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Flash ActionScript
TextField 149 codes
Flash ActionScript
1 A list of bulleted text
2 Add a Hyperlink to Text with target
3 Add change event to TextField
4 Add HTML new line tag in TextField
5 Add mouse click listener to TextField
6 Adding a Hyperlink to Text
7 Adding Mail Links
8 Allow numbers and caret marks
9 Allow numbers and dashes
10 Allow only letters and spaces
11 Allow only numbers
12 Allow only upper- and lowercase letters
13 Allows all except lowercase a through g
14 Allows numbers only, with the exception of 5
15 Animating a TextField horizontally to x-coordinate 300
16 Animating a TextField horizontally to x-coordinate 300, timer version
17 Append text to TextField
18 Apply alignment formatting to the entire span of characters in the second paragraph
19 Applying Advanced Anti-Aliasing
20 Assigning Focus to a Text Field
21 Automatically selecting a fallback font
22 BlockIndent
23 Calling ActionScript from Hyperlinks
24 Calling JavaScript Functions
25 Caret (^) marks anything after the caret as disallowed and anything before it or not listed as acceptable
26 Change and scroll Event
27 Change leftMargin
28 Change Text format
29 Change TextField color
30 Class-level font embedding
31 Clickable TextField
32 ClickableText
33 Condensing Whitespace
34 Create the TextField
35 Creates a TextField object and then tells Flash Player to render it with embedded fonts using the FlashType renderer
36 Creating a Background for a Text Field
37 Creating an Outline Around a Text Field
38 Creating Backgrounds for a TextField
39 Default formatting for text fields
40 Determining Glyph Availability
41 Disallow users from entering the Control-Z into a field
42 Disallows all lowercase letters (but allows other characters, including uppercase
43 Disappearing TextField
44 Displaying HTML-Formatted Text
45 Displaying Text
46 Displaying text with a border and background
47 Drag and drop text
48 Embed a SWF file
49 Embedded font warning
50 Embedded-Text Rendering
51 Embedding Content in Text
52 Embedding fonts centrally
53 Enable mouse wheel
54 Escape HTML tags bracket
55 Escape the backslash character
56 Filtering Text Input
57 FlashType versus Flash Players standard vector-renderer
58 Formatting a Portion of Existing Text
59 Formatting Text by using HTML tags
60 Formatting Text with HTML
61 Formatting user input
62 Formatting User-Input Text
63 Frame Rates Effect on Event ENTER_FRAME Animations
64 Hello World, in Verdana
65 Highlight a paragraph when the user clicks a character
66 If a specific format (e g , font, bold, or italic) is not the same for all characters in a specified span, the corresponding var
67 If beginIndex and endIndex are equal, the newText is inserted immediately before the specified beginIndex
68 Inserts 10 pixels of space between each line of text
69 Interactions between the text and htmlText variables
70 Listening to TextField Events
71 Listing all device fonts
72 Listing all embedded and device fonts
73 Listing all embedded fonts
74 Loading Fonts at Runtime
75 Make TextField a password entry field
76 Make TextField indent
77 Make the text font italic
78 Make whole TextField italic
79 Making a User Input Field
80 MaxChars sets the maximum number of characters that a TextField can contain
81 Missing Fonts and Glyphs
82 Prevent Default Test
83 Quoting attribute values
84 Rasterizing, then dissolving a TextField
85 Reparenting Assets WordHighlighter
86 Replaces the characters bcd in the text abcde with the new text x
87 Resizable bottom border only
88 Responding to Scroll Events
89 Responding to User Text Entry
90 Responding When Text Is Selected or Deselected
91 Retrieving formatting information for a span of characters
92 Retrieving Strings from a TextField
93 Rotated, Skewed, and Transparent Text Requires Embedded Fonts
94 Scrolling Text Programmatically
95 Selecting Text with ActionScript
96 Set auto size to left
97 Set both text and htmlText
98 Set field type to Dynamic
99 Set horizontal scroll value
100 Set link color
101 Set rightMargin
102 Set tabStops
103 Set Text box grid fit type to pixel
104 Set text format by searching the substring in textfield
105 Set TextField size
106 Set the font with HTML
107 Set the scroll related properties
108 Set wordwrap to true
109 SetTextFormat( ) does not apply to future text assignments
110 Setting a Fields Maximum Length
111 Setting a Text Fields Font
112 Setting a TextFields Scaling and Rotation
113 Setting the Insertion Point in a Text Field
114 Sizing Text Fields to Fit Contents
115 Special characters, such as t for tab and n for newline, can be used within a text string
116 Specify a target window into which the link opens
117 Synchronizing two TextField objects
118 Text field is skewed
119 TextFieldAutoSize CENTER
120 TextFieldAutoSize LEFT
121 TextFieldAutoSize RIGHT
122 The format for an empty TextField object is specified by assigning a TextFormat object to the TextField objects defaultTextForma
123 The getLineIndexOfChar()getLineLength()
124 The leading property controls the spacing inserted between each line of text
125 The text appears fully opaque, even though the text fields alpha percentage is set to 20%
126 The url property allows you to add a hyperlink to text
127 The width and height of a text fields rectangular display region can be set explicitly using the TextField classs instance varia
128 Timer event
129 To eliminate unnecessary function calls, we unregister moveTextRight( ) for Event ENTER_FRAME events
130 To remove focus from a text field you should assign Stage focus the null value
131 To remove the highlight when the mouse moves away from both text fields, we would first register both text fields to receive the
132 To set the alignment for a range of paragraphs, we apply the format using beginIndex and endIndex arguments that include the des
133 To set the alignment for the first paragraph in the text field only, we apply the format to the first character in the first par
134 To set the alignment for the second paragraph only, we apply the format to the first character in the second paragraph, which re
135 Two formats
136 Unicode characters
137 Use HTML hyperlink in TextField
138 Use html text in TextField
139 Use HTML to make the text bold
140 Use img tag in TextField
141 Use the read-only selectionBeginIndex and selectionEndIndex properties to retrieve the indices of the selected character range.t
142 Use the TextFormat objects color and underline properties
143 Using bold and italic with embedded fonts
144 Using multiLine and TextMetrics
145 Using the Scroll Properties
146 Using the StyleSheet with a TextField
147 Working with Advanced Text Layout
148 Working with Tab Order
149 You can append text by using the += operator or the appendText( ) method