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Flash ActionScript
Development 219 codes
Flash ActionScript
1 A custom mouse pointer
2 A policy file is an XML file that lists any domains that are allowed access to the code in the swf
3 A stretchy layout
4 Add Event listener
5 Add frame event listener to MovieClip
6 Add mouse click event to SimpleButton
7 Add mouse listener to state
8 Add mouse move listener
9 Add mouse up and down listener
10 Add pages to print job
11 Add TextField to Sprite
12 AddChild( ) method doesnt guarantee that a display object is added to the display list
13 Adding an Item to the Display List
14 Adding Print Functionality to Applications
15 Adobes official policy-file syntax is XML-based and has the following structure
16 Advanced Masks
17 All trig functions operate on radians, an angular unit in which radians measure a full revolution
18 All types of mouse event
19 Any number of allow-access-from tags can be included in a policy file
20 Applies a black color transformation to group, causing all children to be colored solid black
21 Applying Sound Transformations
22 Atan2(), takes two parameters (an X- and a Y-coordinate), and returns the angle formed by the right triangle measured in radia
23 Buffering a Streaming Sound
24 Building an FLV Playback Application
25 By default, private properties are not written when an object is serialized
26 Calculating Spectrum Data
27 Call getter method of Date object
28 Capable of receiving streaming video
29 Change child index
30 Change MovieClip position
31 Changing the Alignment controlled by stage align
32 Check the property flash system Capabilities hasEbeddedVideo to ensure that the user can view this content before initiating t
33 Checking the Player Type
34 Checking the System Language
35 Click Test
36 Common Uses of Byte Arrays
37 Containment Events
38 Controlling Playback of a Sound
39 Converting user input to uppercase
40 Create a Date object is by passing it a string representing a time
41 Create your own groups of character classes
42 Creating a Byte Array
43 Creating a Date Object
44 Creating Mouse Interactions
45 Creating Simple Buttons
46 Depth test
47 Detecting Audio Capabilities
48 Detecting Display Settings
49 Detecting the Operating System
50 Determining the Character Associated with a Key
51 Distinguishing Events Targeted at an Object from Events Targeted at That Objects Descendants
52 Downloading Files
53 Drag and drop a Sprite
54 Dragging and Dropping
55 Dragging and Dropping Objects with the Mouse
56 Embedding Files as Binary Data
57 Embedding SVG
58 Embedding XML at compile time
59 Event Listener Priority
60 Explicitly deny access to any domain except the current one
61 Extends MovieClip
62 File Upload
63 Find Out When a Sound Finishes Playing
64 Finding Absolute Values
65 Finding the Greater or Lesser of Two Numbers
66 Finding the mouse pointers position
67 Flash system IME enabled property is actually writable, so you can use it to turn on the IME
68 Focus and Tab Events
71 FocusIn and focusOut Events
72 Formatting a Date
73 Formatting applied to a specific class of paragraph
74 Formatting text with a programmatically created style sheet
75 Generate a random number within a range that does not start with 0
76 Generate random number in a range
77 Generating Random Numbers
78 Get date and month from a Date object
79 Get time
80 GetDay() or getUTCDay() methods return the day of the week as an integer from 0 to 6
81 Getting the Hours, Minutes, Seconds, and Milliseconds
82 Getting the Size of a Sound File
83 Getting the Time Zone Offset
84 Global Mouse Down Sensor
85 Handling Errors
86 Handling Events
87 Handling focus events for a particular object
88 Handling focus events globally
89 Handling keyboard events for a particular object
90 Handling keyboard events globally
91 Handling Mouse Events Globally
92 Hours are measured in 24-hourmilitary time, so they can range from 0 (12 a m ) to 23 (11 p m )
93 How Sound Works in AS3
94 ID3 Reader
95 If you are working with one six-sided die, you want to generate a random number between 1 and 6 each time
96 Introducing the Camera
97 Introducing the Microphone
98 KeyboardEvent Basics
99 Listen for the keyDown event and traces out the character code for that key
100 Listener to select and Cancel event from FileReference
101 Listeners for the Event RESIZE event must be registered with Flash Players Stage instance
102 Load a CSS document and use that data to populate a StyleSheet object
103 Load different content based on the dimensions of a cellphone screen and a typical desktop computer display
104 Load movies based on the language code
105 Load mp3 file from a URL
106 Load mp3 sound file
107 Local Global Sample
108 Making a Date Based on Epoch Milliseconds
109 Making a Date Based on Year or Month
110 Manipulating Objects in Containers Collectively
111 Masks
112 Math Class Arithmetic
113 Math class includes the constant Math PI for the number, ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter
114 Math Class Trigonometry
115 Math Constants
116 Media Servers
117 Mouse Event Hierarchy
118 Mouse Events and Modifier Keys
