Mega Code Archive
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C# Tutorial
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JavaScript Tutorial
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Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
C# Tutorial
WPF 1647 codes
C# Tutorial
1 (ResourceDictionary)Application LoadComponent
2 A Beveled Button and TextBlock with BevelBitmapEffect
3 A Cancellable ProgressBar While Processing on a Background Thread
4 A CheckBox with a skew transformation
5 A custom pen to draw the borders
6 A Delay of 0 and Interval of 1 make this a fast slider
7 A DrawingBrush paints an area with a drawing
8 A hierarchy of timelines
9 A line which monitors the mouse entering its area
10 A main menu
11 A Partially Transparent Button
12 A Polygon always closes the end points
13 A Radial Gradient
14 A Radial Gradient with an Offset Center
15 A rectangle with a rotate transformation
16 A rectangle with curved corners
17 A Simple Animation in Code
18 A simple template for a round button
19 A Simple WPF Application, written XMAL-Free
20 A simple, finite animation
21 A Tool Tip on a Disabled Control
22 A XAML browser application (XBAP) running in partial trust can safely upload files from a client machine
23 About Dialog
24 About Dialog - Font Properties on Root
25 About Dialog with Tree Walking
26 AccessText element adds access keys to controls (how to specify the access key)
27 AccessText for TextBlock
28 Activate window, close window, bring window to front
29 Activated and Deactivated events monitors the activation status of an application
30 Add a button control and a text block to the canvas
31 Add a ColumnDefinition to Grid
32 Add a control to a Panel
33 Add a logical resource to the windows resource dictionary
34 Add a Polyline to the StackPanel
35 Add a PropertyChangedValueCallback to Any Dependency Property
36 Add a RowDefinition to Grid
37 Add a slider control and a border control to the content of the StackPanel, and add a canvas to the border control
38 Add a value converter to a binding using XAML
39 Add an event handler to an element using code
40 Add an Image to the StackPanel
41 Add application command to a Button, and listen to application paste command
42 Add application exit event handler
43 Add ApplicationCommands Cut to TextBox with TextBox CommandBindings
44 Add Border to TextBlock
45 Add Button to window content
46 Add buttons to a Canvas with code
47 Add buttons to StackPanel
48 Add Caption for an Image
49 Add CheckBox to StackPanel
50 Add checked event listener to RadioButton
51 Add child control
52 Add control to specific row and column
53 Add controls to a Grid with loop
54 Add Ellipse, TextBlock to a Tree
55 Add Event handler in Panel Resource
56 Add event handler to StackPanel in StackPanel resource
57 Add FlowDocument to Button
58 Add Gradient stops to RadialGradientBrush
59 Add Image to Statusbar
60 Add Image to ToolTip
61 Add image to Button
62 Add ListItem to FlowDocument
63 Add Menu to NavigationWindow Content
64 Add Menu to the Top of a DockPanel
65 Add MenuItem to Menu
66 Add Polyline to UniformGrid
67 Add Remove TextChanged event for RichTextBox
68 Add selected file to ListBox
69 Add Separator to StackPanel
70 Add Shape(Ellipse, Rectangle) to List
71 Add TextBlock into a Grid
72 Add TextBlock to Statusbar
73 Add TextBox to default docking space
74 Add the PropertyGrid to the host, and the host to the WPF Grid
75 Add Thickness for Padding
76 Add ToolTip text to a TextBox
77 Add tooltop for ToggleButton
78 Add Untransformed button to Canvas
79 Adding Border to StackPanel
80 Adding border to TextBlock with Border
81 Adding click handler for Button
82 Adding ContextMenu to TextBlock
83 Adding GroupBox to Window
84 Adding Hyperlink to TextBlock
85 Adding Image to ComboBox Item
86 Adding lines and Ellipse to Canvas
87 Adding ProgressBar to WrapPanel
88 Adding Rectangle to StackPanel
89 Adding style to Paragraph
90 Align Ellipses along with Grid
91 Ambient light
92 An animated Ellipse traces the outline of rendered text by using the path geometry of the text
93 An ellipse that has been scaled by 20%
94 An ellipse with a radial fill
95 An ImageDrawing enables a DrawingBrush to contain images
96 Animate Ball Height
97 Animate Ellipse RadiusY, RadiusX
98 Animate EndPoint
99 Animate Fill RadiusY
100 Animate GeometryDrawing Examples
101 Animate GradientStop and Button control
102 Animate Opacity
103 Animate RadialGradient
104 Animate RenderTransform Angle
105 Animate StartPoint
106 Animate TextBox Font Size
107 Animate the background color
108 Animate the brushs RadiusX property
109 Animate the Color of a Brush with Indirect Property Targeting
110 Animate Width and Height of a Ellipse
111 Animate Width and Height of a Rectangle
112 Animated Clip Examples
113 Animated GradientStop Color
114 Animated GradientStop Offset
115 Animated GradientStop Opacity
116 Animated ScaleTransform
117 Animated SkewTransform Example
118 Animated Text Transform
119 Animated transform
120 Animated Video Window
121 Animates the horizontal center of the RotateTransform applied to the TextEffect
122 Animates the position of the TextEffect
123 Animates the text blocks color
124 Animates the text blocks opacity(fading text)
125 Animates the text blocks width
126 Animation along a path
127 Animation In Code
128 Animation In Style
129 Animation ProgressBar
130 Animation RotateTransform3D
131 Animation target Canvas Left, Top
132 Animation that accelerates through 50% of its duration
133 Animation that decelerates through 50% of its duration
134 Animation with a fast speed
135 Animation with a slow speed
136 Animation with code
137 Animation with Discrete Key Frames
138 Animation with Mixed Key Frames xaml
139 Animation without acceleration or deceleration
140 Annotation Service
141 Anonymous delegate as Button Action
142 Application Current ShutdownMode
143 Application Current Windows stores all windows you created
144 Application Events Sample
145 Application Exit event
146 Application GetResourceStream
147 Application NavigationFailed event
148 Application Startup event
149 Applies a DrawingBrush and DrawingGroup to draw gridlines as a background of a Grid control
150 Applies a horizontal skew of 45 degrees from a center point of (0,0)
151 Applies a horizontal skew of 45 degrees from a center point of (25,25)
152 Applies a RotateTransform to the brushs RelativeTransform property
153 Applies a RotateTransform to the DrawingBrushs RelativeTransform property
154 Applies a vertical skew of 45 degrees from a center point of (25,25)
155 Apply Custom Grouping to a Collection
156 Apply Custom Sorting Logic to a Collection
157 Apply Syntax Highlighting in a Text Control
158 Arrange the children for Grid
159 Arrange UI Elements in a Grid
160 Assign ApplicationCommands Open to Button
161 Assign Ellipse shape to window content
162 Assign Image to window content
163 Assign TextBlock to window content
164 Assign the Ellipse shape which is based on FrameworkElement to window content
165 Assign value to RadioButton tag
166 Assign your own class to DataContent and bind to TextBox
167 Async binding
168 Attached Properties
169 Automatic Width and Height
170 Ball moves following spline key frames
171 Ball moves in a constant speed
172 Baseline decoration with dashes
173 Basic DialogBox
174 Basic Toolbar
175 Bevel StrokeLineJoin Polyline
176 Bezier Curve with BezierSegment
177 Bind a TabControl to a data source
178 Bind a TreeView to a data source and use DataTemplate objects to customize the TreeView
179 Bind an ItemsControl to the CollectionViewSource, Set its DisplayMemberPath to display the Name property
180 Bind ApplicationCommand to a handler
181 Bind CanExecute to ApplicationCommands Save
182 Bind current time to Button
183 Bind event handler to button with RoutedEventHandler
184 Bind Label To ScrollBar
185 Bind ListBox ItemsSource to DayNames property of DateTimeFormatInfo
186 Bind property of one instantiated control
187 Bind RelativeSources AncestorType
188 Bind RelativeSources AncestorTypes Path
189 Bind ScrollBar To Label
190 Bind Slider value to TextBlock
191 Bind Stroke Thickness to Slider
192 Bind TextBlock Text to SelectedItem property of ListBox
193 Bind TextBlock to TextBox
194 Bind TextBox save command to CommandBinding
195 Bind the Button to a Command
196 Bind the command to the event handlers with CommandBindings
197 Bind to a collection
198 Bind to a Collection with the Master-Detail Pattern
199 Bind to a Method
200 Bind to an ADO NETDataSet
201 Bind to an Existing Object Instance
202 Bind to enum types
203 Bind to Grid Width and Height
204 Bind to IDataErrorInfo
