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Overload 69 codes
1 + is overloaded for three_d + three_d and for three_d + int
2 Add a friend extractor for objects of type MyClass
3 Additional meanings for the + and = operations
4 An inserter can be used to output data in any form
5 Another Demo
6 Array class for 10 int value with overloaded functions
7 Converter operator
8 Create a non-friend inserter
9 Define new deletenew[]delete[] operators
10 Define operator
11 Define operator []
12 Define operator +(plus) and cast to double operator
13 Define operator in order to use the sort method
14 Demo
15 Demonstrate a custom inserter and extractor for objects of type ThreeD
16 Demonstrate overloaded new and delete
17 Demonstrate the function call operator
18 Friend overloaded + operator
19 Friendly operator+
20 Index operator for class
21 Non-member functions are used to create custom inserters for three_d objects and to overload + for int + three_d
22 Operator as return type
23 Operator overload
24 Operator Overloading
25 Output account info to a file using an inserter
26 Overflow and Underflow
27 Overload - (subtraction) so that it removes the first occurrence of the substring on the right from the string on the left and re
28 Overload []
29 Overload [] to create a generic safe array type
30 Overload + for ob + int as well as ob + ob
31 Overload ++ and -- for three_d
32 Overload ++ relative to MyClass class
33 Overload ==, !=, for MyClass
34 Overload a unary operator
35 Overload and
36 Overload new, new[], delete, and delete[] for the three_d class
37 Overload operator ++, --
38 Overload ostream and istream
39 Overload stream operator
40 Overload the - and relative to MyClass class using friend functions
41 Overload the - operator
42 Overload the - relative to MyClass class 1
43 Overload the -- relative to MyClass class using a friend
44 Overload the + operator so that several angles, in the format degrees minutes seconds, can be added directly
45 Overload the + relative to MyClass
46 Overload the and
47 Overload the and relative to MyClass class
48 Overload the for ob int and int ob
49 Overloaded + operator adds two Distances
50 Overloaded + operator concatenates strings
51 Overloaded ++ operator in both prefix and postfix
52 Overloaded += assignment operator
53 Overloaded == operator compares strings
54 Overloaded operator compares two Distances
55 Overloading Equality and Inequality Operators
56 Overloading operator()
57 Overloading the + (or any other binary operator) using a friend allows a built-in type to occur on the left or right side of the
58 Overloads assignment operator (=)
59 Override and input output stream operator
60 PhoneNumber extractor
61 PhoneNumber inserter function
62 Return a reference from []
63 String class
64 String class with custom +- operator
65 This program draws right triangles
66 Use a friend inserter for objects of type MyClass
67 Use a member function to overload the unary -
68 Use friend function to operator
69 Using the Subscript Operator in Programming a Dynamic Array