Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
ASP .Net Tutorial
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C# Tutorial
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VB.Net Tutorial
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VisualBasic Script
Java Book
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Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
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Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Development Class 658 codes
Development Class
1 #undef, #elif, and #else preprocessor directives
2 ((an)(in)(on))
3 A closer look at Format()
4 A random number within a specified range
5 A Simple class used to keep track of package version
6 A simple command line program that reads from the console using Console Read() and Console ReadLine()
7 A simple demonstration of the Debug class
8 A version representing 2 0 does not equal a version representing 2 0 0 0
9 Access Reordering and Volatile
10 Accessing the Registry
11 Add
12 Add a EventLogTraceListener to the listener collection and writing error messages to the Application log
13 Almost equal and Epsilon
14 An automated pair of dice
15 Angle Utility
16 Angles Difference
17 AppDomain CreateDomain
18 Appends a composite format string
19 Appends the default line terminator to the end of the current StringBuilder object
20 Appends various data to StringBuilder
21 Application Run
22 Argument Null Exception
23 ArgumentException is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid
24 Base 64 encode
25 Base64 Encoder
26 Base64 from http
27 Base64 Serializer
28 Beep
29 Beep(200, 300)
30 BitConverter converts base data types to an array of bytes, and an array of bytes to base data types
31 Bounding Rectangle
32 Browse a folder
33 Build Equals method by using the Equals method from member variables
34 Build Exception Message
35 Build Exception Message (2)
36 Build up a list of the running processes
37 Build with the following command-line switches
38 C# Basic Data Types
39 C# Hello Universe
40 Calculate Distance between two points
41 Calculate Gradient Angle
42 Calculate Variance
43 Calculates the floor of the log, base 2, of x
44 Calculates the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two strictly positive integer numbers
45 Calculates the number of bytes produced by encoding a set of characters
46 Calculates the number of characters produced by decoding a sequence of bytes from the specified byte array
47 Change console foreground color and background color
48 Check if the array contains needle at specified position
49 Check Registry to see if it is installed
50 Check the Generation for an object array
51 Class behaves properly using overridden Equals and GetHashCode methods
52 Clear console
53 CloseMainWindow,WaitForExit
54 Combines two input numbers in some proportion
55 CompareExchange
56 Compares Vector3 values for equality
57 Compile cs file to DLL
58 Compile resource into the final exe file
59 Computer details retrieved using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
60 Configure the AppDomainSetup
61 Console command-line arguments
62 Console Output Util
63 Console Write
64 Constructs sentences by concatenating user input until the user enters one of the termination characters
65 Contains a listing of constants used throughout the application
66 Control Modifier
67 Conver Kg To Lb
68 Convert 16-bit signed integer value to an array of bytes
69 Convert 32-bit signed integer value to an array of bytes
70 Convert 64-bit signed integer value to an array of bytes
71 Convert Boolean value to an array of bytes
72 Convert byte array to Int32
73 Convert byte array to String with BitConverter
74 Convert bytes to UInt32
75 Convert double to an array of bytes
76 Convert four bytes at a specified position in a byte array to a 32-bit signed integer
77 Convert Guid To Guid Binary String
78 Convert input from control to upper case
79 Convert Meters To Feet
80 Convert Meters To Inches
81 Convert Meters To Miles
82 Convert Miles To Meters
83 Convert one byte at a specified position in a byte array to bool
84 Convert single-precision floating point value to an array of bytes
85 Convert specified 16-bit unsigned integer value to an array of bytes
86 Convert specified 32-bit unsigned integer value to an array of bytes
87 Convert specified 64-bit unsigned integer value to an array of bytes
88 Convert To Base 64 String
89 Convert two bytes at a specified position in a byte array to a 16-bit signed integer
90 Convert two bytes at a specified position in a byte array to a Unicode character
91 Convert Unicode character to an array of bytes
92 Convert various data type to string with BitConverter
93 Converts 64-bit signed integer to a double-precision floating point number