205 Bind to Object to ObjectDataProvider
206 Bind to ObjectDataProvider
207 Bind to ObservableCollection
208 Bind to ObservableCollection and ItemsSource
209 Bind To TextBox Back and Forth
210 Bind to the Values of an Enumeration
211 Bind to Window itself
212 Bind to XML Data embed the data directly
213 Bind Your Objects to UI Control with Property
214 Binding ApplicationCommands New Command to your own handler
215 Binding Command to ApplicationCommands New
216 Binding command to ApplicationCommands Redo
217 Binding Dependency Property to TextBlock
218 Binding Environment Info
219 Binding FontFamily FontSize value for current Control
220 Binding Label to TextBox
221 Binding ListBox ItemsSource to Fonts SystemFontFamilies
222 Binding ProgressBar with Slider
223 Binding Property with Exception
224 Binding With Data Context
225 BindingOperations GetBindingExpression
226 Binds a TabControl to a collection of Employee objects
227 BitmapImage as Resources
228 BlockThread xaml
229 Blur Effect with BlurBitmapEffect
230 Bold text in Flow document
231 Border with LinearGradientBrush
232 Bouncing Ball
233 Bouncing Ball with DoubleAnimation
234 Bouncing Ball with ParallelTimeline
235 Bounded to ComboBox
236 Brush resource
237 Bubble routed events, and write an event handler for a routed event
238 Built-In Command Bindings
239 Button click action
240 Button Click event handler
241 Button click event listener
242 Button CommandTarget Binding
243 Button mouse down event
244 Button mouse down preview event
245 Button mouse enter and leave event
246 Button PreviewMouseDown action and MouseDown action
247 Button PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown action and MouseLeftButtonDown action
248 Button style as Window resource
249 Button with Image source
250 Button with Inline Property Trigger
251 Button with OpacityMask
252 Call ApplicationCommands New Execute to execute the command directly
253 Call the OnPropertyChanged method when its value changed
254 Cancel an event
255 Cancel event by setting CanExecute and Handled to false
256 Cancel window closing event
257 Canvas dependant
258 Canvas Positioning Properties Sample
259 Canvas PreviewMouseDown action and MouseDown action
260 Canvas SetBottom
261 Canvas SetRight
262 Canvas SetTop
263 Canvas size changed event
264 Canvas without Viewbox
265 Capture Mouse Ellipse
266 Cast event sender to a control
267 Cast event sender to Window with as
268 Catch XamlParseException
269 Center a Window to Screen
270 Change ApplicationCommands New Text
271 Change border
272 Change Button Alignment, Margin, FontSize and Padding in Style Setting
273 Change control background in mouse enter and leave
274 Change Fill
275 Change FlowDocument Width and Height
276 Change font
277 Change font to Italic
278 Change Height
279 Change MaxHeight
280 Change MinHeight
281 Change StackPanel Orientation
282 Change TextBox background and font size
283 Change TextBox Margin
284 Change the Appearance of a List Item When Its Selected
285 Change the Appearance of Alternate Items in a List
286 Change the margins of an element that is within a Grid by XAML and programmatic code
287 Change the Visibility property of a UIElement
288 Change the Window background with a Brush
289 Change window cursor
290 Change window resize mode
291 Changing font to bold
292 Changing graphical elements
293 Changing the cursor of the Border control by setting the Cursor property
294 Check Exception type for DispatcherUnhandledException
295 Check handler event sender
296 Check if it is a key down action
297 Check if it is a key up action
298 Check if mouse left or right button clicked
299 Check key code for Key Up and Key Down
300 Check Spelling Error
301 Check the CheckBox based on key pressed states
302 Check the mouse event source
303 Check Whether You Are Running on the UI Thread
304 CheckBox List
305 CheckBox Style
306 Checked RadioButton
307 Circled Radio Buttons
308 Clear All Columns
309 Clear All Rows
310 Clear any formatting applied to the text with TextRange ClearAllProperties()
311 Clear Controls
312 Clear FlowDocumentReader
313 Clear locally set values and restore the default values of dependency properties
314 Click to rotate a Button
315 Click to scale a Button
316 Clipped Button
317 Clipping
318 Clipping With Viewbox
319 Clockwise, IsLargeArc
320 Clockwise, small arc (default)
321 Close a dialog after pressing enter in a TextBox
322 Close a Popup with Button click
323 Close a window with Escape key pressed
324 Close Path Command
325 Close Path Command with PathFigure
326 Code Animation Accelerate Decelerate
327 Code Only WPF Application Sample
328 Collection View Source Binding
329 Color animate based on Radio Button Click event
330 Color Animation
331 Color Converter With String Format
332 Color map Brush
333 Colors and Brushes
334 ColumnDefinition Width=
335 ColumnDefinition Width=Auto
336 Combine bold and italic style
337 Combined geometries GeometryCombineMode=Exclude
338 CombinedGeometry for Path Data and DrawingBrush for Path Fill
339 Combines two geometries using the exclude combine mode
340 Combines two geometries using the intersect combine mode
341 Combines two geometries using the union combine mode
342 Combines two geometries using the XOR combine mode
343 ComboBoxItem Content
344 Command Enabling
345 Command Handler Command Binding in Xaml
346 Command Handler Key Binding
347 Commandline to compile WPF application
348 Compare the appearances of these controls with the ones in the ToolBar
349 Complex ToolTip
350 Contains Column
351 Contains Element
352 Contains Row
353 Content in ComboBox Items
354 Control Animations Through Triggers
355 Control template
356 Control the Display Duration and Position of a Tool Tip
357 Control the Progress of an Animation
358 Control the Size of UI Elements in a Form
359 ControlDark to ControlLight
360 ControlDarkDark to ControlLightLight
361 Controlling The Storyboard
362 ControlTemplate that Respects Content
363 ControlTemplate that Respects More Properties
364 ControlTemplate with Triggers
365 ControlTemplates and style xaml file
366 Convert contents of a ListBoxItem to an instance of Thickness by using the BrushConverter
367 Convert contents of a ListBoxItem to an instance of Thickness by using the ThicknessConverter
368 Convert RoutedEventArgs OriginalSource to event sender
369 Convert the contents of a ListBoxItem to an instance of GridLength by using GridLengthConverter
370 Convert Xaml file to FlowDocument with as operator
371 Converting text to geometry
372 Counterclockwise (default), IsLargeArc
373 Counterclockwise (default), small arc (default)
374 Create a Background Worker Thread in XAML
375 Create a button when the page loads
376 Create a CheckBox and link event handler
377 Create a custom RoutedCommand, the CommandBinding objects, and the KeyBinding objects in code
378 Create a Fish Eye Button with Double Animation
379 Create a line with point value
380 Create a ListBoxItem, set font, content, add the ListBoxItem to the ListBox
381 Create a ListView control that implements a GridView view mode, displays content in groups
382 Create a ListView control that implements a GridView view with CheckBox controls for each row
383 Create a ListView control that uses a GridView view mode to display a collection of DateTime objects
384 Create a ListView control that uses a GridView view mode to display dates
385 Create a ListView control that uses a GridView view mode to display the contents of an ObservableCollection(Of (T))
386 Create a multi threaded web browsing application
387 Create a non-rectangular window
388 Create a ProgressBar
389 Create a Scrollable Canvas Control
390 Create a shadow effect for displayed text
391 Create a simple polyline, a closed polyline And a Sine curve in code
392 Create a StackPanel as content of the Button
393 Create a style that will produce a horizontal ListBox
394 Create a Tree and add children
395 Create a Zoomable Canvas Control
396 Create an animated Popup control
397 Create an instance of Viewbox in code Use Viewbox to stretch or scale a single child element
398 Create an interactive animation using XAML and the Storyboard
399 Create and retrieve cookies from a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application using SetCookie and GetCookie
400 Create animations using the Storyboard in code
401 Create Binding for ListView in code
402 Create Button from Xaml string
403 Create buttons using DrawingImage and GeometryDrawing
404 Create buttons using DrawingImage objects
405 Create Canvas as content of window
406 Create Collection based Resource for data binding
407 Create CollectionViewSource