119 Mouse Events and Overlapping Display Objects
120 MouseEnabled = false
121 Moving Objects Forward and Backward
122 Multilocation keys
123 Offsetting the Start of a Sound
124 OverflowTest
125 Package{
126 Pass negative values to these methods Date starts with 0, January, and subtracts Thus, a value of 1 is the same as saying D
127 Pausing and Restarting a Sound
128 Post-Event Screen Updates
129 Preventing Default Event Behavior
130 Print out a text file
131 Print the text over many pages
132 Random integer values
133 Reading the Level of a Sound
134 Reading the Sound Spectrum
135 Recursive display list tree traversal
136 Reference key code with Keyboard ESCAPE
137 Removing an Item from the Display List
138 Reparenting Display Objects
139 Responding to Event ACTIVATE and Event DEACTIVATE
140 Responding to Event RESIZE
141 Responding to Mouse and Key Events
142 Responds to mouse clicks that occur over any object on the display list, but not over a vacant area of the Stage instance
143 Retrieving a pressed keys key code through KeyboardEvent KEY_DOWN event
144 Retrieving File Properties
145 Rollover Test
146 Rounding and Truncating Numbers
147 Send the Date constructor a series of values for the year, month, day of the month, hour, minute, second, and millisecond to r
148 Sends trace actions to the Alcon output panel through a local connection
149 Set the font with CSS
150 SetFullYear() method takes an integer parameter that is interpreted literally in all ranges, even 0 to 99
151 Setting the Date
152 Setting the Frame Rate
153 Setting the Hours, Minutes, Seconds, and Milliseconds
154 Setting the Month
155 Setting the Time
156 Simple Scribble
157 SimpleButton with up, over and down sprite
158 Spectrum Graph
159 Stopwatch
160 Swapping the Depths of Children
161 Test for MP3 capabilities using the flash system Capabilities hasMP3 property
162 Text formatted with an external style sheet
163 The calculation for finding compound interest
164 The ceil() method returns the next-highest integer value of the number passed it as an argument
165 The character authorizes all origins
166 The default for most objects is to display the word object followed by their class name
167 The Event MOUSE_LEAVE Event
168 The exp() method requires one parameter
169 The flash system Capabilities hasAudio property returns true if the users system has audio capabilities and false otherwise.tx
170 The flash system IME enabled property tells you whether the user is using the IME or entering text straight from the keyboard.
171 The floor()returns the next-lowest integer
172 The following policy file allows all domains to connect to ports 80 and 110 (standard HTTP and POP mail ports)
173 The toString() method is inherited from the Object class, and it returns a string representing the value
174 Throw an exception from a method
175 To allow access to any and all domains
176 To detect if the users system has an IME
177 To round a number to the nearest decimal place
178 ToDateLocaleString() displays date in locale format
179 ToLocaleString() returns All information except time zone
180 ToLocaleTimeString() returns Hours, minutes, seconds
181 ToString() contains All information
182 ToTimeString() returns Hours, minutes, seconds, time zone
183 ToUTCString() returns all information relative to UTC
184 Trace out a message
185 Trace() method will automatically call toString() on each parameter passed in
186 Tracking the Progress of a Playing Sound
187 Traversing Objects in a Display Hierarchy
188 Understanding Error Objects
189 Understanding keyCodes
190 Up Left Sensor
191 Uploading Files
192 Use an array of the proper names to translate directly
193 Use CSS to in TextField
194 Use custom formatting to display any date as MMDDYYYY
195 Use flash system Capabilities language property to dynamically load content in the appropriate language
196 Use four digit to construct the year field
197 Use getUTCFullYear() to determine the UTC year that corresponds to a given local date
198 Use Math ceil( ) to round a number up
199 Use Math floor( ) to round a number down
200 Use Math round( ) to round a number to the nearest integer
201 Use Microphone
202 Use round(), ceiling(), and floor() to round or truncate to decimal place values
203 Use the getDate() and getUTCDate() methods to return the values of the local day of the month and the corresponding day of the
204 Use the identical math to round a number to the nearest multiple of an integer
205 Use the screen resolution values to center a pop-up browser window
206 Use UTC method to construct date object
207 Uses a FileReferenceList and displays the details of each file that was selected
208 Using hitTestPoint
209 Using MouseEvent in Conjunction with the Mouse
210 Using SharedObjects
211 Using the buttonMode of the Sprite
212 Using the Date classs static parse() method
213 Using the hitArea
214 UTC() is a method that returns the time value in milliseconds from midnight on January 1, 1970
215 Variable and Function Definitions in Frame Scripts
216 Video encoding
217 Working with the MovieClip
218 Working with the Stage
219 Write array to ByteArray