94 Converts a degrees angle into a radians angle
95 Converts a radians angle into a degrees angle
96 Converts a sequence of encoded bytes into a set of characters
97 Converts degrees to radians
98 Converts double number to a 64-bit signed integer
99 Converts the string representation of a Guid toits Guid equivalent
100 Copies characters to a destination Char array
101 Copy Registry
102 Create a hex string from an Int64 value
103 Create a new instance of the Decoder class
104 Create a new instance of the Encoder class
105 Create a StringBuilder class using the specified string
106 Create a StringBuilder which hold 100 characters
107 Create an object using reflection
108 Create DLL
109 Create DLL library
110 Create File Based Resource Manager
111 Create Guid
112 Create Process As User
113 Create resource file and read value from it
114 Create resource file and read value from it using IDictionaryEnumerator
115 Create StringBuilder class from the specified substring and capacity
116 Create StringBuilder class that starts with a specified capacity and can grow to a specified maximum
117 Create StringBuilder class using the specified capacity
118 Create StringBuilder class using the specified string and capacity
119 Creates three instances of the same type A local and two remote proxies to object instances are constructed
120 Creating a new resource reader
121 CursorVisible ResetColor SetWindowSize BufferHeight BufferWidth CursorLeft CursorSize CursorTop
122 Debug and Profile
123 Debug and Trace Output
124 Debug class
125 Decode a sequence of bytes from the specified byte array
126 Decodes all or part of the input base64 encoded StringBuffer
127 Decrement
128 Decrypting data
129 Deeper Reflection
130 Defensive Programming
131 Define a regular expression for repeated words
132 Define groups ing, in, n
133 Define macro for conditional compile
134 Define multiline patterns
135 Degrees To Radians
136 Degrees To Radians and Radians To Degrees
137 Demonstrate compound modifiers and calls to external API
138 Demonstrate dynamically invoking an object
139 Demonstrate indenting debug messages
140 Demonstrate Math Sin(), Math Cos(), and Math Tan()
141 Demonstrate stackalloc
142 Demonstrate typeof
143 Demonstrate using Type class to discover information about a class
144 Demonstrate various format specifiers
145 Demonstrates debug output
146 Demonstrates determining group identity
147 Demonstrates forced garbage collection
148 Demonstrates forced garbage collection 1
149 Demonstrates post-deployment tracing
150 Demonstrates principal and identity objects
151 Demonstrates redirecting the Console output to a file
152 Demonstrates registering and event source and writing to the Application Log
153 Demonstrates routing debug messages to a file
154 Demonstrates service control
155 Demonstrates some of the formatting flags for writing text to the console
156 Demonstrates the use of TraceListener objects
157 Demonstrates using the Microsoft SystemEvents class to intercept an event generated by the system
158 Demonstrates using the System Threading Timer object
159 Demonstrates using the System Timers Timer class 2
160 Design By Contract Checks
161 Detecting Process Completion
162 Determines if the current version of windows is valid (Vista, 7, Server 2008)
163 Digital Clock with Date
164 Displaying the sum of two numbers input from the keyboard
165 Distance From Point To Line
166 Distance Util
167 Does WCF Service Exist
168 Double extension method for RadianDegree conversion
169 Double To Int 64 Bits, Int 64 Bits To Double
170 Echo some stats
171 Encode a set of characters from the specified character array
172 Encode To 64
173 Encoder converts a set of characters into a sequence of bytes
174 Encrypt Key and Decrypt Key with Convert ToBase64String and Convert FromBase64String
175 Encrypting data
176 Enum Modules For Pid
177 Enumerating Registry Keys
178 Environment Class
179 Environment CommandLine
180 Environment CommandLine, Environment GetCommandLineArgs()
181 Environment CurrentDirectory
182 Environment ExpandEnvironmentVariables
183 Environment GetEnvironmentVariable
184 Environment GetEnvironmentVariables(EnvironmentVariableTarget Process)
185 Environment GetFolderPath
186 Environment GetLogicalDrives
187 Environment HasShutdownStarted
188 Environment MachineName
189 Environment OSVersion
190 Environment SpecialFolder
191 Environment SystemDirectory
192 Environment TickCount
193 Environment UserDomainName
194 Environment UserInteractive
195 Environment UserName
196 Environment Variables for Simple Security Tasks
197 Environment Version
198 Estimated bytes on heap
199 Example of the Random class constructors and Random NextDouble( ) method
200 Exchange
201 Factorial value
202 Fibonacci number
203 File Logger
204 Finalizable Disposable Class with using
205 Find Media Center Process