408 Create CommandBindings in Xaml and bind to Button
409 Create DoubleAnimation and Animate a Button with Button BeginAnimation and Button WidthProperty
410 Create FishEye Effect Buttons by changing the Button font size
411 Create Image from BitmapImage
412 Create Label controls that have access keys and support text wrapping
413 Create LinearGradientBrush
414 Create LinearGradientBrush and use it as stoke
415 Create ListBox and Add string as the ListBoxItem
416 Create Menu and Add MenuItem
417 Create new window and add mouse down event listener
418 Create new windows in Application start up event
419 Create ObjectDataProvider and bind object to it in code
420 Create Popup mock in Xaml
421 Create rectangles in WPF
422 Create RoutedCommand from InputGestureCollection
423 Create Run from String, Add Run to TextBlock
424 Create StatusBar and Add String as the StatusBarItem
425 Create Table layout in FlowDocument
426 Create the TextBlock and set as button content and format TextBlock
427 Create ToggleButton and set string as content, set HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment for ToggleButton
428 Create ToolBar and set header value
429 Create ToolTip and set text string as content
430 Create Vector from width and height
431 Create Window and add window closing event handler
432 Creates a composite shape from three geometries
433 Creates a composite shape from three geometries This GeometryGroup has a FillRule of NonZero
434 Creating a KeyBinding between the Open command and Ctrl-R
435 Creating CommandBinding and attaching an Executed and CanExecute handler
436 Creating Lines
437 Creating the main panel and add to Window in Code
438 Cropped image as Resource
439 Cross Thread Exception Raising
440 Cross Thread Exception Raising WorkerThread
441 Cube
442 Cubic Bezier Curve with BezierSegment
443 Cubic Bezier, Smooth Bezier, Quadratic Bezier, Smooth Quadratic
444 Custom Command by KeyGesture and RoutedUICommand
445 Custom Dialog with data binding
446 Custom Element Binding Window
447 Custom Shaped Button
448 Customize Message, Header, Button, and Image for MessageBox
449 Customize UpdateSourceExceptionFilter
450 Customized CheckBox
451 Data binding using collections composed of mixed types of data
452 Data Trigger Sample
453 DataContext with user defined object
454 DataContextProperty OverrideMetadata to update DataContext
455 DataGridView and Resource
456 DataTemplate for binding
457 DataTemplate for Int32
458 DataTrigger, ListBox and user object
459 DateTemplate for Date Time, filter value by path
460 DateTemplate for String
461 Debug Data Bindings Using an Empty IValueConverter
462 Decimal ScrollBar Window with extending IValueConverter
463 Declarative Playback
464 Default baseline decoration
465 Default overline decoration
466 Default Thumb Style
467 Default underline decoration
468 Define a GridSplitter and Horizontal Alignment Changed
469 Define a GridSplitter and Keyboard Increment
470 Define a GridSplitter and Resize Direction Changed
471 Define a GridSplitter and ShowsPreview Changed
472 Define a GridSplitter and Vertical Alignment Changed
473 Define a resource at the page root level on a FrameworkElement and reference it
474 Define Double value as resource
475 Define rows columns for Grid
476 Define the Tab Order of UI Elements in a Form
477 Defines the contents of column headers and cells by using templates
478 DependencyProperty RegisterReadOnly to create read only Dependency Property
479 Desktop to AppWorkspace
480 Desktop to Control
481 Detect whether the mouse button is pressed or released using the MouseButtonState property
482 Determine the layout position of an element using the LayoutInformation
483 Diagonal Linear Gradient
484 Diagonal linear gradient - multiple colors
485 Diagonal linear gradient multiple colors 2
486 Diagonal linear gradient with 0 5 Offset for White
487 Difference between CounterClockwise and Clockwise
488 Difference between EvenOdd FillRule and NonZero FillRule
489 Different Font Family and Size for each ListBoxItem
490 Diffuse Material
491 Digital Clock
492 Directional light
493 Disabled Button with ToolTipService
494 Discrete Double Key Frame
495 Discrete Point Jumps
496 Dispatcher BeginInvoke with DispatcherPriority Normal
497 Dispatcher Examples
498 DispatcherTimer and EventHandler
499 DispatcherTimer set up
500 Display a Border
501 Display a Context Menu with Opacity
502 Display a message box and get the message box return value
503 Display a notification icon in the system tray
504 Display a Password Entry Box and get the input
505 Display a Static Image
506 Display a Status Bar
507 Display a Toolbar
508 Display Bounded objects onto ListBox
509 Display information with WPF MessageBox
510 Display text on to window content
511 Display window as dialog
512 Do event based on button name
513 Do not handle events until Window is fully initialized
514 Dock Around the Block
515 Dock both menu and Toolbar to the top of a panel
516 Dock list box at left of panel
517 Dock more than two objects
518 Dock status bar at bottom of panel
519 Dock StatusBar
520 Docking left and right before top and bottom
521 DockPanel and Grid
522 DockPanel Fill
523 DockPanel with Menu, ToolBarTray, StatusBar, StackPanel
524 DockPanel with TextBlock
525 Document Styles
526 Dotted Path
527 Double value as the Font size
528 DoubleAnimation Loop for 30 seconds
529 DoubleAnimation Loop forever
530 DoubleAnimation Loop three times
531 Drag Items from a List and Drop Them on a Canvas
532 Draw a 3D Model
533 Draw a Grid
534 Draw a Sequence of Connected Lines
535 Draw figure with EvenOdd FillRule
536 Draw figure with NonZero FillRule
537 Draw second figure with NonZero FillRule
538 Draw text to the background of a control by accessing the controls DrawingContext
539 DrawingBrush and DrawingGroup
540 DrawingBrush Opacity from 1 to 0
541 DrawingBrush RelativeTransform RotateTransform
542 DrawingBrush Transform SkewTransform
543 DrawingGroup and GeometryGroup
544 DrawingVisual and DrawingContext
545 Drawn with a Path Shape with Geometry
546 Draws a circle with a blue interior
547 Draws a circle with a blue interior and a black outline
548 Draws a diagonal line from (10,10) to (50,50) and moves it 100 pixels to the right
549 Draws a line from (10,10) to (50,50)
550 Draws an oval with a blue interior
551 Draws an oval with a blue interior and a black outline
552 Draws another triangle with a blue interior with Polygon
553 Dump Content Property Attributes
554 Duplicate VisualBrush
555 Dynamic Clipping
556 Dynamic Resource
557 Dynamically add Button to a Grid and add Action listener
558 Eclipse Sun
559 Edit Rich Text with RichTextBox
560 Effects of the enumerated values of TextWrapping
561 Ellipse Fill with DrawingBrush
562 Ellipse Geometry Demo
563 Ellipse Mouse Down event
564 Ellipse Mouse up event
565 Ellipse MouseMove event
566 Ellipse With Styled Lines
567 EllipseGeometry
568 Elliptical Arc
569 Elliptical Arc Path
570 Elliptical Clip Example
571 Embedded code for Application
572 Embedded Code in Window xaml
573 Embedded Font
574 Emboss Text
575 Embossed Effect with EmbossBitmapEffect
576 Empirical Tilted Text Shadow
577 Empty RowDefinition and ColumnDefinition
578 Enables sorting of data in ascending or descending order according to the contents of one column
579 Engrave Text
580 Enhance the visual appearance of a ContentControl by applying a style
581 Enlarge a Button with Xaml
582 Enlarge Button With Animation
583 Enlarge Button with Timer
584 Ensure That You Are Running on the UI Thread
585 Ensure there is at least one item selected
586 Event firing sequence
587 Event sender, event source and event original source
588 Event Setter from Resources
589 Event Triggers as Resource
590 EventTrigger Ellipse MouseLeftButtonDown
591 EventTrigger Ellipse MouseLeftButtonUp
592 EventTrigger RoutedEvent=Image Loaded
593 Execute a Method Asynchronously Using a Background Worker Thread
594 Execute a Method Asynchronously Using the Dispatcher Queue
595 Exit current action with Application Current Shutdown
596 Expander control
597 Expander Header
598 Extend FrameworkElement to create your own shape
599 Extend IValueConverter to create your own converter
600 Extends Application
601 Extends StyleSelector to create your own style selector
602 Extends Window
603 External Web Links
604 Figure With Arcs
605 Figures in a FlowDocument
606 File menu
607 File Menu, new MenuItem
608 Fill an Ellipse with Cyan and Draw the border with Black color
609 Fill Polygon with RadialGradientBrush
610 Fill rectangle with Rectangle Fill tag and LinearGradientBrush
611 Fill the baseline decoration with a linear gradient brush
