851 Read int by using Scanner Class
852 Read output from a Command execution
853 Read system property as an integer
854 Read Windows Notepad Unicode files
855 Read write data in Windows registry
856 Reading and Writing a Properties File
857 Reading CRLF terminated lines that contain only US-ASCII characters from an input stream
858 Reading double value from console with Scanner
859 Reading Text from Standard Input
860 Reads CSV (Comma Separated Value) files
861 Redirect or reassign some standard descriptors
862 Registering Shutdown Hooks for Virtual Machine
863 Relative document loading in classpath
864 Remove Comment
865 Remove substring from StringBuilder
866 Removing a Preference from a Preference Node
867 Removing a Preference Node
868 Replace all the occurences of HTML escape strings with the respective characters
869 Replace string at given index
870 Represents a collection of 64 boolean (onoff) flags
871 Represents a persistent set of properties
872 Represents the TSTInfo strcture within a time-stamp token (RFC 3161)
873 Retrieve the preference node using a Class object and saves and retrieves a preference in the node
874 Retrieving a Preference Node
875 Retrieving the Parent and Child Nodes of a Preference Node
876 Return a sample from the GammaPoissionGaussian distribution, with parameter IA
877 Return an UTF-8 encoded String
878 Return an UTF-8 encoded String by length
879 Return as hash code for the given object
880 Return the number of bytes that hold an Unicode char
881 Return the Unicode char which is coded in the bytes at position 0
882 Return the Unicode char which is coded in the bytes at the given position
883 Return UTF-8 encoded byte[] representation of a String
884 Returns {@code true} if the specified character sequence is a valid sequence of UTF-16 char values
885 Returns a description of the JVM
886 Returns a description of the operating system and processor configuration
887 Returns a double representation of the (http
888 Returns a formatted String from time
889 Returns a report of used and available memory
890 Returns an integer hash code representing the given double array value
891 Returns an integer hash code representing the given double value
892 Returns exact (http
893 Returns from a static prime table the least prime that is greater than or equal to a specified value
894 Returns n! Shorthand for n Factorial, the product of the numbers 1, ,n
895 Returns n! Shorthand for n Factorial, the product of the numbers 1, ,n as a double
896 Returns the difference of two doubles expressed in log space
897 Returns the given date with the time values cleared
898 Returns the given date with time set to the end of the day
899 Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x
900 Returns the hyperbolic sine of x
901 Returns the KL divergence, K(p1 p2)
902 Returns the least common multiple between two integer values
903 Returns the natural log of the (http
904 Returns the natural logarithm of n!
905 Returns the sum of two doubles expressed in log space
906 Returns time string
907 Returns used(max) memory in MB
908 Reverse a string by character
909 Reverse a string using CharacterIterator
910 Reverse String Test
911 RFC date format
912 Round Java float and double numbers using Math round
913 Rules Demo
914 Run object finalization using System class
915 Run the garbage collector using System class
916 Runtime getRuntime() exec
917 RuntimeMXBean getBootClassPath()
918 RuntimeMXBean getClassPath()
919 RuntimeMXBean getInputArguments()
920 RuntimeMXBean getStartTime()
921 RuntimeMXBean getSystemProperties()
922 RuntimeMXBean getUptime()
923 Saving and restoring the state of a pretend CAD system
924 Saving Data with the Preferences API
925 Scans java source files in cvs tree and validates the license header
926 Schedule a task by using Timer and TimerTask
927 Scheduling a Timer Task to Run at a Certain Time
928 Scheduling a Timer Task to Run Repeatedly
929 Secure Hash
930 Self ClassLoader
931 Send an Input to a Command
932 Sending Image Objects through the Clipboard
933 Serializing a Bean to XML