206 Find the radius of a circle given its area
207 FindExecutable
208 Finds the cross product of the 2 vectors created by the 3 vertices
209 Forces a garbage collection from generation zero through a specified generation
210 Forces an immediate garbage collection of all generations
211 Format an enumeration
212 FriendlyName
213 GC Class Controls garbage collector
214 GC Collect Forces an immediate garbage collection
215 GC GetTotalMemory
216 GCCollectionMode Optimized
217 Generate and display 5 random floating point values from 0 to 1
218 Generate and display 5 random floating point values from 0 to 5
219 Generate and display 5 random integers
220 Generate and display 5 random integers between 0 and 100
221 Generate and display 5 random integers from 50 to 100
222 Generate random string
223 Generate resource file with image
224 Generates a random string with the given length
225 Generic Max Min
226 Generic Pair
227 Get all fields from a class
228 Get all implemented interface from a class
229 Get all methods from a class
230 Get all properties from a class
231 Get BMI
232 Get CaptureCollection
233 Get current Process Name
234 Get distance between two points
235 Get Distance From Steps
236 Get Embedded Resource String
237 Get IIS version
238 Get MatchCollection
239 Get Method Paramemters
240 Get next random number in double
241 Get Next Text Element
242 Get Prime, Is prime
243 Get Process property
244 Get random element from a List
245 Get Random number
246 Get Random Password
247 Get random shorten URL
248 Get random value within a range
249 Get Random Vector3
250 Get Registry value
251 Get Resource As Bytes
252 Get Startup path, application name and vendor
253 Get Steps FromD istance And Stride
254 Get String Resource
255 Get Text Element Enumerator
256 Get the Hash code for string value
257 Get the message strings from an exception
258 Get the names of the logical drives on the current computer
259 Get the Registry key found for CurrentUser
260 Get Threads
261 Get Total Memory
262 Get type infomation
263 Get value from Registry
264 Get Xml value as Integer 64
265 GetHostEnumerator and GetAssemblyEnumerator
266 Gets a collection of groups matched by the regular expression
267 Gets a random Lorem Ipsum phrase with the given word count, starting with Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet and ending with a d
268 Gets a Version object that describes the major, minor, build, and revision numbers of the common language runtime
269 Gets an array of serial port names for the current computer
270 Gets an individual member of the collection
271 Gets current platform identifier and version number
272 Gets current stack trace information
273 Gets network domain name associated with the current user
274 Gets or sets the exit code of the process
275 Gets or sets the fully qualified path of the current working directory
276 Gets or sets the maximum number of characters that can be contained
277 Gets the amount of physical memory mapped to the process context
278 Gets the command line for this process
279 Gets the fully qualified path of the system directory
280 Gets the group name that corresponds to the specified group number
281 Gets the major version of the operating system
282 Gets the maximum number of generations that the system currently supports
283 Gets the mean value from a list
284 Gets the median from the list
285 Gets the NetBIOS name of this local computer
286 Gets the newline string defined for this environment
287 Gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system started
288 Gets the number of processors on the current machine
289 Gets the path to the system special folder that is identified by the specified enumeration
290 Gets the perpendicular vector to a specified vector
291 Gets the standard deviation
292 Gets user name
293 GetSet User Registry
294 Given a directory select a random file from it
295 Gr(ae)y
296 Graphics Util for Xna
297 Handling Application Events
298 Hooking up to a Windows Callback
299 How to write the Xml based document
300 HTML Parser
301 IDisposable interface
302 If object array is still alive
303 If the console moves, Pause
304 Illustrate the use of the debugger
305 Illustrates creation of an application domain
306 Illustrates formatting numbers
307 Illustrates how to read a character entered using the keyboard
308 Illustrates how to read a string entered using the keyboard
309 Illustrates how to read command-line arguments
310 Illustrates reading and writing string data
311 Illustrates refusing permissions
312 Illustrates requesting a permission set
313 Illustrates requesting minimum permissions
314 Illustrates requesting optional permissions
315 Illustrates runtime type invocation
316 Illustrates some of the System Object class methods
317 Illustrates the use of the Timer class