612 Fill the baseline decoration with a linear gradient brush in C#
613 Fill the overline decoration with a linear gradient brush
614 Fill the overline decoration with a linear gradient brush in C#
615 Fill the strikethrough decoration with a solid color brush in C#
616 Fill the underline decoration with a solid color brush
617 Fill the underline decoration with a solid color brush in C#
618 Fill up the ListBox with brush names
619 Fills the polylines with a light gray color
620 Filter Data in a Collection, Set the Filter property to a FilterEventHandler
621 Find Control Styles with FindResource()
622 Find enclosure component
623 Find inner visual element
624 Find Resource with FindResource
625 Find source element of an element in event handler by casint
626 Find the index number of a newly added element within a panel, using the IndexOf method
627 Finding the border that is generated by the ControlTemplate of the Button
628 Fire an event when an element gains and loses focus
629 Fixed Tiles
630 Flow Document Reader
631 FlowDirection of TextBlock
632 FlowDirection of WrapPanel
633 FlowDocument with Figure xaml
634 FlowDocument with Hyperlink and List
635 FlowDocument with images
636 FlowDocument with Section
637 FlowDocument with Table
638 FlowDocument with TextAlignment, ColumnWidth Italic and bold font
639 FlowDocument with UI container
640 Focus a TextBox
641 Font Properties Moved
642 Font Properties Sample
643 Font Size Resources
644 Font Viewer
645 FontFamily resource constant
646 Format Text by changing the font size
647 Format TextBox with MenuItem
648 FormatConvertedBitmap DestinationFormat=Gray4
649 Formatted Digital Clock
650 Four Sided Bounce
651 Four-quadrant Cartesian coordinate system
652 Frame background, TabControl background
653 Frame Navigation Demo Window
654 Freezables and element
655 From a Hex string using ColorConverter
656 From predefined color name in the Colors class
657 From ScRGB values in the Color structure
658 From sRGB values in the Color strutcure
659 Generate Click Events Repeatedly While a Button Is Clicked
660 Geometry Transform for Path
661 Geometry Transform for Rectangle
662 Geometry Used as a Clip
663 Geometry Used with a DrawingBrush
664 GeometryGroup and Path Data
665 GeometryGroup FillRule=Nonzero
666 Get a handle to the current app and shut it down
667 Get all children from a Panel
668 Get all public static properties from Brush
669 Get Bounded item from ListView
670 Get Caret Position in a RichTextBox by using RichTextBox CaretPosition GetPositionAtOffset
671 Get event sender from event
672 Get FlowDocument from RichTextBox
673 Get Item At Index Position [0]
674 Get input text from TextCompositionEventArgs Text
675 Get mouse clicked button with MouseButtonEventArgs ChangedButton
676 Get mouse clicked position as Point class
677 Get mouse clicked position with MouseButtonEventArgs GetPosition
678 Get mouse position with Mouse GetPosition
679 Get position on a Canvas with Canvas GetLeft
680 Get resource in code as Storyboard
681 Get Resource Names from Assembly
682 Get RoutedEvent Name
683 Get selected item count from ListBox
684 Get selected item from ListBox
685 Get selected text from RichTextBox by using RichTextBox Selection Text
686 Get selected tree node item
687 Get The actual width of the border in the ControlTemplate
688 Get the content from the rich text box
689 Get the event sender name
690 Get the Resize Frame Horizontal Border Height
691 Get the Resize Frame Vertical Border Width
692 Get User Input from a Slider
693 Get XmlElement from Bounded view
694 Gets the currently selected ComboBoxItem when the user clicks the Button
695 Glowing Effect with OuterGlowBitmapEffect
696 Glyphs with ttf font file
697 Gradient background button
698 Gradient brushes within a DrawingBrush
699 Gradient brushes within a DrawingBrush Two overlapping gradients are layered
700 Gradient Button Background by Rectangle and LinearGradientBrush
701 GradientStop with Transparent color
702 GradientStopCollection
703 Grid in ScrollViewer
704 Grid mouse down event
705 Grid MouseLeftButtonDown
706 Grid MouseLeftButtonDown action and PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown action
707 Grid MouseLeftButtonUp
708 Grid MouseMove
709 Grid Preview mouse down event
710 Grid PreviewMouseDown action and MouseDown action
711 Grid Splitter and Alignment
712 Grid with Column Definition and Row definition
713 Grid with ContextMenu
714 Grid with Rectangle and GeometryDrawing
715 Grid with SharedSizeGroup
716 Grid With Splitter
717 GridSplitter and DragIncrement Changed
718 GridSplitter and ResizeBehaviorChanged
719 GridSplitter as Entire Column or Row
720 GridSplitter Example
721 Group Data in a Collection
722 GroupBox Demo
723 GroupBox Header with mixed content
724 Halting event routing with Handled
725 Handle a Button Click with Shared button click handler
726 Handle Application DispatcherUnhandledException
727 Handle CheckBox checked events
728 Handle CheckBox Unchecked events
729 Handle the ContentRendered event
730 Handler for the PreviewKeyDown event on the TextBox
731 Handler MouseLeftButtonDown and MouseLeftButtonUp events
732 Handles CheckBox Indeterminate events when a CheckBox changes to a indeterminate state
733 Handles ComboBox SelectionChanged events
734 Handles ComboBoxItem Selected events
735 Handles ListBoxItem Selected events for the ListBoxItems in the inner ListBox
736 Handles the Click event on the UniformGrid
737 Handles the MouseDown event on the Canvas
738 Handles the MouseDown event on the UniformGrid
739 Handles the Selected event for all TreeViewItems
740 Hard shadow on top of noisy shadow
741 Hard shadow on top of soft shadow
742 Hard single shadow
743 Help command
744 Hierarchical Binding for three level nested objects
745 Hierarchical Xml Templates
746 HierarchicalDataTemplate and XmlDataProvider
747 HierarchicalDataTemplate data binding
748 HierarchicalDataTemplate with Menu
749 Highlights the gradient origin and the gradient circle
750 Hit Result Behavior
751 Horizontal Line
752 Horizontal Line with Path
753 Horizontal linear gradient
754 Horizontal Linear Gradient and GradientStop
755 Hosting a Windows Forms Property Grid in WPF
756 Hosting DrawingVisuals
757 Hyperlink and xpath filter for XmlDataProvider
758 If input is not a number do not handle the key event
759 If the user has entered text into the ComboBox
760 Ignore an Implicit Style by setting Style to Null
761 Image as Resource
762 Image element
763 Image RadioButton
764 Image tile
765 Image TileMode = FlipX
766 Image TileMode = FlipXY
767 Image TileMode = FlipY
768 Image with ContextMenu
769 ImageBrush Opacity from 1 to 0
770 ImageBrush Stretch Style
771 ImageBrush within a DrawingBrush
772 Implement Application DoEvents in WPF
773 Implement INotifyPropertyChanged to notify the binding targets when the values of properties change
774 Implement validation logic on custom objects and then bind to them(Mouse-over to see the validation error message)
775 Implementation of buttons Click event handler in Xaml
776 Implicit duration of parent timeline
777 IMultiValueConverter and IValueConverter
778 Indeterminate ProgressBar
779 Inherit Application class and listen to session ending event
780 Inherit Application class and override OnStartup
781 Inner element with xml namespace
782 Insert Button to a Panel
783 Insert Column
784 Insert new line character to xaml attribute
785 Insert Row
786 Insert to a Panel by index
787 Instantiate and use a WrapPanel element in code
788 Interact with 3D Objects
789 Intrinsic character direction in TextBlock
790 Is Default Button
791 Is Grid ReadOnly
792 Is Key CapsLock Toggled
793 Is Window active
794 Items that can be placed in a StatusBar
795 Iterate through the selected items and remove each one
796 IValueConverter and ValidationRule
797 Keep the UI from becoming non-responsive in single threaded application which performs a long operation
798 Keyboard IsKeyToggled
799 KeySpline Animation
800 Label with ControlTemplate
801 Large ArcSegments
802 Launch a window with defined XAML
803 Layout a Form with StackPanel and Grid
804 Layout Controls with Grid in code
805 LayoutPanels Basic Dialog Box
806 Left and Right get the 1st value, Top and Bottom get the 2nd value
807 Left,Top,Right,Bottom for Padding
808 Line with Path
809 Line with PathGeometry
810 LinearGradientBrush examples with GradientStop as Resources
811 LinearGradientBrush Opacity from 1 to 0
812 LinearGradientBrush SpreadMethod
813 LinearGradientBrush SpreadMethod=Reflect
814 LinearGradientBrush SpreadMethod=Repeat
815 LineGeometry
816 LineGeometry Demo
817 Link To Another Page