934 Serializing an Immutable Bean Property to XML
935 Session ID generator
936 Set a system property
937 Set character at a given index
938 Set JUnit Test case fail information
939 Set the memory available to the JVM
940 Set with GregorianCalendar YEAR, MONTH and DATE
941 Sets the time on the same day to 00
942 Setting an Accessory Component in a JFileChooser Dialog
943 Setting an image on the clipboard with a custom Transferable object to hold the image
944 Setting the Value of a System Property from the Command Line
945 Setting the Volume of a Sampled Audio Player
946 Setting the Volume of Playing Midi Audio
947 Several utility functions for the JMX implementation
948 Show dates before 1970
949 Show how to use exec to pass complex args
950 Show positive values with a leading + and negative values within parentheses
951 Show properties and events
952 Show some calendar calculations
953 Show some date uses
954 Show some date uses 1
955 Show unicode string
956 Show use of Argv to get an integer value from command line
957 Show use of Calendar get() method with various parameters
958 Show use of Calendar objects
959 Sigmod
960 Sigmod rev
961 Simple Base64 string decoding function
962 Simple Debugging
963 Simple demo of CSV matching using Regular Expressions
964 Simple demo of CSV parser class
965 Simple Id Generator
966 Simple Long Id Generator
967 Simple program to try out the new Sound stuff in JDK1 2
968 Simple stop watch
969 Simple test with JUnit
970 Simple use of JUnit to test ArrayList
971 Simple utility for testing program output
972 SimpleAttributeSet Example
973 SimpleCalc -- simple calculator to show StringTokenizer
974 SimpleCalc -- simple calculator using 1 5 java util Scanner
975 SimpleTimer enables bounded and unbounded waits
976 Simplify routine job with properties
977 Simulate a key press
978 Simulate a mouse click
979 Simulates a stop watch with a lap counter
980 Solving right triangles
981 Some simple stop watch
982 Sort Properties when saving
983 Sorted Properties
984 Sorts a property list and turns the sorted list into a string
985 Sorts property list and print out each key=value pair prepended with specific indentation
986 Sound Applet
987 Sound Application
988 Sound Manager Test
989 Sound player
990 Specify through the JVM command line the location where to find the JNI DLL to be loaded
991 Specifying a New Length
992 Splits apart a OS separator delimited set of paths in a string into multiple Strings
993 Sqrt(a^2 + b^2) without underoverflow
994 Stack memory view
995 Standard deviation is a statistical measure of spread or variability
996 Static methods for retrieving and system properties and converting them to various types
997 Statistical functions on arrays of numbers, namely, the mean, variance, standard deviation, covariance, min and max
998 Statistics Functions
999 Stop Watch from JGraphT
1000 Stop watch with nano second
1001 Stop Watch with PrintWriter
1002 Stopwatch is a debugging tool for manually profiling code execution
1003 StopWatch provides a convenient API for timings
1004 StopWatch reports elapsed time between start and stop
1005 Store properties as XML file
1006 Store recent items (e g recent file in a menu or recent search text in a search dialog)
1007 Storingloading Preferences
1008 Stream Converter Unicode
1009 String Align Demo
1010 String Buffer Append
1011 String Buffer Comma List
1012 String converter
1013 String Converter Unicode
1014 String formatter
1015 String node for JSON
1016 StringBuffer Insert
1017 StringBuffer indexOf method
1018 StringBuffer length vs capacity
1019 StringBufferDemo
1020 StringBuilder reverse
1021 StringBuilderDemo
1022 Styled Document
1023 Subclasses CommPortOpen and adds sendexpect handling for dealing with Hayes-type modems
1024 Substitute tokens in a String
1025 Subtract 1 year from the calendar
1026 Subtract 30 days from the calendar
1027 Subtract days from current date using Calendar add method
1028 Subtract hours from current date using Calendar add method
1029 Subtract minutes from current date using Calendar add method
1030 Subtract months from current date using Calendar add method