318 Illustrates unloading an application domain
319 Immediately terminates a process after writing a message to the Windows Application event log
320 Implements a TextWriter for writing information to the debugger log
321 In a 2D grid, returns the angle to a specified point from the +X axis
322 Increment
323 IndexOutOfRangeException Exception
324 Indicates the byte order (endianness)
325 Indicates whether the regular expression specified in the Regex constructor finds a match in the input string
326 Input a series of numbers separated by commas, parse them into integers and output the sum
327 Input from the console using ReadLine()
328 Input Output
329 Inserts various data types
330 Installing a Message Filter
331 Instantiates a Trace log for detailed tracking of an applications internal activities
332 Interval, Tick, Stop
333 InvalidCastException Exception
334 IP address
335 Is 2003 Vista Or Greater
336 Is Flag Set In the Command Line
337 Is match successful
338 Is Mono
339 Is running in user interactive mode
340 Is valid GUID
341 Is Value in the range
342 Knuth shuffle
343 Launches the winsat program
344 LDAP Utils
345 Leading space
346 Length and Indexer
347 List Process
348 List Threads
349 Listing all threads for a process inn a ListView
350 Load Rescouce BMP image
351 Load system dll library
352 Locate an assembly, determine types, and create an object using reflection
353 Log error to a file
354 Log Exception with Event Log
355 Log message with StreamWriter
356 Log Utility
357 Log utility based on File with File AppendAllText
358 Logger
359 Logger 2
360 Logger class
361 Macro in action
362 Management Object Searcher
363 ManualResetEvent
364 ManualResetEvent WaitOne
365 Match Class represents the results from a single regular expression match
366 Match Groups
367 Match IP address pattern and print out the index
368 MatchEvaluator
369 Math Abs
370 Math Abs returns the absolute value of a Decimal number
371 Math Acos
372 Math Asin returns the angle whose sine is the specified number
373 Math Atan Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number
374 Math Atan2 Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers
375 Math BigMul Produces the full product of two 32-bit numbers
376 Math Ceiling Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified decimal number
377 Math Cos Returns the cosine of the specified angle
378 Math Cosh returns the hyperbolic cosine
379 Math DivRem calculates the quotient of integers and returns the remainder in an output parameter
380 Math E Field Represents the natural logarithmic base, specified by the constant, e
381 Math Exp returns e raised to the specified power
382 Math Floor returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified decimal number
383 Math IEEERemainder returns the remainder resulting from the division
384 Math Log Method returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base
385 Math Log Method returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number
386 Math Log10 Method returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number
387 Math Max Method returns the larger of two 8-bit unsigned integers
388 Math Min
389 Math Min Method returns the smaller of two 8-bit unsigned integers
390 Math operators
391 Math PI Field represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
392 Math Pow Method returns a specified number raised to the specified power
393 Math Round Method rounds a decimal value to the nearest integral value
394 Math Sign
395 Math Sign Method returns a value indicating the sign of a decimal number
396 Math Sinh Method returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle
397 Math Sqrt Method returns the square root of a specified number
398 Math Tan Method returns the tangent of the specified angle
399 Math Tanh Method returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle
400 Math Truncate calculates the integral part of a specified decimal number
401 Math Util for Xna
402 MaxGeneration is zero based
403 Mean value
404 Memory Cache Lock
405 Mesh Utilities
406 Meter to feet and feet to Mile
407 Method that calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two positive integer numbers
408 Multiple different delimiters
409 Multiple spaces, using
410 Multiple spaces, using [s]+
411 Navigate to page
412 NET Frameworks Overview
413 New RegexCompilationInfo(@^d{4}$,RegexOptions Compiled, PinRegex, , true)
414 New SoundPlayer(openDialog FileName) Play
415 Next bytes
416 Noice Maker
417 Normalise Angle
418 NullReferenceException Exception
419 Numeric Formatting
420 Object Dumper
421 Object Equals Method Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object
422 Object GetType Method Gets the Type of the current instance
423 Object MemberwiseClone Method Creates a shallow copy of the current Object