818 List Binding
819 List box that uses data binding to populate the list box items
820 List box with text and non-text content in the list box items
821 ListBox and ListBox Items
822 ListBox and SelectionMode
823 ListBox binds to the people collection, and sets the DataTemplate to use for displaying each item
824 ListBox Leveraging Content Property
825 ListBox of Color Shapes
826 ListBox of Color Values
827 ListBox Selected Index, Item, Value
828 ListBox SelectionChanged Event
829 ListBox SelectionMode=Single
830 ListBox with different font for each ListBoxItem
831 ListBox with Image
832 ListBox with Image item
833 ListBox With Items Panel
834 ListBoxItem Content
835 Listen to DataContent changed event
836 Listen to mouse down event for Run
837 Listen to text input event for Window
838 Listen to TextBox text changed event
839 Listen to Window loaded event
840 Listen to window mouse down event
841 Listen to window resize event
842 ListView and ListViewItem
843 ListView columns
844 ListView using GridView HeaderTemplate and GridViewColumn CellTemplate properties
845 Load a FlowDocument into a FlowDocumentReader
846 Load Assembly Resources
847 Load image from a URI
848 Load image in your code and add to grid
849 Load image source from a hard code directory
850 Load image with BitmapImage
851 Load or Save the Content of a RichTextBox
852 Load Resource for Application
853 Load resource from Window Resources
854 Load style defined in Xaml and apply to the Button
855 Load TextRange from File stream
856 Load the Data for a Window Asynchronously After It Has Rendered
857 Load the Items in a ListBox Asynchronously
858 Load Xaml Resource
859 Load XmlDocument to XmlDataProvider
860 Localizable Application by putting localized resource in Xaml
861 Logical Resources
862 Logical Visual Tree Sample
863 Long Binding Path
864 MailDispatcher and NotifyIcon
865 Make an object follow the mouse pointer as it moves on the screen
866 Make Group onto Statusbar
867 Manage unhandled exceptions that are thrown on secondary user interface (UI) threads
868 Manage unhandled exceptions that are thrown on secondary worker threads
869 Manual Update Target
870 Margin
871 Margin vs Padding and Grid
872 Mark the text control as being changed to prevent any text content or selection changed events
873 Mark Tree node expandable
874 Markup Extensions for Button
875 Markup Extensions with Property Elements xaml
876 Markup for navigation transition animations
877 Master Detail Binding
878 Matrix Animated Button
879 Matrix3D Rotate
880 Matrix3D RotateAt
881 Matrix3D RotateAtPrepend
882 Matrix3D scale transformation
883 Matrix3D ScalePrepend
884 Matrix3D TranslatePrepend
885 Matrix3D Translation
886 Menu and MenuItem
887 Menu item action handler
888 Menu item with shortcut and access key
889 Menu with Application command
890 Menu With Sub heading
891 MenuBar and ToolBar
892 MenuItem Commands And Events
893 MenuItem opened event
894 MenuItems with Commands
895 MeshGeometry3D with TextureCoordinates
896 Message Only MessageBox
897 MessageBox with Message and Header
898 Mini Language Infinity
899 Mixed character directions and TextBlock
900 Mixing row height styles
901 Modify Image Pixels
902 Mouse cursor override and clear
903 Mouse Enter and leave a Border
904 Mouse LostMouseCaptureEvent
905 Mouse Position
906 Mouse Position and TranslateTransform
907 Multicolored Gradient
908 Multiple geometries
909 Multiple Items in a Grid Cell
910 Multiple Line Segments
911 Multiple Sounds
912 Multiple Subpaths
913 Multiple Subpaths with PathFigure
914 My First WPF App with code behind
915 Navigate Frame to a URL
916 Navigate Frame to a xaml document
917 Navigate to an instance of a custom class, instead of a Page
918 Navigation Basics
919 NavigationService GetNavigationService
920 Nested Button content
921 Nested Grid
922 Nesting StackPanel
923 No Logical Resources
924 No margin
925 No rotation
926 Non-Rectangular window
927 Non-tiled Drawingrush examples
928 Non-zero fill rule with more complex shape with Polygon
929 Normal
930 Normal Slider (Max=100, Val=10)
931 Not show Window in Taskbar
932 Null property binding
933 Object Binding
934 Object Transforms in WPF
935 On Key Down Handler
936 One way and two way binding
937 Opacity Animation
938 Opacity Mask from Drawing
939 OpacityMask, LinearGradientBrush, RenderTransform
940 Open DrawingContext from DrawingVisual
941 OpenFileDialog Test
942 Order of precedence for sizing-related properties that are implemented by Window
943 Origin at lower left Y increases going up
944 Origin in center Y increases going down
945 Overlapping Rectangles
946 Overlapping Stars
947 Overlapping Videos with Effects
948 Overlapping Visual Hit Testing
949 Overline decoration with dashes
950 Override key down method to listen to key down event
951 Override OnTextInput method to get the input from key board
952 Override the default layout behavior of the Panel element and create custom layout elements that are derived from Panel
953 Page Loaded event
954 Paint with system brushes and colors
955 Painting a 3D surface with a bitmap
956 Paints a rectangle with a checkered pattern
957 Paints a rectangle with a grid pattern
958 Paints a rectangle with a grid pattern with VisualBrush
959 Paints a rectangle with an image The ImageBrushs Stretch property is set to None, so the image is not resized
960 Panel is setting the data context to the scrollbar object
961 Panel ZIndex
962 Paragraph FontWeight
963 Parent and child timelines with default HoldEnd FillBehavior
964 Parse command line arguments and make them available to an application
965 Passing Window instance to Application run method
966 PasswordBox with Margin
967 Path Angle Animated Button
968 Path Animated Button
969 Path animation by code, duration, RepeatBehavior
970 Path Animation with DoubleAnimationUsingPath, AutoReverse
971 Path Data with LineSegment
972 Path gradient and Bezier
973 Path Margin as resource
974 Path Mini Language
975 Path with ScaleTransformation
976 Path with Shadow
977 Patterns defined by the DrawingBrush expand to fill the area of the rectangle
978 Pausing and resuming a storyboard with triggers
979 PenLineCap Flat
980 PenLineCap Round
981 PenLineCap Square
982 PenLineCap Triangle
983 PenLineJoin Bevel
984 PenLineJoin Miter
985 PenLineJoin Round
986 Pixel Not Snapped
987 Place and size rectangles and ellipses in Grid cells
988 Play a Media File
989 Play Audio Asynchronously
990 Play audio through event trigger
991 Play mp3 file
992 Play System Sounds
993 Play wav file
994 Play with MediaPlayer
995 Playing a sound with a trigger
996 Ployline types do not require connecting ends
997 Point Hit Test
998 Point Hit Test with VisualTreeHelper HitTest
999 Point light
1000 PolyBezierSegment Demo
1001 Polygon Along with Canvas
1002 Polygon Mouse down event
1003 Polygon Stretch= UniformToFill
1004 Polygon Stretch=Fill
1005 Polygon Stretch=None
1006 Polygon Stretch=Uniform
1007 Polygon Stroke color and Thickness
1008 Polygon with Fill
1009 Polyline and Polyline Points
1010 Polyline by Points
1011 Polyline corner is cut off (beveled) because the miter limit is set to 1
1012 PolyLine Segment Demo
1013 Polyline stroke color in RGB
1014 Populate the PointsCollection of the PolyLine
1015 Populating ListView rows
1016 PopupAnimation = PopupAnimation Fade
1017 PopupAnimation = PopupAnimation Scroll
1018 PopupAnimation = PopupAnimation Slide
1019 Positioning on a Canvas
1020 Predefined brush in Brushes Class
1021 PresentationTraceSources SetTraceLevel(binding,PresentationTraceLevel High)
1022 Press F1 to get help
1023 Print a WPF Visual
1024 Print Buttons
1025 Print Custom Page
1026 Print Ellipse
1027 Print Logical Tree
1028 Print Scaled Visual
1029 Print Visual Tree
1030 Print Visual(Canvas)
1031 Print Without User Intervention
1032 Programmatically add rows to a Table element
1033 Programmatically change the FlowDirection of content within a FlowDocumentReader element
1034 Programmatically change the FontFamily property of a TextBlock element
1035 Programmatically change the Stretch and StretchDirection of content within a Viewbox
1036 Programmatically change the way in which TextBlock is trimmed when it exceeds the outer boundaries of its containing box
1037 Programmatically Create and Save a FlowDocument
1038 Programmatically Extract an Elements Style with DefaultStyleKeyProperty
1039 Programmatically Insert Text into a RichTextBox
1040 Programmatically use the positioning methods of Grid
1041 ProgressBar and Animation
1042 ProgressBar with ControlTemplate
1043 ProgressBar with five iterations
1044 ProgressBar with infinite iterations
1045 Property changed callback