1031 Subtract seconds from current time using Calendar add method
1032 Subtract week from current date
1033 Subtract year from current date
1034 Swing
1035 Swing also provide a Timer class A Timer object will send an ActionEvent to the registered ActionListener
1036 Swing Console
1037 System IO Redirect
1038 System Level Utils
1039 System memory
1040 System out format(%f, %1$+020 10f %n, Math PI)
1041 System out printf( %-10 10s %sn, word, word length() )
1042 System out printf( Locale ITALIAN, value
1043 System out printf(%1$s
1044 System out printf(%b %n %c %n %s %n %s %n %d %n, )
1045 System out printf(%s
1046 System out printf(1 0 4f num is %4fn, 1 0 )
1047 System out printf(a %1$s is a %1$s is a %1$s , AAA)
1048 System out printf(boolean value is %1$b, %1$Bn, true )
1049 System out printf(float is %-20f!n, 1 23456789)
1050 System out printf(hex value is %1$#x, %1$#Xn, 0xCAFE )
1051 System out printf(Locale CHINA, The date is %tcn, new Date())
1052 System out printf(num is % 2fn, Math PI )
1053 System out printf(num is %03dn, 5 )
1054 System out printf(num is %sn, 5)
1055 System out printf(num is {%07 3f}n, 3 14 )
1056 System out printf(sci not num is %en, 3000000 0 )
1057 System out printf(String is %-5sn, A)
1058 System out printf(The DATE is %Tcn, new Date() )
1059 System out printf(The DATE is %trn, new Date() )
1060 System out printf(The DATE is %tzn, new Date() )
1061 System setProperty(apple laf useScreenMenuBar, true)
1062 Taken from the Sun documentation on Clipboard API
1063 Takes a time in milliseconds and returns an hours, minutes and seconds representation
1064 Task to overwrite Properties
1065 Tells you if the date part of a datetime is in a certain time range
1066 Terminate a Java application
1067 Terminate virtual machine using System class
1068 Test the input string in the while condition
1069 Testing class Class
1070 Text Tab Sample
1071 TextArea with Unicode
1072 The # symbol shows a digit or nothing if no digit present
1073 The Base64 utility class implements Base-64 and Base-85 encoding and decoding algorithms
1074 The best way to format a datetime is to use
1075 The class that implements a simple LRU cache
1076 The csv tokenizer class allows an application to break a Comma Separated Value format into tokens
1077 The CSVQuoter is a helper class to encode a string for the CSV file format
1078 The Filter3dTest class demonstrates the Filter3d functionality
1079 The properties iterator iterates over a set of enumerated properties
1080 The Time and Date Format Suffixes
1081 This class calculates the Factorial of a numbers passed into the program through command line arguments
1082 This class contains a collection of static utility methods for creating, retrieving, saving and loading properties
1083 This class determines the version of the Java Virtual Machine
1084 This FullThreadDump class demonstrates the capability to get a full thread dump and also detect deadlock remotely
1085 This interface defines constants for CSS
1086 This is a simple program to record sounds and play them back
1087 This is a very fast, non-cryptographic hash suitable for general hash-based lookup
1088 This parses command line arguments optimized for ease of programmer use
1089 This program demonstrates console input
1090 This program demonstrates the transfer of text between a Java application and the system clipboard
1091 This program demonstrates the use of an XML encoder and decoder to save and restore a frame
1092 This program demonstrates various persistence delegates
1093 This program prints out all system properties
1094 This program runs the Sieve of Erathostenes benchmark
1095 This program tries to do IO in each direction using a separate Thread
1096 This VerboseGC class demonstrates the capability to get the garbage collection statistics and memory usage remotely
1097 Thread Timer
1098 Thread-safe version of the Axiom UUIDGenerator
1099 Time Distance
1100 Time Format
1101 Time Formatter
1102 Time library
1103 Time Period
1104 TimeComputation for processing sqrt and Input and Output operations