424 Object ReferenceEquals Method Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance
425 Object ToString Method Returns a String that represents the current Object
426 OnUnhandledException method is added to the AppDomain UnhandledException event
427 Open a SubKey in Registry
428 Open Url In Browser
429 OutOfMemoryException Exception
430 Output with parameters
431 OverflowException
432 OverflowException Exception
433 Override Equals method
434 Parse GUID
435 Permission cref doc tag
436 Permutation demo
437 Perpendicular Vector2
438 Platform Helper
439 PointD
440 Position and index
441 Prime Number Utility
442 Print all System Information
443 Print out how many times a generation has been swept
444 Printing multiple lines of text with string formatting
445 Printing multiple lines with a single statement
446 Printing one line of text with multiple statements
447 ProcessStartInfo
448 ProcessWindowStyle Maximized
449 Program argument input values
450 Proper case match
451 Provide a memory caching mechanism to save and retrieve results based on the associated key names
452 Provides efficient storage for cached items
453 Radians To Degrees
454 Random Color and Rectangle
455 Random Double From Range
456 Randomises elements in List
457 Rational Class
458 Read a character from the keyboard
459 Read a line from console
460 Read a line of string and check its length
461 Read a string from the keyboard, using Console In directly
462 Read double and int from console
463 Read Resource for difference langauges
464 Read Write ini file
465 Reading resources
466 Redirect Console Out
467 Redirecting Process Output
468 Regex and letter case
469 Regex CompileToAssembly
470 Regex IsMatch Method
471 Regex IsMatch Method (String, String, RegexOptions)
472 Registry File Association
473 Registry LocalMachine
474 Registry Utils
475 Regular Expressions
476 Remap a value specified relative to a pair of bounding values to the corresponding value relative to another pair of bou
477 Removes all characters from the current StringBuilder instance
478 Removes the specified range of characters from this instance
479 Removing an Installed Message Filter
480 Replace char in a StringBuilder object
481 Replace Char with String
482 Replaces all occurrences of a specified character in this instance with another specified character
483 Replaces the name of each environment variable embedded in string
484 Represents a mutable string of characters
485 Represents the method that will handle the data received event of a SerialPort object
486 Represents the set of successful matches found by iteratively applying a regular expression pattern to the input string.
487 Resource file generator application for difference languages
488 ResX Resource Writer
489 Retrieve the CPU Type and Speed from the Registry
490 Retrieves all environment variable names and their values from the current process
491 Retrieves any Registry value that uses the REGBINARY data type
492 Retrieves the value of an environment variable from the current process
493 Returns a new Match object with the results for the next match, starting at the position at which the last match ended.t
494 Returns a nonnegative random number less than the specified maximum
495 Returns a random Boolean value
496 Returns a random DateTime value
497 Returns a random Decimal value
498 Returns a random Double value
499 Returns a random TimeSpan value
500 Returns a string array containing the command-line arguments for the current process
501 Returns the current generation number of the specified object
502 Returns the current generation number of the target of a weak reference
503 Returns the expansion of the specified replacement pattern
504 Returns the maximum value of three numbers
505 Returns the memory representation of an object
506 Returns the minimum value of three numbers
507 Roll a six-sided die 6000 times
508 Rotate Vector
509 Round down a number
510 Round up a number
511 Rounding a Floating Point Value
512 Rounds val to the nearest fractional value
513 Running another program from your own
514 Same as System Math Acos but if angle is out of range, the result is clamped
515 Sample code for the EndInvoke method
516 Save and load image from resource file
517 Save and read value from resx resource file
518 Save Image file to resource file
519 Serializes and deserializes an entity to a base 64 string
520 SerialPort Class represents a serial port resource
521 Set BaudRate, Parity, ReadTimeout, StopBits for COM1 SerialPort
522 Set console
523 Set Text Output To Event Log
524 Set up project with one file containing the include tag
525 SetData, GetData
526 SetPrincipalPolicy
527 Shifted and scaled random integers
528 Simple Clock
529 Single space split
530 Single spaces, using ()
531 Single spaces, using new Regex(( ))
532 SMK MediaPlayer