1046 Property Element Syntax
1047 Property Inheritance
1048 Property Trigger
1049 Proportional StatusBar
1050 Proportional Tiles
1051 Proportional Tiles (no stretch)
1052 Provide Quick Keyboard Access to Buttons
1053 Pulsating Rectangle
1054 Put a Control Template into a Style
1055 Put a Frame tag onto a Window to host a page
1056 Put a Menu and toolbar on the top with DockPanel
1057 Put a simple StatusBar on the bottom with DockPanel
1058 Put Button onto a Grid
1059 Put Canvas into ScrollViewer
1060 Put Different Objects to TabItem
1061 Put Image with tooltip onto statusbar
1062 Put more than one Object to one Grid Cell
1063 Put Nested Canvas to TabItem
1064 Put Rectangle into TextBlock
1065 Quadratic Bezier Curve with PathFigure
1066 Query Left Right control key
1067 Query Left Right Shift key
1068 Query Number lock key
1069 Question MessageBox
1070 RadialGradientBrush examples and Define GradientStop in Resource
1071 RadialGradientBrush GradientOrigin
1072 RadialGradientBrush Opacity from 1 to 0
1073 RadialGradientBrush Rectangle Stroke
1074 RadialGradientBrush SpreadMethod=Pad
1075 RadialGradientBrush SpreadMethod=Reflect
1076 RadialGradientBrush SpreadMethod=Repeat
1077 Radio Button Groups
1078 RadioButton checked event handler
1079 RadioButton click event
1080 Raise exception from button click event
1081 Raise the PropertyChanged event
1082 Raise the ScrollChanged event of a ScrollViewer
1083 React to TextBox focus event
1084 Read bitmap from Uri
1085 Reading individual key state with Keyboard IsKeyDown
1086 Reading keyboard modifiers
1087 Receive Notification When an Animation Completes
1088 Record Key strokes
1089 Rectangle and Ellipse
1090 Rectangle Fill with ImageBrush
1091 Rectangle Geometry Demo
1092 Rectangle mouse down event
1093 Rectangle mouse down preview
1094 RectangleGeometry
1095 Reference name defined in Xaml in cs file
1096 Reference SystemColors
1097 Reference SystemParameters
1098 Reflected Gradient
1099 Register and Handle Window event in code
1100 Relative pack URI referring to external component for a Resource
1101 Remember and navigate through multiple sets of state for a single page instance
1102 Remove 5 Columns with ColumnDefinitions RemoveRange
1103 Remove 5 Row with RowDefinitions RemoveRange
1104 Remove aniamtion with RemoveStoryboard
1105 Remove Animations
1106 Remove Animations with AnimationClock
1107 Remove Animations with Storyboard
1108 Remove Control from a Panel
1109 Remove One Column
1110 Remove One Row
1111 RepeatButtons have their delay properties set to 500 milliseconds and their interval properties set to 100
1112 Repetition count
1113 Repetition duration
1114 Replease mouse with Mouse Capture(null)
1115 ResizeMode=CanResizeWithGrip
1116 Resource Lookup
1117 Respond When the User Rotates the Mouse Wheel
1118 Retrieve data from XmlDataProvider with XPath
1119 Retrieving assembly manifest resources
1120 Retrieving the mouse position relative to controls on a Window
1121 Reuse Font With Resources
1122 Reuse Style for TextBox
1123 Rolling Ball Animation
1124 Rotate
1125 Rotate a Button for 35 degrees
1126 Rotate a ListBox
1127 Rotate Button Animation
1128 Rotate Button Animation With Layout
1129 Rotate Shape in a Canvas
1130 Rotate the text 90 degrees using a RotateTransform
1131 Rotate then Translate
1132 Rotated button with Code
1133 Rotates the Polyline 45 degrees about its center
1134 Rotates the Polyline 45 degrees about the point (0,0)
1135 Rotates the Polyline 45 degrees about the point (25,50)
1136 Rotates the Polyline 45 degrees about the relative origin (0 25,0 25)
1137 RotateTransform an ImageBrush
1138 Rotating Popup
1139 Round StrokeDashCap Polyline
1140 Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 10 (X) and 25 (Y)
1141 Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 100 (X) and 60 (Y)
1142 Rounded Rectangle Corner radius of 5
1143 Routed Event Demo
1144 RoutedEvents
1145 RoutedEvents Only Numbers
1146 Save a FlowDocument as a Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) file
1147 Save TextRange to file stream
1148 Save Window Position to Registry
1149 Scale a ListBox
1150 Scale the text using a ScaleTransform
1151 Scaled button with Code
1152 Scales a rectangle by 200% from a center of (0 5,0 5)
1153 Scales a rectangle by 200% from a center of (0,0)
1154 Scales a rectangle by 200% from a center of (25,25)
1155 ScaleX
1156 Scroll Buttons with ScrollViewer
1157 Scroll TextBox
1158 Scrollable TextBox Column
1159 ScrollViewer and Big Ellipse
1160 Search for an element by using Panel FindName()
1161 Security Exception
1162 Select All and unselect all
1163 Select All ListBox Items
1164 Select all text from RichTextBox and cut
1165 Select Product Page Function
1166 Set a Default Button
1167 Set a Style Programmatically
1168 Set AccessText for Label
1169 Set and get data from Application Current Properties
1170 Set Binding ListView ItemsSourceProperty to ListView
1171 Set border corner radius
1172 Set border for ToolTip by using ControlTemplate
1173 Set border margin
1174 Set Border Margin, BorderThickness, BorderBrush, Width and Height
1175 Set border thickness
1176 Set Borders BorderBrush to ImageBrush
1177 Set brush mapping mode to Absolute
1178 Set brush to Window background
1179 Set Button HorizontalAlignment=Center
1180 Set button properties with Linq style
1181 Set center for RadialGradientBrush
1182 Set color for SolidColorBrush
1183 Set Column and Row index when adding Controls to a Grid
1184 Set control position for Canvas
1185 Set control to specific row and column in code
1186 Set cursor area
1187 Set data binding for ToggleButton, Set DataContext for ToggleButton
1188 Set Default Button for a Window
1189 Set Delay and Interval for RepeatButton
1190 Set Different Font for Item for ComboBox
1191 Set DisplayMemberPath for ItemsControl
1192 Set drop shadow for a ToolTip
1193 Set fill for Ellipse, stroke thickness for Ellipse
1194 Set Focus to TextBox
1195 Set Foreground color for TextBlock
1196 Set Gradient Origin for RadialGradientBrush
1197 Set Grid Margin
1198 Set grid rectangle template for ProgressBar
1199 Set Grid Row and Column for a Button
1200 Set Grid Row Height and Column Width to Auto
1201 Set height, Background and Orientation for StackPanel
1202 Set ItemWidth and ItemHeight for WrapPanel
1203 Set interval and event handler for DispatcherTimer
1204 Set item width for WrapPanel
1205 Set Margin and Stroke for Polyline
1206 Set Margins for TextBlock in Grid Resource
1207 Set margins, by changing any existing property value for the margin in code-behind with Thickness class
1208 Set Message, Header, and Button for MessageBox
1209 Set MinimunMaximum value for Slider
1210 Set opacity for Image
1211 Set Password value for PasswordBox
1212 Set RadioButton to check state
1213 Set Row and Column Index when Adding Buttons to Grid
1214 Set Row Height and column Width for Grid
1215 Set SessionEndingCancelEventArgs Cancel to true to cancel session ending event
1216 Set start point and end point for LinearGradientBrush from Vector
1217 Set stroke for Ellipse and Line
1218 Set StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashCap for Polyline
1219 Set StrokeThickness for Polyline
1220 Set text to TextBlock for selected list item
1221 Set Text value for TextBlock
1222 Set TextBlock FontSize for Grid
1223 Set TextBox ContextMenu to null
1224 Set TextBox to editable
1225 Set TextWrapping to True for TextBlock
1226 Set the DataContext of a Window to a person object
1227 Set the RadiusX and RadiusY for RadialGradientBrush
1228 Set the slider value with RepeatButton
1229 Set the SpreadMethod for GradientSpreadMethod for GradientSpreadMethod Repeat
1230 Set tooltip for Image
1231 Set ToolTip Placement, ShowDuration, VerticalOffset
1232 Set ToolTip text for TextBlock
1233 Set ToolTipService Placement=Center
1234 Set Top and left dimension based on its container
1235 Set TreeView with TreeViewItem
1236 Set up ObjectDataProvider in code
1237 Set VerticalAlignmentHorizontalAlignment for a Button
1238 Set VerticalScrollBarVisibility for TextBox
1239 Set Window Height and Width
1240 Set window start up location
1241 Set WindowStyle = WindowStyle ToolWindow
1242 Set WPF window title
1243 Set WPF window width and height
1244 Setter With Binding to Slider
1245 Setting AccessText properties
1246 Setting Grid row heights in code
1247 Shadow Effect and DropShadowBitmapEffect
1248 Shadow effect by creating an outer glow
1249 Shaking a Button with DoubleAnimation
1250 Shape Exclude
1251 Shape Union
1252 Shape Xor
1253 Shared Size Group
1254 Sharing a Style
1255 Shorthand Path data
1256 Show a Continuous Animation During an Asynchronous Process