1105 Timeout Observer
1106 Timer and TimerTask Classes
1107 Timer Schedule a task that executes once every second
1108 Timer Skipping Beep
1109 Timer utilities
1110 Timezone conversion routines
1111 TimeZone getTimeZone(AmericaNew_York)
1112 TimeZone getTimeZone(AsiaTokyo)
1113 TimeZone getTimeZone(EuropeParis)
1114 To Base64
1115 To read a Properties file via an Applet
1116 To UTF8 InputStream
1117 Trace InputStream
1118 Trace OutputStream
1119 Trigonometric Demo
1120 Trivial class to show use of Date and Calendar objects
1121 Try adding one or more item(s) to class path
1122 Try month in a leap year
1123 Turn System out into a PrintWriter
1124 Two decimal digits
1125 UNIX getopt() system call
1126 Unicode
1127 Unicode - show a page of Unicode characters
1128 Unicode 2 ASCII
1129 Unicode display
1130 Unicode reader
1131 Unicode sorting
1132 Unicode to ascii
1133 Unicode Util
1134 Unify Hash
1135 Unix Crypt
1136 URL UTF8 Encoder
1137 Use a custom format
1138 Use a custom format for Date value
1139 Use a StringBuilder to Mark Vowel
1140 Use arguments indexes to simplify the creation of a custom time and date format
1141 Use booleanValue of Boolean class to convert it into boolean primitive
1142 Use CharacterIterator to loop through a string
1143 Use Formatter to left-justify strings within a table
1144 Use Formatter to vertically align numeric values
1145 Use java util Timer to schedule a task to execute once 5 seconds have passed
1146 Use of ProcessBuilder that duplicates the functions of the DoRuntime example
1147 Use printf()
1148 Use printf() to create a time stamp
1149 Use ProcessBuilder environment()
1150 Use Robot to do mouse press
1151 Use Robot to send combo key event
1152 Use Scanner to compute an average a list of comma-separated values
1153 Use Scanner to compute an average of the values
1154 Use Scanner to compute an average of the values in a file
1155 Use Scanner to read input that contains several different types of data
1156 Use Scanner to read user input
1157 Use Scanner to read various types of data from a file
1158 Use System getenv to get environment variables
1159 Use the getResourceAsStream method
1160 Use the Registry to store informations (Preferences API)
1161 Use the SimpleDateFormat from the java text package
1162 Use XML with Properties
1163 Used for timing events with millisecond precision
1164 Using BigDecimal for Precision
1165 Using group separators
1166 Using java util concurrent AtomicLong
1167 Using java util UUID
1168 Using JNIEnv
1169 Using Robot to capture a screen shapshot
1170 Using strict math at the method level
1171 Using strict math in applications
1172 Using the %t specifier with Formatter
1173 Using the Calendar Class to Display Current Time in Different Time Zones
1174 Using the clipboard
1175 Using the Math Trig Methods
1176 Using the pow() function
1177 UTF Util
1178 UTF8 String utilities
1179 Utilities for debugging
1180 Utilities for java util Date
1181 Utilities for Mac GUI work
1182 Utilities relating to the version of Java in use at runtime
1183 Utility class for preferences
1184 Utility class for printing aligned columns of text
1185 Utility methods for handling UTF-8 encoded byte streams
1186 Utility methods for mathematical problems
1187 UUID generation
1188 UUID generator
1189 UUID generator from http
1190 UUID generator from Sun Microsystems
1191 UUID generator of 32 bytes long values
1192 Validate a date Using DateFormat
1193 VarArgsDemo - show 1 5 variable arguments
1194 Variance
1195 Virtual Machine Information (JVM)
1196 Vis - make special characters visible
1197 Weak Cache Map
1198 Weighted floating-point comparisons
1199 When does the UNIX date get into trouble
1200 Write a string to the system clipboard
1201 Write formatted output directly to the console and to a file
1202 Writes CSV (Comma Separated Value) files
1203 XML configuration management
1204 XML Properties
1205 XMLWriter is a generic class that provides common behavior to writers of a tagged language such as XML, WordML and HTML.
1206 Your own timer
1207 Your own UUID
1208 Your own UUID 2
1209 YUI CSS Compressor