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Flash ActionScript
Language 59 codes
Flash ActionScript
1 A constant is a variable which remains fixed for the remainder of the program
2 A package-level function
3 Add extra parentheses to make the logic more apparent
4 Arithmetic Operators in Actionscript
5 Assignment Operators
6 Bitwise Operators in Actionscript
7 Checking Equality or Comparing Values
8 Comparison Operators in Actionscript
9 Compound Assignment Operators (+=, -=, =, =, and %=)
10 Define and use Constants
11 Equality (==)
12 Global Scope
13 Greater Than () and Less Than ()
14 Import all the classes in a particular package by using the wildcard operator () trailing the package name
15 Importing a class makes that class available to the code in the file and sets up a shortcut
16 Increment (++) and Decrement ( -- )
17 Logical AND
18 Logical NOT
19 Logical Operators in Actionscript
20 Logical OR
21 Modulo (%)
22 MyVariable += 6; is the shorthand version of the following
23 MyVariable = 6; is the same as
24 Not Equal To (!=)
25 Number Comparison
26 Package level function
27 Packages groups classes
28 References to the classes by using their full name
29 Strict equality
30 The Conditional Operator
31 The general form of a package definition directive
32 The logical inequality operator (!=) returns false if two values are equal and true if they arent
33 The logical NOT operator is often used in compound conditions with the logical OR operator
34 This is a multiline comment
35 This is a single-line comment
36 To gain access to all the public classes in another package
37 Two composite items are equal only if they both refer to the identical object
38 Use a logical NOT operator, !, to check if a condition is not true
39 Use Bitwise Unsigned Right Shift
40 Use conditional operator in for loop
41 Use conditional operator to set a default value for an undefined variable
42 Use the = and = operators to check if one value is less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to, another value
43 Use the and operators to check if one value is less than or greater than another value
44 Use the inequality operator, !=
45 Use the logical OR operator, , to test whether either condition is true
46 Using Bitwise AND
47 Using Bitwise Left Shift
48 Using Bitwise NOT
49 Using Bitwise Operations with Color
50 Using Bitwise OR
51 Using Bitwise Right Shift
52 Using Bitwise XOR
53 Using Flag Variables
54 Using Mathematical Operators
55 Variables, functions, and namespace declarations can also be contained inside packages
56 When comparing primitive datatypes, ActionScript compares them by value
57 When you compare composite datatypes, ActionScript compares them by reference
58 XML Comments
59 You can also use the conditional operator to return values that can be stored in a variable