1257 Show a Continuous Progress Bar While Processing on a Background Thread
1258 Show a ProgressBar While Processing on a Background Thread
1259 Show FlowDocument
1260 Show Grid Lines
1261 Show Grid lines in code
1262 Show Index of Controls
1263 Show the effect of each value of the Dock property by manipulating two Rectangle elements
1264 Show window based on button name
1265 ShowInTaskbar = false
1266 Shut down the application in Window closing event
1267 ShutdownMode OnLastWindowClose
1268 Simple Canvas Layout
1269 Simple ControlTemplate
1270 Simple Custom Button with ControlTemplate
1271 Simple Grid xaml
1272 Simple Media Player
1273 Simple Path Animation
1274 Simple StackPanel
1275 Simple underline decoration
1276 Simple WrapPanel
1277 Simulating a reflection with VisualBrush
1278 Simulating lighting effects with linear fills
1279 Sine Wave
1280 Single Bezier
1281 Single Instance Sample
1282 SizeToContent=WidthAndHeight
1283 Skew the text using a SkewTransform
1284 Skew the text using a TranslateTransform
1285 Skew Transforms for a ListBox
1286 Skewed button with Code
1287 SkewTransform AngleX
1288 Slider Attributes
1289 Slider value changed event
1290 Small ArcSegment
1291 Solid Color Brush In Code with predefined brush
1292 Solid Color Brush In Code with SolidColorBrush
1293 Solid Color Brush In Code with SolidColorBrush and RGB color
1294 SolidColorBrush described using 3-digit hexadecimal notation
1295 SolidColorBrush described using 6-digit hexadecimal notation
1296 SolidColorBrush described using 8-digit hexadecimal notation
1297 SolidColorBrush objects
1298 SolidColorBrush Opacity property from 1 to 0
1299 SolidColorBrushs color is specified using 3-digit hexadecimal notation
1300 SolidColorBrushs color is specified using 6-digit hexadecimal notation
1301 SolidColorBrushs color is specified using 8-digit hexadecimal notation
1302 SolidColorBrushs Color property is specified using one of the predefined colors defined by the System Windows Media Colors class
1303 Sort Data in a Collection
1304 Sound And Video Playback in Code
1305 Sound Player Action demo
1306 Span and FlowDoucment
1307 Span The Cells
1308 Specify Named Parts of a Control Template
1309 Specify Validation Rules for a Binding
1310 Specifying a Stretch of None for ImageBrush
1311 Specifying points the long way with Polygon Points tag and Point
1312 Specular Material
1313 Speech Synthesis demo
1314 SpeechSynthesizer demo
1315 Spell Check a TextBox or RichTextBox Control in Real Time
1316 Split Grid
1317 Spot light
1318 Squaring The Circle
1319 StackPanel in a ScrollViewer
1320 StackPanel PreviewTextInput and PreviewKeyDown
1321 StackPanel with StackPanel
1322 Star Polygon
1323 Star xaml
1324 Start the animation with Path is loaded
1325 Starting an animation with a trigger
1326 StartupUri attribute
1327 Stop, resume animation with Storyboard
1328 Store the variable in the application and get it back
1329 Stretch = Fill
1330 Stretch = None
1331 Stretch = Uniform
1332 Stretch = UniformToFill
1333 Stretched GridSplitter
1334 Strikethrough decoration with dashes
1335 Stroke Start Line Cap
1336 StrokeDashArray
1337 StrokeDashArray 4,2 StrokeDashOffset
1338 StrokeStartLineCap for Polyline
1339 StrokeStartLineCap=Round, StrokeEndLineCap=Round
1340 Style a TabControl using templates for the TabControl and TabItem elements
1341 Style resource with predefined static resource
1342 Style Slider
1343 Style TabItem
1344 Style With Data Trigger
1345 Style With Multiple Buttons
1346 Style With Multiple Elements
1347 Style With MultiTrigger
1348 Style With Property Element
1349 Style With Resource
1350 Style With Triggers
1351 Styled Document
1352 Styles With Same Keys
1353 Styles With Target Types
1354 Support the Cancellation of a Background Worker Thread
1355 Suppress Keyboard and Mouse Events
1356 Tab page headers
1357 Tab Test
1358 TabControl and Frame source
1359 TabItem Header
1360 Table Flow Content
1361 Text Data Binding
1362 Text Drop Shadow
1363 Text Wrapping Label
1364 TextBlock Opacity Animation
1365 TextBlock ScaleTransform ScaleX
1366 TextBlock ScaleTransform ScaleY and TransformGroup
1367 TextBlock Underline decoration with dashes
1368 TextBlock VerticalAlignment
1369 TextBox
1370 TextBox key pressed action listener, and set caret index for TextBox
1371 TextBox KeyDown action
1372 TextBox KeyUp
1373 TextBox MouseLeftButtonDown action and PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown action
1374 TextBox PreviewKeyDown
1375 TextBox PreviewKeyDown, PreviewKeyUp, PreviewTextInput, KeyDown, KeyUp and TextChanged events
1376 TextBox PreviewKeyUp
1377 TextBox PreviewTextInput
1378 TextBox Selection start, end and selected text
1379 TextBox TextInput event
1380 TextBox uses the ExceptionValidationRule and UpdateSourceExceptionFilter handler
1381 TextBox with custom ErrorTemplate and ToolTip
1382 TextBox with default ErrorTemplate
1383 TextBox with UpdateSourceExceptionFilter handler
1384 TextEffect to animate
1385 TextGeometry as Resource
1386 The button and text block are up-side down in the custom coordinate system
1387 The Color property of the SolidColorBrush used to fill this rectangle is animated
1388 The Color property of this rectangles SolidColorBrush is animated
1389 The current number of Columns
1390 The current number of Rows
1391 The default GroupStyle indents the items in a group
1392 The ImageBrushs Viewport and TileMode properties are set so that the image is tiled
1393 The ObjectDataProvider exposes the enum as a binding source
1394 The Opacity property of this rectangles SolidColorBrush is animated
1395 The resulting ellipses outline is painted with an image
1396 The same margin on all four sides
1397 The same padding on all four sides
1398 The ScaleX and ScaleY properties of this ScaleTransform are each animated from 0 to 1
1399 The UniformGrid
1400 The X and Y properties of this TranslateTransform are each animated from -50 to 50
1401 This list box allows items to be selected in groups by using the SHIFT key and mouse or the CTRL key and space key
1402 This list box allows multiple user selections
1403 This rectangle is painted with a diagonal linear gradient
1404 This rectangle is painted with a horizontal linear gradient
1405 This rectangle is painted with a radial gradient
1406 This rectangle is painted with a vertical gradient
1407 This text uses a gradient
1408 Thread Sleep in Button Click handler
1409 ThreadPool QueueUserWorkItem
1410 Three-State CheckBox
1411 Throw Application event from button click event handler
1412 Throw Exception from button click action
1413 Throw Handled Exception
1414 Throw Unhandled Exception
1415 Throw Unhandled Exception From Thread
1416 Thumb DragStarted and DragCompleted event handler
1417 TickPlacement and TickFrequency for Slider
1418 Tile VisualBrush
1419 Tiled DrawingBrush examples
1420 Tiled Geometry
1421 Tiled ImageBrush examples
1422 Tiled VisualBrush
1423 Timer triggered Animation
1424 TitleMode and Viewport for ImageBrush
1425 Toggle Hyphenation, Optimal Paragraph, and Column Flex
1426 ToggleButton checkuncheck event
1427 ToolBar and Button, ToggleButton, ComboBox and Separator
1428 ToolBar and event handler
1429 ToolBar button with Customized painting
1430 ToolBar ButtonStyleKey
1431 ToolBar in a ToolBarTray
1432 Toolbar Trays
1433 ToolBarTray
1434 ToolBarTray and ToolBar
1435 ToolTip for Border
1436 ToolTip With Binding
1437 ToolTip with Image
1438 ToolTip with List items
1439 ToolTipService InitialShowDelay
1440 ToolTipService Placement=Bottom
1441 Track the Progress of a Background Worker Thread
1442 Transform Path defined in Resource
1443 Transformed image example
1444 Translate
1445 Translate then Rotate
1446 Translated button with Code
1447 TranslateTransform and DoubleAnimation
1448 TranslateTransform X
1449 Transparent Window
1450 TreeView And TreeViewItem
1451 TreeView uses SelectedValuePath property to provide a SelectedValue for the SelectedItem
1452 TreeView with DataSource
1453 Triangular Clip Example
1454 Trigger Animation by Mouse in out action
1455 Trigger animation with Rectangle MouseEnter
1456 Trigger animation with Rectangle MouseLeave
1457 Trigger Property=FrameworkElement IsFocused
1458 Two Animations
1459 Two level path binding
1460 Two of the drawings rectangles are painted with an ImageBrush, creating a checkered pattern of images
1461 Two way data binding between Slider and ProgressBar
1462 UI Element Mouse Clicked Events
1463 UI With Page for Dynamic Button content
1464 UIElement Count
1465 Unblock Thread with BackgroundWorker
1466 Unblock Thread with Dispatcher BeginInvoke
