Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
ASP .Net Tutorial
C# Book
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C# Tutorial
VB.Net by API
VB.Net Tutorial
Visual C++ .Net
VisualBasic Script
Java Book
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Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Java Tutorial
J2ME 216 codes
Java Tutorial
1 A first MIDlet with simple text and a few commands
2 A MIDlet with simple text and a few commands
3 Add CheckBoxes to a Form
4 Add choice to ChoiceGroup
5 Add Command to MIDlet
6 Add CommandListener to TextBox
7 Add controls to form
8 Add DateField with current time to a form
9 Add Gauge to a form
10 Add or remove controls from a form
11 Add records to RecordStore
12 Add StringItem to a form
13 Add TextBox to a form
14 Add TextBox to Display
15 Alarm alert, confirmation alert, error alert, info alert, warning alert
16 Alarm with Timer and Alert
17 An example MIDlet to fetch a page using an HttpConnection
18 An example MIDlet to invoke a CGI script
19 An example MIDlet to invoke a CGI script (POST method is used)
20 Audio Player Demo
21 Bold Style Font
22 Build a server for your mobile phone
23 Cached Audio Player
24 Call asp page from J2ME
25 Cancel a timer task
26 Canvas key event and navigate through arrow keys
27 Canvas key events
28 Canvas key pressed and key typed events
29 Canvas size
30 Capture Playback Audio
31 Change font and draw string
32 Change stroke style between drawing
33 Check Http connection returning code
34 Check the input value of a password field
35 Check the key event
36 Clipping region
38 Connect to a file
39 Controllable MIDI
40 Coordinates translation
41 Create a new thread
42 Create DateField for Date
43 Create DateField for Date and Time
44 Create Form with a list of StringItems
45 Create Image from PNG image
46 Creates a Form with two items, an interactive Gauge and a StringItem
47 Datagram Receiver
48 Deal with cookie with J2ME
49 Delete RecordStore
50 Detect and report MIDlet run-time environment
51 Display big Image
52 Display text in TextBox
53 Display Video
54 Distributed Tone
55 Draw arc
56 Draw image
57 Draw image to the bottom and right
58 Draw image to the center vertically and horizontally
59 Draw image with rectangle
60 Draw lines
61 Draw rectangle
62 Draw Rectangle and string
63 Draw string
64 Draw string on the top and left
65 Draw string to the base line and horizontal center
66 Draw string to the bottom and right
67 Draw string to the bottom left
68 Draw string to the top and right
69 Draw string with font setting
70 Exit Command
71 Extends Canvas to create your own drawable area
72 Extends CustomItem
73 Extends Form to create a new form
74 Extends MIDlet
75 Extends TimerTask
76 Fill a rectangle, and a round rectangle
77 Fill an arc, change new color and fill a rectangle
78 Fill arc
79 Fill rectangle
80 Fill Round Rectangle
81 Filter Fields
82 Fixed Rate Schedule MIDlet
83 Font style
84 Form demo
85 Game action
86 Gauge Interactive
87 Gauge Non Interactive
88 Gauge Tracker
89 Get Canvas properties
90 Get color from Display
91 Get command label and type
92 Get font width
93 Get key code
94 Get Label and text from StringItem
95 Get record from RecordStore
96 Get stroke style
97 Get value from TextField
98 Get width and height
99 GUI test
100 Help command
101 Http Get with J2ME
102 Http header
103 Http post
104 Image Loader
105 Image loading exception
106 ImageItem with default image layout
107 ImageItem with Image layout center
108 ImageItem with image layout left
109 ImageItem with image layout right
110 Immutable image
111 Implements PlayerListener
112 Implements RecordListener
113 Implicit Menu
114 Is it a color cell phone
115 Italic Style Font
116 KVM Properties
117 List Capabilities
118 List check box
119 List radio button
120 List with strings and images
121 Load Image with HttpConnection
122 Load image from a URL
123 Load png image to ImageItem
124 Load text file from a URL
125 Load WAV file from a web site
126 Load yahoo stock quote
127 Media Manager
128 Medium Sized font
129 MetaData Control
130 MIDI Capabilities
131 MIDI Events
132 MIDlet and Servlet
133 Mixed Record Enumeration
134 Mixing Audio
135 Moveable Video
136 Mutable Image
137 Navigatable Canvas
138 Network Player Manager
139 New Gauge(null, false, 100, 50)
140 Numeric TextField
141 Off screen canvas
142 Paint Canvas in a thread
143 Phonenumber TextField
144 PIM Contact
145 PIM Demo
146 PIM Install Tester
147 Pie chart
148 Play audio
149 Play CSharp
150 Play MIDI
151 Play tone
152 Player Event
153 Plot 2D
154 RadioButton with ChoiceGroup
155 Read and write mixed data types with RecordStore
156 Read file content to TextBox
157 Read from URL
158 Record Enumeration
159 Record Monitor
160 RecordStore read and write
161 Remove command from TextBox
162 Response Header
163 Retrieve All
164 Retrieving the predefined properties
165 Save Captured Audio
166 Save data to RecordStore
167 Search Mixed Record Data Type
168 Search record in RecordStore
169 Server Socket Connection
170 Set alert time out
171 Set color
172 Set color and gray scale
173 Set different colors for different filling
174 Set Gray style
175 Set new text value to StringItem
176 Set stroke style
177 Simple Timer
178 Skeleton of a MIDlet
179 Sort Fields
180 Sort Mixed Record DataType
181 Sort records in RecordStore
182 Start the MIDlet by creating a list of items and associating the exit command with it
183 Stop Time Control
184 Streaming Media
185 StringItem with line break
186 System Font
187 Text Anchor
188 TextBox which accepts any input
189 TextBox with size
190 TextField PASSWORD
191 TextField PASSWORD TextField NUMERIC)
192 Thread in J2ME
193 Todays date in DateField
194 Translate coordinate
195 Two alerts
196 Underlined Style Font
197 URL query
198 Use active and inactive Gauge
199 Use Canvas to draw a clock
200 Use ChoiceGroup
201 Use CommandListener
202 Use Cookie
203 Use Datagram in J2ME
204 Use DatagramConnection
205 Use DateField
206 Use HttpConnection
207 Use Image as buffer
208 Use ImageItem in a form
209 Use ItemStateListener
210 Use List
211 Use List option to hold choice
212 Use m3g package
213 Use Ticker
214 Use ToneControl
215 Use VideoControl
216 Wav file player