533 Sorts a graph by the dependencies
534 Specifies the behavior for a forced garbage collection
535 StackOverflowException Exception
536 Start And Kill Process
537 Start and kill process (2)
538 Start Process With File name
539 Starting a new process
540 StartupPath
541 Statistical functions
542 Stopwatch utilities
543 String Concatenation
544 StringWriterReader
545 Subclass EventArgs
546 Summary doc tag and paramref tag
547 Summary doc tag, example doc tag
548 System Functions
549 System IDisposable interface and ensure fastest cleaning up as possible after an object
550 SystemInformation ArrangeDirection
551 SystemInformation ArrangeStartingPosition
552 SystemInformation BootMode
553 SystemInformation Border3DSize
554 SystemInformation BorderSize
555 SystemInformation CaptionButtonSize
556 SystemInformation CaptionHeight
557 SystemInformation ComputerName
558 SystemInformation CursorSize
559 SystemInformation DbcsEnabled
560 SystemInformation PrimaryMonitor
561 Terminate a control input
562 Terminates this process and gives the underlying operating system the specified exit code
563 Test Log
564 Test Timer
565 TestPerformance cs
566 Tests if two line segments intersect or not
567 The Base64 utility class performs base64 encoding and decoding
568 The Base64 utility class performs base64 encoding and decoding The resulting binary data is returned as an array of byte
569 The Method converts the temperature in Celcius to Fahrenheit
570 The Method converts the temperature in Fahrenheit to Celcius
571 The normdist
572 The Point class is derived from System Object
573 The simplest polynomial implementation
574 The use of the #define, #if, and #endif preprocessor directives
575 This code example demonstrates the Guid NewGuid() method
576 This module contains the recursive descent parser that does not use variables
577 This module contains the recursive descent parser that recognizes variables
578 This program averages a list of numbers entered by the user
579 Throw and Catch an IO exception because the file zxcvb data doesnt exist
580 Throw Argument Out Of Range Exception
581 Throw Index Out Of Range Exception
582 Throw Invalid Operation Exception
583 Throw Null reference Exception
584 Timer Elapsed
585 Trace class
586 Trace to debuger
587 Trace to event log
588 Trace WriteLine
589 Tracing Example
590 Tracing To A File
591 Truncate Vector2
592 Url Encode Base 64
593 Use Asterisk sound from SystemSounds
594 Use code tag to reference code
595 Use Debug fail method
596 Use do while to read console input
597 Use format commands
598 Use format specifiers with Console WriteLine
599 Use FormsAuthentication
600 Use GetValue and SetValue to get and save value to Registry
601 Use Math Round
602 Use RandomNumberGenerator
603 Use Red and Green from ConsoleColor
604 Use Regular expression to check the Guid
605 Use regular expression to replace chars
606 Use regular expression to replace first 3 digits
607 Use regular to replace strings
608 Use regular to replace word
609 Use regular to search an IP address
610 Use regular to split string
611 Use regular to verify a date
612 Use Stopwatch
613 Use String Format() to format a value
614 Use StringBuilder to reverse a string
615 Use summary element
616 Use to combine different case
617 Use ToString() to format values
618 Use Trace Fail to alert a fail
619 Use UIPermission to Checking for security access
620 Use while(true) to read console input
621 Uses an object in another application domain
622 Uses reflection to execute a class method indirectly
623 Uses reflection to show the inherited members of a class
624 Uses the #, 0 and comma characters to format output
625 Using BooleanSwitch
626 Using custom formats
627 Using reflection to get information about an assembly
628 Using Switches to Control Debug and Trace
629 Using the StringBuilder methods Replace, Insert, Append, AppendFormat, and Remove
630 Using TimerCallback
631 Utilize MyClass without assuming any prior knowledge
632 Validate address
633 Validate city name
634 Validate first name and last name
635 Validate Phone Number
636 Validate ZIP code
637 Value doc tag
638 ValueType Equals
639 Vector class
640 Vector2D struct
641 Wcf Find End point By Name
642 What happens if an unhandled exception is raised in a multicast delegate
643 While loop and keyboard reading
644 Working with the Conditional Attribute
645 Wraps the mod result to avoid negative results
646 Write a Text and DWord Value to the Registry
647 Write data to COM port
648 Write to Console Out and Console Error
649 WriteLine and Write
650 Writes a Registry value to the Registry
651 Writing a resource file programmatically
652 X, F1, Z, Escape key from ConsoleKey
653 XML based comments
654 Xml based configuration
655 XML Documentation
656 Xna Music Util
657 XNA Utils
658 Your own Logger