1467 Update the UI Asynchronously on a Timer
1468 Use a ContentTemplate and determine whether the control contains content
1469 Use a Frame control to navigate to Web pages and a Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) page
1470 Use a GroupBox control to create a container for a TabControl
1471 Use a PathGeometry object to highlight displayed text
1472 Use a Thumb to resize a Canvas control by responding to the DragDelta event
1473 Use a VisualBrush to magnify a portion of the screen
1474 Use Application Command to edit RichTextBox
1475 Use Application Current Dispatcher Invoke to throw an exception
1476 Use ArrayList as the ListView ItemSource
1477 Use BackgroundWorker to run task at background
1478 Use Button IsMouseOver Event tro Trigger an Action
1479 Use CollectionViewSource to sort and group data in XAML
1480 Use ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames to animate GradientStop
1481 Use ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames to animate the foreground color of a TextBlock
1482 Use CommandBinding to bind ApplicationCommands New in code
1483 Use CommandBinding to Bind to ApplicationCommands
1484 Use ControlTemplate and event handler
1485 Use CroppedBitmap in code
1486 Use Data Templates to Display Bound Data
1487 Use Data Triggers to Change the Appearance of Bound Data
1488 Use DataTemplate in ListBox
1489 Use DataTemplate, DataTrigger, and DataTemplateSelector to specify the presentation of your data
1490 Use DataTrigger and MultiDataTrigger
1491 Use Dictionary to record which textbox has been changed and not saved
1492 Use DispatcherTimer to change Dependency Property
1493 Use Ellipse AddHandler to add handler to Ellipse objects
1494 Use Ellipse event delegate
1495 Use EnvironmentInfo as Resource
1496 Use EventSetter to add mouse event handler
1497 Use FlowDocumentReader to display FlowDocument
1498 Use Frame to Load another Xaml file
1499 Use Grid to layout a Calendar
1500 Use GridSplitter
1501 Use Image as the Grid background
1502 Use InputBinding to bind Application commends to Key events
1503 Use InputGestureCollection to get modifier keys
1504 Use KeyBinding to bind Key event to TextBox InputBindings
1505 Use Keyboard Focus to set the focus to a Text Field
1506 Use LayoutTransform to transform a TextBlock
1507 Use LengthConverter
1508 Use Linq to get checked CheckBox
1509 Use Linq to get control from a container
1510 Use MenuItem Tag to store user object
1511 Use Mouse AddMouseDownHandler(myEllipse, MouseDownEllipse)
1512 Use Mouse AddPreviewMouseDownHandler(myEllipse, PreviewMouseDownEllipse)
1513 Use Mouse Capture to let a Control capture an event
1514 Use Mouse PreviewMouseDown Mouse MouseDown Attribute from Grid element
1515 Use ObservableCollection as Resource
1516 Use outter resource or inner resource
1517 Use Panel as a ListBoxItem
1518 Use Path to reference Bounded object in ItemSource
1519 Use PolyBezierSegment to Simulated Circle
1520 Use Popup to display a hyperlink
1521 Use RadioButton to control TextBox alignment
1522 Use Render Target Bitmap
1523 Use RenderTransform to transform a TextBlock
1524 Use Resources Add to add static resouce from code
1525 Use Run the mark underlink TextDecorations
1526 Use Slider to control Drop Shadow
1527 Use Slider to control Path Scaling
1528 Use Slider to control SkewTransform
1529 Use Slider to control the Bevel
1530 Use Slider to control the Blur
1531 Use Slider to control the Emboss
1532 Use Slider to control the Glow
1533 Use Slider to control the ScaleTransform
1534 Use Slider to control the Transformation
1535 Use Slider to control TranslateTransform
1536 Use StackPanel to arrange child objects in a single line that you can align horizontally or vertically
1537 Use StackPanel to Hold RadioButtons
1538 Use StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames to animate the text value of a TextBlock
1539 Use StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames to Color
1540 Use System Color to draw Line
1541 Use TextBox as Button Content
1542 Use TextBox CommandBindingst to bind command
1543 Use the content-scrolling methods of the ScrollViewer class
1544 Use the Expander control and set the ExpandDirection property
1545 Use the FontSizeConverter class to convert the content of a ListBoxItem to a value that represents the size of a font
1546 Use the Grid element to create a standard user interface (UI) dialog box
1547 Use the Grid to create a dialog box that uses the WPF layout API
1548 Use the IsSharedSizeScope attached property of the Grid element
1549 Use the methods that are defined by the IScrollInfo interface to scroll the child content of a StackPanel
1550 Use the Mouse Wheel action methods that are defined by the IScrollInfo interface
1551 Use three TextBlocks in one ListViewItem
1552 Use Triggers to Play Audio When a User Interacts with a Control
1553 Use Two repeat buttons that increase and decrease a numerical value
1554 Use VisualBrush to paint background
1555 Use Window Activated and Deactivated event to control a media file
1556 Use WindowState to make full screen window, change resize mode to NoReSize
1557 Use XamlDesignerSerializationManager to write FlowDocument
1558 Use XamlReader to read a Xaml string and convert to a Control
1559 Use XamlReader to read Xaml xml file
1560 Uses a predefined SolidColorBrush, defined by the System Windows Media Brushes class
1561 Using 3D Models
1562 Using a BackgroundWorker
1563 Using a DispatcherTimer
1564 Using a DrawingBrush as an Opacity Mask
1565 Using a Style resource
1566 Using an Image as an Opacity Mask
1567 Using an ImageBrush
1568 Using Brushes AliceBlue
1569 Using Color structures
1570 Using Colors Red, Colors Indigo and Colors Violet to create rainbow
1571 Using CommandBinding and ExecutedRoutedEventHandler to bind Application event to an event handler method
1572 Using common TextElement attached properties to set Button text
1573 Using DiscreteStringKeyFrame
1574 Using DispatcherTimer to trigger event
1575 Using GetContentStream
1576 Using Grid ColumnSpan
1577 Using Grid to layout all controls
1578 Using LinearGradientBrush to draw a 3D button
1579 Using LinearGradientBrush to paint the window background
1580 Using MediaElement for Audio
1581 Using Nested Span elements to change the style of text in a TextBlock
1582 Using OpenFileDialog and set filter
1583 Using SaveFileDialog and set filter
1584 Using SolidColorBrush to paint the window background
1585 Using system colors to create gradients
1586 Using SystemColors in Code
1587 Using the access text escape Use two underline characters if you want an underline to appear in your text
1588 Using the AccessText element to create a label that has an access key and supports text wrapping
1589 Using the Jpeg Image
1590 Using ToolTip for TextBox with TextBox ToolTip and ToolTip tag
1591 Using Viewbox and Viewport
1592 Using XmlDataProvider
1593 Velocity animation
1594 Vertical Line
1595 Vertical Line with Path
1596 Vertical linear gradient
1597 Vertical WrapPanel Window
1598 VerticalAlignment=Top HorizontalAlignment=Left
1599 VerticalHorizontal Slider
1600 View and Select Items Using a Combo Box
1601 View and Select Items Using a List
1602 View and Select Items Using a Tree
1603 Visual Brush For a Rectangle
1604 VisualBrush and DrawingBrush
1605 VisualBrush and TileMode
1606 VisualBrush Binding to a Button
1607 VisualTreeHelper HitTest
1608 Width and Height animation
1609 Window Background
1610 Window Closing and Closed event
1611 Window CommandBindings
1612 Window DragMove
1613 Window level resource
1614 Window Loaded event
1615 Window loaded event listener
1616 Window mouse down event
1617 Window mouse up event
1618 Window On Mouse move event
1619 Window On Mouse up event
1620 Window Ownership
1621 Window Preview Key Events
1622 Window Preview mouse down event
1623 Window ResizeMode=CanMinimize
1624 Window with Grid
1625 Window with Menu, ToolBar, StatusBar
1626 Windows Transparent Background
1627 Without Binding
1628 Without Panel ZIndex
1629 Without specifying a DataTemplate, the ListBox displays a list of names
1630 WPF LinearGradientBrush
1631 WPF message box
1632 WPF Threading
1633 Wrap collection based resource in a CollectionViewSource
1634 Wrap the text
1635 WrapPanel and Windows Controls
1636 WrapPanel with Background
1637 WrapPanel with VerticalAlignment
1638 Xaml and Code behind
1639 Xaml Button with namespace
1640 XAML Button with Polyline and Label
1641 Xaml frame on a Tab
1642 XAML Only Animation
1643 Xmldata island xaml
1644 XmlDataProvider and ItemsControl
1645 XmlDataProvider and static Xml resource
1646 XmlDataProvider and XmlNamespaceMapping
1647 Xps file viewer